liaaaannee · 1 year
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“I do not yearn to be their equal. In my heart, I yearn to best them.”
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liaaaannee · 1 year
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time: A Book Review
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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time has been critically acclaimed and won several awards, including the Whitbread Book Award and the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize.
It has also been hailed as a groundbreaking book that demonstrates how literature can be used to explore complex issues such as autism and family dynamics. It has also been praised for its unique narrative structure, which captures the experience of someone with autism by combining Christopher's vivid descriptions of his thoughts and feelings. In addition, it has garnered much acclaim for its exploration of communication breakdowns, as well as its compassionate portrayal of Christopher and his struggles.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a powerful novel that masterfully combines humor and insight with a touching story about overcoming life's challenges.
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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a 2003 novel by Mark Haddon. It tells the story of Christopher John Francis Boone, an autistic 15-year-old boy from Swindon, England, who investigates the death of his neighbor's dog Wellington.
The book follows Christopher as he embarks on a journey to uncover the mystery of the dog's death while also facing several challenges and dealing with his own difficulties. Along the way, he meets a variety of characters who help him in different ways – from his father to Mrs. Shears to Siobhan. The novel is narrated by Christopher himself and delves into themes such as autism, family dynamics, and communication breakdowns. As Christopher's investigation into the death of Wellington progresses, he is also forced to confront his own feelings and fears and come to terms with who he is. In the end, Christopher solves the mystery of Wellington's death while learning a lot about himself in the process.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a story of courage, understanding, and self-discovery. It is an insightful and thought-provoking book that will stay with readers long after they close the last page.
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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a book that remains close to my heart. Despite being unconventional compared to my usual genre of science fiction, this piece of a murder mystery novel is heartwarming and led me to reread it every time with giddiness. The main character, Christopher, is what most people refer to nowadays as neurodivergent. He struggles with understanding emotions and looks at the world as linearly as books teach him. He is good at maths, and one may think that this type of perspective is bleak, but Christopher's overview of the events surrounding him is interesting and entertaining.
The way the story is delivered is through Christopher's notes in his book. His therapist, Siobhan, encouraged him to detail every interesting moment in his life and wrote a novel to try his skills outside of his comfort zone. And so, the way the story is set up is unconventional. He wrote the order of chapters in prime numbers, and he cataloged pretty unnecessary details, but for him, it contained a deeper meaning. His writing portrays the "curious" in the title of the book since he wrote from his unique perspective.
Even though it is a murder mystery novel, Christopher mostly takes comfort in numbers and their laws. It was wonderfully crafted that even I, a person who most likely gets bored studying maths, was enraptured and understood the concept the main character was trying to point out. My favorite concepts were the Monty Hall problem and the Hound of Baskerville problem in a Sherlock Holmes novel. These are the perfect examples of how he thinks, and it is comforting to know that there are people like him who view the world in a unique way.
I sort of relate to the effect of people in Christopher's mind. If I am in a crowd, I always get overwhelmed and have the urge to just lie down and scream. My mind is blurry, and I cannot focus on the conversations around me. I think it would be more difficult for Christopher since he is on the autism spectrum and has difficulty understanding emotions. Still, I am glad that it is something other people experience as well, and I am not the only one who is struggling with this.
Overall, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is an enjoyable book that took me by surprise with its linear yet detailed story and unconventional approach to a murder mystery novel. It shows us that mathematics can be used as a way to understand emotions and complex problems. It is a book that I highly recommend when you are feeling overwhelmed and need to find your own way of understanding the world.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is truly a unique novel and one I would highly recommend to any reader looking for an interesting story with deep characters. It also serves as an important reminder that our differences in understanding the world can be embraced and used as a strength. It is an engaging and thought-provoking read that will leave you reflecting on your own worldview long after you've finished the book.
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Psychological/Psychoanalytic Criticism
On a psychological level, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time can be read as an exploration of Christopher's mental state and his attempts to make sense of his world. It is often seen as an example of how someone with autism can learn to cope with the condition while also exploring their own emotions and gaining self-awareness. Psychoanalysis has also been used to explore the ways in which family dynamics and gender roles play a role in the book, with a particular focus on Christopher's relationship with his father. In this way, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time can be seen as an exploration of how individuals react to their environment and how they learn to cope with it.
