lieakitten · 1 year
Alhaitham's Pet
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Here is the next installment of the story! I hope you all like it! Like always I tried to keep it gender neutral if I messed it up please let me know and I can go and fix it. Ily you all <3 
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Part 1  ☘︎  Part 2  ☘︎  Part 3
Word Count: 1,067 
Reader: Gender Neutral 
Content: +16
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You sat across from Alhaitham the next day. You had gotten a small letter from one of the other scholars when you walked into akademiya this morning. As they handed it to you and you flipped it over to break the seal, you noticed that the seal was made of wax. You touched it softly. The green was reflecting in the pale light. You were careful to open it, for some reason, you wanted to keep the letter. You scanned over the contents quickly. You were to go to his office, and any talk had to be kept private. It seemed simple enough, right? You approached the large arched doors leading to his office again, but unlike yesterday, you had no made up reason to be here. You swallowed, and your throat felt dry. You took another step forward and knocked. Once. Twice. Three times. The door opened, and suddenly you wished you had taken a bit more time to clear your head and calm your heart. When he opened the door, a feeling of dread filled you. The way he looked at you sometimes made you feel rather sick. His eyes cut into your very soul as you stood before him. You wanted to look away, but you couldn't. What was wrong with you? "Good. Your here." His voice made your skin prickle. He turned, walking back into the office and leaving your stunned self to follow. You walked behind him, the door closing on its own once you stepped inside. He sat behind the desk in the middle of the room. Its dark color was a contrast against the white walls of the room. You stood for a moment, trying not to fidget with your hands as you and he looked at each other. You wished you could know what he was thinking. "Sit."  You blinked and sat in the chair facing his desk. He cracked what you could have thought was a smile as he watched your reaction. He could almost be enjoying this.He pushed a small book toward you. "I need your help. I will explain what I want from you, and you can decide what you wish to do. You have a choice in the matter," he said, tilting his head slightly and giving that same small smile. "I want to make an Archon." Your eyes widened as you looked at him. "An Archon?" you asked him softly. He simply nodded, "An Archon. With the power of visions, I think we can artificially create an Archon, or at least something close." You thought back to all the times he asked you about yours. Your hand reached down to touch it protectively, feeling the warmth of it and its power. "With the combined power of visions and gnosis, we can form a god of our own. One made with power, one to take over or remove the God that exists now, or one in the future. The creation of a god is artificial. The Seven have ruled far too long, and I think it's time to put an end to their rule." He stood up, placing his hands on the desk and leaning closer to you. "I want you to help me with that." Your heart was beating sporadically as you watched him. A look in his eyes you could not place. You could almost feel his breath against your face as you watched him try not to shake. He let out a small chuckle before leaning back and sitting down. "Do you not like my plan?" He shook his head, folding his hands as he said, "Disappointing really. For someone who seems to hate God  and the gift they have given you, it is shocking that you seem so unsure of your answer." He really seemed puzzled by this.
You couldn't speak as you looked at him. He was crazy. Making a new Archon? Uprooting The Seven? You couldn't breathe under his gaze. "Well? Do you want to help me, or are you going to go against me?" He stood up again, this time walking around the desk in a quick motion. His breathing seemed to quicken. Was he getting upset? You stood as well, the seat grating against the floor and almost tipping over from the force with which you stood. He smiled and stalked closer to you. You took a step back, and in a quick motion, he grabbed your wrist, holding it tightly in his hand. "Help me. Help me make a difference in this world. Help me overthrow The Seven" He pulled you closer.  Your free hand covered your vision. His blue eyes seemed to be set ablaze by it all. He was panting, and you were almost pressed against him now. "Please let me go," you stuttered out, trying to yank yourself out of his forceful grip. He laughed, making a deep, haunting sound as he gripped you tight, causing pain to course through you. "No." His voice was calm now. You looked at him, then his hand grabbed you. "You will help me. You will help me." He started to get frantic again, his breathing quickening. He reached down with his free hand, closing it over your vision and trapping your other hand in the process. You could feel the metal casing biting into your skin now.  He smiled calmly once more and let you go, causing you to stumble a bit. You took a few steps back, trying to make it to the door. He smiled. You felt sick as you looked at him. What was wrong with him? He kept this smile on his face as he said, "Oh. You will help me." He laughed again. "No matter what you do or what you say, no one will believe you. You can't quit either. You worked so hard to get here, right? You leave, and I find you. You will help me." He watched you as you backed up into the door, gripping the handle, and fled as fast as you could. You could hear him laughing now. He was insane. This was insane. You needed to get out of here. You needed to do something. You had to do something. Your thoughts were frantic as you left the akademiya. You didn't know where you were going. At that point, you did not care. You had to get out. You had to leave.
