let-the-stars-guide · 3 months
Starlight Travels with the 5th Outlander
Original Characters & Liyue characters
Cirrus ( original character)
Rui (Original Character)
"A routine day began for the Teyvat residents. The sun rises, as people scurry to get ready for the day. The city of Trade is ready for new business for the day. Children hurried through the streets, racing to the harbors in hopes of seeing their parents return from their overseas excursions. People waited up for the market, which offered fresh fruit and baked goods.
It was a normal day for everyone except the Millellth guard Rui, who had been ordered to Dunyu Ruins. He takes a quick check at the document he was given.
A unusual purple light appeared around a night ago while he was off duty, before descending near the ruins. He was picked over another guard to conduct the investigation. Rui sighs as he reaches the wreckage left over from years before.
His vision included broken pillars and a moss-covered environment. He continued on, encountering a Hilichurrl camp, some abyss magicians, and a bizarre geo-destroy. Nothing else was amiss. He returned his attention to the area after taking another look at his report.
Everything appears to be in place. He walks about, scrutinizing each area of the ruin for anything unusual. A few treasure chests sat in the back, while boxes were placed near the Hilichurrl encampment.
"This is such a pain," Rui laments, returning to the entrance. This was a huge waste of time. He pocketed the paper and made his way to the exit to return to the city.
A cry of Hilichurrls ruptured from areas of the ruins that he had recently seen.
He pauses, listening for any additional movements. Silence filled his ears until a splash in the water caught his attention.
Rui turns back and follows the footsteps. The person he hunts runs slower than him, most likely due to a lack of exercise endurance. They try to trip him up by going around a different bend. When they reach a dead end, he slowly approaches them.
"Hey!"The person he was chasing came to a halt, frozen. He approaches, drawing out his spear. Their appearance becomes clearer as he gets closer. Round glasses conceal their light pink eyes, pink rabbit ears, and pink hair.  Their appearance was foreign to those from Liyue, nor did they look like a native from any other region. They fully turn to face him with a nervous look. 
"̵̢̛̹͈̗͇͖͇̗̮̹͓͊̎͋̓̈́͋͗̒̅̈̋͘͘̕͠͠i̶̦͉͗͒̔̇̍̌̑̉̉̕̕ͅm̸̧̮̦͉̘̜͈̜͕͙̉͆̊̄̆͑̏̂́̕͜͝ ̸̎̉́̀̉͋̽͌~̨̡̠̯̻͍̬̣̟͐̉͛͜ͅs̶̜̦̰͇͈͉͎͋͒͆͐͆͂̄̾̏͊͐̈́̈́̀͘̕̚͝͝ǫ̸͖̠̥͈̻̦͛̐̌͗̾̈́́̅̿̌̓̓͌͘͘r̷͖̘̮͆͐͒̓͑͛̆̎͆́͛̊́̾̚r̶͖̄͗̈̈́̂̈́͂̈́̋͌̈́͒͂̐̇͋͘y̶̛͕̱̱̤͂͗̊͊̀̃̀́̒͛̎̅̀́̀́̕̚?̶̙͓͈̟̙̘̼̭͓͙̼̳̜͖̤̜̪̱̍͛̀̃͛̃̊̎͋"̴̡̫̬͉̳̘̹͖̯̼͙͚̯̾̈́̏̄̔̔̀́͜͜͜ The pink-haired person responds with a confused tone.
The ears move downward as they scan the surrounding, which they land. The guard notices their ears twitching as they glance around. Their gaze fixed on him as they attempted to walk over, but their legs gave way, causing him to collapse to the ground. Rui walks over and examines their suspect. The wound around his waist was bright red. The pink-haired rabbit looked up at him.
"Let's get you back to the city." He carefully brings the rabbit to his feet, where he almost falls, but successfully holds him in a walking stance. "It's a long walk, so we'll take it slow."
Rui returns slowly up the road with the pink-haired rabbit. As they descended, silence enveloped them. He could feel their ears barely brush against his hair as they peered about. He looks at them and then clears his throat.
"How long have you been out here?" The rabbit looks at him via their peripheral vision before speaking. They spoke in an unknown language. Rui's eyes narrow with confusion. The rabbit continues, attempting to translate what they are saying. After a few minutes, no known language from any of the seven countries matched the words.
He cuts them off as they stroll silently once more. Rui pulls them to the side of the road so the rabbit can rest their legs. He gently sits them down and pulls out a notebook. Rui writes down what he's learned thus far. He never figured out how they ended up in Dunyu Ruins.
Rui shrugs, guessing there will be more inquiries later. As he turned to continue, the individual he was helping was gone. He searches his lush surroundings for any traces of them. When Rui hears a bomb go off nearby, he investigates behind any trees but finds nothing. It appears that another adventurer activated another ruin guard.
Rui moves in the direction of the sound.  The rabbit was avoiding the impending bomb assaults from the ruin guard. The flying ruin guard launched another bomb attack, this time targeting the rabbit. The soldier observes the ruin guard and now turns to him. As bombs flew at him, he was designated as a target. He dodges them and draws his bow. He pulls the drawstring back as an arrow pierces the ruin guard's eye and knocks it to the ground. He grabs his spear and wails on the opponents. Soon after, it dies and explodes on itself. Materials fall on the ground, which he picks up.
“You really need to be more careful.” His voice grew stern as he spoke to the rabbit. The rabbit's ears swivel around, sensing the shift in his mood. Tying up his belongings, he takes the rabbit under his arm as they make their way to the city.
They made their way to the harbor after making numerous pauses to camp and ensure that they were not overly tired. Civilians stare as they approach to the pharmacy.
A girl in red passes passes, holding a coupon. Rui sighed as Hu Tao from the funeral parlor approached them. She pulls out some coupons and holds them out to him and the rabbit.
"It's 60% off today for our sale." The soldier ignored her as they passed by. He notices her stare at the rabbit out of the corner of his eye before she walks away.
The cold night air began to settle in, and the bunny began to shake quietly. Sighing, the soldier removes his coat and places it on the rabbit. "Stay warm; we're almost there." The pharmacy appears as they enter, and a purple-haired girl exits. Before entering the pharmacy, the girl casts a glimpse at the rabbit. Rui sat Koda on the ground as he approached the counter. He waited for anybody to approach the counter.
"Hello, and welcome to Bubu Pharmacy." A male with green hair entered the room beside the purple-haired girl. The snake on his neck shifts to the side, peering at the rabbit. Doctor Baizhu examines his new patient, assessing the wounds they have suffered.
"He overworked himself," Changsheng observes as Rui turns towards the bunny. The rabbit gives out a faint scream when the doctor gently presses down on his stomach.
"What was he doing before you found him?" Baizhu writes his condition on a clipboard. 
"He fell somewhere in the Dunyu Ruins and was attacked by some ruin guards." The green-haired man nods and gingerly picks up the rabbit.
"Does he have any relatives that you could contact?"
The rabbit spoke in a different language, so he couldn't question him if he tried.
"I'll check with the Ministry." The man nods and guides the rabbit to a cot in the back. The rabbit passes by, giving him an alarmed look, as Baizhu walks him into the rooms in the back.
"A rabbit humanoid being was found in the area where the strange light came from."  "They looked confused, as if they didn't know where they crash-landed." His boss walks around, trying to form inferences in his thoughts. He stops asking more questions.
"Did they tell you who they were and why they were there? "He shook his head.
"They spoke in a foreign language that I couldn't figure out." His employer pauses before removing him from the room.
He worked his way around, asking for any information about the individual he had saved. As he expected, no information appeared at all.
"I never met a person with rabbit ears before."
An outlander crashed into Liyue. Someone who has fallen from the stars and speaks an alien language. He shook his head. Who in the seven nations would believe that?
"They are waking up." Cirrus blinked slowly, attempting to refocus their thoughts. They remember it being a normal day, and next thing they knew, they fell from somewhere high. Cirrus recalls it hurting when they hit the ground hard. They remained motionless until someone who Cirrus assumed to be a soldier found them. He spoke in a weird language that he had never heard before. 
The male, whom they presumed was a doctor, gives him a slight smile. He spoke in the same language that the soldier from before spoke in. Cirrus blinks at him, attempting to understand, but to no use. The man gave out a tiny sigh while writing on a clipboard. A snake on his neck communicated with the man before attempting to communicate with him. The snake's speech remained unclear as they attempted various words until one became obvious.
"Can you understand?" The snake talked in words that Cirrus understood. They nod as the snake returns to the foreign language to address the man. Speaking in slow broken sentences, they continued asking him questions.
"Your name?""
“Cirrus.” The snake told the man who addressed him. His name was clear, but the rest of the sentence was tough to comprehend.
"How did you crash land? "The snake interpreted for him.
"I was just at the store; the second I left the store, I crashed into those ruins." The snake translates to the doctor, who raises an eyebrow.
"Is this all? You fell after the store?” He nods as the man and the snake have another conversation, this time in their own language. They look at him briefly before continuing their chat, leaving the rabbit out. The doctor continues to check him before returning to the front.
Cirrus glances around and notices that the room is decorated in the style of an overseas culture. They attempt to sit up, only to wince as they experience pain in their arms and abdomen. They let out a sigh while waiting for the doctor to return.
The doctor and the white snake eventually return to the room to check on him much later. He looks at Cirrus before speaking in that foreign language to them. "He's going to give you medication for your pain." Cirrus nods, allowing the doctor to inject him with a syringe. He pulled the damaged area open while changing the wound dressings.