Feminist Criticism
The novel has also been analyzed from a feminist perspective, with some critics arguing that the female characters in the novel are defined almost exclusively by their relation to men. Particularly, they point out how Mrs. Shears and Siobhan are often portrayed as mother figures to Christopher, while his own mother is absent from much of the narrative. Psychoanalysis has been used to explore why this might be, with some suggesting that Christopher's difficulty forming relationships with other women could be attributed to his mother's departure when he was young. However, they also point out how Siobhan is an ultimately devoted figure who plays a key role in helping Christopher come to terms with his autism.
Sociological criticism
From a sociological perspective, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time can be seen as an exploration of how minorities are treated in society. Christopher's autism makes him different from other people, and this is something that he often has to contend with. He also faces discrimination and misunderstanding due to his condition, which highlights how even those with disabilities can be subjected to prejudice. This can also be seen in his relationship with his father, which is often strained due to their differences and inability to communicate properly. Ultimately, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time provides an insight into how people with disabilities are treated in society and how they must struggle against prejudices and misunderstanding.
Deconstructionist criticism
Lastly, deconstructionist critics have argued that The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is an exploration of how language and communication can be used to obscure and distort meaning. This is seen most notably in Christopher's difficulty with understanding what people are saying and his struggle to express himself properly. In this way, the novel can be seen as an exploration of how language can be used to manipulate and deceive, which is something that Christopher has to contend with throughout the story.
Overall, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is an insightful and thought-provoking novel that can be interpreted from several perspectives. While it deals with many difficult issues, it ultimately has a hopeful message about facing life's challenges head-on and learning to make sense of the world around you.
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Round characters: Christopher Boone is the main protagonist of the story and a round character. He changes throughout the course of his journey, becoming more accepting of himself and his circumstances. His father is also a round character as he undergoes several changes over the course of the novel, ultimately embracing change and learning to open up to those around him.
Flat characters: Siobhan is a flat character as she remains the same throughout the novel and does not undergo any changes. She is Christopher's teacher and supporter, but her role in the story does not evolve much beyond that.
Static characters: Judy Boone is a static character as she does not undergo any significant changes throughout the story. She is Christopher's mother and remains largely absent from the novel, only appearing briefly at a few points to provide support for her son.
Dynamic characters: Roger Shears is a dynamic character as he changes significantly over the course of the novel. In the beginning, he is a kind and supportive neighbor, which leads to Christopher's mother falling in love and moving out with him, but as the story progresses, he reveals himself to be a selfish and manipulative man. His change in character is an important part of the plot and serves to demonstrate how people can have multiple layers and sides to them.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is mostly set in Swindon, England.
One of the main themes in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is communication and understanding. Throughout his journey, Christopher must learn to understand and accept those around him in order to move forward. He must learn to express his thoughts and feelings in a new way, which is often difficult given his autism.
The novel also explores the concept of family and belonging. Christopher's journey forces him to confront the truth about his parents and their relationship, leading him to question where he fits into the world. He ultimately discovers that his family is much larger and more supportive than he could have ever expected, providing him with newfound strength to face his troubles.
Point of View
The novel is written in the first-person point of view from Christopher's perspective. This allows readers to gain insight into his thoughts and feelings as he experiences new things, making it easier to sympathize with him and understand his struggles. The novel also incorporates elements of detective fiction as Christopher hunts for clues in order to solve the mystery of who killed Wellington, the neighbor's dog.
The main conflict in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is internal. Christopher struggles to make sense of his world and the people around him, which leads to feelings of confusion, frustration, and fear. He must find a way to express himself without pushing away those who care about him, as well as learn how to accept himself despite his autism. This inner conflict drives the story forward as Christopher searches for answers and learns to embrace change.
The mood of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is both hopeful and tense. Despite Christopher's struggles, there are moments of optimism as he learns to open up to those around him and discovers the truth about his family. At the same time, there is a sense of tension and suspense due to the mystery plotline that keeps readers guessing until the very end.
