lgbtsheep · 2 years
A comprehensive list of all the AJC items I want, because I have ADHD and if I don’t make lists I’ll forget
(by Fall Out Boy)
In no particular order... unless you count in alphabetical order of the pages on the item worth wiki
(yes I went through every page. every. single. one.)
Since there’s a lot of items, i’ll put the ones I have a more present want for in bold!
Cavern crystal/cavern crystal cluster
Alpha armor set + training mat
Snow leopard slippers
Shark tail
Phantom beanie
Snow ruff
Art camp collection: digital art station, art camp hat
Banyan tree
Spiderweb hammock
Fire pit with spit
Lean-to shelter
Pale green and black clover leg warmers
Code camp workstation
Coral canyons wallpaper + floor
Large planter
Cactus (coral canyons)
Blue and black crystal pegasus armor set
Display meteroite
Covered in crystals bundle: all den items
I also want the rare crystal skully but that’s like.. so rare it’s of unknown worth lol
Legendary goat horns
Matsuri festival bundle: sakura tail, flying fish flag
Starry nights bundle: starry window, starry winter chair, starry winter table, star chart, starry frozen pond, starry winter lantern, aurora borealis, winter galaxy
Whimsical winter lights bundle: whimsical lights mushrooms, whimsical lights pond, whimsical lights tree
Brown and green worn spiked collar + matching worn spiked wristbands
Wizard direwolf plush
A double tail, unsure what color
Epic bat mask
Tomatoes because I know I had those at one point too but apparently also got rid of them!
Golden egg because again, I used to have it and I’m really going to throw hands with my past self at this point
Graham’s workshop: wood step ladder, wood chair, wood couch, wood and silver chest, wood and silver table, woven shoji screen, bamboo wind chime
Hanging vines
Mmmmaybe a headdress... iffy on them for obvious reasons but they are pretty
Small nest
Camping tent
Sushi stand
Acacia pet tree, cactus chair, lemonade stand, windmill, elephant throne... I have apparently traded all of these away. :(
Leap year items: rare table with orb, rare floor lamp, rare wood fence
Lit trees: lit palm tree, lit baobab tree, lit ornamental cedar
Spooky snow leopard plushie
Lucky clovers prizes: mystical standing stones, lucky shoji screen, lucky fireplace, ancient tower, clover patch
Mine shaft door
Nature archways: vines, moss, canyon
Phantom hoodie, white and/or purple
Phantoms! prizes: green tall phantom sculpture, green heavy phantom sculpture, phantom scarecrow
Default porch swing
Default, rim, and teal/purple raccoon tails
Magenta rose tiara
Nonmember pet phantom
Pet squirrel
Pet grasshopper
Pet mantis
Pet seal (a fluffy and mayhaps... magenta?)
Pet hedgehog
Pet ladybug
Space camp zero g experiments
Space ship command
Spring festival prizes: flowering peach tree, flowering apple tree, flowering orange tree, flowering plum tree, gazebo
Tiny tree
Tree stump items: wooden toy box, tree stump chair, tree stump table
Fluffy snow tree
Wood lawn chair
Blue yeti face
wow that was hell
edit: since I can’t edit my own post in a reblog but I wanna keep track of everything I’ve gotten I’ll just edit this post as I get them and put the things I’ve gotten below :D
Rare beta the claw
Fly trap
Leap year items: fluffy fox head, rare skinny lamp
Rare default colors star hat
Bamboo fences (could always use more tho)
Magenta and pink flower crowns
Windjammer hat
Peacock feathers
Police chief hat
Club geoz den music
Black long/other spikes :) could always use more again though lkjfdsfd
Black worn blanket
Orange and blue worn spiked collar
Fancy beret
Mystical faerie wings
Default and black and green club geoz hat and headphones
RIM and coal holiday sweaters
Ahoy sailor hat
Member pet phantom
Pet mouse
Blackout candy cane socks
Wood floor
Tan carpet
Pet firefly
Videography collection: white vlogger desk, white gamer desk, white gamer computer, white gamer chair, paw prints and blue lights vlogger backdrops
Enchanted faerie wings
Neon dance floor
Space camp lunar stage
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
Oh! Update I almost forgot to post!