Cirrus might feel their mind begin to shut down due to the medicine. They felt a surge of panic as they struggled to stay awake. They still don't know these people well at all.
What if something happened to him while he slept? What if they removed their organs? The panic that had risen subsided as sleep overwhelmed him.
After a while, they regain consciousness after what felt like hours. Cirrus blinks lazily, attempting to scan their surroundings. They both fell asleep in the same room. They look around and notice that nothing has changed since they last slept. Despite no longer being in pain, Cirrus struggles to sit up. They examined their wounds to discover that the scar was still present, but there was a lack of blood. There is no way they could heal so quickly. Cirrus was so preoccupied with their thoughts that they didn't notice Baizhu and Changsheng re-enter the room.
"How are you feeling?" the doctor said, using words he understood. The snake gives him a small nod as they wait for Cirrus to respond. The rabbit froze in disbelief, realizing he could now comprehend him. Cirrus began talking quickly in that languageabout everything that led up to the point where they are now. the Doctor could barely understand asking him to slow down.
"I am fine." He responds in the same few sentences. The doctor nodded, reviewing the chart in his palm. "You should be fine now." Cirrus agreed, getting out of bed when he was stopped.
"I have some questions." The rabbit nods and takes their seat. "The soldier said that you f̵̕̚ՃՄ̄̆̃̚՘ՂՑ̅Ձՠ՗Ց̰̣ՙ̧̧̥̰e̶ՠ՝̈ՄՀ̌Օ̳l̸Մ̑՗Մ̃՛̈̏՘̧̪̦͚̦̲̫̐̊l̶̄̑̄Ն̎̒̅Ն̛̄̇̈̚Հ՘Ն̄̎?"
"Uhm." The doctor notices and slows his words for him. 
"You fell in ruins, yes?" Cirrus asks as he continues.
"You fell from the stars?" Cirrus appears perplexed, as they only recall free falling from the sky above, not from the stars. He only remembers stepping foot out the store when the next thing that happens is him falling to his death.
"Sightings said you fell." Cirrus nods in response to his questioning. The doctor continues to question him before drawing the questioning to a close.
"That's all for now."
"If you need something, call Baizhu." They look at him blankly until he points to himself. "I am Baizhu." He points to the snake around his neck. "This is Changsheng." Cirrus nods as the doctor exits the room, leaving him in silence again.
"How is he?" Rui inquired when his shift finished. There were no customers, so Baizhu and Qiqi sat on a chair to the side.
"They are fine. Their wounds should be healing; he'll have to stay here for a little while longer." He claims to be correcting the soldier.
"Did you learn anything else about him?" the teal-haired man asks, pulling out the patient list in his hand. "Their name is Cirrus, and they mentioned that they were on a shopping trip before crash-landing in the Dunyu ruins." The soldier gave him a blank expression, anticipating further information.
"That's it?" Baizhu says, as the man groans in frustration. He pauses, recalling what the doctor had stated previously. "Wait, you were able to talk to him?"
"Well, I was able to." Changsheng said, shocking the soldier, who didn't seem to notice her.
"Did the snake just talk?" Baizhu laughs softly, as Changsheng huffs. The snake leans forward towards the soldier. "They don't understand Liyue's language at all, which is probably why they couldn't tell you."
That seems reasonable, given that they were speaking in tongues the last time he saw them.
"So how is anyone else supposed to be able to communicate with the rabbit?"
"The need to learn the language of Liyue." The snake mocks Rui, who agrees and considers who to teach him. Rui sighs internally knowing the Ministry would be having a difficult time trying to question him.
''I see.'' The talk shifts to another topic when he demands to meet Cirrus. Baizhu brings him to the back, where the rabbit is exploring the room. When the door opened, Cirrus sat down quickly. Baizhu sighed as Changsheng chastised the rabbit for his risky behavior.
Cirrus' eyes brighten up with recognition as he speaks to Rui. Rui, as from their previous encounter, cannot understand the bunny. Changsheng interprets to the male, "He says it's good to see you again." Cirrus speaks too quickly for him to understand.
"He asked why you left him with us, so I explained everything to him." Cirrus gives him a small nod. Cirrus tries to get up and walks over to Rui. His ears flapped as he approached to stand by him. "I'm feeling better."
"Yes, but you have to remain here so that we can monitor you."
"Can't I go with him?"
Changsheng confronts him after his remark. "He's asking if he can go with you once he is released." Rui glances at them both, confused. Cirrus isn't his responsibility; he's an outlander passing through. Rui shakes his head at the question that denies him entry. Cirrus' ears fall as he lets out a soft sigh. He hears them say something only the snake and the doctor could understand.
"The ministry wants to see him once he's admitted." Baizhu nods as Rui exits the room. Rui reflected on the scenario with slight displeasure. His mission was to investigate, not to protect an outlander. He returns home for the day; tomorrow, he will learn what the Ministry says about the outlander.
@leftdestiny-posts (its finally done lol)
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let-the-stars-guide · 3 months
gripping the fandom’s shoulders
you will be normal about southern boothill headcanons, right? you won’t be wildly racist and classist, right? you won’t make jokes about boothill being racist or homophobic or misogynistic, right? you won’t say shit like “he can’t be queer because he’s based on southern culture”, right? you will recognize that southern and cowboy culture in america is heavily influenced by black, indigenous, and latin american cultures, right? and you will be normal about that fact, right?
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let-the-stars-guide · 4 months
New OC for Botw Series
Introducing my Aryll!
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Aryll “Maia” Nary
Nickname: Maia
What part of Hyrule is she from?: East Necluda
Village: Hateno
Maia File Botw OC
Series: Botw,
To her shoulder, parted to the middle, in pigtails, and orange haired.
Blue eyes
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Maia is a soft spoken young lady, similar to her older brother. She is the type of person who rarely approaches others. She tends to attract extroverts that hang around her.
She tends to live by herself, as her family lives at Hyrule Castle to attend to their duties. She works as a ranch hand for the Hateno farmlands.
Tan Skin
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Mother:Lysippe (deceased)
Brother: Link (Wild)
Friend: Amri (you'll see them down the line), unnamed, unnamed
Adventuring (influenced by her older brother), creating and tinkering with things (building stuff that can help with the ranch or the village)
Dislikes: Family time whenever Link and Nero return can be awkward; she would rather avoid dinner at all as a family.
Hobbies: adventuring, tinkering, and creating things; horseback riding.
Strengths: Has good stamina (due to working as a ranch hand), sort of a mechanic? (creating and tinkering with things.), Dependable (helps others.)
Weaknesses: Has a hard time saying no. A type of person easily swayed with food as an offer,
Aryll Nary is the youngest child of Nero and Lysippe. She has orange hair, a familial trait passed on from her mother’s side of the family. Her mother, whom she barely knows, left her with a family of men. Nero, her father, barely says a word to her but remains diligent in watching Link’s growth as a knight. Her older sibling,who once took her on adventures, stopped talking and taking her places once she was 8 years old. Since they obtained the sword that seals the darkness, the gap between them has grown wider.
Role: Ranch hand, Family to Hylia’s Chosen, Adventurer
Where can she be found?: Hateno Village
Does she have any relationships with any other champions? : Mipha
How do they act around others?: She usually helps others with tasks. This girl is busy working,so she barely has time to play with others her age.
How is her relationship with Wild?: Kind of awkward, seeing as she rarely gets a chance to see him.
How is her relationship with her Father?: It’s alright; they just rarely talk to one another.
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let-the-stars-guide · 4 months
```─ ➤ Name ;; Cirrus
─ ➤ Nickname(s) ;; Rus
─ ➤ Alias ;;None 
─ ➤ Physical Presenting Age ;; 18
─ ➤ True Age ;;23
─ ➤ Gender ;;Non Binary 
─ ➤ Pronouns ;; They/Them
─ ➤ Preferred Ships (this can include their Sexuality!);Ace (non romance favorable)
; What are some dynamics you like? None atm
─ ➤ Species ;; Bunny Hybrid
─ ➤ Place of Residence ;; Sumeru 
─ ➤ Occupation ;; Traveler
─ ➤ Weapon ;; Bow user
─ ➤ Vision ;; None yet.
─ ➤ Personality ;; (Not required for Canon's but for OC's it is required): Tends come off as cold hearted from their blunt worlds and stoic expressions but are more outgoing. 
Cirrus is the type to dislike being involved in any type of drama. The traveler and Paimon even though they are friends, Cirrus keeps away from them to  avoid the drama they're dragged into.
─ ➤ Appearance (Image or Written);;  Pink Hair, Bunny ears, pink eyes.
─ ➤ Likes ;; Traveling by themselves, being alone mainly.
─ ➤ Dislikes ;; Traveling with others, being involved in fights(from traveling with the traveler twin)
─ ➤ Roleplay Sample (Canon)/ Background (OC) ;; "Me? I'm no one important." Cirrus ears twitch as they try to inch away from the conversation. 
"Sorry I can't offer much information." They run off before the bystander could get another word in. Sighing they continue down the street avoiding a certain blonde and an annoying fairy.
It was way too early to deal with whatever mess they would bring to their life. 
“The traveler? I don’t know them that well.” The skirmisher holds the gun to their cheek as the leader continues. “You were last spotted talking to them, you have to know something.” Cirrus shakes their head.
“I just happened to be in a place at a bad time.” The leader sighs as the gun now presses against their temple. “What a shame.” He nods as the rest of the shoulders aim their weapons at him.