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lieakitten · 1 year
Alhaitham’s Pet
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Hihi Hello! Thank you all for loving my last post and as promised here is part two! Like I said before I am keeping this gender neutral if you see any errors please let me know! If people keep liking this I will keep the series going. I really love this story and I have plans for where it will go! Ily you all /p -Lieakitten <3
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Part 1  ☘︎  Part 2  ☘︎  Part 3 Word Count: 1,072 Reader: Gender Neutral Content: +16
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You did not run into Alhaitham again. In fact, it seemed like the scribe had vanished off the face of Sumeru since he asked you about your vision, which you often pondered. Why would he be interested in your vision at all? They were rarer among people. You were considered blessed among the gods. They had seen your struggle and acknowledged it. You should be proud of it. You fidgeted with it as you sat at one of the tables. You couldn’t bring yourself to read today. To do anything, for that matter. You did reports and ran jobs, but the thought of reading eluded you as you played with the vision, the silver holding it feeling somewhat warm against your hands. What was the point if you did not even use the thing? People with visions did wonderful things for the world, but yours sat unused against your hip. Unused and unwanted. Why did the Archons feel the need to bless a person like you? You were running another errand, which was putting books away for a few people who left them on the tables littered around the akademiya. You were slotting it away on the shelf when you felt the presence of someone behind you. You turned around, and there he was. A look flashed across his face as your eyes met his.
"Did you need something?" you asked the man. He was so close, you could almost touch him if you wanted to. You almost did, seeing how well defined he was through the tight black shirt he wore. You held back the urge as he spoke.
"Yes. Could you tell me about your vision?" Your breath stopped. He was still talking about your vision. Why was he so caught up in this? Alhaitham looked at you carefully, his eyes darting from your eyes to your vision. You nodded and blinked a few times to clear your head. You felt cloudy, as if you were trying to think through thick mud. "Ah. I have had it for a while, actually. It will be about 3 years now." The thought pained you for a moment. Has it really been three years? You felt your hand go and touch it again. You have not thought about it since you got it. Something inside you stirred the vision slightly. He shifted how he was standing, causing you to be distracted from your private thoughts as you pulled your eyes away from his quickly. "How long have you been studying here? I assume you are a scholar." Your response came fast, normal, and easy. You got asked this quite often; it felt easy coming off your tongue
"About 3 years. I am a scholar, yes." He seemed to pause and look at you again, like he was questioning something about you. Something he could not place. He nodded and turned on his heel, walking away without further questions. You stood there and watched him leave. How odd. You thought to yourself. You tried to remember what you were doing beforehand, but all thoughts about studying or working were long gone. They were the moments when he sought you out. You could not help but smile. He sought you out. Alhaitham. One of the biggest names in all of Sumeru sought you out to ask you a few questions. A giddiness you had not felt in a while seemed to fill you like a pot of boiling water, and just like that, you might boil over with this feeling if left too long. You got called over by another scholar and went over; your steps felt lighter than they had in a bit. Did talking to him really do all this to you? Maybe you need to get out more. You had just about finished a report when you stood up, stretching. You had to turn this into one of the scribes. You smiled a bit as you waited for the ink to dry. Maybe you would seek out Alhaitham this time. It would be fitting, wouldn’t it? You folded the paper, hoping it was dry enough due to the excitement you had felt at the idea. You walked through the akademiya humming a soft song to yourself as your shoes clicked on the smooth flooring. You arrived at a tall door. It seemed to loom over you as you looked at it. Maybe this was a bad idea. You held the paper in your hand and stared at the door. You were preparing yourself to knock when you heard your name. You turned around quickly, trying to figure out an excuse for standing here looking