#Ianto x Jack kiss
crowleysgirl56 · 5 months
Torchwood Children of Earth: the kiss between Captain Jack and Ianto is the most heartbreaking goodbye kiss ever committed to television.
Good Omens Season 2: Hold my beer.
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ballumville · 2 months
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Revisiting TV hot gay couples : Ianto and Jack from the TV series Torchwood (2006–2011) 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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sssleepylizard · 11 months
So not to out myself as like - ancient or something (lol) but I remember the first gay kiss I saw on TV so vividly and sometimes I watch a YouTube video of it and I get a shadow of this absolutely incredible mix of euphoria, complete disbelief and gratitude that it was allowed to be there that I had as a teenager when I saw it. It was the one from Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness Hollywood-snogging the original Captain Jack Harkness.
When years later Good Omens came out I slightly lost my shit because the song that plays when Jack leads Jack to the dance floor in that Torchwood episode is A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square. This was the first time I heard this song and it blends into the score of the show just before the big dramatic kiss but I always sort of associated it with this feeling of AHHHHHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY GAVE US THIS and Good Omens drove it home so hard its unreal XD
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ireneae · 2 years
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Torchwood 1.06, "Countrycide"
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i am coming home to you (if it's the last thing that i do)
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones. During Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Angst with a Happy Ending. Crossposted on ao3. Title is from “Sax Rohmer #1″ by the Mountain Goats.
"I came back for you," Jack says, looking straight at Ianto, and Ianto's heart seizes, beating out an irregular two-part beat in his chest. Then Jack glances to the rest of the group and Ianto's heart slows back into its usual disappointed rhythm. "All of you."
Ianto is used to being overlooked by Jack. He is used to being the second one chosen. He is used to being shunned by everyone on the team since everything that happened with Lisa. He is used to being forced back into the archives in favor of Gwen's leadership after Jack's appearance. He is used to being last needed, last appreciated, last loved. Not loved at all, in fact, not since Lisa left, no matter how tight Jack hugged him after waking up in the morgue. Jack only hugged him after hugging Gwen, who insisted on sitting by his side and letting no one near- Ianto was clearly never the priority then.
Of course Jack didn't come back for him. Why would he? Ianto was the man who betrayed him and Torchwood and the bed that he once shared with Jack in an effort to keep him from finding out about Lisa. He turned everything that Jack cherished into something vile. No matter what efforts Ianto has made since then, his sacrifices during the cannibal case, him standing up to his teammates when it came to opening the rift, he cannot make up for all of the hurt he caused.
But then, in the office, Jack asks him out on a date, in a fumbling, awkward way that Ianto has never seen the good Captain ask someone out in. Normally he's the suavest person in the room; right now, he feels more authentic than he ever has, something weary in his gaze, something jumbled in his tone.
And Ianto wants to say yes- he knows he's going to say yes- but somehow his brain is scrambling faster than his mouth because the words come tumbling out: "Did you come back for me? From wherever you went?" When Jack blinks, Ianto adds, in for a penny, in for a pound, "Be honest with me, Jack. I swear I won't judge you either way."
Jack's bright gaze fixes on Ianto, steady and examining and dangerous, always dangerous, but infinitely more tender than anything Ianto's seen from him, even back when they were still sleeping together. "I saw things while I was with my Doctor," Jack says, voice a low rumble, steady but quiet. "Many things. Bad things. And they made me realize that of all of the people in my current life, you are the one I would least like to live without."
The admission punches the breath from Ianto's lungs. He was Jack's priority? His reason to return? The first thought? The one person he would least like to live without?
The truth tumbles from Ianto's mouth without inhibition, loosened by pleasant shock and a reckless bravery and some small bit of codependent love: "I believe that the feeling is mutual, sir."
Jack smirks, that confident, mistaken for arrogant thing, that charming calling card that right here, right now, belongs to Ianto Jones. "Then that's a yes on the date?"
Ianto nods. "That's a yes, sir."
