leprechaunsthings · 12 hours
Can we all take a moment to aprecates Dr. Gears, not the charater, but the actual dude.
Like half of the basic stuff in the fandom is bc of him and he's genuanlly a nice guy like.
He's a Blessing honestly.
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Some silly Dr. Clef Hc i have sitting in the back of my head.
One of the very few women he isn't automatically uncomfrotable around is Dr. Zyn Kiryu bc she reminds him of Kondraki, and his daughter.
He also treats Kiryo like a daughter without realizing it.
Likes sweet fruits and paistries but not candy.
He thinks cantalope is the worst fruit
Has a allergy to processed foods. Sill eats processed foods. Will gaslight you into believing he's not having an allergic reaction even though he is litterally scraching a rash.
Wine and Mead are his favorite kinds lf alcohal.
Clef natrually curls into himself when sitting, laying down, etc. He only forces himself no to.
Scruches his nose up at things he dislikes/hates.
Always figured out a routine to let himself reset in the morning and physically take care of himself.
Takes v e r y long showers and baths.
Fabulous hair almost 24/7
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leprechaunsthings · 2 days
I'm to lazy to shade :p
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My rendition of bright, you can find the full post
Truthfully I think Bright kust linda wears whatever is closest/most comfortable. I'm jjst to lazy to draw a more intesting outfit.
Yes the trench coat is manditory
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leprechaunsthings · 4 days
Dr Bright + SCP-963 Rewrite/Rework
Okay so I had a post/debate about what i would rewrite with Bright and SCP-963 and since it’s been a while (a day lol). I thought I would write out a bullet point list of my HC/Personal interpretation and rewrite of these two.
SCP-963 Rewrite
I wanted to start on the 963 first because my ideas for it changed the SCP quite a bit tbh.
SCP-963 regenerates the body of Dr. Bright. The exsnt of damage depends on how fast the the amulet repairs it
If Dr. Brught's body is fully dystroyed it takes about year for Dr. Bright to become operational and 2.5 years to be fully re-constructed.
Bright body is constistanly stuck at the age he became apart of SCP-963 (around 25-30)
Touching SCP-963 makes a mental/phycic link with the person, where Dr. Bright can Proxy through if/when required.
Dr. Bright Rewrite
Security Clearance level: 4
Special Security clerance level: ███████
Posistion: Site director of 17, 19 and 63.
Location: Where ever needed, usually at one site satated above
Education: Bioengenering and Abnormal Genetics
Raised and Educated in the Foundation due to his family having deep in the foundation itself. He is notably loyal to the foundation, however, dispalays an extrame dislike of The Cousel.
He/Him, Gay
Born Agust 12th 1874
Dosen't quite understand Sexuality and Gender, but he has the spirit.
Gambling and weed addict
Mercelously combines 1870's to modern slang
Frequantly baby sat Dr. Gears when Gears was a child
One the few who can call Gears by Charels / Charlie (Bright is basically his older brother / occasonal father figure)
Neglected Middle child
Has some strong ADHD just a really good mask
Will do Almost any dare given to Him
Bit of a prankster (it's harmless he just likes freaking ppl out sometimes)
Is 5'11, insists he is 6'0 to mess with people
Has this one 1870's vintage trench coat he wears all the time
Only flirts with people if flirted with first (probobly gose over his head most of the time tbh)
Anything relating to SCP-590 or SCP-321 is managed and handled by Dr. Bright
Slightly, but not fully, Catholic
Anyways that's my kinda rewrite / HC of Bright. Lmk of you have any ideas or questions :)
Also if you REALLY just don't want to use Dr. Bright as a name you can call him Dr. Burns Just make sure to tag me if you refrance/use him. (I highly dpubt anyone will, but just in case idk)
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leprechaunsthings · 5 days
This was from yesterday that i forgot to post so ya'll get THREE posts today
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I sware i either draw Celf's hair immacualtly or horribly and no imbetween
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leprechaunsthings · 5 days
This man is as bored as me
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leprechaunsthings · 5 days
INR, i just like talking and yapping. I never inteand to start an argument LMFAO.
If you have anymore questions, or ideas to talk about just drop by! :)
Okay, since i really like SCP, and I also wanna post SCP i wanna adress the admin bright (aka mrducky or duck man????? I don't remeber his name) situation a little bit + my own optinion
Basically the TLDR of the situation is that admin bright is basically a pedo and sexual harrasser. Some of what is there IS confirmes, and some of the infromation has not been released to protect victims.