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I'm sure this is a standard response, but hopefully they'll really pay attention this time!! :,)
hey all!! for those not in the jamblr discord server, im sending in a petition of sorts concerning issues and possible improvements we’ve all been talking about for forever and a half. i wanted to post it here so people would see it and know its a thing that’s happening! i’ll put it under a read more because it’s, uh… long. ^^;
Keep reading
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
how to get a free membership on animal jam (without financially supporting wild works)
so i’m sure we’re all aware of how shitty wild works has been recently. they announced that they’ve been developing an NFT-based game called cinder.
with that, i’ve made it my personal goal to enjoy the animal jam games as much as possible without giving a single cent to wild works. i’ve been exploiting the fuck out of every free sapphire/diamond/gem opportunity.
some new players are unaware that you can get a free membership that applies to both animal jam: play wild and animal jam classic, so i’m going to tell you guys the methods that i used :)
this post is really long because i’m talkative as shit. so click the “read more” thingie if you’re interested.
Keep reading
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
hey all!! for those not in the jamblr discord server, im sending in a petition of sorts concerning issues and possible improvements we’ve all been talking about for forever and a half. i wanted to post it here so people would see it and know its a thing that’s happening! i’ll put it under a read more because it’s, uh... long. ^^;
Hello! My name is Kaiden. I'm 18 years old and a long-time player of AJ (I've been playing for 9+ years: more than half of my life now). I've watched Animal Jam grow and develop, and all of the changes that have come with. I've loved Animal Jam since I was a kid, and still love it today, which is why I'm coming to you guys with a bit of feedback and a few ideas for AJ Classic. I apologize for contacting through the help desk and not through the purple feedback bubbles, but my message is far too long for the limited text box, and this was the only other way I could find to contact directly. It's clear that the focus has shifted towards Play Wild (sorry, but AJ Classic will always be Animal Jam to me!), and that's completely fine! No hard feelings. I understand that the target demographic is shifting towards mobile games and platforms, and that's something that Play Wild sought to meet. I haven't really played it much at all, but there do seem to be a lot of really cool new features. However, ever since that shift in focus, AJ Classic has become... a little stale. Nobody goes anywhere except for Jamaa Township, because there's nothing really new to do. I understand, some of this is just natural! Things are a lot different. The new generation of players probably isn't going to be roleplaying in Sarepia Forest like we did when we were young. Interests have changed. However, I do have a few ideas that I think would be really great, both to give back to veteran players and to refresh some interest for newer players. I'll be dividing these ideas into two categories: things that require completely new content to be made, and things that don't, or only require small changes. Again, I understand more time and effort is going to be invested into the new game, so maybe super big changes won't be possible. But hey, a Jammer can dream! Doesn't require new content -I'm going to be honest, a lot of this is going to be nonmember stuff. However, I promise this shouldn't take away from the experience of being a member; rather, it should make the experience of being a nonmember more enjoyable. -First, allow nonmembers to buy member items. This doesn't mean they should be able to use them, just simply have them in their inventory. This is advantageous mostly for RIMs that are member locked: nonmembers won't miss out on them, and it doesn't create an unfair rarity advantage for members. Additionally, a player may want to buy a limited item for when they have a membership later. It only makes sense, considering nonmembers can receive member items in trades. It's a small change, but a huge game changer. -In the same vein, allow nonmembers to buy from other player's shops. The shop feature was a fantastic idea! It's become a super quick and easy way to get rare fast. Except... nonmembers don't have access to that, and once again, it creates kind of an unfair advantage for members. This in combination with the previous idea would also allow for nonmembers to purchase rare member items that are used as trading currency, such as collars, wrists, and certain den betas! -Double nonmember animal slots. Maybe that seems like a lot, but members get *a thousand* slots. That's a huge difference! It's so frustrating having to choose between having another land animal I think is cute and access to the underwater biomes. This would be absolutely huge, and once again, not take away from the essentially unlimited slots that members have. -And... The Forgotten Desert. It was another great win when all the adventures became accessible to all Jammers! Except, TFD is still unofficially member locked, because only members can buy the flying animals required to access it. One solution I have for this is to make at least one flying animal nonmember. It can be the least popular one! I'm not judging! TFD is another huge rare item mine that's so, so valuable. I remember getting a black long collar from it when I had a membership. That was my first rare collar ever! Rarity in the game is supposed to be something accessible to all Jammers. It's through measures