lesbianspicecoffee · 2 years
i'm gonna rant abt smth bc why not? if u choose to read, i appreciate u. if u choose not to, that is understandable since this is going to be quite a bit to read. but this post is in regards to my pronouns bc i always feel like i'm going through this identity crisis and i am so done w having to explain and re-explain myself just for no one to get it or for no one to care.
- she/THEY
when i say that i go by she/they, that does not always mean for u to go and refer to me as she/her 24/7. i think what ppl tend to misunderstand is that not everybody who goes by more than one set of pronouns wants to be referred as just one set of pronouns.
when i bring this up, ppl always tend to think that she/they rly means for them to go and call me she/her. and they instantly tell me, “oh, so u go by she/her, but u go by they/them cuz u don't mind it if ppl don't refer to u as she/her.” no. that's not always the case. it's not that idc if ppl call me they/them bc i WANT to be they/them sometimes. some days, i rly don't feel like a girl. i don't feel like anything.
she/her is what i feel like MOST the time, yes. but there r days where i genuinely do not feel like a specific gender. it's more than just "idc." i do care bc it makes me so happy when someone gives the bare minimum to acknowledge that i go by they/them, too, and they r willing to shine some light on that by referring to me as such. even on the days where i do feel like a girl, i would literally cry tears of joy just to be referred to as a person, they/them.
and it's also pretty disrespectful in my case when i tell ppl my pronouns and they still manage to think that i go by she/her and their only logic behind that is the fact that they think i only go by she/they simply bc "idm if ppl don't refer to me as she/her". “oh, so u go by she/her but u don't mind if ppl misgender u by calling u they/them?” bffr. it's not "misgendering" if i go by both she/her and they/them. i genuinely never knew that the lack of respect for pronouns could be *that* fucking low until i've been told that shit. like.. where do u even get that from? how do u manage to just pull that shit right out of ur ass and tell urself that what u're saying makes total sense? i don't get it. just respect my pronouns and understand what my pronouns mean.
thank u for coming to my painful and long rant of the day. i have probably bored those who've read all 5 paragraphs of this shit, if anyone actually has. if u do relate to this, pls comment. it would make me feel more seen cuz lately i've just been feeling so alone and feeling like nobody rly cares to understand and that maybe the issue is me. once again, thank u
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lesbianspicecoffee · 2 years
2020 was the one year where i could express to someone that i liked anime and not get called "cringe" for it. the main reason being the fact that more than half the ppl i met were also getting into anime throughout the course of 2020 cuz when u r bored in the house and u're in the house bored (i'm sorry.. i had to), u'd watch anything and everything to keep urself entertained. u'd do anything u could do to keep urself from being borderline exhaustingly bored of the world around u. and anime was pretty much flooding TikTok back in 2020, and barely anyone said shit bc ngl, them cosplayers ate.
i'm not gonna sit up here and let y'all get back to disrespecting cosplayers and ppl who still enjoy anime cuz let's be honest, if it weren't for them back in 2020, we all would've died of extreme boredom. we would've been deprived of most of our entertainment. and ik that at least half the ppl who hate cosplayers and anime now ate that shit up back in 2020. idk why we, as a society, just decided that once 2020 was over, we were going to completely abandon the things that kept us going and almost act as if 2020 didn't happen. bring that shit back rn. can we just let all that shit resurface or sum shit? all i see on my fyp now is just ppl talking abt how fun 2020 was for TikTok and i just have to speak on this bc i'm not gonna let a single mf act like 2020 wasn't a semi-fun year
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lesbianspicecoffee · 2 years
i'm ngl, 2020 had to have been the best AND the worst year of my life. the 2020 Danganronpa cosplay era was such a fun eea of TikTok tbh. ppl were actually being kinda creative during quarantine and Danganronpa audios were all that took over my feed and i was not complaining. i miss the 2020 Danganronpa cosplay era tbh
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lesbianspicecoffee · 2 years
i am obsessed w this show
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lesbianspicecoffee · 2 years
one thing i hate is the struggle of showing diversity in shows/movies. i saw a post on this earlier and it rly had me thinking abt how so many kids' shows try so hard to show them diversity, especially within the LGBTQ+ community, but have this big issue lying in front of them. and that is being prematurely cancelled. parents say that that kind of stuff is not for a kid but then will push some heteronormative show/movie on them and even say smth along the lines of, “she's gonna get all the boys when she's older,” or, “he's gonna be a heartbreaker when he grows up,” and they're literally CHILDREN. if showing a couple on screen who doesn't fit into those norms is all the sudden wrong, then don't be a hypocrite and not say the exact same for a hetero couple.
parents will literally go to stores and buy their toddlers clothes that say shit like "Ladies Man" and everything but yet, showing kids that other types of ppl in the world exist is wrong. i'm not sorry when i say this either, but i've seen more inappropriate content come from hetero kids' shows than any sort of gay show that i've watched growing up. like, shows like Steven Universe, Adventure Time (though that show has some pretty deep and complex content to it), Spongebob (wasn't he confirmed to be fruity?), r more child friendly and have more value.
shows struggle to push these sort of light-hearted topics to the surface bc parents keep restricting what is and isn't appropriate for their children's eyes to see. God forbid the kid sees that on tv and now knows that girls can love girls and boys can love boys. or abt gender inclusiveness where that child now understands that there is more than just girl and boy and man and woman. God forbid that that show turns ur children gay, right?
i feel like parents who think like that genuinely don't understand that keeping ur kids away from that sort of media isn't helping ur case. keeping ur kids away from it for as long as u can won't prevent them from loving who they're gonna love in the future. so why not embrace it and let whatever comes in the future happen in the future?
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lesbianspicecoffee · 2 years
can i just talk abt women/non-men for a sec? i'm gonna talk abt women/non-men bc my gay ass doesn't know how to keep my mouth shut abt women/non-men. Tumblr seems like a nice app. or at least an app where i might not get called a bunch of homophobic slurs by straight men on the internet who hate the fact that not every woman wants them. i'm new here too. so that assumption could've been totally wrong. but this is me speaking abt women/non-men!!!!
women r pretty
or ppl who don't identify as men r pretty as well
idk, i'm just gay. but everyone who doesn't identify as a dude r literally so perfect. now, before i get any "misandry" comments, bc i have been called s biggot for not praising men though i literally express the fact that i feel nothing for them, idm men. i'm chill w men, i just would never be attracted to one. thus why i don't give men the amount of praise that i'd give to anyone else. that being said, don't go attacking me in the comments pls
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