letzebuergerblodsinn · 4 months
Blödsinn words #7
Lëtzebuergesch: Paangech
Brain: I'm having a pang (pain) somewhere right now.
Meaning: Crepe. It's a effing pancake. Eff my life.
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letzebuergerblodsinn · 4 months
Blödsinn words #6
Lëtzebuergesch: Daseinsberechtegung 
Brain: You lost me in seins.
Meaning: Raison d'être, a reason for existing.
Why? Why is your reason be being so difficult to learn?
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letzebuergerblodsinn · 4 months
Blödsinn words #5
Lëtzebuergesch: Doudesangscht or Doudangscht
Brain: I give up, I just can't today.
Meaning: Mortal fear
I have a mortal fear right now. Learning you.
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letzebuergerblodsinn · 8 months
Blödsinn memes
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I won't take someone seriously when they say I writte with errors in a language I know for about 6 months, when a big company like CSL sends an e-mail like this... o.o Holy Blödsinn.
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letzebuergerblodsinn · 8 months
Blödsinn memes
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Just, nee.
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letzebuergerblodsinn · 8 months
And on this past week's Blödsinn...
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Class nonsenses #4
For context, we needed to do 10 verbs in all their tenses each day for 2 weeks- you can imagine the size of this thing. So, for aid, I made a document for our little group, where I added the verbs each day after we made them, and where the initial page has all the meanings of each verb. Well, the documents had a good reception for the most part, except for one that annoyed me greatly:
"You need to put all the verbs in minuscule letter"
... He was talking about the page with all the meanings... because it's the direct translation of the words.
"The verbs are in minuscule, it's the page with the meanings that are not, it's the translations, not the infinitive tense per se."
"I don't understand, a verb with the first letter in majuscule, it perturbs me."
BOY, IT'S THE TRANSLATIONS! Seriously I spent more than 3 whole ass hours doing the document for the damned meanings page to be criticized? I can just delete your access to it, the three of us are happy with it.
My god, beggars and choosers.
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Blödsinn phrases #1
Phrase: Hien ass hanner Schieren.
Translation: He's beside Schieren.
You'd think it's finished, but no, second translation: He's in the Psychiatric Hospital of Ettelbruck.
Schieren is a city besides Ettelbruck. Boy ain't good in the head and was hospitalized. ...
Why not say it already?
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Class nonsenses #3
.... Passing 4 minutes listening to someone saying they're not coming on the next day but having 1001 excuses for not wanting to inform the Institute when it's obligatory to prevent our company if it's the case. o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o Just... miss... the... class. Are you excusing yourself for missing? Do you want a pat? I mean, what do you want the teacher to do, say you're in class when you can be caught outside?? Just send an e-mail, it takes less time than the 4 minutes we just lost. Am I going crazy? Jesus, I want out of here.
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But waiiit... what is the gender of the machine in lëtzebuergesh? xD
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Things that cropped up in my French exam - Michael Jackson, Bubbles the Monkey and Coca Cola.
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Class nonsenses #2
"Today, you'll have a test to train your writing."
Test goes on for the entire duration of the Zoom class, files are sent to be corrected the next day... And they are entirely forgotten, the teacher doesn't know where the files are, one test and half are kindly forgotten, in the middle of correcting, after a coffee pause (not like we were ecstatic to correct our faults) xD
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Blödsinn words #4
Word: Ee, Eeër
Brain: ...
Lëtzebuergesch: No eegs given? 🥚
Yes, Ee means egg. Why the eff?
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Blödsinn words #3
Word: Freeën
Brain: I waaaanntttt tooo bbeeeeeee freeeeeeeee 🎧
Lëtzebuergesch: Wrong verb. Hint: You're cleary not "frees" with me.
Brain: I'll give you something free, goddamn language... No, I'm not pleased. Fuck.
Who had the idea of putting 3 e together?? weren't two enough?
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Blödsinn words #2
Word: no an no
Brain: I'm too tired for this. "No" means after. After and after makes no sense.. Oh eff it, just say it.
Lëtzebuergesch: Oh you weak brain... It's little by little.
Brain: ... I hope a dictionary falls on you.
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Blödsinn words #1
Word: Bësch.
Brain: Oh, must be beach, ok. Cool.
Lëtzebuergesch: No bitch, it's forest. Duh.
Brain: You're a Bësch to learn. Fuck.
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Class nonsenses #1
We have a 2-hour Luxembourgish class online. Why should we take notes ourselves when we have a lovely simple document made by the teacher in the class? Let's just depend on the teacher's notes and not take anything ourselves.
Oh no.
The teacher lost the document.
Oh no.
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