like these we can prevent an environment in which it feels like you have to pay to be rare. -Also, once more in the same vein, make some underwater animals nonmember! I know it can be done: I recall when some of the less popular member animals were made accessible to nonmembers. Making more underwater animals more accessible will spur players towards the underwater biomes again. -And finally... It's time to talk about the chat filter. C'mon... you guys already know where I'm going with this. Safety is important, especially in a game targeted towards children! However, the chat filter... doesn't really achieve that so much as it just makes life difficult. I'm not saying to get rid of it! But it does need some real fixing. It censors harmless words yet allows some actual heinous stuff to get through. Just the other day, my message got blocked for... what I can only assume is spam? I was advertising trading in Jamaa Township, and I guess I just repeated myself too many times, because the filter blocked the exact same thing that was fine before. In the end, I just had to give up and log off. This type of thing is discouraging and frustrating sometimes, and can make communication with other Jammers difficult. -This is more of a quality of life type thing, but it would be fantastic if member items didn't clear off of member animals once someone's membership expired. One of the joys of Animal Jam is making a bunch of fun looks on your animal avatar! These labors of love can also take some time to craft, and be difficult to remember when you have so many animals. But once the membership expires, they disappear, and it can be very discouraging to those who want to renew their membership or who simply forgot to. It was fantastic when this issue was fixed with membership dens, so let's extend it to membership animals as well! It's so much easier when things remain exactly as they were, just inaccessible, when a membership expires (except, of course, for the nonmember animals you choose to keep). Requires new content -PLEASE, more underwater items. It's so sad to see how the underwater biomes have become obsolete, because they're beautiful environments! There are just so little underwater clothing and den items, and even less nonmember options. New underwater content, even just clothing items, will encourage players to pay more attention to these areas again. -Another solution for the The Forgotten Desert situation is to make a new nonmember flying animal entirely! I've seen ideas such as a chickadee, or a very small flying animal about the size of the bunnies in-game. Personally, I vote for a bat animal! I adore bats and would probably cry actual tears of joy if I could play as one. -Oh my goodness, new adventures! We want to know more about Balloosh and what happened to it! We want to know more about Juno! Balloosh is such a gorgeous biome with incredible music and I hate to see nobody going there anymore after all the hype died down. An adventure focused on uncovering the whole mystery of Balloosh, and not just the vague story we have now, would be absolutely monumental. -Some more JAG dialogue options for nonmembers would be nice. If you don't want to allow nonmembers to have complete freedom in typing JAGs as a member benefit, that's fine, but communicating through JAGs with the limited options is very difficult! If someone says, "JAG me if you have this item for trade," and I do, I have no way of really telling them that. -Another thing that could draw more attention to the underwater features is underwater parties! Perhaps even a play-as-your-pet underwater party! That about sums it up. I know a lot of these are nonmember focused, but after having played as both a member and a nonmember, I really feel that they won't take away from the appeal of being a member (seriously, being a member is like a whole other world!), but instead relieve some of the frustration of nonmembers face for people who don't have access to that kind of money, renew interest in the game for a lot of players, and give back to players (like me!) who have been here since the beginning. I truly hope this feedback is helpful, since I know a lot of Jammers like myself feel the exact same way: in fact, some of these ideas are directly from other Jammers! Thank you so very much for your time and consideration. Jam on!
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
You won't get much from fer.al, it's basically sunsetted at this point
Damn :( I still wanna see what it's all about because I can't remember if I even got done creating my character (got too overwhelmed with all the freedom lol) but that sucks to hear that it's not very active
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
balloosh is so underrated imo it's got such a nice atmosphere and probably my favorite music in the game next to bahari bay :( i wish more people visited it
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
I completely understand why AJHQ is focusing more on play wild due to their target demographic (children) shifting more towards mobile devices as opposed to computers. I just wish animal jam classic would get more attention and like, ACTUAL new content (as opposed to bringing old stuff back every now and then or continuing to bring in super unoriginal item designs)... At least give something back to the people who are still playing! I would be happy with literally the simplest stuff such as more nonmember animal slots or nonmembers being able to buy but not use member items or MORE UNDERWATER CONTENT?? PLEASE?? The underwater biomes are even more obsolete than some of the most forgotten about land biomes and there's literally noooo underwater items 😭 it could be the simplest little things but it would mean so! much!