“Why is it I always end up in these situations?’’ They complain of slipping out of the skirmishers grip pulling out their bow. The end of the bow lights up as they let the arrows loose hitting each member.
“I shouldn’t have talked to the traveler.” Cirrus sighs aiming towards the leader.
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let-the-stars-guide · 8 months
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Name: Serene
Nickname (s): Rii or Rene
PRon.: She/They
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: P-Aro-Ace
Birthday: 04/17
Personality Information
Personality: Someone who enjoys spending time traveling and being with people that matter to them. They enjoy spending their time drawing, writing or playing Rpgs. Rii has a habit of staying up late to get their things done rather than setting scheduled times.
Likes: Deserts, loved ones, being in nature, having peace and quiet in the chaos of society, tirelessly working on projects that they enjoy.
Dislikes: Being stressed out by work, thinking that their work has no meaning, someone disrupting their peace, being around a lot of people for too long.
Hobbies: Art, Photography, Writing
Worries: The future a few years from now.
“I see no need to try and pretty myself up for society who will only take one look at me and go, “You’re so cute like this,” and turn away from me in less than one minute. Society and its rules can kiss my ass.”
Positive traits: Is a safe space for some, tries to be a good friend.
Negative traits: Apathetic, stressed easily, mood swings, usually have random bursts of energy at some times because of insomnia.
Backstory Information
Backstory (Tw?): Rene is fucking tired of everything the world throws their way that they somewhat act apathetic. They usually care about something when its someone they care about other then that it’s fake interest. From Nats to Rene they have a good idea for picking out negative people and do their best to avoid them.
Characters they relate to: Wanderer, Xiao, Kaveh, Xinyan
Favorite food: Mochi
Favorite drink: Chai tea
How are the ylike with friends?: The one who worries about everyone or is a good sense of comfort for them.
How are they at home? In a safe space, so v happy.
How does he view herself? Needs to work harder to complete these goals set in place but they find excellence exhausting.
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let-the-stars-guide · 8 months
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keep going
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let-the-stars-guide · 8 months
General Information for Three Voices
Character of the month is
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Name: Natsumi
Nickname (s): Nats
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: 04/17
Personality Information
Personality: A playful young woman who has a habit of doodling chibis. She tends to keep to herself but can be extroverted whenever around someone she's comfortable with.
Likes: being around those she cares about, deserts, Photography, music, drawing.
Dislikes:Loud noises, arguing, being ignored, standing out too much, angering someone.
Hobbies: Art, Photogrpahy
Fears: Being trapped in bad situations.
Traumas: Being trapped with someone they dislike.
Postive traits:Can get along with almost anyone, good listener, the one everyone vents to.
Negative traits:Difficulty letting go of people, cant handle goodbyes, abandonment issues.
Backstory Information
Backstory (Tw?): This Young lady is someone who is a people pleaser. She puts on this bright and happy persona to make others happy. She avoids speaking too loud and instead speaks gently. She gets embarrassed when she raises her voice and goes out of her princess-like personality.
Favorite food: Ice cram
Favorite drink: Hot Chocolate
How are the ylike with friends?: The one that carries their stuff or is a placeholder.
How are they at home? Uncomfortable with talking about their emotions.
@leftdestiny-posts I suffered doing this
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let-the-stars-guide · 8 months
Three voices!!
I'll be starting a small drawing series about thee voices. I'll be introducing my OCs through short writings ^^.
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Oc file 3: Bay
Oc File 3
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GIF by heartnosekid
Information below is subject to change
Name: Bay Managold
Name meaning: river between mountains
Nickname (s): Azul, Blue, Aoi
Vision: Anemo
Weapon : Bow
Native country: Khaenri’ah
Ethnicity: Khaenri'ahian- Sumerian descent
Currently living: Inazuma
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A
Birthday: 04/04
Elias(father, implied deceased)
Marianne "Créme"(Mother, implied deceased)
Makula “Minty” (younger sister) (alive)
Affiliation: Merchants of Inazuma
Side job(s): Bartender (After Vision Hunt decree)
S/o: N/A
Species: Human
Appearance Information
Eye color: green eyes
Hair color: black in braids
Height: 6’0
Weight: 187 lbs
Body: Slightly muscular, lanky type of body.
Piercings: None
Unique body marks: floral tattoo on arm
Personality/Work/ Backstory
About Bay:
Extrovert (Istj) They have no problem starting conversations with others and can easily be around people. They feel drained being by themselves.
Favorite foods: cold treats
Job: Cook(current)
Business name: NovaWind
Fact: The name is based on the nation where his sister resides.
Positive traits: Hard working, Ambitious, Positive thinker
Negative traits: Stubborn, Not the type to ask for help, can’t accept criticism well
Dislikes: Vision hunt decree, hiding because of the decree, being homeless in another nation, in debt with the Inazuman natives.
Hobbies: writing letters to Minty (even if she can’t receive them right now), fishing, exploring Inazuma (after vision hunt decree)
Fears: Losing his family or not being able to remember them( yk having your visi ok changes fucks with your memories. The people Bay loves are a small part of his ambition)
Backstory Information [Locked]
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GIF by roguetoo
Backstory: Bay Managold is the eldest to a family of merchants from Khaenri’ah. The period of Khaenri’ah they grew up from was towards the fall of the country where people fled. He remembers it as a normal day when their parents sent them to go expand the business. As they left the island, he noticed the destruction that happened from the beach they rowed away from.
His last memory of his parents is strangled screaming from pain. Carrying their orders, he expanded their legacy and business overseas. He left for Inazuma shortly after leaving his sister in the nation of the Anemo Archon.
Arriving at Inazuma, he was in a pinch because of the vision hunt decree, and that he couldn’t travel the other nations to make it to places past Ritou. He had some help from an elderly couple that helped him have a place to live for the time being.
About Bay: A foreigner from the lost country of Khaenri’ah. The older brother to the merchant Minty from Mondstadt.
Hello: Morning. Get up, we have work to do.
Good Afternoon: Pace yourself and your work. Do as much as you can before completing the other tasks.
Good Evening: Make sure not to stay up too late.
About Inazuma (Vision Hunt Decree): It was a change of scenery when I first got here. There was even a forest. When I wanted to explore I was stopped because I didn't have the documentation papers to pass. I'm still waiting on the papers to be approved so that I can travel.
About sharing a house : Oh, some nice elderly couple allowed me to stay with them until I was able to get a travel documentation letter to leave Ritou. When that day does come, I'll make sure to repay them for their kindness.
About living in Inazuma: It's difficult to live in Inazuma at the moment. It's hard to find better work, and it's hard to find a house. Do you know how much they're making me pay for living expenses right now?!
About Mondstadt: I left Mac there so she could start her shop there selling clothes. I heard from the Traveler that she's doing well. I'm proud of them!
About Vision: My vision? You want to know how I got it? I'd rather not say it's not a pleasant memory.
About Minty: That's what she calls herself at the moment? Minty? Where did she get that nickname from? Everyone usually calls her Mac. Well you can call me Azure then.
About Amanita: Don't get me started on him.
About Inazuma politics: Nothing I can say without getting killed.
About Stormterror : A dragon attacked the city, nearly harming my sister. I wish I could go check on her.. but the vision hunt.
Vision hunt decree ending : Thanks to the traveler, people are no longer being hunted. I can now freely move around to the main island. Now I can finally open my shop up there!
About Traveler🔒
About Amanita and Minty🔒
About Relationships🔒
About Fatui🔒
Immigration laws🔒
Miscommunication 🔒
About Kujou Clan🔒
About Raiden Shogun🔒
About Khaenri’ah 🔒
About Amanita's plan🔒
More Voice Lines will appear the more I write about Bay..
Profile picture
He is the first sibling to Makula Managold because she’s always been an only child in her previous lives.
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OC lore and fandoms
Genshin ocs
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story quests
Hyades series part one, two , three
Always watching( Koda's story drabble)
Chasing dreams (Bay's story drabble)
Cirrus (TBA)
Rima (TBA)
0 notes
The disastrous lives of Makula Managold
“I am the world’s unhappiest man who has had everything snatched away since the moment of my birth.” – Kusuo Saiki
Series: Amata Bene
Makula Managold, also known as Rea, is the daughter of the Managold family, a well-known merchant family in the Kingdom of Khaenri'ah.
One day, while making a delivery to the castle, she encounters the prince. He quickly fell in love with her and started taking her on small dates. She is now the future crown princess of the Kingdom of Khaenri'ah.
Rea sat on a cliff with her legs dangling. She murmurs softly to herself, holding a locket that her beloved had given her. When it was opened, a photograph of them on a date was discovered.
She laughed as she remembered that day.
Her beloved, Amanita Virosa, asked her out to a ball. She adorned the dress that her prince has given her many a moon.  Makula changed into her outfit after applying cosmetics. As she exited the room, her parents clapped and praised her. She blushed and offered gratitude. She waited at the door until the coachman arrived.
On her journey to the castle, she spotted a mob of commoners gathering near the palace, attempting to gain entry. She also saw additional carriages from Khaenr'iah's noble families. She was engrossed, so she missed the door opening and the driver letting her out. Carrying her dress, she walked up the stairs to the ballroom.