Jack steps forward, presses a kiss to Ianto's cheek, and says, "I can't wait to go on a real date with you, Ianto Jones." His eyes sparkle with that mad, dangerous, gorgeous mirth as he says: "But we've gotta get rid of my ex first."
Ianto offers Jack a small, sure smirk. "Why do I have the feeling that will be a reoccurring problem?"
"You willing to put up with it, Ianto Jones?"
Ianto shrugs, some bright thing buoying his chest as he jokes, sincerity bleeding through the teasing lilt in his voice: "We've all got our baggage, sir."
Jack offers out a hand and Ianto takes it. "That we do, Ianto." He jerks his head toward the door. "And now, we run."
They take off, and that thing buoying Ianto's chest rushes from his mouth, bubbling into excited laughter as their legs pound and their muscles burn and they save the world for the hundredth time and for here, for now, Ianto gets to have Jack Harkness singularly, selfishly, in all of his mad, brave, selfless, beautiful glory.
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your-queer-dad · 4 months
Hey dad
This is a bit of a vent pertaining to a character/fandom (going anonymous because it was part of something I brought up in a previous account I had and got harassed into deleting my account).
There's a lot of discourse in the Torchwood fandom around Gwen Cooper as a character. I personally hate her for what she did. But then I saw Gwen lovers saying that hating her is misogynistic?
Reasons I hate her: she's a liar. She cheated on her boyfriend with a coworker who knew she was in a relationship (I hate him too). She drugged her boyfriend with Retcon (memory loss+sleeping pill), confessed to cheating, tried to get him to forgive her but he didn't before the drug knocked him out, and then went back to the Torchwood Hub and started crying like she was the victim. She almost cheated again at her wedding with the main character (Jack Harkness) - she was going to kiss him - before it turned out it was an alien in disguise. In another episode she told Jack she loves him (more than Rhys - her boyfriend). She constantly is rude to him, and to Andy, her former coworker and supposed friend. She treats Andy like crap. She temporarily loses her boyfriend in one episode but time gets reset and he's brought back. However Jack dies a bit more permanently (he's immortal, but he was dead a few days) and instead of going home to the boyfriend she claims to love, she sits with Jack's body in the morgue and doesn't let anyone stay. Except it should have been Ianto because Ianto is Jack's boyfriend. She says yes to Rhys's proposal because "no one else would have her" but if Jack asked her to be with him she'd leave Rhys in a heartbeat. Ew. And she claims to have a big heart, but she doesn't care about her teammates as much as she does aliens, even ones harmful, she doesn't know when to mind her business or to back down, and if someone isn't useful to her, she tosses them aside. And let's not forget making harsh snap judgments about Jack because she can't understand the immortal Captain who's been in Torchwood for centuries has to make the difficult decisions that no one else can. Oh. Oh yeah in the second episode she released an alien that killed a number of people, and kissed Jack as well as a young woman who the alien was using as a host, but she was supposedly in a relationship. Hell in episode one she lies to Rhys right off the bat, saying she had nothing to do with a murder investigation, but she was there, then lied about work to go hunt down Torchwood.
Let's be real. If she was a male character doing all this he'd be torn to shreds. But because Gwen's a woman, I'm a misogynist for hating her?
As much as I try not to, it's gotten under my skin and making me really angry :(
I'm not fucking misogynistic for hating a female character who's a piece of shit.
(also I'm sorry for swearing, it happens when I'm really angry and sometimes helps get my point across -)
Hey kiddo! Honestly I love Torchwood so I'm very pleasantly surprised to be talking about it on my non-fandom blog. I don't think you're a misogynist for disliking a character- because it's an individual, and you don't dislike her because she's a woman you dislike her because of the things she does in series.
Being a misogynist is very different, and is generally about things on the whole- like homophobia isn't just hating one specific gay person because they're a bit annoying, it's to do with that group and their specific shared quality.
- dad x
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oldfangirl81 · 5 months
Fic idea Torchwood x 911
Spoilers up S7Ep6, Between S1 & S2 of Torchwood
"I'm bisexual."