One of the main symbols in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is Christopher's pet rat, Toby. Throughout the novel, Toby serves as a companion and confidante for Christopher, giving him someone to talk to and occupy his thoughts with. His relationship with Toby symbolizes his need for understanding and comfort.
The murder of Wellington also serves as a symbol in the novel. The murder reflects Christopher's struggles to understand and communicate with those around him, as well as his difficulty in dealing with change and unexpected events.
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liaaaannee · 2 years
An Ode To My Youth
They say we're shooting stars
Children wish for in their dreams
But what would eternity call it,
instead of nothing but a farce?
Our light burns so bright,
Faster than the speed of sound
But it's extinguished in a blink
and all that's left behind
is a memory of its glory.
finite beings in an infinite universe,
we search for something to hold on to
but everything we touch turns to dust.
And yet we still try
To build something that will last
but it all crumbles in our hands.
Our time is but a moment
A single flicker in the grand scheme of things
But we try to make it last
by holding on to what we love.
And even though we know
That everything fades away eventually,
We still can't help but hope
That our light will shine on forever.
So, I say to you, dear little girl
Be wary of your wishes in turn.
With one red fruit, you'll succumb
To that devoid chaos, we burn.
And with one red fruit
You'll be cursed to wonder and yearn.
For what could have beens
and what might never be.
So, I say to you now,
Be careful what you wish for.
It just might come true.
Be gay. Be comfortable. Be free.
Long before the monster becomes your only friend
Because there are far worse hells to endure
Than a mere entity under your bed.
Long before you can no longer see the beauty in the world,
And all you're left with is endless pain and hurt.
I say to you now, while you're still young and naïve
Enjoy your time while it lasts.
Make the most of every moment
Before it's gone in a flash.
Life is too short to waste
On things that don't matter.
So, go out and live
Like there's no tomorrow.
And thus, what I learned is to be believed.
Youth is fleeting, but that's not a bad thing.
Its beauty is its stupidity, the utter hypocrisy.
Because it's how we learn and don't abide
by society's dumb prophecies.
And to all the kids who think they're invincible
You might be, but not for long.
That's why you should make the most of it
Before it's gone in a flash like a song.
So, be brave. Be kind. Be strong.
And never forget how to dream big.
For we are but shooting stars
Fading away into the night.
And even though our time is brief,
We should still try to make it bright.
So, I say to you now,
Go out and shine like the sun.
And never let anyone tell you
You can't reach for the stars.
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liaaaannee · 2 years
Open Sesame
A 21st Century Literature Short Story
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Palawan is the safe haven you never knew!
I remember that significant headline from Itay's paper on the last day of school. And I guess it is true. It is in the newspaper, after all.
I've never been outside this island, yet people always say it is the best island in the world. With white sand beaches and the diversity of flora and fauna, there is a reason why many tourists often come to visit us here in the province.
It is advantageous for Ma's spot in the pasalubong center, where many foreigners gather for souvenirs. It is one of the reasons why they sent me off to live with my grandmother, as they can't take care of me while handling their business.
But it is okay for me! Lola's place on the shorelines is pretty awesome. It is situated one hour away from the mainland and is hidden away with a huge cliff and mountains in its periphery.
They call it Nagtabon Beach. I do not know why but I guess because it is hidden away from the city, it is literally "nagtabon." And even by how far it is, many people come here on weekends to surf and swim in its crystal blue waters.
Once, I was also an avid fan of the waves, but when I was seven years old, I almost drowned in what the officials refer to as "riptide" in the ocean. Luckily, the surfers came to my disposal and helped me get to the shore. I never went back to the waters ever since.
But no matter! Nagtabon is not only famous for its beach. I've spent many times canvassing the rock formations with my cousins as we try to reach the top of the cliff. My Lola is pretty chill, so we can go out all day and return home with a steaming dinner of freshly caught fish already served on the table.
There is one thing Lola warned us, though. Before we come out and play, she always menacingly say that “Iho, ano mang gawin mo, huwag kayong papasok sa kweba sa dulo ng bundok. Huwag niyo iistorbohin ang mga engkanto dyaan.”