at the door for so long, when you saw his blue eyes meet yours. Alhaitham. You felt nervous standing here, looking rather stupid. So you cleared your throat "This is for you. I had just written it up." He nodded. The way he looked at you now sent shivers down your spine. It was much different than this morning. He looked at you like a bug, like something to be ignored. Any feelings you had seemed far away now. He took the paper from you, his gloved hands touching yours. Your heart beats a bit faster. Alright, maybe the feelings were not all gone after all. "Thank you," he said, making you smile a bit. It was not praise, but it felt like it to you. You nodded and took a step forward to walk away from him when he grabbed your wrist. You turned to look at him. He had stopped you. You felt your heart in your chest a bit lightheaded at this all. He seemed to be thinking about something, lost in thought. "I need your help on a project," he said, releasing your wrist. Your arm seemed to tingle at the loss of touch from his hand. You nodded. He walked to his door, his movements quick and long as he mumbled something "I will see you tomorrow." The door closed as quickly as it opened, and once again you stood rather stupidly staring at his door. He wanted you to help him with something. You turned, holding your wrist to your chest like it was something precious. He touched you. He stopped you. He sought you out this morning. Your head spun slightly as you rushed away from his door. What had you gotten yourself into, and why did he want your help?
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lieakitten · 1 year
Alhaitham's Pet
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This is my first post! I love Alhaitham and I just had to write something for it. This is the first part. If people like it I will continue the story! I tried to keep it gender neutral, if I messed up let me know and I'll fix it. I also tried to fix my grammar mistakes though I might as well be hopeless with it. - With love Lieakitten <3
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Part 1  ☘︎  Part 2  ☘︎  Part 3 Word Count: 1,016 
Reader: Gender Neutral 
Content Rating: 16+ 
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To say you were a pet was disheartening, but very true. You didn't like the idea of being controlled like a pet. Something animalistic and something to be controlled, but you were a pet. And you were his pet. That alone gave you a shiver down your spine. You were not sure how you got into this mess with the akademiya being a place you used to love as a child. It started when you were younger. You were a scholar, or at least you wished to be. You had begged to be let into the program to contribute to Sumeru's growing empire. You were young then. Naïve. You loved reading inside the clean yet musty levels of the akademiya. You picked up book after book to read. You were not smarter than average, prettier, or anything rather special, but you will try, and that was all that mattered to you. You ended up running into Alhaitham by accident; he was widely known. Someone you strived to be. 
You ended up actually running into him, your head down, reading some history of Sumeru, something to do with the Archon, when your head collided with the chest of a well-built man. You looked up rather shocked and were mumbling a quick apology when his gruff voice told you, "Watch where you are going." Not exactly the most romantic or kind thing to respond with, but you ended up looking up in more shock than anything, tripping over your stumbling words, "Alhaitham! The Scribe." You were more or less talking out loud than you were to him: "I just ran into the famous scribe. I am so sorry." He stared at you with his blue eyes; it seemed like they were piercing your very soul as he walked past you. 
You stood there for a moment before shaking your head to almost get rid of the moment that just happened. You forgot where you were even headed off to as you sat down at a nearby table, setting the book down, forgotten in your hands already. You thought back to how the tall man looked, how he stared into your soul like he was searching for something, and how his words had gone inside your head. He talked to me. The head honcho of everything talked to you. You were awestruck by it all before it all came crashing down like a waterfall after being frozen all winter. You'd run into the scribe. You sighed and groaned. The silent library almost echoed your groan, and a few people were glaring at you. 
You stood up, moved to put the book back on a random shelf, ignoring the carefully lettered books, and worked your way out of the akademiya. You needed a walk for a moment to clear your embarrassment. 