When the door to the ballroom opened, the chatting halted. Nobles looked at her with what she believed was envy or curiosity. Her dress was stunning of course, and held the colors that the prince usually adorned on his outfit.As she passed, she could hear some women muttering or giggling about her being a scam. She stood in a corner, watching the couples dance. Turning in the dance, she spotted Prince Amanita's bored expression as he danced with an eager noble girl. She giggles to him, not noticing or caring for how he seemed to have felt. 
His gaze scanned the room until he spotted Rea's figure. His expression became more lighthearted. She smiled awkwardly and waved back to him. The female he was dancing with appeared to notice as well, as she glared at Makula.
After the dance, he bowed to her and walked in her direction. As he approached Makula, the crowd parted. When he reached her, he bowed and extended his hand.
"May I have this dance?" He raised his head. She looked around, noticing everyone's attention on her. She almost panicked when he coughed, making her focus on him. 
"Focus on me." He whispered gently. Confident, she took his hand as he led her into a waltz.
With Amanita's arms securing her she relaxed as they danced. 
1 2 3 
1 2 3 
Back and forth as they turned and spinned. Looking up she looked into her partner's eyes to see them gleam with excitement.
At that moment the world fell silent and it was just the two of them. Makula grinned, wrapping her arms around his head. 
Unknown to her, the girl the prince left grew angrier and tried to sabotage their dancing. Her sister helped her by trying to intervene by approaching the ballroom floor. One of the guards stopped and scolded them as Amanita and Rea walk out of the ballroom into the yard. 
Makula and Amanita took a walk through the Halls of the Castle. She gripped his arm as they walked in sync. 
"This is beautiful." She gaze at the garden with astonishment. The garden was his personal property, and he would grow mostly foreign flowers or various types of plants. She let go of caressing a plant when her hand was abruptly seized.
"That's carnivorous, and poisonous." He moved her hand back to her side. Minty took a little walk to look at the flowers. She saw a beautiful one kneeling down and read its description.
Bittersweet Nightshade. A plant that originates from Fontaine and Natlan. This plant can not be touched by anyone; it is extremely toxic.
She gets up brushing the dirt off her outfit. "Do you have any normal flowers, your highness?" 
Taking her hand once more he guides her to the normal part of the garden where she sees flowers she hasn't even known. 
Amanita walked past her dendrobium and added it to her hair. "Gorgeous." He muttered while taking a look at her. She blushed under his gaze, looking away. Amanita pressed a kiss to her cheek just when the bell chimed. Makula glanced at where the clock was and back at Amanita.
"It's late." She got up, un-attaching herself to his side. Amanita looked at the clock and nodded, getting up as well. "Should I arrange for you to stay the night?" It was much too late for them to take her home now. Makula blushed at his comment and hesitantly agreed.
"Yes, let's go." She re-lnks her arm around his as they walk off into the castle private sectors.
Makula returned home and resumed her routine of assisting her family. That is, until she began experiencing stomach cramps and kicks. Her family summoned a doctor when she vomited one morning, and he informed her that she was expecting. Makula's conditions became brighter, and her routines slowed. Her family supported her pregnancy by working twice as hard for their company and assisting her with her pregnancy problems.
A letter was addressed to Amanita Virosa. His parents intercepted it and kept it from the prince. Makula waited two months for word from her beloved, but she received nothing.
"That's not correct. He promised to write to me soon. Makula hoped and waited for him to answer, but to no effect. Due to her emotional swings, she sent two letters this time. After weeks, she finally received a letter from her beloved, who expressed his thanks and happiness to be her father and spouse. Makula smiled and laughed, like a schoolgirl embracing the letter to her chest.
Makula went outside one day to get some fresh air and selected flowers to use as an accessory for her mother's clothing. When she returned home, she discovered a small fire had started in the house. She dashed in, hoping to pull her parents out, only to watch them use an extinguisher to put it out. "Sorry Makula, your father got distracted." Her mother hit her father on the head. She sighed and went to her room to lie down, but then she started screaming and gripping her stomach. Her mother rushed in, saw the mess, and ran to get some towels. Makula hears her distantly shout at her father to call the doctor.
_Makula fell asleep after a few hours of being held by her parents. Half sleeping, she heard them ask for the child's name. Amanita and she discussed children one night behind closed doors. He stated that if he had children, he would call them "Sage." She giggled and made a dumb joke about naming the other one "Barley." She said the name to her parents before drifting off to sleep. Makula awakened to the smell of smoke. She shrugged it off for a minute, then heard Sage wail. Now alert, she looked around and saw the rooms in flames. She dashed through the home, terrified, looking for a window to get them out.
"Come on please!" She begged any Archon to help her.
"Dear Barbatos, please anyone?! No one answered her as she ran around trying to make an escape route. The fire began to spread in her room as she frantically looked around.
"No, Sage needs to live!" she yells as she attempted to open the door. Sage's voice became increasingly urgent as she yelled out loudly. "I'm trying Babe." She apologized to Sage as she attempted to open the window. She screamed as she burned her hands. She checked her fingers to see burn marks. She tucked Sage into a corner away from the flames as the fire began to make her feel increasingly disoriented. In her final moments, she believed she heard Amanita's voice pleading for her.
 "Makula!" Her name was the last thing she heard as she passed out.
Amira’s life has been strange. She was named after the same girl that Prince Amanita fell in love with which has become a taboo name. When approaching someone or applying for jobs she simply goes by the name Amira. This avoids her being looked at as the tragedy of Makula Managold. Amira came from a poor family that had disabilities. 
The most concerning of all of them was her mother’s medical condition, which causes her extreme fatigue. They didn’t have money for the medication, so Amira and her father had to step up to work for them. She recently tried applying for a job as a bartender for a local tavern. On her first few days, she was learning how to mix drinks, but they all came out wrong, which led to her getting yelled at. 
She sighed and kept trying to mix the drinks, but the order came out wrong again. Makula dedicated herself to trying to learn mixology to be a better bartender since she was desperate for the money. After months of working, she came across a violet-haired man wearing a hood over his head. When he looked up at her to order, he froze. 
She heard him mutter her biological name under his breath in shock. Amira reached under the counter to grab a taser. She has never met this man in her life, and he knows her name. That’s too strange to be a coincidence! Still, at work, she put on a fake smile. “Hello, what can I get started for you?” She smiled, waiting for him to order. 
“Can I have *drink name*?” She nodded and went to make the drink. A little thought in her head was telling her that she'd met him somewhere before. She tried to recall a memory of this man, but to no avail. Walking back over, she places the drink in front of him.
 “Enjoy mister.” She walks off to go attend to someone else. After a few hours, he’s still ordering drinks, and she does her best to fulfill his needs. When she felt like he had enough, she denied it when he asked for another drink.
“You know you remind me of my late lover.” His words finally clicked into her head. She shook it off as a coincidence until she remembered the story of the late prince and his girlfriend, who had the same name as her. She fully stopped what she was doing. 
This is the reason he looked at her strangely. However, that still didn’t make sense. If Makula Managold was his lover, then he should be the crazed prince who murdered everyone in the castle. He was human, right? So why is he still alive? 
“Her name was Makula Managold.” The chatter in the tavern stopped as everyone faced him. Some drunkards told him, “We don't talk about Makula Managold.” 
Within the blink of an eye, Amanita rose from his seat and slugged the man who spoke. Some other patrons tried to join in and fight too, telling him that the man was correct and that the Managold name had become taboo. This angered the man ever further as the fighting turned more and more bloody. 
Soon enough, her boss came out and stopped the fight, telling the man to get out. He dropped the bloody men and grabbed his drink, walking out and passing her with a small smile. Her boss then turned to her, angry that she hadn’t intervened. She spoke harshly about how he would be docking her pay if she messed up again.
After the violet-haired man had left, the tavern soon exploded to talk about the tragedy of the Managold family and their daughter. Some mocked her, and some felt sorry for the prince to even be associated with her. Amira grit her teeth and harshly wiped down the tables. She had no connection to that woman other than the name, so why is she angered by them mocking her?
Some rival gangs decided to come into the tavern with their enemies for dinner. Instead of fighting, they slipped poison into the drinks that she was serving on the counter and one that she drank accidentally. Amira felt her lungs burn as she tried to scream for help. Whatever she drank,made her feel like she was having a heart attack. She tried to spit it out or try to throw it up, but it didn’t work. 
Amira didn't realize it was poison until the gang that was originally at the restaurant yelled that it was. They began fighting, not paying attention to Amira. She never had experience with being poisoned, so she had no clue how to get the poison out. 
They were almost out of time when the violet haired man who was banned returned to help them. He took a long minute trying to figure out what poison they had in their bbodies and when he figured iout,ut he was able to extract the poison. She thanked him and followed him out of the restaurant to evacuate. Just when they were officially t she heard a bomb go off, when her hearing failed her. Looking up, they saw Amanita’s anxious eyes as he shook her aggressively, trying to wake them up.
A loud laugh was heard as people avoided the person running between people. The police followed her closely behind, yelling at her to stop. Turning her head, she eyed her pursers slowing down from behind her mask. Some were still close, and Mina turned corners quickly, trying to tire them out. After a few laps, they were completely out of view. She slowed down and walked her route to her home. 
She entered, dropping her new belongings onto the kitchen table. There were some cleaning supplies for bathing, some food to last her two weeks, and expensive things she could sell off for money. Mina took off her mask as she began to prepare food. 
Makula Managold, nicknamed Mina, was a thief who worked for some slummy man from a higher social standing. She did small jobs, such as stealing, and larger jobs, such as killing the man’s targets.  After doing all of this, she was paid a small amount. The other half of her paycheck went to a male who worked longer than her for him for more years. As much as it angered her, Mina still needed the money.