The orignial cannon of Dr. Bright is basically a self insert for this man and is basically a bearly consealed fetish charater (GROSS)
Now, I REALLY like Dr. Bright (not the person the charater) and their's so much work of him that in my opion, this is really a case where the FANNON is better then cannon. Witch is CRAZY to think about!!!
I think taking this fannon Bright and reworking (to remove the fetish parts of him and remove him a step further from his source material) That way we can all have crazy, funny, way-to-smart for his own good, obessed with chainsaws scientist.
Also i wanna say that a rewrite of a charater dosn't nessisarialy have to be Asexual (a lot of people like that idea to prevent any werid shanagans from happening. But lets be real, it's really not that hard to be a sex positive person and not be a pedo or sexual harrasser). But i really think that should be up to personal ainterpretation. I mean this IS the SCP foundation. The closest thing to cannon in SCP could be anybody's interpretation.
I don't think we can erase admin and Dr. Bright from the fandom or SCP. But we can remove the power they have over victems and others by changing the charater fundimentally.
ALWAYS REMEBER and RECOGNIZE this awful person behind everything and shame them for being just absolutly discusting, AND SPREAD THE WORD!!
I would also like to comment that Dr. Shaw as a replacement for Dr. Bright isn't nessiarialy the bast as that creator has some allagations themselfs. So a new name entirely for a rework is just better.
If anyone would like to hear any ideas i have feel free to ask!!!
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leprechaunsthings · 5 days
Okay so their is one idea I have and another i saw off a Yt comment.
The idea I have is based off of smth the fandom already has. That is that the foundation makes clones of Brights original body for him to use instead of just, random people. On top of that, making him genuanly uncomfortable to be in another person's body. Witch is pretty reasonable. I think most people would be off put or unconfortable in a body that isn't your own. Also making it the few time he isn't in his own body it's mandared by the foundation, and it has to be a really good reason.
Second idea that i saw off of a yt comment and is honestly the better one I like more. Is the idea that the pendant regenerates Bright's body. So no need to posses or take over other people's bodies.
Also the fact that IF someone wants to keep that possetion stuff for the pendant, the person isn't immedatly brain dead and it's kinda a fight of wills over who gets to control the body. And oncenthe pendabt is removed, full control is givin back to the original owner. (This idea is kinda funny imo)
But those are my ideas directly for Jack's pendant and 1. How he would think about/handle it or 2. Just removing the middle man entierly (i still like option 2 more tbh)
If you have anymore questions lmk! (i also just love talking about this LMFAO)
Edit: sorry for spelling mistakes i'm in a very shaky car rn
Okay, since i really like SCP, and I also wanna post SCP i wanna adress the admin bright (aka mrducky or duck man????? I don't remeber his name) situation a little bit + my own optinion
Basically the TLDR of the situation is that admin bright is basically a pedo and sexual harrasser. Some of what is there IS confirmes, and some of the infromation has not been released to protect victims.
The orignial cannon of Dr. Bright is basically a self insert for this man and is basically a bearly consealed fetish charater (GROSS)
Now, I REALLY like Dr. Bright (not the person the charater) and their's so much work of him that in my opion, this is really a case where the FANNON is better then cannon. Witch is CRAZY to think about!!!
I think taking this fannon Bright and reworking (to remove the fetish parts of him and remove him a step further from his source material) That way we can all have crazy, funny, way-to-smart for his own good, obessed with chainsaws scientist.
Also i wanna say that a rewrite of a charater dosn't nessisarialy have to be Asexual (a lot of people like that idea to prevent any werid shanagans from happening. But lets be real, it's really not that hard to be a sex positive person and not be a pedo or sexual harrasser). But i really think that should be up to personal ainterpretation. I mean this IS the SCP foundation. The closest thing to cannon in SCP could be anybody's interpretation.
I don't think we can erase admin and Dr. Bright from the fandom or SCP. But we can remove the power they have over victems and others by changing the charater fundimentally.
ALWAYS REMEBER and RECOGNIZE this awful person behind everything and shame them for being just absolutly discusting, AND SPREAD THE WORD!!
I would also like to comment that Dr. Shaw as a replacement for Dr. Bright isn't nessiarialy the bast as that creator has some allagations themselfs. So a new name entirely for a rework is just better.
If anyone would like to hear any ideas i have feel free to ask!!!
