leonkennedysgf · 2 years
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Before Joel’s death,
- smoking weed with her s/o
- sneaking out late at night and just going on walks
- would let her s/o trace her tattoo with their finger
- would read comics with her s/o
- loves playing peoples favourite song on her guitar
- when she was younger I think she would collect Little rocks which Joel would always judge her for but he would have a little jar full of tiny pebbles she found
- camera fanatic, she defo had a camera and was obsessed with taking pics with EVERYONE. Now pretty much everyone in Jackson has at least one picture
- defo had a baking phase with Dina her baking was never any good but she still enjoyed it
- Joel found her a little dinosaur chain she is still obsessed with it
- an expert at wii games don’t even bother trying to beat her at wii tennis she will beat you no matter what
- loves science but horrible at maths
Post Joel’s death
- probably lots of lash outs she doesn’t know how to control her anger so she might take it out on someone she doesn’t mean to
- NEVER takes off those converse, she sleeps with them on,swims, fights you name it she does it with those shoes on at this point they might as well be glued on
-doesn’t like sleeping alone she feels like she needs someone next to her doesn’t tell anyone that though
- zones out like alot
- always worried about who else will be killed next
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leonkennedysgf · 2 years
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Ikikkkkk haven’t been online in foreverrrrrr but got and idea of a rue x f! reader based on the song sure thing
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“God stay still then” I giggled as I lightly pressed the sparkly eyeshadow onto her eyelid or tried to as she kept blinking
“Ow shit that hurts” Rue complained attempting to rub her eye before I quickly swat it away
“It will hurt even more when I stab my brush into your eye in a second.”
The music played softly in the background as rue started to roll a spliff
“Oh my god what are you doing?” I complained
“What you quit?” Rue teased
“Pfft as if im mad your not rolling me one.”
“Aw how sweet” she laughed throwing her head back with laughter before I quickly grab her head to concentrate on the eyeliner.
“Fucks sake how long is this going to takeeee” Rue whined
“Wouldn’t last as long if you stayed fucking still.” I chuckle fixing her small amount of lipgloss before my eyes quickly flick back to her eyes moving down back to her lips i felt the room fill up with silence despite the music still playing in the background.
I leaned it. Slowly our lips kissed the taste of gum and weed take over, weirdly it made me feel safe, protected I never wanted it to end but we both pulled away.
“Uh maybe we shouldn’t go to that party after all. Rue said dropping her phone onto the bed pulling me into another kiss.
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leonkennedysgf · 2 years
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leonkennedysgf · 3 years
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you cant tell me im wrong :)
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leonkennedysgf · 3 years
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! again the gif isn't mine !
I've almost finished playing hzd and I just don't know how to kill Hades But anyways look how pretty Aloy looks in this gif like- she has my heart istg
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leonkennedysgf · 3 years
To add onto that I remember looking everywhere for a book like the one she gave MC in the game it sounded so addicting ngl still wish some one made a book like Portrait of Markov it looked so cool omd :(((
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!gif isn't mine!
Yuri my beloved <3333
She was defo my fav out of all of them just what she is like alone
The fact she likes horror books and tea and she is a super shy person is just- UGHHH I LOVE HER SM :(((
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leonkennedysgf · 3 years
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!gif isn't mine!
Yuri my beloved <3333
She was defo my fav out of all of them just what she is like alone
The fact she likes horror books and tea and she is a super shy person is just- UGHHH I LOVE HER SM :(((
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leonkennedysgf · 3 years
Opposites Attract | Chloe Price x F! Reader
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You and Chloe were nothing alike different music taste, different style and different reputation completely. While You had virgin hair, perfect grades and a style that made them look like they should be straight out of Heathers Chloe was oh so different. Hair dyed blue, expelled from school and a style that reminded you some what like School of Rock. After the class makes fun of you for being a "prude" you deicide to make some changes so does that really make you that different?
TW: mention of drugs, swearing, peer pressure
You and Chloe were nothing alike different music taste, different style and different reputation completely. While Y/n had virgin hair, perfect grades and a style that made them look like they should be straight out of Heathers Chloe was oh so different. Hair dyed blue, expelled from school and a style that reminded you some what like School of Rock. After the class makes fun of you for being a "prude" you deicide to make some changes so does that really make you that different?
"You know that one song the one that goes uhh Straight hair, Straight A's" a random person speaks up in class while the teacher speaks.
"Yea??" their friend responds.
"Don't you think that is pretty much the new girl, Y/n?" they ask pointing towards her at the front of the class.
"omg yes! Didn't she already join Vortex club?" they ask.
"yea isn't it mad? she has only been here for what? one, two weeks??"
"I heard that she is dating Nathan that's why she joined the club." another student butts in.
"Holy shit, really??"
"Nah I call bullshit, plus Victoria said that she has never even been to the parties." the friend says.
Max listens from the back of the class watching as they all gossip and Laugh at the seemingly innocent girl who had no clue about what they were talking about she was too busy focusing on the lesson to even hear their loud "whispers" she couldn't help but feel a little jealous what if the gossip they were spreading are true?? She did have perfect grades so far and Max had seen her hanging out with Victoria and Nathan. Normally she would of said something
"Miss Cordwell since you thing your gossip is more important then my lesson I'm sure you would be perfectly happy with telling the class what you were talking about with Miss Greene and Mr Evergreen?" the teacher causing everyone to look at the trio including the new girl.
A smirk shone on her face as she stood up to tell the class.