Mina’s newest place she was assigned to was the abandoned castle. Legend has it that the Virosa family lived in the castle years ago. They said the prince murdered his entire family for killing the love of his life. However, another popular rumor was that a woman who was supposed to be the love of his life killed herself out of sadness because the prince didn’t choose her and chose to marry his chosen fiance, some noble woman.
 Mira found it strange that the front door was open, but she assumed that the servants who were fleeing the prince's rampage had left it open. Hesitantly, she ventured inside the castle. The hallways echoed with her footsteps clicking across the ground, alerting any mice to her appearance. She walked door to door, looking for items from the lost family to steal or trade. She found valuables such as goblets drunk from the royal family, portraits, and nasty stained clothing. In other rooms, she found jewelry, presumably from the queen,letters from other nobles, and even a love letter from Makula Managold. She opened the letter and re-read the contents. 
To my beloved Amanita,
My darling, the doctor, recently confirmed that I am with child. As anxious as I am, I am also excited to give life to something that we created. As much as your parents dislike me, could we elope and run off to get married in another country? I want to avoid them chopping my head off. I jest. I jest.
Always yours, Makula Managold
To my dearly beloved Amanita,
My darling, the doctor, recently confirmed that I am indeed with a child. As anxious as I am, I am also excited to give life to something that we created. As much as their highness dislikes me, could we elope and run off to settle down in another country? I really want to avoid getting my head chopped off. Haha, I jest. 
Always yours,
Makula Managold
Mina looked up and saw "herself" writing a letter with a smile on her face. She rereads the letter's content before sealing it and signing it off to the addressee on the front. Was this Makula Managold, the prince's lover? Mina stepped forward, hoping to get a better look at her when the vacant castle reappeared. MIna looks around, puzzled. Why would she be experiencing hallucinations of Amanita Virosa's deceased lover? After clearing her thoughts, she continues exploring the castle.
She rushes around the estate, bursting across blocked barriers. She was able to cross the estate very swiftly due to her high stamina. She laughed hysterically while smashing and looting stuff.
As she left, she heard some awful music playing. Mira heard laughter and whispers coming from the direction she was going.  She ran around looking for the cause, but all she found was an empty ballroom. Sighing, she stomped out of the palace, colliding with someone on her way out. Looking up, she yelled at him before speeding away to submit her results to her employer. Later, she realized how unusual it was for someone to be near the castle, ever since the murders of the royal family.
Lilia was doing a trade with a famous assassin. She had to give the product he ordered to him, and they would both be on their way. Lilia sat in the bar, waiting for her client to appear. While she was waiting, a young man about the age of 19 approached her, looking to buy the product. He said he needed it for his friend. 
Lilis listened to his sob story for a minute before bargaining the price. He reached into his pocket and pulled out some folding communication devices. He nicknamed it Metia. The device was something she hadn't seen created before, which was rare since Khaenri’ah was a highly developed nation. 
The item was so rare that she decided to bargain with him. By the time the bargaining was going on, her client walked in. Ko was a famous assassin who descended from Inazuman origins. He recently immigrated here for unknown reasons. Ko sat down and joined the bargaining debate. As the price went higher and higher, the young man beat Ko in every way. The winner was the young man who took the prize and went to leave when Ko pulled out his hatchet. Bloodshed and fighting began in that tavern. 
Lilia, using her knife, did her best to deflect and dodge the attacks thrown at her. Ko turned to focus on the young man scooping his guts open from his hatchet. The man screamed while Ko laughed maniacally. He then turned to the other patrons in the room and attacked them as well. Crawling, Lilia escaped, running into the streets, trying to gain as much distance away from Ko as possible. 
As she raced, she heard fast footsteps behind her, and when she looked back, she saw Ko's angry visage chasing her. She tried to zig-zag like she had before with her purser, but it only brought Ko closer to her. Unable to shrug him off, she paused and drew her weapon. Ko came to a halt in front of her, ranting about how he was going to have his salary cut since she preferred to play games rather than deliver his package as requested. He stated that the penalty for misconduct was death. Lilia aimed her weapon in front of her as Ko ran forward, attempting to hit her. They danced, clashing weapons and attempting to grab the other hand. Lilis tried to kick him in the head but missed and fell to the ground. She got up and pushed her hand to her abdomen to feel for blood. She looked down and saw that her stomach had been cut open. Ko approached her with a furious expression. 
"You should have followed instructions like a good girl." He spat as he raised his sword above her head and stabbed her in the face.
Hoku eyed the constellations glowing in the night sky. The details from the night sky told her what weather would be predicted this week and the attitudes and ideals of some people. Looking further, she read of an upcoming riot that would happen between the people of Khaenri’ah and her impending death. As upsetting as it was, fate cannot be changed or altered in any way. Hoku decided to just wait it out until the time it occurred. 
During the time it occurred, Hoku waited for her death. A polearm stopped and pushed back the man from hurting her. Looking up, she noticed a man that she'd seen multiple times when reading the stars about her past life. His name was Amanita Virosa. He is the ex-prince of the kingdom of Khaenri’ah and the original Makula Managold’s darling. Her original life on this planet was to be the soon-to-be queen of the lost country.
 When reading, Hoku scoffed the first time, but it made sense to look back on all 3 of her previous lives. Apparently, the reason she’s reincarnated again and again was a promise that she made with him to love each other multiple times in multiple lifetimes. How stupid she must have been to make him suffer like that.
She looked up, staring coldly into his soft eyes. “You have to move on.” She pushed him away just in time for a flying arrow to shoot her right in the heart. She heard him yell after seeing her flung like a ragdoll. Seeing her blood, he wrapped a bandage around the wound, trying to close it. Hoku admired how he stitched her wound together. ‘He must have learned from the past three deaths and knew how to save my life this time.’ Hoku smiled sadly at her lover. He worked so hard to save her, and it was really sweet. Hoku, on the other hand, did not want him to suffer; she wanted the curse to end so that she could finally rest. When Amanita finished patching her wound and decided to end the fight, she unwrapped it. She sat staring at the sky, imagining what her next life would be like. She predicted that the cataclysm would corrupt the country completely, and she would be reincarnated as a person known as Minty. 
"Good luck next time, Minty." She took a deep breath in and then faded out.
Minty gasped as she awoke from her sleep. They began to cough harshly, which escalated into full-fledged sobbing. It is the same damn nightmare again. Dying after dying, hearing her children scream or Amanita beg her to live. Minty got up out of bed, got dressed and left the house. Being in or near her bed was becoming taboo. She would have those horrifying experiences every time she slept. Walking quickly down the street, she arrived at Angel's Share. As upsetting as it was, she needed something to take her mind off of it for a while. She sat at the bar, waiting for the bartender to arrive. A man with bright red hair and matching eyes approached her. He froze for a moment, seeing the tears streaming down her cheeks and the tight hug she held herself in. Not saying anything he went off to the back. MInty kicked her feet against the bar table as she waited for his return.
Returning, he laid one drink out in front of her and grape juice as well. Confused, she looked up at him, before he gestured her to take a sip. She drank the alcoholic drink he prepared for her. Leaning her head back down she handed him the glass. He nodded and walked off to clean it. She drank the grape juice he had left out as well. The bitterness of the alcohol and the sweetness from the grape juice mixed making her head feel fuzzy. She grabbed her purse to pay when he stopped her. “It’s on the house.” She eyed him. Seeing him nod she got up thanked him and left the bar. 
Anime / Movie references: re-zero, Sailor moon, Steven universe movie, Encanto.
0 notes
Mint's Interlude
Interlude 1
I’ve been feeling strange lately. No, not like I’m sick or dying so don’t worry. More of the dreams I’ve been having. I keep having these recurring dreams about me dying in different times and you either being by present on my deathbed or not being there at all. I can’t bear to be apart from you for too long.
As ridiculous as this sounds, I’m afraid one day one of these scenarios from my dreams may happen. And I’ll be all alone. Or if we have a child they might die in a fire or be poisoned.
I’m sorry for my rambling. I’m just anxious. Could you visit me soon?
Makula Managold
0 notes
Amanita's letter
My Dearest Amanita,
How are you these days? I rarely get any replies from you at all. I assume it’s because of your job, that requires you traveling around so much.
I also have been busy at work; designing and selling clothing that my customers adore. My newest clothing line has been selling quickly.
Most young people seem to be very interested in the designs. You should see how much they paid me. I never made that much money in my life! I mean I used to work at my parents shop, but it was nothing near this price!
We’ve had a new visitor one with blonde hair nicknamed “Traveler.” They stayed in Mondstadt for a bit taking care of the Stormterror situation. Soon after they left to the neighboring nation. Have you heard of them? If so, Try not to cause them too much trouble. I can tell you’re laughing at me right now. It’s not funny!
I’ll be expecting your letter soon.
Your Beloved
0 notes
Hyades: Merchants & bunny boy ch 3 START’
Edit: We need to re do the plot ;-;
"Indeed, I'm back~! Did you miss me, Doll~?" Amanita muses lovingly, holding out his arms, expecting what he thought would be a hug, but was greeted with anything but that.
“Do I look like I missed you, Amanita?” Minty glared before grabbing the door handle and pushing the door shut on him.
"Minty, darling, dearest, doll? Whatever is the matter?" Amanita asks, shoving his hand through the door to prevent them from shutting it entirely, "Just what has gotten you so mad? I made it here alive, didn't I?"