(also I am still SO OFFENDED at them changing animal jam to animal jam classic and play wild to animal jam... The ABSOLUTE DISRESPECT)
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
I'm so mad nonmembers can't buy from other users shops thats like literally the easiest way to get rare
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lgbtsheep · 2 years
[finally logs into animal jam again after like 15 bajillion years and immediately becomes obsessed with the trading scene again]
So anyway is anyone willing to trade a db claw machine and db gecko plush for a short black wrist 😅
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lgbtsheep · 3 years
Literally haven't been on since before the security breach because I don't want to change my password because it's been the same password since I was NINE so I've been avoiding logging on 😔 I also want to start playing feral but I don't have TIMEEEEE
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lgbtsheep · 4 years
mspaint doodles of The Homies
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lgbtsheep · 4 years
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lgbtsheep · 4 years
how to sell shit in den shops for reasonable prices 101
this is the only time i will use math outside of school 😳
AIGHT so these bad boys are fuckin life savers for getting rare fast (if you like uhh buying rares from shops or something i guess???)
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based on what the majority of people claim the “fair amount” is, den betas land around 20-30 diamonds 
each rim is worth like 1 diamond, most db’s are worth 20 rims so i guess this makes sense
pretty much just take an item you want to sell and multiply how many db’s it’s worth by 20 if it’s worth is only listed in rims you pretty much just need to price it how many rims its worth lmao, so like something worth 3 rims is 3 diamonds
clothing betas are worth half of db’s so there you go, go get yourself 10-15 diamonds from that fox hat 
to kinda put this into a more uhh clear perspective, heres a dumb thing that i half regret making because spikes are kinda dumb but thats all people wanna buy from shops these days smh
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fun fact, black longs were at one points like 12k diamonds i thiiiiiiiiiink?? honestly either way they are entirely unbuyable so good luck 
honestly just marathon TFD and sell the wof’s you dont want for like 20 diamonds and then bam youre rich and capitalism is your best friend
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lgbtsheep · 4 years
OH, may as well post here:
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UNFORTUNATELY I can't play it until I can get my computer fixed because my old one can't handle fer.al and with this quarantine idk when I'll be able to have it fixed ;; SO I HAVE TO WATCH EVERYBODY ELSE PLAY IT AND CRY
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lgbtsheep · 4 years
It's so weird going on Animal Jam now in 2020 and seeing all the new jammers who don't know squat because I have been using it since 2011 and let me tell you, it was a weird.
Regular wolves were the absolute coolest thing ever.
The Pillow Room was originally a doctor's office.
The Arcade and diamonds didn't exist.
Instead of the Diamond Room in Jamal Township, there was a dance party room (kind of like a club).
Only members could change the colors of items.
Some of the newest animals were the average foxes and dolphins.
We had these vampires vs werewolves wars. I was a vampire. So you would pretty much change your eye color to red, wear sunglasses or sunhats to Crystal Sands, and only drink the red strawberry smoothies. Telling someone you were a "vamp" (short for vampire) was as big of a deal as coming out as gay. You would even invite some people over to your den and take turns "sucking their blood" and turning them into a vampire. To this day, I am still a vamp.
When the Summer Carnival was invented, not only was it fun, but it was a HUGE deal- like a real life carnival was in town.
During the Obama vs McCain election in 2012, everyone danced in Jamal Township and colored themselves either blue or red, depending on who they wanted to win.
Everyone would go to the movie theater and rewatch the same video of gekos over and over again.
All you had to do to get a date was to make a heart reaction at someone. If they did it back, tada! You're a couple. (My first plushie ended up looking like my "online boyfriend" so I still have it. I don't even remember who that guy was.
You never saw someone's usernamr unless you clicked on their animal. As people were just walking around, you saw their animal's name (example, all of my avatars are named Blossom Spiritstar).
It was not uncommon to have a "plushie party" where people would completely cover their entire dens in plushies. If you really liked one, the owner could gift it to you or trade a pillow for it or something.
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lgbtsheep · 5 years
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Here’s the Fanasty Castle den I wanted to make! I’m so so happy how it turned out. I hope you guys enjoy it!
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lgbtsheep · 5 years
Hey, Skylareen again. I know! Please just give it a look! I tried taking your advice into account on a different den because I personally liked the design I had for sunken ship ^^
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i should’ve noticed the first time…
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