"Oh no worries we were just talking about how much of a prude the new girl was!" she happily chirps before sitting back down to laugh about it with the whole class. Max watched as your cheeks flushed with shyness as you turned away from the the student who called you out.
"Miss Cordwell! You shouldn't shame a student for being a better student then you." The teacher says.
"oh so not only is she a Little Miss Perfect she is a Teachers pet to?? Well that just the cherry on the top of it!" she responds with venom as the class burst out laughing once again.
Max watched silently as her face turn red and tears formed turning her eyes glossy.
tears threated to fall her voice hurt as she fought the will to break down crying in front of them the last thing she needed was them to think she was a cry baby on top of that the bell rung just in time she quickly packed her things rushing out of the classroom to wards the bathroom
sat in a cubical she pulled out her phone unlocking it to open Victoria's contact.
'Vic can you meet me in the bathr-' Y/n was in the middle of typing before she heard the bathroom door open she heard two voices one which sounded exactly like Nathan barely being able to make it out until she heard the worried voice began to whimper in fear the quickly opened the door to see a blue haired girl up against the wall as Nathan held a gun to her. Both of their heads turned around to face her.
"Y/n??" Nathan spoke first until the fire alarm went off the random girl quickly rushed off before Nathan could do anything.
"n/n promise me you wont tell anyone this."
Part 2?
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leonkennedysgf · 3 years
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nothing to do w/ oneshots but look how cute these Horizon Zero Dawn funko pops <3333
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leonkennedysgf · 3 years
My Girl | Ellie Williams x f! Reader
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pretty much inspired by ‘we fell in love in October’ - Girl in red 
TW/CW: Just tooth rotting fluff, pretty shitty first time writing ngl I’m very nervous, she/her pronouns because yk its a female reader, smoking, swearing probs abit ooc but oh well 
“The leaves fading to orange, the air being to turn cold all signs of autumn arriving. Autumn. Which after the h/c found herself a newbie in Jackson, Ellie soon found out Autumn is her favourite season.” 
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The leaves fading to orange, the air being to turn cold all signs of autumn arriving. Autumn. Which after the h/c found herself a newbie in Jackson, Ellie soon found out Autumn is her favourite season. Ellie’s staring as the new girl walked past didn’t go unnoticed butt how could anyone blame her she looked amazing, 24/7.  Any new outfit, any new hairstyle Ellie would be the first to notice, not in some creepy, weird stalker way Ellie wasn’t like that but she would pick up on it anytime she walked past only because she was too busy marvelling at her. She even found herself doodling small images of her in her notebook, simple stuff say she was laughing with her friend you could bet that Ellie most likely has a drawing of it somewhere. The only problem is that who noticed it.
 It wasn’t that hard for y/n to notice her gawking at her since she did it so often but she didn’t really mind, she knew Ellie didn’t have any bad intentions Dina told her that herself. So what if she would watch as she moved a box? or petted a horse, it was kind of cute like a lost puppy except from the following bit. If Ellie got lucky y/n wouldn’t even notice for example when y/n went to the roof of her small house to smoke at night.
Y/n’s POV.
rocking her leg up and down as I continued to stare at the clock waiting until it exactly struck 12 swiftly moving the pen in her hand as she bit her nail, you would say that was another guilty habit I had apart from smoking but after today you could say it was well deserved. My eyes darting from the small book which was kept neatly on my desk and the clock nailed onto the wall. As soon as it hit twelve I rushed up grabbing her waxed jacket which crinkled against the wooden chair. Opening the window to be hit by the breezy wind outside my teeth chattering as I went outside sitting on the sloped bricks was just as uncomfortable as the chair inside but still worth the break. pulling out the well known cigar box and lighter  trying my best to light the cigarette to the coldness outside it caused my fingers to slip dropping the lighter all she could to was hopelessly scramble to my knees as she tried her best to get a hold of my lighter however, I was unlucky as she watched the lighter drop to the porch. 
“shit.” I sighed dangling her legs off the side of the roof as she stared at the lighter below.
“just my fucking luck.”
3rd POV
However Ellie’s began to turn around as she was making her way back from her patrol she happened to watch as the lighter fell to the floor. She ended up debating if she should help or walk past. 
“I’m guessing this is yours?” she said with a sly smirk on her face as she grabbed her lighter off of the floor.
“well aren’t you a sherlock?” y/n joked her hands by her sides as she gave a small chuckle the sound made Ellie’s stomach ache. she hummed in agreement. as she handed it back to her.
“uh thanks.” y/n laughed a small tint of pink on her cheeks and nose Ellie couldn’t tell if it was from the cold or genuine blushing, either way she found it adorable.
“do you uh.. want one?” y/n asked as it soon became awkward 
“please.” she stepped closer to her. y/n stuck her hand out to pull Ellie up to the roof. she soon made herself comfortable next to her their shoulders touching as she hands one other their fingers brushing as she took it Ellie might of thought y/n didn’t notice it, you as she soon would find out she wasn’t as oblivious as she thought. 
“Ellie.” y/n said making her head shoot around to face her.
“y-yea?” she said caught off guard.
“i know about the staring.” she mentions lighting the cigarette which sat in ellies mouth she soon fell silent processing how and when. 
“Wait! its not like that i swear im- you know ugh shit never mind im not trying to be creepy in anyway you know i just thought you were cool-”
“ellie.” y/n stopped her rambling as she took the cigarette from her mouth as she brought her close and kissed her. Ellie soon melted into the kiss exactly as she would thought, soft. her cherry chap stick lingered as she smelt her flower scented perfume it contrasted with her pinewood and strong minty smell.
“i like you too.”
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