letzebuergerblodsinn · 4 months
Blödsinn words #7
Lëtzebuergesch: Paangech
Brain: I'm having a pang (pain) somewhere right now.
Meaning: Crepe. It's a effing pancake. Eff my life.
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clairelsonao3 · 11 months
Happy STS!
Someone finds your google history for your wip. How much trouble are you in?
Happy STS, Elli! Thanks for the ask!
Hell, I'm in trouble for my WIP WITHOUT anyone finding my Google history. 😂
But, yeah, okay, let's do this. For GSNBTR, off the top of my head:
Serious stuff:
First, obviously, numerous searches related to chemistry, physics, and engineering, including survivorship bias theory, i.e. the rocket thing (probably spent weeks on that alone), organic chemistry and the different methods for teaching it (yes, I downloaded textbooks), premed degree requirements, molecular orbital theory (yes, it's a real thing, I didn't just make it up), actual IRL mirror telescopes, how they're built, where they're located, and what they do, CERN and the large hadron collider, fog bows and the guy who discovered them, liquid nitrogen, how it's used and stored and its effects on chemical bonds, idk probably dozens of other topics ...
Every topic related to ancient practices of slavery one could possibly imagine -- everything from day-to-day treatment of slaves in Greece and Rome, how much it cost to buy and maintain slaves, slavery and the legal system, different types of tortures and punishments, the historical proportion of slaves to the free population, laws related to sex and gender, Partus sequitur ventrem, Aristotle vs. Seneca and the Stoic views on the nature of slavery and the soul, and yes, different types of historical manumission (stay tuned for more on that soon thanks to another ask ...😉) Some of this knowledge long predates my current WIP (I studied the classics, as I'm sure I've mentioned) but I needed to refresh my memory.
Literacy and the different methods and timeframes for teaching it as well as basic mathematical and scientific concepts and problems and how those are taught
Poetry and literature, in particular Shakespeare, Hugo, Plautus, Terence, Joyce, Yeats ... and the Bible.
Languages: Luxembourgish, French, German, and Spanish, in particular curses, slang terms, and colloquialisms, but also viewing/listening native speakers to get a feel for the accents and fact-checking everything through Google translate and online dictionaries (thank you, lod.lu!)
Various European countries' geography, economies, and politics, agriculture, cuisine, currency, etc.
Southwestern desert geography, flora and fauna (I lived there of course, but I still needed to make sure to get the details right)
The gambler's fallacy and the theory of scientific realism
Whumpy stuff:
1st, 2nd and 3rd-degree burns and their treatment
Use of cattle prods in torture and the difference between cattle prods and tasers
Handcuffs and shackles and how to escape from them (if they're put on correctly and you don't have the key, good luck)
Wound dehiscence, types of sutures, torn rotator cuffs and other arm injuries, how they're treated and how they heal
Videos of field medicine techniques
Photos and descriptions of scar tissue
Dozens of videos of street fights and descriptions of hand-to-hand combat techniques for people of different genders, sizes, and skill levels (tbh I probably spent longer on this than any of the science, because it does not come easily to me)
Whatever other injury anyone did or will suffer from, assume I looked it up (whether or not I decided to ultimately portray it accurately or not 😂)
Microchipping in pets and how it might apply to humans, particularly their migration and potential removal, and the possibilities of real-time GPS tracking using them (there is a possibility, but right now this concept is still sci-fi)
Different car makes and models, how long they've existed, and how they're designed and driven
Different companies, pop culture entities, and brand names and specifically how long they've existed (if they began post-1950, I can't use them)
BDSM etiquette, safewords, etc.
Other spicy stuff, including the likelihood of multiple orgasms (YOU ASKED) 😂 and synonyms for common body parts and sexual terms just to help me be more creative (thank you, Ao3 Guide to Writing Smut)
Topics related to tech startups, finance, IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, etc., though I also use that in my day job ...
Astrological signs and MBTIs for my characters
The rules of golf 😂
Tons of stuff I'm forgetting
Yeah. I'm not sure what this hypothetical person viewing my search history would think of that, but they'd probably be concerned. Or intrigued, in which case they're my new BFF.
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letzebuergerblodsinn · 4 months
Blödsinn words #6
Lëtzebuergesch: Daseinsberechtegung 
Brain: You lost me in seins.
Meaning: Raison d'être, a reason for existing.
Why? Why is your reason be being so difficult to learn?
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letzebuergerblodsinn · 4 months
Blödsinn words #5
Lëtzebuergesch: Doudesangscht or Doudangscht
Brain: I give up, I just can't today.
Meaning: Mortal fear
I have a mortal fear right now. Learning you.
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