And as a kid, I never questioned her advice. I guess even with just one glance at that distant cave, I always got easily spooked and ran away with my cousins, never wanting to see a tikbalang or a kapre in sight.
That soon changed last summer. My memories are still hazy because of what happened. It's like my brain deleted those events, and I can't access them, no matter how hard I think about it.
But I think it went like this. The summer solstice was at its highest, so a lot of us in the vicinity gathered and had a campfire party. Some of the surfers and lifeguards began exchanging creepy stories about the beach, spooking us younger guests.
“Huy balita mo yung hinila na babae ng alon at hindi na nakita?”
“Old news yan pare, dito sa Nagtabon ang dami na namamatay, lalo na mga kabataan. Hindi lang nirereport sa balita para yung mga turista tuloy lang sa pagpunta.”
And so that goes on and forth. It was old news to me as it was just recycled stories from past gatherings. Sure there are people who drowned here, but the cases soon swindled down as lifeguards were installed.
Hearing me scoff, the storytellers looked at me and said, “Sige nga Perez, tutal dito ka pumupunta tuwing bakasyon. Sa tingin mo totoo na may humihila sa ilalim ng tubig?”
“Hay nako mga kuya, hindi ba sinabi na may riptide lang dito sa Nagtabon? Kaya may mga kweba na napupuno dahil sa lakas ng alon dito. Basic Science ho yan.” I said breezily.
They soon laughed off what I said and continued exchanging stories. Bored by the discussion, I got up from the sand and walked away to clear up my alcohol-laden mind.
“Naniniwala ka ba sa mga engkantos?” A voice snuck up to me out of nowhere. It came from my cousin, Mikhael.
“Sus makita ko lang yan eh tadyakan ko yan.”
With lowered inhibitions, I challenged him to see those so-called engkantos that were the reason for dead bodies on the beach. And so went to the nearest creepy area we could find in the area.
And you guessed it correctly —we went to the one place my Lola repeatedly told us never to go to, the distant cave by the cliff.
Mikhael and I climbed down the rocks. We were glad that the entrance was not blocked by the strong waves as it was a new moon. We snuck up behind the sharp stones and squeezed ourselves into the gap entrance of the cave.
At first glance, I immediately thought, "That's it?" We were pretty disappointed with what we could see beyond the darkness. It seems that it's just a hollow cave with limestones forming and algae growing on its moldy walls.
We explored the area as far as our eyes could see. There isn't anything creepy to look at, and any noises were drowned out by the waves crashing on the shore.
"Psst. Perez, tignan mo to.” Mikhael pointed his lips to the large rock in the middle. He signaled me to come to see what he had discovered.
“Bakit nakaplastic yung buhangin?” I asked.
My cousin looked at me expectantly and began to laugh. “Ganyan ka ba talaga ka inosente? Insann!! Shabu yan! Gaya ng nakita ko sa drug bust sa kapitbahay ko nakaraang taon.”
My eyes filled with wonder and amazement. We expected supernatural experiences here, but not in any way we expected! We noticed more stashes of plastics hidden under the large rock.
"Treasure hunt na ito, boy." We looked at each other and grinned, knowing we had the same ideas in our minds.
That night started off the countdown of the best moments of my life. After every supper, my cousin and I sneaked out of our rooms to take part in this addicting pleasure. We figured out how to intake it, and soon we were high off the rocks, looking at the starry night sky in a psychedelic haze.
“Perez, sa tingin mo may mga engkanto pa rin dito?” Mikhael slurringly asked me.
“Engkanto man o wala, at least nakahanap tayo ng ginto sa gitna ng kawalan. Kung ang mga kapre man ang gumawa nito, e’di SALAMAAAAAATTT.” My voice rang out in echoes around the cave, repeating my last words endlessly in the air.
After a few moments, I got up and took a leak at the side of the cave. I returned, silently chuckling as it seemed my cousin was passed out on the shore from our latest bout of illegal consumption.
I kicked him in the shins, trying to wake him up so we could return home. But Mikhael kept flopping like a fish out of water. I kneeled next to him and assisted with his coughs, patting his back in a condescending manner.