"Hello to you too, Evan. I see you are still tragically very American."
"And you are still very English."
"I'm Welsh, you troglodyte. And I take it you just figured out you are bisexual or did you just feel the urge to go through your contact list to make sure they knew? That is a tedious way to come out I feel. At least I can reassure Jack that you are oblivious and not immune to him."
"Yes, I just figured it out you jerk." There was a pause. "Wait, that was Jack hitting on me? Sorry about that. I wouldn't deliberately flirt with someone a friend was crushing on."
"I'm not crushing on man that abandoned his post to chase after an ex. I don't want to talk about him. Let's get back to the reason you called."
"Are you sure? I'm sorry Jack left. Do you want me to see if McGarrett can find him?"
"Yes, I'm sure I don't want to talk about it. I'm sure McGarrett is very skilled this is above his security clearance too. Back to why you called please. I am assuming there was a man who was the catalyst to your bisexual awakening?"
"Fine, I'll let the Jack thing rest for now." Buck made a note to bug Ianto about it later. "So I went on a date with a dude and made a fool of myself but he was so understanding about it. He calls me Evan and I don't hate it. I like the sound of my name on his lips. He flies for LAFD. And did I mention how patient and forgiving he is? And a great kisser. He also is fantastic with Chris. And gets along with Eddie without getting jealous."
"You are making me want to act like a teenager and go 'ooooh, you like him, you want to hug him, you want to kiss him '. I hate this feeling but I am happy for you. And does this perfect man have a name?"
"No background check."
"I'll just have Toshiko get his details off your phone. She'll want to welcome you to the not a heterosexual club."
"That is not a thing she has."
A moment later an invite to a super secret server was sent Buck.
"Huh, okay fine I guess she does. And his name is Tommy Kinard, works as a pilot for LAFD these days."
"Thank you. See that was painless."
"You can be a real prick sometimes."
"It's a gift."
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“Sorry about eye candy and the bikini cops” 〜John Hart
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Plot: After “Children of Earth” Jack needs some company. 
Warning: Mentions a bar but direct mention of alcohol. The word “Arse” Mentions of pre-Miracle Day Gwen Cooper.
Pairing: Jack x John (comfort)
Requested by: @thelittlemisssassypants (Sorry this took so long)
In a bar out in space, Jack sat alone trying not to think about Torchwood, his grandson or Ianto but drowning his thoughts in alcohol isn’t an option with his abilities. So instead he sits silently and politely rejects anyone who tries to talk him up. A strong hand grabs his shoulder and swings him around, he sees who it is and his face is filled with disdain.
“I’m really not in the mood for you.” Jack then gestures at the bartender that he’s done.
“Too bad you’re in my territory now.” John notices that Jack is avoiding his gaze.
“Then I’ll leave.” Jack pays his tab and walks out of the bar. Following behind him “Hey, just because I”m your ex doesn’t mean you have to be so cold.” John awaits a witty retort but doesn’t receive one as Jack continues to walk away.
 “Where are you going? Back to eye candy and the bikini cops!” Before he could react Jack had John up against a wall with his hands around his throat.
“Now that’s more like it!” John obviously exhilarated by his current position winked at Jack, who instantly let him go to John’s disappointment.
“Come Jack let’s have some fun!”  The irritating time agent baited. In a moment of vulnerability, Harkness mumbled “They’re gone.” With a bewildered look on his face, he asks,
“Who? Bikini Cops?” Jack looks away to hide the pain on his face. “What, All of them?” Harkness takes a deep breath and then responds. “No… Gwen is ok, pregnant actually.”
“So the one that punched me is still alive!” Hart said then immediately regretted it. In fact, his face soon mirrored Jack’s misery. “I’m sorry about your team.” Giving him the quippy retort he craves Harkness responded. “Gwen only punched you because you held her hostage, you deserved it and more.”
The two shared a laugh and left for where John was staying. When they arrived John confessed “I know that I was always a pain in the arse and you’d always put up with me, thank you. Obviously, your team meant a lot, you can stay here as long as you’d like, I won't bother you.”