“Yes, you have, and I am happy you’re still alive. However, that’s not the reason for my anger, dearest.” She hissed, pushing the door closed.
Feeling defeated and wondering what the hell is going on, Amanita trails around the house, finding an open window. With one swift, graceful movement, he hops through the open glass, "Minttyyyy~, Please talk to me, love. I want to fix this, whatever I did," he calls out apologetically.
They whipped around, surprised to see him now in the house. She thought Venti said he closed the windows; he missed one. She huffed, walking over to him. “Amanita, answer me truthfully. Have you met a young woman named Angetsushin Hikomi?”
Amanita's eyes light up and twinkle, "Ah, my other darling~! But worry not, my love. You're still my favorite~!" Amanita explains, digging himself further into a hole.
“When you asked me to be your partner, you never mentioned you were polyamorous.” Her eye twitched in irritation, and her hands balled into fists.
Amanita's eyes falter for a moment, realizing he didn't take Minty's feelings into consideration, "Doll, I apologize if it seems I've betrayed you. However, as a royal, we must have multiple partners to help strengthen the Kingdom. Trust me when I say this, you will always be my first choice," he says softly, "If I am to rebuild Khaenri'ah back from the ground up, I need to play smart… besides one day, I want to make you the Queen, if you'll allow me, that is," Amanita continues, an apparent red hue decorating his cheeks.
A blush covered Minty’s cheeks. Did he want to make her his queen? She almost fell for that until he mentioned Hikomi and possibly having other mistresses in the near future. That made her even more upset. Polyamorous relationships were a regular thing she knew from the nobles. Personally, she never had those types of relationships, so being in one made them nervous. They wouldn’t even know if the other wives would try to cause harm to her or even do anything harmful to Hikomi. Being around Hikomi has made Mint care for the woman.
Seeing her apprehension, Amanita reaches for their hands, grasping them softly, "Makula. I am a Harbinger. I won't let anyone or anything come to harm you or Hikomi. I swear on my life," he says gently, "Know that I have the power to kill in an instant and if anyone dares to stab us in the back…they'll wish they were dead when I'm done with them."
Minty stared at her lover and their combined hands. They tried to take his words into account, but it was just too risky! Unattaching their hands, Minty went to grab her purse and her work jacket. “This is too much, Amanita. I don’t know right now.” They opened the door stepping out into the city. “Sorry for the short visit.” They apologized before leaving.
Feeling lost and a little confused, Amanita stares at her leaving, "Please don't apologize to me…" he murmurs, not loud enough for her to hear, "Know I'll always love you," and as his lover leaves, so does he, leaving upon the windowsill a small square box.
“Thank you, please visit again!” She waved off a young albino with scratch marks on him. Sighing, they went to the back to get some items to restock. While restocking, they thought about what their lover said. It’s not that Minty didn’t want to stay with him; it was the uncertainty of the new people being a part of it. His words conflicted with the ideals that she herself had. She is caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear more customers entering. She put on a fake smile and went back to the front of the shop. “Hello, Welcome~.”
Later that night, she closed up shop and made her way home. She sighed before opening the door. She didn’t hear Amanita’s voice or footsteps at all. Shrugging, she assumed he had a critical mission to take care of. They went to change in their room when they noticed the window was left open. She clicked her tongue and went to close the window, and they noticed a small square box. “Why the hell is there a box here?” They slowly opened the box to see an engagement ring? Minty eyed the design of the ring and some writing engraved on the back of it.
“He was serious this time?” She slipped the ring on her right hand ring finger. Minty let out a small gasp and hugged the ring to herself. Excited, they went to tell Amanita before remembering he left the house. She frowned, dropping down on the bed. She noticed a letter that slipped out of the box. She frowned as she read the note.
(This note slips out of the box)
My dearest, Makula
I'm sorry to have left so suddenly, but I wanted to give you time to think about what you want. The last thing I ever want is to pressure you, so here's this ring to prove to you, my love for you is true. Take all the time you need, for you… I'll always be waiting.
Amanita Virosa
Minty felt tears come down her face. Honestly, they thought he would take their words from earlier as a break up line, but he chose to remain with Minty. They sobbed in relief as they read over the note. Once they calmed down they decided to write him another letter thanking him.
Time skip
Arriving back in Mondstadt, Amanita makes his way toward the Goth Hotel, a meeting place for Fatui of sorts. Having a critical mission to complete, he couldn't focus. It had been months since he last left Mondstadt and Minty for that matter. He hated the way he left things, but unfortunately for him, he had been called away without so much of a goodbye.
So quickly finishing up his tasks, he decides to visit his lover at their shop. Making sure he looked good, he glanced at himself in a mirror and grinned, "Handsome as always~," he mused to himself before heading out.
Upon arriving, the bells to the shop jingled merrily as he stepped into his lover's shop. Not seeing her anywhere in sight, he begins to browse, eyeing all the fine material and clothes, "It looks like she's doing just fine. I'm proud of her," he mutters to himself.
Minty walked from the backroom to the entrance. “Welcome to Far by the shore, how can I help..you?” their voice fell flat seeing their lover browsing the items in their shop.
“Babe?” She asked innocently as if the person in front of her was an illusion.
"Makula!" Amanita says with excitement dripping from his honey-like voice, and rushing to her he picks her up by the waist, giving them a small twirl before setting them back down, "I've missed you dearly. I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye," he says softly.
Minty gripped him tightly to her. They sobbed, pushing their head to his chest. “Manny.” The crying made their voice wobbly.
"Makula, dear…" Amanita says softly, brushing a strand of their hair behind their ear, "There was never a moment where I didn't think of you," he confesses, "I'm back home. I'm alive," and picking her up by the waist once more, he crashes his lips to hers in a fervent state of passion before pulling away, leaving them both breathless.
Minty blushed looking away from him. “You’re home.” She responded softly. She clutched her hand remembering the ring she wore on her finger. “I wanted to talk to you.” She was interrupted by a family entering the shop. “Hang on babe.” She walked over with a small smile greeting the new customers.
"Ah, no problem, love," Amanita says, stepping away from her and admiring the amount of passion they poured into the store. Watching from afar he noticed Minty's bright and cheerful smile and it made him light up with joy seeing them in her element, "That's my girl…" he murmurs.
Minty explained what she had for sale and that she was able to accept any commissions that the couple might have. They let them roam the store and talk amongst themselves if they’re going to buy anything or save up. Peeking over her shoulder she eyed Amanita with a small smile on his face. Shyly, she looked away facing the couple.
“Can I ask for a commission?” Minty nodded and went to pull out a notebook of designs she had. She let the wife flip through them, until she landed on a wedding gown. “You’re getting married?” The woman nodded looking back longingly at her lover. “How exciting! Congratulations Miss. What date would you want the dress done by?” The woman checked the calendar on the wall before speaking again. “October 4th.” Minty nodded, writing down the commission order.
“Alright, a wedding gown for October 4th. You can pay when you come to pick it up.” She handed the customer a copy of the receipt. The woman waved as she and her family left the shop.
"A wedding gown, huh?" Amanita says slyly, coming in from behind Minty and snaking his arms back around her waist, "If we were to get married, I'd have you wear your dream dress," he says playfully, peppering small kisses up their neck.
Minty blushed covering their face from their lover. “Darling please the shop is still open for business, anyone can walk in right now!”
"Then let them see~," he muses flirtatiously, pulling her closer to him, and spinning her around, he stops her so they're facing him, "So, my precious Doll. Tell me, what is it you wanted to talk about?" he presses, teasing her relentlessly.
“Just how much I love you and this ring you had commissioned for me.” Minty held up the hand her ring was on, showing it to him.
"Commissioned? Oh no, my love. I made this for you. I just…I can't picture my life without you in it. I've done a lot of thinking, and while I want to make you my Queen, your happiness comes first and foremost. If you're unhappy with the thought of me having other partners, I will drop them if it means spending the rest of my life with you. So, Makula…" Amanita confesses, getting down on one knee, "Will you marry me?"
Minty grinned and nodded answering his question. They held out their hand so he could re put on the ring to do it traditionally when the shop door rang. She looked over to a grinning Venti laughing at the scene.
"Well, well, well. What DO we have here?" Venti laughs at the sight playfully, "Congratulations you two~!"
Minty looked at the teal haired bard angrily. “You couldn’t have come at a better time?!” She yelled.
"Well, well, well, a God without his Gnosis. What a pity~," Amanita says, taking a jab at the young bard, "You truly did grace us with your presence, didn't you?" he asks, animosity seeping into his tone.
Minty looked at Amanita surprised. She knew that Amanita was a Harbinger , but Venti was a God? What the fuck how many more insanely powerful people do they know? “Wait a god?” She looked between them for an answer.
Sighing, Venti shrugs his shoulders, "It looks like the cats out of the bag, ACHOO!" he says, sneezing, "I'm the Anemo Archon, Barbatos; it's a pleasure," Venti bows politely.
"The God of Freedom, was it? It truly is a shame you couldn't protect your Gnosis, but surely you're glad your little traveler friend got revenge, no?" Amanita asks with hostility.
"Yes, but at least I wasn't cursed with immortality, now was I?" Venti asks, one upping him.
"Why you impudent brat!" Amanita shouts, "You ruined everything! Minty was never supposed to know…I…I can't lose her." Amanita, panic stricken, searches Minty's expression, hoping, praying that by some miracle they would stay.