But at each cough he exploded outside his mouth, I noticed that red spots kept coming out in large amounts. With my drug-laden mind, I soon recognized that warm liquid as blood. Alarmed by what happened, I immediately stood up to seek help. I moved my cousin away from the shore and tried to go out when suddenly, a large figure blocked my way.
I did not immediately register what was happening and was too late to miss the incoming fist directed at my face. Pain bloomed around my jaw and immediately woke me up from my high state.
I backed out of the way as screams rang in my ears, not recognizing them to be mine. Knife slashes appeared around Mikhael and me; he was being slaughtered by this stranger who kept approaching until blood stained our clothes red, with his life's fluids spurting onto our faces.
The second I saw the figure pull out my cousin's remains, adrenaline flooded through me. A sob caught in my throat as sweat and tears blurred my vision while panic slowed down everything around us. But somehow, I was still pushing myself to escape that cave as soon as possible.
The sand beneath me shuddered with each step that approached. The dark figure loomed over, laughing at my fearful struggles before grabbing hold and dragging me into an awaiting shade where there would be no more sunlight or starlight available for what seemed like an eternity. I tried to crawl away, begging all the deities in my life to save me from this inevitable hell.
Hearing those pleas, the stranger just laughed and mockingly whispered, “Hindi ba kayo nakinig sa sinabi nila? Huwag niyo iistorbohin ang mga engkanto sa kweba na to.”
What soon followed was my dying screams for help from whoever was out there. It soon quietened as the blood trickled down my throat, preventing me from speaking. The darkening skies above me were finally closing in on the last dim light that filtered through my eyelids as if they wanted to seal away every last bit of hope I had left.
At that moment, I realized a harsh lesson. Far worse than any monsters lurking in meadows are people who hide behind their masks, who can easily discard someone's life as if they were mere toys.
So let me ask you again, do you believe in engkantos?
Open sesame.
Close sesame.
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liaaaannee · 2 years
Fic recs <3
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Apologies... this is about a month and a half late (and tumblr won't let me reply to the asks directly or add links 🙃) but here is my list of tomarry/harrymort fic recs! It's quite long so click to read >>
As a general rule: Tomarry fics in blue, Harrymort fics in red. I don't remember all these fics and some are hard to classify so.... some may be wrong
anyway, enjoy x
Authors that you should read:
ObsidianPen; No Glory, Mine/Hauntingly, Blood and Gold (for Tomione fans)
Child_OTKW; Consuming Shadows, you belong to me (i belong to you) (and check out their tumblr too)
Slexenskee; crawlersout (femHarry), yebisu, Cheap (Bad) Dance Moves, grandloves (this could be) (femHarry) and more!
MaidenMotherCrone; Diagnosis, euphoria, political animals, how large the teeth, The Fairest Saga and more!
MayMarlow; The Train to Nowhere, If Them's the Rules and more!
Lomonareen; His Darkest Devotion, His Twenty-Eighth Life, Genius by the Numbers and many more!
Paimpont; To Kill You With a Kiss, To the Waters and the Wild (as far as I remember hasn't got to the ship part yet but I love it so read it) and more!
The_Carnivorous_Muffin; When Harry Met Tom (femHarry), Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus (femHarry), October, The Unwinding Golden Thread and more!
Maeglin-Yedi; The Darkening of Your Soul, The Necromancer, To Live Is The Rarest Thing, Between Thought and Reality and more!
asterisms; Let's talk sugar, Hands up, it's a hold up, a boy so pretty (such a pity), tempor · al | ary, (i wanna) cut to the feeling and more!
NeuroWriter14; For Your Entertainment, Do Not Go Quietly into That Good Night, But I Can Break You and more!
RenderedReversed; The Game, Invisible Man, Seventeen Years and more!
TreacleTeacups; The Untouchable, Byzantium (femHarry), Last Son of Black and more!
DreamerMichiyo; Guardian Angel, The Call of A Vampire, Offer of Immortality and more!
wynnebat; The Hell Is Your Son and Other Stories series, Snake Shop, The Emperor and the Star and more!