Captain Harness looked around the room Hart had put him up in, he decided it had an empty and lonely feeling so he turned around “Stay don’t be a pain in my ass” He chuckled.
“Just stay.” Accepting his invitation John runs his hands threw his hair and then held the burly man who practically collapsed into his arms.
“We can talk if you like, I’m not just a shoulder to cry on you know,” Jack chuckles and John feels like he has accomplished his goal of cheering up his friend. Jack’s only response is to kiss John on the cheek.
Hart reciprocates with his lips as well on Jack’s forehead. Those two weeks stuck in a time loop were well spent as Hart seemed to know exactly how to relax Jack.
He seemed to know caressing Jack’s face, massaging his hair and holding him as tightly as he could would make all the loss he’s suffered weigh a little less on his soul.
The captains kissed, cuddled and reminisced about equally chaotic but happier times.
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hobbbitor · 1 year
i vividly remember being 14/15 and watching jack x ianto kissing compilations in photography class
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fiercestpurpose · 4 years
toshiko sato, in a bomb shelter in 1941, writing down time travel equations that she invented in her own blood because it’s the only way she’ll ever be able to get back to her own time, family, life
good god i love her
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abyssling · 5 years
Tumblr won't show my Janto lovely kisses post in tag searching if I put pics here.😠
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iantoharkness-jones · 5 years
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The evolution of Janto: I see you. - I know you. - I love you. - I need you. - I lose you.
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spiralboi · 7 years
Doctor Who/Torchwood
Okay so we know that Ianto Jones used to work for Torchwood One and from the Doctor Who episode "Army of Ghosts" we know that basically everyone who works at Torchwood knows exactly who the Doctor is so surely that would include Ianto?
Yet in Torchwood when Jack kept talking about his "Doctor" Ianto seemed to not know about him?? Didn't he put two and two together and figure out that Jack's "Doctor" was The Doctor??
But then again maybe he did realise and maybe that's why he looked so sad when he asked jack if he would "be going back to him" in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang because ianto already knew how wonderful the Doctor is?
Anyone else got any thoughts on this? I'm suddenly really interested in this
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aegis-of-corin · 2 years
i'm not sure if this is a popular opinion or an unpopular opinion, but i'm not really a big fan of the doctor and yaz. not that i don't want to love them because i do. i really want there to be a good female doctor x female companion relationship and i'm ecstatic that it's canon that yaz and the doctor love each other... but i just don't feel yaz and the doctor's connection.
and this isn't because of the acting. the few real moments we did get, jodie and mandip acted the shit out of. those lingering glances, the hologram scene, the scene where dan tells the doctor that yaz has feelings for her? *chef's kiss*
the writing for all three of thirteen's seasons has not done the characters or the relationship justice.
it blew my mind in this episode when the doctor said that yaz was the most incredible person she'd ever met including her wife (which is most likely referring to river song.) i couldn't believe it - because we haven't seen that.
sadly yaz has been a fairly average companion because we honestly haven't gotten to see that much of who yaz is or what she's really like or capable of. what has she done that makes her so incredible?
for example:
rose tyler became the bad wolf and incinerated an entire dalek fleet.
martha jones walked the earth and saved the world from the master in the year that never was.
donna noble was the first time lord/human metacrisis.
amy pond was the girl who waited, who fought the silence - who brought back the doctor when he was erased.
river song was a human time lord who was a badass time-traveling archeologist.
clara oswald survived going into the doctor's time stream and lived hundred of lives saving the doctor.
bill potts saved the doctor when she sacrificed herself to the monks and once as a freaking cyberman.
so what have we honestly seen yaz do?
we saw bill do more in one season than yaz has done in three, so comparing her to river song - who is unarguably one of doctor who's more complex, interesting characters is quite laughable. (and this is coming from someone who was a big tenrose shipper.)
we had three seasons and three additional episodes to fall in love with the doctor and river song's relationship - which also spanned three doctors - while chibnall is trying to cram this big "incredible" relationship between the doctor and yaz as the tiniest of subplots in the six episodes of series 13 and the current specials while also attempting to convince us that the doctor cares about yaz as much or possibly more than river?
i just don't buy it and maybe it's just me.
i just wish that chibnall had actually taken the time through his three seasons to properly flesh out their relationship so we could get the proper lgbtq+ representation we wanted. hopefully we'll get an actually well-written wlw couple next series with russell t davies returning to doctor who
(who, let's not forget, gave us iconic couples like madam vastra/jenny and jack/ianto.)