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leprechaunsthings · 6 days
Okay, since i really like SCP, and I also wanna post SCP i wanna adress the admin bright (aka mrducky or duck man????? I don't remeber his name) situation a little bit + my own optinion
Basically the TLDR of the situation is that admin bright is basically a pedo and sexual harrasser. Some of what is there IS confirmes, and some of the infromation has not been released to protect victims.
The orignial cannon of Dr. Bright is basically a self insert for this man and is basically a bearly consealed fetish charater (GROSS)
Now, I REALLY like Dr. Bright (not the person the charater) and their's so much work of him that in my opion, this is really a case where the FANNON is better then cannon. Witch is CRAZY to think about!!!
I think taking this fannon Bright and reworking (to remove the fetish parts of him and remove him a step further from his source material) That way we can all have crazy, funny, way-to-smart for his own good, obessed with chainsaws scientist.
Also i wanna say that a rewrite of a charater dosn't nessisarialy have to be Asexual (a lot of people like that idea to prevent any werid shanagans from happening. But lets be real, it's really not that hard to be a sex positive person and not be a pedo or sexual harrasser). But i really think that should be up to personal ainterpretation. I mean this IS the SCP foundation. The closest thing to cannon in SCP could be anybody's interpretation.
I don't think we can erase admin and Dr. Bright from the fandom or SCP. But we can remove the power they have over victems and others by changing the charater fundimentally.
ALWAYS REMEBER and RECOGNIZE this awful person behind everything and shame them for being just absolutly discusting, AND SPREAD THE WORD!!
I would also like to comment that Dr. Shaw as a replacement for Dr. Bright isn't nessiarialy the bast as that creator has some allagations themselfs. So a new name entirely for a rework is just better.
If anyone would like to hear any ideas i have feel free to ask!!!
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leprechaunsthings · 10 days
I'm so glad Cross x Geno (creno) is finally getting some attnetion.
Still such a rarepair but omg it's litterally my OTP. Everytime i see new content i interally yippee.
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leprechaunsthings · 11 days
Bayverse Prime just wants his husband back LMFAO
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silly continuity crossover doodle because i'm not immune to the multiverse trend
he's still emo about his own ratchet, don't judge him.
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leprechaunsthings · 18 days
I need more of Reaper being lowkey kinda menacing.
Like bro is a whole ass god of death
A Fromswoftware boss stright out of Elden Ring or Dark Souls.
When this mans enters a fight I need Terror, or Lady Maria's theme from bloodborne to start playing
Reaper needs to carry around the athority of someone who could ACTULLY kill you in a glance.
I need him sitting dowm in the throne of bones for a AFK animation.
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leprechaunsthings · 20 days
Gay gay homosexual gay. Back to creno propiganda
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Cross - xtaleunderverse / jakei95
Geno - loverofpiggies
Oh also the Ref I used for this
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leprechaunsthings · 21 days
I am genuanly so happy that Underverse is not getting canceled.
Jakie you break is well deserved and honestly take as much time as you need!! Underverse has been a keystone is my childhood since I was like 11 or 12. And honestky if i can wait 5 to ten years for an Anime to come out with new episodes I can way a 1½ years for silly gay Skeleton Animation LMFAO
From the bottom of my heart you Have my full support. Thank you for maling a show that still imacts me today as a person <3
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leprechaunsthings · 26 days
I cannot be the only artist who hates art class. (Spasifically highschool art class)
Like I feel the poimt of an art class should be to devloupe your own art style. Not trying to mimick historical art styles. Nothing wrong with trying to draw in that style. But it's doing nothing to actully help learn what art is, or how to draw.
Like why dosen't art class teach you how to break down complex objects into simple shapes? Or the fundimentals of how amd where the limbs connect to the body? Why is perspective like, bearly touched on when it's one ofnthe most important things for someome learning how to draw to know????
Also just being forced into the style where currently learning and changing it every couple of months is extra bad. Their's no time to actully devloupe a style of their own.
Idk maybe i just hate being told what to draw. (Not like the majority of art is about self expression)
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leprechaunsthings · 29 days
I wamted to draw rattrap with his ratty ears on his head. Then i was like, damn what if i colored this in... then i got a little carried away.
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All of this to say i want some of the maximals and predicons to have their animal ears on their heads not chests.
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leprechaunsthings · 1 month
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I made sum cute art then this filter on my phone made it so mimuch cuter so have the fultered version.
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