Athy; my first real introduction to this pairing years and years ago from these fics Again and Again, Meddling of a Mischief Maker, Rebirth
More Tomarry Fics
Wear Me Like A Locket Around Your Throat by VivyPotter
Why Hari curses the Black Ancestral Home by 1000percentDoneWithThisShist (femHarry)
Hem of Your Garment by adVENTitiious, Cathartic
The Impossibility of Parallels by Angel_of_Mysteries
The Dark Lord Inside by Melodramaticx
The Magicweaver by Anonymous
Before the Storm by Ars_Matron
Field Theory by machiavelli
Blurring Reality by Terrific Lunacy
When in Rome: The Duology series by XblackcatwidowX
The Incantation of the Oak-Priest by relic_crown
It's A Masquerade, Darling by ChubbyPanda15
How to prevent a War by CrazyJanaCat
she walks in beauty series by mayfriend
The Portrait by DariaSilver
The Divine Right of Kings series by darklordtomarry (alarminghella)
What Souls Are Made Of by Emeralds_and_Lilies
Words Fail by NeaMarika
Animus, Anima: English version by Maiathoustra
I must be your favourite, right? by FlyingLizards
Trapezing Through Time by lothtor
Rewritten by goodmorninglove
To Be Set Free by Merrinpippy
love is touching souls (surely you touched mine) by ToAStranger
The Spellmaker by SonnyGietzel
A Memory of Shadow by Insidious1604
The Problem With Soulmarks Is by LadyAramisGrey
Stab Right Through by The_wig_is_a_metaphor
The Shrike (to your sharp and glorious thorn) by PaperWorlds
The Sun by clammyhands
Fire Born by wickedlfairy17 (femHarry)
More Harrymort Fics
Mi Aedijekit by local_doom_void
End Without Sorrow by Aerlinnn
Children of the Revolution by AlexisVV
The Historical Importance of Runic War Warding in the British Isles by samvelg (femHarry)
Rebuilt by Terrific Lunacy
In Somno Veritas by ansketil, ladyoflilacs
Your Name on My Heart by whitedandelions
Love in the Dark by ShoulderTallAbyss
draw me after you (let us run) by ToAStranger
The only sound is the overflow by Cartonsofcartoons
for love is always with you by cordeliawrites (femHarry)
The Wand Chooses by DreamerEye
Fault Lines by SofiaBane
The Emerald Connection by TheLastNero
Flight by Miraculous, RedHorse
Appetence by elysian_drops (femHarry)
A Snake Named Voldemort by orphan_account
Resurrect The Living by fascinationex
The Devil's Tithe by Shihane
Death is but the Next Great Adventure by TheObsidianQuill
The Consequences of A Binding Ritual by teecup_angel
harry.exe has stopped working by inksmachine
In Death, Standby by Sophisme
Hidden in Plain Sight by Shadow Riser
The Art of Hidden Personas by whitedwarf
*BONUS* Fics that I live/laugh/love with emphasis on the laugh
Harry Potter and the Greatest Show by shadowscribe
Kudosed, Bookmarked, Subscribed by maquira
Full circle by tetsurashian
Heir Apparent by MonsieurClavier
Dark Livestream by Anna_Hopkins
Ribbon Tied Right by Snowy_Rain
A Dead Man's Guide to Reliving Your Youth series by Spork_in_the_Road
The Definition of Insanity by Anacharis
Foolish behavior by Anonymous
Eternal Hilarity by Luxis
Shorter Fics (<25,000 words)
Sound The Death Knell by Tsume_Yuki (femHarry)
dead before midnight by maquira
Burnt Ice Cream by Rhodium
Don't Fuck With Florists (They'll Fuck You Up) by MayMarlow
Saved by Hufflepuff Friendship by whitedandelions
Relativity. by Ideasofmarch
Opia by Acnara
And six seconds by Acnara
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by Watermelonsmellinfellon
Aconitum by VivyPotter
But For You, I Did by duplicity
Nemo by Phnx
The Rigmarole Dance by cannibalinc
I haven't actively searched for tomarry/harrymort fics over the last year, so if you know of some newer ones then please rec them in the replies! And any others that you think need to be read ~
(authors, lmk if you want me to remove your fics of this list)
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liaaaannee · 2 years
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Other Tomarry fanarts. Also in Twitter and AO3.