Minty looked on in shock. They were trying to piece together all the information they heard. So Venti is actually the Archon Barbatos, the one that supposedly abandoned his country for years on end. Amanita on the other hand was a Prince that got cursed with Immortality. Minty most likely assumed it had to do with the fall of Khaenri’ah. She concluded that the main reason they were at each other’s throats was because of the fall of her and Amanita’s homeland. She said nothing adding onto Amanita’s anxiety.
"Makula…I…I'm so sorry," Amanita says weakly, nearly dropping to his knees. Being a man of few emotions, his heartstrings pulled, leaving him feeling helpless, alone, and most of all, terrified.
“About what?” She looked down seeing him kneeling now. “You being immortal doesn’t really bother me. Does it bother you that I'm mortal?” She knelt, looking him in the eyes.”
Searching her beautiful eyes, Amanita found what he had been looking for all his life. Solace. A home, "Of course it does, but I fell in love with YOU. I want to make you the happiest person alive for the rest of your life, even if it means having to say goodbye first. Even if it's terrifying, I'll never once leave," he explains, a brief glimmer of kindness, a look Minty had never seen before, glazed over his eyes.
“Fine, I'll marry you.” She says, holding out her hand for him to put the ring on and noticing his confused look, she smirks cheekily. Having just poured his heart out, she simply began wiggling her fingers in front of him, “You just gave me a fucking marriage proposal, and I accept Amanita.”
"I-I'm sorry?" Amanita looks at her dazed, then seemingly out of the blue, silent tears start to trickle down his face. For the first time in hundreds of years, he felt relief. And sliding on Minty's delicate finger he places the ring, "It suits you, darling," he says affectionately, not paying any mind to the tears running down his face.
Minty laughed and bowed to him. “Thank you My King.” She kissed him on the head before turning back to Venti. Still annoyed, she walked over and bonked him on the head. “That’s for making my Manny cry Barbatos!”
Co writer: @ teyvattales not gonna ping them since I'm moving the oc stories to this account.
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Hyades: Of Merchants& Bunny boy part 2
“Traveler!” Makula greeted the visitor who had returned to the city. Paimon and the blonde approached them with a small smile. "Hello, Minty!" Paimon smiled at them before looking at the clothes they were making. "Hello Paimon and Honorable Knight. I had a small gift for you as a thank you for saving us." Minty approached the register and took out wrapped packages.
“Ohhh a gift!” Paimon snatched the gift before being knocked on the head by the traveler. Paimon apologized and thanked Minty for the gift. Minty laughed and said it was fine. They handed the last gift to the traveler. “How have you been lately?” They spoke about their adventures in Liyue and Inazuma. They also described how they were returning to Liyue to do something with the chasm. 
“Oh speaking of Liyue, have you met Hikomi.?" Paimon tilted her head and Traveler looked confused.
"She runs a shop near the Wangshu Inn as well as a bakery." Bakery?!" Paimon flew near to Minty now excited. 
"Yes, Paimon is a bakery. Since you're in Liyue you should stop buying and visit her when you can." Minty walked off to help a customer that came to the shop. 
It's been awhile since she's visited her. Maybe she should pay Hikomi another visit? 
Turning back she saw the Traveler unwrapping the gift and admiring the cloak that she had made for them. She smiled and continued her work. 
Hours later, she closed up shop and made her way home. The wind blew harshly making her walk quicker to avoid the freezing cold. Reaching the house she quickly enters and locks the door. She was going to change when she heard a knock at the door. 
Opening the door revealed a certain bard with a cecilia flower in his hair. “Minty!” She waved back at him.
“Good evening Venti,what's up?” She allowed him to enter the house. 
When she first settled down in Mondstadt, Venti was one of her first customers. He came to peek in the shop and ask what she was selling and even welcomed her to  Mondstadt. Later that night, he took her drinking which helped her get acquainted with even more people in the city. 
"We haven't been out in a long time." He made a playful pout. "I'm sorry for the delay; I was up early with Traveler and selling my wares." She entered the kitchen and picked up a bottle of Dandelion Wine. She usually saves it for special occasions, such as Amanita's birthday or their anniversary.
‘��What about you? I'm curious about all the latest things that you’ve heard.” She handed him a glass of wine as she walked across from him.
He drank the wine before starting a story about gossip he heard overseas. Currently, he was telling a story about an old friend of his working at a funeral department and his misadventures. Some stories he told you made you laugh, while others put you on edge. As a bard,Venti was an amazing story teller. His songs and stories made you hooked, wanting to find out what happens next. He inspired you to learn music more to tell your own stories.
By the time Venti finished the story, he was fully drunk. You were a bit tipsy humming to some random song you heard before. Venti said a question that surprised you, making you sober up.
“How’s Amanita by the way?” Minty’s propped up sitting straight. “The Fatui Agent? I only know how much everyone fears him.” Venti shook his head. “I know you’re seeing him, Minty.” They stood up shocked. 
“How would you know that?” Without skipping a beat he replies. “Paimon let it slip up,” You sighed nodding. Paimon does have a habit of slipping up on secrets. “Me and him have a rocky relationship." She slips up. "Why are you here to get even with him or something?” Minty pulled up a small shield ready to fight if they have to. Venti waves at her to stop as he shows he’s harmless by dropping his bow. 
“I’m not here to harm you.” Minty drops the shield once she knows it's safe.
She reluctantly sat back down next to him. She begins explaining how when she visited Liyue, she met a woman named Angetsuhin Hikomiro, who was Amanita's 1st lover. She expressed how she feels like an outsider in her relationship, and asked why would he cheat on Hikomi for someone as pathetic as her?
Finishing the story she leans her head on the counter sobbing.
“I swear I'm a nothing but a toy to him!’” She sobbed in frustration. She felt Venti pat her back calming her down. He said nothing e;se but just comforting her through her turmoil. 
The next morning she awoke on her bed. She doesn’t remember falling asleep here, but she shakes it off getting up. When she passed the night stand she noticed a letter placed there. Opening it she sees Venti’s handwriting.
Good morning or Afternoon when you receive this. You fell asleep while we were drinking last night. So I, the wonderful gentleman I am, carried you to your bed, and secured the house for you. No need to thank me, I took two dandelion wines as compensation.
Your friend,
 Minty smiles, putting the letter away in a drawer. Upon getting ready for the day she noticed a random fungi plant growing on her window. She plucked and was going to throw it away, when she remembered her significant other can grow fungi. She took it as a sign that he came for a visit and rushed around the room getting dressed. As she prepared to open the door to leave she saw a tall figure leaning against the door with a smug look. Pink hair, black eyes, fatui uniform. 
“You’re back I see.”
Hyadades: Of Merchants and Bunny Boys to be Continued…
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Chasing Dreams (Bay drabble)
Steps were heard as a person rushes away from the Shogunate troops. Bay swiftly turns left, quickly turning around each corner, effectively throwing off his pursers. He slows down and hid around a corner. Without seeing where he went, the Shogunate soldiers began scouting the surrounding area he was in. Bay passes them carefully to this destination. They quickly lock the entrance and windows as he enters the house.
"Is that you, Bay?" An old woman dressed in traditional Inazuman attire entered. As she entered the room, holding a tray of tea. Her delicate gaze was drawn to the blood on his jacket.
"Oh, dearie, you're hurt. I'll take care of it." She set the tray down and left the room to retrieve medical supplies.
Bay sat on the chair, waiting for her to return. An elderly man greeted him, placing his newspaper on the table. "What did you do this time?
Bay rolled his eyes at the accusing tone. The woman approaches him. "Now sit still while I patch you up." As she treats his wounds, she gathers the medical supplies and spreads them over a chair. He flinches every few minutes, earning him a whack on the arm. She eventually finishes binding his wounds.
"There." She stands up and hands him the medical equipment box."Thank you Ms. Tachibana." He grabs the equipment to put away.
He hears the officers approaching the house as he enters the next room. He froze in place when the doorbell rang. Ms. Tachibana urged him to open the door, but he refused.
Realizing it was the Shogunate guards, her husband Shigure got up to answer the door. The creaking of the door causes the statue to move.
Hello, sir. Have you noticed a foreign male running around with anemo vision?" A lanky guard wearing a kasa said forward. Only glancing into the home, his coworker said nothing..
"Foreigner?" The guy nodded.
"He came from Mondstadt and arrived not long ago. He was fine until he intervened to save a child's vision." Bay sighed silently.
"No, I've never heard of such a foreigner." When Shigure moved to shut the door, the other doushin stopped him.
"Is there anyone else in this home than you?" He gazes around the home, stopping where the foreign shoes sat.
"My wife." The man returns his gaze with a blank expression.
"Does your wife wear foreign shoes?" Shigure's eyes widened when he noticed the shoes near the door. The troops searched the residence, room by room.
Shigure tried to persuade them not to, but they refused to listen. They came to a halt in the living room, where his wife, Rie, was seated.
"Hello, how can I help you?" She smiles politely at the younger men.
"Ma'am.. have you seen a foreign male weilding a anemo vision?" The lanky male asked again.
She shook her head after seeming to ponder hard for a minute.
"Not in a long time, I haven't seen any foreigners." She gets a blanket from the couch and wraps it over herself. She leans back and decides to "nap."
She shuts her eyes and hears the troops enter another room.
The troops checked each room until they arrived at the restroom. Bay almost exhales as he notices their silhouettes under the door. He stands up and creeps to the window, opening it. He pushes himself out the window quickly as the door knob twists.