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toshsato · 7 years
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“By the way, was that a yes?”
“Yes. Yes.”
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queenjosielaufeyson · 3 years
Meeting Loki
Summery: How Loki and I met in my DR
Note: These are moments from my DR so they will be in first person but I would like for you all to enjoy in these moments so I will be writing it as an X Reader using Y/N
Warnings: None
"You mean I'm never gonna die?" I asked.
"I'm sorry sweetie, it's my fault you are immortal you got it from me. I didn't even know it was something I could pass on." my Dad, Jack Harkness said. I slowly processed the information that he told me. I was confused and scared and felt so alone in that moment. It was a lot for my twelve year old brain to comprehend. Dad opened his mouth to speak when the alarms went off. Life at Torchwood was never quiet.
"Ianto can you watch over her!" Dad called to his boyfriend.
"Of course! Come on kiddo let's get you some cocoa and we can chat us two." Ianto said. I smiled and ran to the kitchen. "Hey!" Ianto called to dad, "Stay safe out there."
Dad gave a smirk, "I always do." He gave Ianto a kiss and went on his way.
Dad was only gone an hour that time and in that time Ianto helped to clear any anxieties that I had about being immortal, he even told me that he would help me figure out if there was anything that I inherited from my mom, though it was gonna be tricky since not even dad knew who she was.
When Dad came back in he had a boy around my age with unruly curly hair and an earing. He was adorable and roguishly handsome all at once. He saw me and winked, I blushed at the gesture, my dad however scowled and became rougher with the boy. I could see behind his eyes that he was frightened.
Even though I was specifically told not to by Dad and Ianto and Tosh and Owen and well everyone not to talk to him I decided to anyway. I had never met anyone my age due to who my Dad is and what he does.
"Hello?" The boys voice called out "Who's there?"
"It's just me." I had said coming into his view.
"And what is your name beautiful?"
"I probably shouldn't tell you considering the fact that you're an alien." I said
"An alien?"
"Well yes, why else would my dad have captured you."
"I am no alien I am a god from Asgard!"
"And Asgard is another world is it not? Not one of earth?"
"Well yes."
"See alien. But you don't seem as dangerous as the ones my Dad usually captures."
"That would be because I come in peace."
"You know that is exactly what an alien would say." I giggled
"Are you going to keep calling me Alien?"
"I don't know your name what else am I supposed to call you?"
"My name is Loki," he said.
"Hi Loki I'm-"
"What are you doing down here! He could be dangerous! I thought we told you to stay away from him!" Dad yelled as he came downstairs.
"But he's not dangerous he's very nice he said he's here in peace!" I exclaimed.
"Of course he's gonna say that." Dad said rolling his eyes "Now go upstairs The Doctor is coming for your history lesson. You need to get ready."
I ran upstairs like dad told me to, but I didn't go all way up the stairs I hid to listen to their conversation.
"Your daughter is very kind, it's refreshing."
"Why are you here?" Dad asked
"I was hoping to hid away from my father for some time, I meant it when I said I come in peace. I just need a break from my father."
"You can stay here. But don't you dare think about flirting with my daughter."
"Of course sir"
"My name is Y/N by the way!" I shouted down the stairs
"Hey! go get ready!" Dad shouted
"Y/N what a pretty name," Loki mumbled under his breath.
Tag list: @theaudacitytowrite @lostgreekgod @lokistoriesblog @the-emo-asgardian @funsized-mimi @lucywrites02 @gaitwae
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