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liaaaannee · 2 years
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Illustrations for Manacled by @senlinyuwrites This was such a compelling and heartbreaking story! Thanks so much for writing and sharing it!
Part 2
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liaaaannee · 2 years
Im in love
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You could live your life in comfort, vibrant like a flower. In my memory that’s the kind of life all noble women of Joseon resorted to. I’m not much different. My life is also vibrant. The only difference is that I wish to be a flame. When I’m out in the field, I always think about the weight of death. So I take my shot carefully and retreat quickly. You’ve seen me do so. When we wear Western clothes and cover our faces, we become faceless and nameless. We become only of the Righteous Army. That’s why we need one another. I know it’s cruel to my grandfather, but I wish to burn brightly and then wilt. Like a flame. I do fear death, but I made up my mind.
Kim Tae-ri as Go Ae-shin in MR. SUNSHINE
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liaaaannee · 2 years
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liaaaannee · 2 years
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liaaaannee · 2 years
I am currently watching the Netflix series 'Twenty-Five, Twenty-One'. The title did seem familiar idk why. But when I read the plot, nothing came to my mind until I watched the ending of episode 2. They used the masterpiece '스물다섯, 스물하나' from Jaurim's 2013 album Goodbye,Grief.
Now, idk how many of you actually know this song. But I do recommend you listening to it. It I'd beautiful and you can relate the characters of the drama with this song.
However, this is a sad song. The lyrics are:
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They met and fell in love at age of 25 and 21. They thought they'd stay together forever but they don't. Now it just remains in their memory.
Does this seem familiar? That's the plot of this drama. So this show having a sad ending is very much possible. Considering how Na Hee-do's daughter's name is Kim Min-chae. Kim, not Baek or Na or Shin. And we did see how Hee-do's mother said she saw Baek Yi-jin sometime ago. Moreover, Min-chae asked her grandmother who Yi-jin is.
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He may or may not be her father, who knows. We may or may not get a happy ending. But what I do know is that both Na Hee-do and Baek Yi-jin are alive in the 2022 timeline and that is all that matters for now.
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I'm manifesting a happy ending but despite of the ending I'm sure we'll be satisfied by how this drama ends. I have faith in them. Even if they aren't the endgame, I know I'm going to love this drama a lot
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liaaaannee · 2 years
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liaaaannee · 2 years
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Kim Tae-ri on the set of The Handmaiden (2016) dir. Park Chan-wook
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liaaaannee · 2 years
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liaaaannee · 2 years
Just kill me 😭
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Today, I am the happiest guy in school! ALL OF US ARE DEAD (2022)  dir. Lee Jae Kyoo & Kim Nam Su
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liaaaannee · 2 years
Comfort fic for cheong-san and on-jo stans! (Well, for me but still)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 지금 우리 학교는 | All of Us Are Dead (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lee Cheong San/Nam On Jo, Lee Cheong San & Nam On Jo Characters: Lee Cheong San, Nam On Jo, Lee Soo Hyuk (mentioned), Choi Nam Ra (mentioned) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Survivor Guilt, Zombies, Aftermath, Episode 12 reimagined, A what-if kind of situation, clownery xxx Summary:
Nam On-jo deals with the aftermath of the Hyosan zombie attacks during her time in the mountain when she noticed a fire burning in the school’s roof.
Trying to look at it clearly, she slipped and fell.
Well fell down, until someone happened.
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liaaaannee · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 지금 우리 학교는 | All of Us Are Dead (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lee Cheong San/Nam On Jo, Lee Cheong San & Nam On Jo Characters: Lee Cheong San, Nam On Jo, Lee Soo Hyuk (mentioned), Choi Nam Ra (mentioned) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Survivor Guilt, Zombies, Aftermath, Episode 12 reimagined, A what-if kind of situation, clownery xxx Summary:
Nam On-jo deals with the aftermath of the Hyosan zombie attacks during her time in the mountain when she noticed a fire burning in the school’s roof.
Trying to look at it clearly, she slipped and fell.
Well fell down, until someone happened.
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