The troops scan the room until their gaze is drawn to the open window. They return to the old couple, enraged.
"You stated there was only you and your wife living here, so why is the restroom window open?" The man who was inspecting the rooms in the residence questioned.
"I did, indeed. Only my wife Rie and I live here." He slowly repeats for the soldier. The man becomes enraged and shouts.
"I could have you arrested for harboring a criminal! Do you realize how awful this looks for you?!" He yells in the face of the elder man.
Shigure places his palm behind his ear and tilts his head in the direction of the man's voice. "Huh, young man?" He asks loudly, causing the man to groan.
The person wearing the kasa asked the question again. "Are you housing anyone else except the two of you" Shigure requests that the question be asked again.
Rie smacks him on the shoulder. "Shigure! I think they're asking if we have a son!" She exclaims loudly.
"What!" Shigure yells loudly, causing the dousin to sigh.
"We've realized you're not harboring a criminal." The person wearing the Kasa bows.
"I appreciate your time." He and his coworker departed the residence, closing the door behind them.
Bay took a short lap around Ritou before returning. As he enters the house, he notices the Tachibana family gathered on the couch.
"Did something happen?" He asked.
"They were looking for you." Rie frowns.
"I guess I wasn't as stealthy as I thought." Bay sighs as he sits next to them on the couch.
"You need to be more cautious. If you are caught, the Tenryou Commission will take you and your vision." Bay's frown tightens as Rie speaks.
"I know, I don't want another situation like those kids to happen." Depressed, he glances down. She consoles him gently patting his shoulders.
"Knowing you, you're not going to let it happen again, will you?" Bay smiles and shakes his head. "No, I'd die before I allowed it to happen.
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Hyades: Merchants & Bunny boys chapter 1
The earliest memory Makula had was the heat. Their home country Khaenri'ah was ruled by a Monarchy, not a God. Unlike all the other nations in Teyvat, they had higher beings to defend them from other nations. They got along fine through hard work and intelligence. Unlike most successful people from Khaenri’ah, Makula didn't have the most critical job. They were born into a family of merchants, not rich like the young noble Amanita Virosa. While in Khaenri’ah, their job was delivering things. Through this, Makula met the Good and Bad of people. You think they would have remembered that when sent to other countries to expand the business.
Makula was packing for their move to Mondstadt tomorrow. Their parents helped them pack a giant bag and made sure Makula had everything. They went through all the old stuff they had and put them in a box while packing their everyday stuff. The door squeaked, and Créme Makula's Mother entered. She told her a boat would be ready for them and their brother to leave in the morning. Makula nodded and went back to packing. A hand on their head and a kiss pressed to their cheek. Slowly their mom walked out of the room to give them space. Makula assumed their Mom was getting emotional and shook that off.
The next day their parents dragged the morning out for as long as possible since the Siblings wouldn't return anytime soon. Soon enough, they were walking to the ocean where the boats were. Makula got on and helped Bay on board. They tied everything down and began to row away. Makula looked again to see her parents waving at them before dust and smoke blocked the view.
Makula continued rowing for days until she saw land coming nearby. Makula and Bay stopped near the ground to camp for the night. The land was a small island that looked empty. They both settled for camp and began discussing where they would go. Bay brought up going to Inazuma to sell his wares while they discussed going to Mondstadt.
"Are you sure you want to go to such a faraway country, Bay?" He turned to them with a deadpan look. He nodded, ending the conversation. Hours later, Makula woke up to see Bay gone. They panicked and got up, calling for him. They calmed down once they saw his boat was still there. They decided to wait for him to show up.
Bay appeared much later with fish on a stick and other fishing materials in his other arm. "I went fishing for breakfast." He dropped down in front of Makula and began to light a fire. Smoke began to rise as the fire grew. They watched their older brother fry the fish for breakfast. They diligently watched how he cooked and the materials he used. Bay wouldn't be around to cook them food anymore, so Makula had to learn independently. After he finished, he served them both breakfast. Gently, Makula ate a piece of the fish before smiling. The way it was cooked tasted good, almost similar to their father's cooking. Once they were done eating, they began to pack and continue on their trip to Mondstadt.
Pushing off, Makula and Bay rowed in sync, getting further and further away from that island. After paddling for quite some time, there was nothing but open sea. Since it wasn't safe, they kept rowing until they reached land. After days they finally saw a beach with some weird red thing floating in place.
Pulling over to the shore, Makula checked the map. The area that they arrived at was Starsnatch Cliff. It said if they continued on foot, they would make it to Mondstadt. Checking with their brother, they explained that they had made it to their location. Bay nodded and told them that he would continue going to Inazuma on his own. Makula tried to plead with him to wait it out, but he waved them off.
"I'll be fine, don't worry." He patted them on the head and hugged Makula.
"Don't worry; I'll make sure to be careful." He got back into his boat and set sail.
"Come visit me once I get there!" He yelled. His figure grew smaller and smaller as he rowed.
Makula decided to leave the boat at the beach for the time being since no one was nearby. They took the road from the map to Mondstadt. The scenery and the way the sky looked seemed fake to them. Having grown up in a nation where everything was hot almost all the time, and now living in a country full of forests was a weird change. Makula was even shocked to see livestock running around and sleeping. Despite their gawking, they failed to see a male walking toward them.
"Excuse me!" They saw a male wearing a mask approaching them.
"Did you need help finding something?" Makula shook their head and walked past him. The man followed and kept talking. Makula decided to ignore him and continue. She checked her map until it was snatched from her hands rudely.
"Oh, you're trying to reach Mondstadt? I can help you with that." He told them to follow him. They tried to snatch the map back, but he kept holding it over their head like a bully. Makula grit their teeth and followed him to get the map back. He led them to a camp where other men taller than him were waiting. They eyed him, then turned to face Makula.
"A new test subject!" They looked at him, confused, until the men pulled out weapons. Makula checked their stuff and looked for anything that could be perceived as a weapon. There was nothing! Makula slowly backed up and ran away. Giving chase, the hoarders followed her until they reached a dead end. Unable to fight, Makula got captured and locked inside a cage.
Their stuff was taken and ravaged. Finding nothing important except mora, they threw the bag in an empty chest. The hoarders began to mock and tease them for blindly trusting strangers off the street. A little while later, when they were asleep, they tried to reopen the cage. The door unfogged wouldn't budge. Having no way out, they sat down in the cell. They tried doing every method, and the cage wouldn't open. Makula decided to wait for the cage to open again to try and escape.
After being locked in, they opened the cage to let them out to use the restroom. Going into the bush, they bent down and hid, waiting for treasure hoarders to look for them so they could snatch a weapon.
After 10 minutes, one of the treasure hoarders called out, threatening them to come back or they would die. Reaching the bush, Makula pulled him by the leg into the grass. They tumbled for a minute until they knocked him out and grabbed his dynamite stick. Getting up, they began to approach the camp. The hoarders noticed them and came up to them with rope to tie them up.
Makula pulled out the stick of dynamite and threw it to their feet. The area below sprouted into fire. The treasure hoarders ran around trying to get the fire off of them. Makula ran around getting their things that were strewn around camp. The only thing they couldn't find was the needed map with essential details and dates written on it. Looking up, they saw the treasure hoarder that brought them there, Dangling the map over their head again. Kicking him in the groin, Makula snatched the map and began to run into the forest they came from. Sets of footsteps followed them. Makula kept running until they reached a small city.
Before they could enter, they were tackled. The group she ran from soon surrounded them with weapons pointing at their neck.
"We were just going to take your things, but now we have to kill ya." The leader pointed at Makula's head.
Makula saw the sword swinging down to end them. In what they thought were their final moments, they regretted not being able to have the power to protect themselves.
A blue shield deflected the attack pushing their attacker back. Looking up, they saw the protection of water. They touched the shield, making it bigger. Using their feet, they got up and used the shield to push them away.
Angered, the hoarders attacked again; this time, they were hit in the head with a slap of water. They began using arrows, but the shield deflected the attacks. Being at a disadvantage, they clicked their tongues and retreated.
The shield dropped, and the water dispersed. Makula stared down at their hands. Did they do that? They were shaken out of their thoughts when someone came running toward them. A male with brown hair wearing a uniform approached them.
"Greeting strange yet respectable traveler. I heard yelling this way and came to investigate." You blankly stared at him. So this was the police force in this country? Why were they so late to the scene??
"Is everything alright?" Biting her tongue, she gives a fake smile/
"I was just being harassed by some men in masks that had weapons, but they retreated." You smiled, but your eyes wore a glare.
"Treasure hoarders? I'm sorry I arrived so late." He apologized. You waved him off.
"It's quite alright. Do you think you can show me where Mondstadt is?" The knight nodded and told you to follow him. Going down the right path, this time, she reached a city that had Windmills and a gothic structure.
"Welcome to Mondstadt; please allow me to escort you to a hotel to rest." You nodded. Entering the city, you noticed how calm the people seemed. You even caught them staring at your curiosity. Looking to your left, you saw a woman with a Bob hairstyle peering closely at you smiling. The sign above her said," Adventurer's guild." Makula eyed her carefully and decided to come back to talk to her.
Reaching the hotel, the knight paid as an apology for not helping you with the Treasure hoarders. They accepted his offer and went up to your room. It was small but had the necessities, even a shower, and toilet. They bathed and went to sleep. They decided to handle their Merchant affairs tomorrow and look for a place to live.
Of Merchants and Bunny boys story quest to be continued…
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