You stepped out into the humid air of Sumeru. You felt the air hit you as humid and hot, making you sweat a little. You already missed the artificially cool air of the akademiya. You walked around for a moment, breathing in the fresh air of the jungle climate. You couldn't help but feel a bit of relief now that you were out and about; being stuffed inside the akademiya always gave you a bit of unrest. You went back inside after a few more minutes, feeling a bit more grounded than before. 
You were trying to find out which random shelf you put your book on when you spotted him again. In his hand was the leather-bound book you were holding just moments before you took your walk. Your eyes widened as you stared at him. The gray-haired man flipped a page before his eyes met yours, and you lost your breath. You looked away quickly, walking off to the other side of the library. Did he know you were staring at him, or did you just look at each other? You went around the whole building, hoping he left, and set down the book, wanting to pick up on what you were reading about. 
The Archon War was something that left Tevyat in shambles. You came to a stop as he now sat where you had sat moments before, holding the book you were reading and staring at you once more. You kept walking; you couldn't turn around because it would show you were avoiding him. You kept walking past him. You were so close to passing him and exiting this side when he stood. 
"Wait." Your heart stopped as you stood still. Time must have stopped because it felt like too many seconds had passed before he approached you. Was he going to ask about the book? Was he going to yell at you for bumping into him? You did not know what to say as you looked up into those striking blue eyes once more. 
"Yes?" You said it breathlessly, you looked away, and you couldn't keep eye contact with him before he said, "You have a vision?" 
Oh. Oh, you couldn't help but be disappointed over what you weren't sure of as you nodded, "Yes, yes, I do." 
He nodded. "Dendro, correct?" You blinked, trying to understand what he said, seeing how it went over your head as you were too focused on trying to decide what amount of eye contact was correct before saying "Yes! Ah. I do have dendro vision. Why do you ask?" 
He paused and said nothing for a moment. He walked back over to the table, grabbing the book he had left. "It was just a question," he said, and he left with your book. You sat back down in the chair, warm from where he was sitting moments before. What an odd question. I guess it fits. He is a rather odd man, after all. Why would he want to know about your vision? You looked down at it as it hung off your hip, the silver glinting in the cool light of the building. You sighed slightly. You somewhat wished you didn't have one. You turned the vision back around. You didn't want to look at it.
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lieakitten · 1 year
And he is amazing 
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51K notes · View notes
lieakitten · 2 years
Very handsome boy
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49K notes · View notes
lieakitten · 2 years
You tell him  this is why I hate people smh just, be nice to the drag shows :(( they are so pretty-
This guy is really going to regret sitting down with Jon
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lieakitten · 2 years
I love and hate this 😭
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lieakitten · 2 years
It’s not a want its a need-
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via Angelika P
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lieakitten · 2 years
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im literally forever obsessed with this because it implies the following:
The Rapture, as described by Christian Evangelicals, has happened
Parents witnessed their son disappear during The Rapture, but remained atheists anyway (based)
Instead of sinners and nonbelievers going to hell or getting killed, they just... stay on Earth.
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lieakitten · 2 years
I would have let it inside If not friend why friend shaped-
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lieakitten · 2 years
and we love that for us-
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85K notes · View notes
lieakitten · 2 years
oh lord-
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93K notes · View notes
lieakitten · 2 years
Yes-  fight for dominance- 
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149K notes · View notes
lieakitten · 2 years
I will clean this after this video oh, nevermind
Having ADHD is so stupid bc you'll be like "I'm gonna start this task at 3" and then 3 rolls around and the executive dysfunction doesn't magically disappear like you told it to
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lieakitten · 2 years
Good lord I love rain <3 
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“If the rain spoils our picnic, but saves a farmer’s crop, who are we to say it shouldn’t rain?” - Tom Barrett ♡
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lieakitten · 2 years
they are as blind as I am sometimes 
me and my brother: *explains how adhd affects us*
our parents: that's not adhd, that's normal
me and my brother:
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lieakitten · 2 years
No matter how far you are Connie dear, we are looking at the same moon and the same stars~
Kinda in love with the idea that different places on other sides of the world can look so similar. Something something universal human experiences
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