Reblogging this over here in case any of you don't follow the "Little Leverage Things" blog. There's some exciting stuff happening over there soon so now's the time to get acquainted with it! And I think it goes without saying, but everything I said over there applies here too. I'm so sorry for being gone so long! And WELCOME NEWCOMERS!!! :D
Hey Grifters!
Long time no talk! I swear I never meant to disappear from the blog for this long. Same old story: school/work/life got busy and I let the blog slip. I am so sorry for not at least letting you all know that I’d be MIA for a while.
That said, this resurgence in the fandom is so awesome and inspiring! I’d like to take the opportunity to welcome all the newcomers; y’all picked a fantastic show! The fandom has always been warm and welcoming so I hope you’ll all feel at home here!
I still don’t have as much time as I’d like for the blog but luckily the lovely Alyssa has stepped up and offered to contribute so you’ll have some fresh new goodies on here soon!
So to recap: SORRY! Welcome! Stay tuned!
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I was hoping you could pass this along and get the word out to the grifters to help get Gina Bellman a verification on Twitter. http://twitition.com/mehar
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Just a reminder, I'll be posting both here and on the sub-blog Little Leverage Things. If you don't want to miss anything, you might want to follow over there too. :)
*Also, keep submitting your confessions and little things!! It's you grifters that keep this thing going!
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Here it is:
A Leverage Confessions sub-blog called “Little Leverage Things”
The idea behind came out of the fact that I get a ton of confessions that are short and sweet, which usually start with “I love…” (it could be a character, an object, the name of a con, a snappy catch phrase, a ship, a running gag, or pretty much any little thing that doesn’t require much explanation). Those are the ones that seem to get the most notes from y’all because most of them are things we all agree on. I just thought it would be fun to find a way to showcase all those little things that make our favourite show so flawless.
What happens next is up to you. If you like it, we’ll keep it. If not, consider it gone. There are a few sample ones up there right now just to give you an idea of what it will look like. Anyways, I’ll leave it in your hands now grifters. Let me know what you think! :)
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New confessions and little Leverage things will be posted starting tomorrow.
I also reblogged some stuff that might interest you all. In summary: WE'RE GETTING A SEASON 5 DVD!!!
I for one am a huge fan of the commentary so I'm completely beside myself with excitement and anticipation. As soon as I hear more details about release date and features I'll pass that info on to you all! :)
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GOOD NEWS #LEVERAGE FANS!! Fox has decided to release Season 5 DVD’s!!Details coming soon!!
— Dean Devlin (@Electric44) January 26, 2013
:D :D
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The Leverage Farewell Hangout on Air w/ Fans via You Tube Live!
Join Me +Beth Riesgraf   & +Aldis Hodge   for a +Leverage on TNT  Farewell Thank You Hang Out on Air with Fans  on the +Beth Riesgraf Fan Page   at 5pm PST / 8pm EST Feb 1st .  Aldis & I will be taking questions posted in the comments below and some lucky fans will be invited to participate in the hangout to ask their questions On Air Live. If you miss the Live broadcast it will uploaded to YouTube shortly after and we will share the link here to view at anytime. +Timothy Hutton    & +Christian Kane   are probable to participate too at this time.
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Hey, hey, post more.
More coming soon, I promise! Stay tuned! :D
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Hey guys, I'm still trying to get a count of which option you guys like better for the queue. (See previous post for details). Let me know your opinion by commenting on this post, the previous one, or send me a message in the ask box.
In the meantime, keep submitting confessions and I'll try to get some set up in the queue to start posting next week. :)
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You guys are so amazing! Proof positive that our fandom really is a family. We stick together, even through a cancellation.
Hopefully we'll get to see more of our favourite crew in some capacity in the future. I'll keep my ear to the ground and update you guys with anything I hear about all that. Feel free to send me a message or a link to anything you guys hear, that way we can all stay in the loop. :)
Now, let's get down to business:
I am a terrible blog runner. There, I've said it. I totally dropped off the face of the internet. My only defence was that I'm a full-time student with a part-time job, and with all the obligations that come with both those things (plus friends and family) the blog took a back seat.
I got a whack of messages asking if the confessions and little things blogs will continue following the cancellation and here's my answer: as long as you guys stay passionate about the show, I'll do my best to keep posting your submissions. At this point, the only way the show lives on is through the fans, and I'll do whatever I can to help.
That said, I'm still a student with a job and a family and friends. There's no way I can crank out as many confessions as I have in the past. So here's question to you: would you prefer that I set up the queue to post one confession a day a certain time each day OR would you rather that we pick one or two days a week (say Tues/Thurs) and I'll post a couple confessions throughout the day? Neither option is perfect, I get that, but right now it's the best I can do. Once summer comes, I should have more free time and we can re-evaluate then.
So let me know what work for you guys and we'll make it happen!
Love ya, Grifters! :)
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Vote for Leverage!
The polls are now open in our Tubey Awards, where fans vote for their favorite and most hated shows in everything from Best Series to Most Appalling Reality Star to Best Performance by an Inanimate Object. Leverage is up for a bunch of nominations in several categories, and I wanted to give you a heads up so your followers could help it take home an award.
Head to http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com/tubeys/nominees.php to vote! 
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Awesome idea! I just have a couple of questions - Can we start submitting little things now? Will you post things anonymously? Can we submit the little things on here or do we have to do it right on the little things site? That is alot of questions I know, LOL. Thanks for doing these blogs! You are my hero! c:
Thanks! I'll tackle those questions of yours
1. You can submit them anytime you'd like, starting tonight. No guarantee they'll be up right away but I'll do my best.
2. I'm thinking that I will probably be posting all little things anonymously, whether you submit them anon or not). I may end up doing the same thing on the main blog, just to encourage people to submit off anon. It helps me out if I know who submitted the confession in case I have a question about the wording. I'll let you know for sure in the next few days.
3. You can submit your "little Leverage things" on the confession blog, or vice versa. They all end up in the same inbox, so it really makes no difference.
Questions are always welcome! Chances are, if you're thinking it so is someone else.
Haha, thanks so much! I have a blast doing these! :D
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swingandtouchthestars answered your question: Here it is: A Leverage Confessions sub-blog...
I love it! But why can’t I reblog anything?
Sorry, i didn't realize this sooner. I honestly have no idea right now, but I'm going to play around with the theme tonight and tomorrow so I should have it going by tomorrow night. :)
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Here it is:
A Leverage Confessions sub-blog called "Little Leverage Things"
The idea behind came out of the fact that I get a ton of confessions that are short and sweet, which usually start with "I love…" (it could be a character, an object, the name of a con, a snappy catch phrase, a ship, a running gag, or pretty much any little thing that doesn't require much explanation). Those are the ones that seem to get the most notes from y'all because most of them are things we all agree on. I just thought it would be fun to find a way to showcase all those little things that make our favourite show so flawless.
What happens next is up to you. If you like it, we'll keep it. If not, consider it gone. There are a few sample ones up there right now just to give you an idea of what it will look like. Anyways, I'll leave it in your hands now grifters. Let me know what you think! :)
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You guys and gals ready for that surprise I mentioned a while back?
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Hello Grifters!
Long time no see! Totally my fault, I know. I am a horrible person. My only excuse is that I got completely caught up in term papers and exams. But I am happy to announce that I am back, so expect new confessions to be showing up on your dash by next week at the latest. I have missed you all and I can't wait to sift through all your confessions!
As always, the confession box is open. Hit it up any time. :)
Infinite thanks for all of your patience! You guys are awesome. Reminds me how much I love this fandom!
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