life-classpects · 8 years
Knight of Rage?
reks-the-necromancer-king said: could i maybe get info on Knight of Rage? id greatly appreciate it when you have the time if you’re up for it
bacoj8 said: Thoughts on Knight of Rage? I think I know it pretty well but I’d love a second opinion!
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the guard class, and supposed opposite of the page. knights use their aspect as a weapon to protect others. a common theme among knights is the use of a fabricated personality to hide their aspect, or problems associated with their aspect
the resignation class, and supposed opposite of hope. rage players tend to divert attention from themselves, becoming important behind the scenes. it is common for them to have alternate personalities, or at least go through some severe emotional change or flip during their journey
you may have often struggled with keeping the less desirable aspects of your personality under wraps. you may, perhaps, have one confidential person to relate your whole self to, but if not this can be a real problem. both rage and knight players tend to need moirails, or some equivalent thereof, and can become a liability if not kept an eye on (or shoved in a fridge. or knocked out with yarn). this could likely result in self-destructive behavior, given a knight’s general skewed perception of heroism. basically, you’re a problem child. whoops.
your reasons for joining the game are likely because you have realized your friends need your help. this becomes a common theme throughout your session; you micro-manage everything behind the scenes and make sure everyone is okay, but at your own expense. your friends may even notice this and say can you maybe chill? but you’ll say HOW ABOUT MAYBE YOU CHILL?
your dreamself is a bit iffy, but id say derse just because you like to fuss and meddle a lot. so much bugging and fussing and meddling.
if you didnt have a more productive teammate, id say youd usurp the black queen yourself by pulling strings from the inside (ie manipulating the consorts like slick). youd use her henchmen against her and make them her downfall, ultimately protecting prospit and ensuring their victory (or so you think until the reckoning, because as the game is, prospit is not meant to win)
overall, bugging and fussing a meddling abounds
The Land of Destitution and Substrata. Your land is, in a few words, war-ravaged. Your consorts have been fighting each other for millennia, in a complicated series of guilds and alliances. You need to choose a side and fight with your consorts. Some align with Lyssa, your denizen, who like all others has been in a deep slumber. Her slumber has allowed her own rage, which previously allied the different groups in an attempt to satiate her, has since faded because of her sleep. Thusly, the warring consorts turned on each other once again. If you’re smart about it, you could even get your consorts to fight with you against Lyssa, if you’re into that.
Your consorts are red foxes.
your aspect allows you to use your own rage to protect others. thusly, you are fiercely protective. you can basically do a hulk-y power up thing, where the more angry you get, the more ass you kick. what’s more, you get an enormous bonus if your teammate is injured by the enemy. if killed, youre unstoppable. is it like grimdarkness? just a little. are you more susceptible to it in this state? yeah
speaking of
dont indulge in your power too much, as it is supplied by the dark gods, and allowing them to supply you with power is dangerous. but of course youre a knight, and you probably dont care too much about that. so of course, this is a big problem. 
being grimdark is a stark difference to your usual personality attempting to conceal your true feelings and rage. you are almost certain to do and say things you regret (if the dark gods manipulate you in a way that allows others to understand you. its a bit up in the air)
you positively radiate anger and a dark aura that coats the area in a black film. rather than using your rage to protect, you now use it to destroy. 
can you maybe chill?
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life-classpects · 8 years
being into eddsworld + having this blog = ASSIGN GODTIERS TO ALL THE CHARACTERS
but just the main ones
Tom: thief of void
Edd: knight of doom
Matt: prince of rage
Tord: heir of time
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life-classpects · 9 years
Hello :) I'm wondering if you could please do Mage of Time for your god tier analysis thing. I really love your explanations!!
Anonymous said: Mage of Time please?
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MageOne who understands with their aspect or understands their aspect. Mages will suffer from their aspect or from the effects of their aspect. This gives them a personal understanding of their aspect. Their challenge is to overcome their aspect and come out on top.
TimePartner and opposite of Space, needed to create a universe. Aspect of cycles, guidence, and flow.
In-GameYou're a very go-with-the-flow kind of person. You mainly decided to play the Game because your teammates wanted to, and you were chill with that. Of course, this means you're very susceptible to peer pressure, and also becoming Grimdark. If your teammates need you, you're very likely to abandon you own needs to do what they need. This could lead to you being unable to complete your Quest if too many people in your session need you.You do a very good job with the timelines, seeming to have a natural knack for managing all things timelike. Perhaps you were even a bit of a physics buff,fantasising and/or researching time travel.Most likely you're a Dersite, prefering the ability to go on adventures to the orderly stasis of Prospit. Your biggest role here will be of usurper, if you can overcome your challenge and bring yourself to rebel.Overall, you're a pretty big buff to the session, but have the potential to do even more. That is, if you can get a mind of your own and make decisions that will benefit everyone else.
LandUpon entrance, you would emerge on the Land of Streams and Rebellion. The towns are located on streams, and primarily are fishing villages. Around the streams are dark, looming forests.Your Denzien, Hyphetus, has been a tryant on your planet for as long as any of your consorts can remember. Every fish they catch goes to him so that he canfeast on their hard work. Your job is to help your consorts rebel against him, eventually fight him (or recieve The Choice), and free your planet. Once yourplanet is free, your consorts will chop down the forests, symbols of Hyphetus' reign.
PowersUpon ascension, you gain knowledge of every timeline within your universe. Like Garnet's future vision, only less "future" and more "alternate course of action." Let's call it Timeline Vision, or TV for short. (haha)Of course, you also get the time traveling thing, something that every Time player recives. You can't summon dead selves to help in battle though. Sorry.
StrifeI'd suggest something a little more abstract and creative, and very, very deadly. Maybe bombs; destructive, dangerous, and obviously deadly. Perfect.
GrimdarkYou would be very susceptible to suggestion, and also a Dersite, so possibility of this is incredibly high. In fact, unless you have some kickin' aviators that can ward off the Horrorterror's whispers, you're pretty much a lost cause as soon as you go to sleep. Grimdarkness is pretty much described as going completely and utterly crazy in every way. You would probably become more rebellious than what you are used to, and vengeful. Any of those who have used you to their advantage before can kiss their asses goodbye.You are able to know exactly any course of action anyone will take, and so can counteract it like a machine. You gain the Horrorterror's whispers, telling you every course of action imaginable.
My suggestion; Be very, VERY careful.
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life-classpects · 9 years
Can you please do a Witch of Breath! Thank you in advance!
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WitchManipulates or manipulates with their aspect. Constantly bending or breaking the rules, but trying to do this in a good way.
The aspect of freedom and disconnect. Opposite of Blood.
You flit about from planet to planet, helping your teammates and generally overseeing anything that needs doing. Of course, this gives you little to no timefor your own Quest, so unless it's brought about by someone else, you probably won't ascend. That's pretty unfortunate, especially since Witches are sopowerful. Upon alchemizing your given card in the alchemeter, a window and rock will be presented to you, and you will be blindfolded. In order to enter the game, youmust throw the rock through the window. (Ah, don't you just love symbolism? Of course, this part is entirely up to you, but if you think it fits, go aheadand use it.)You're a Prospit dreamer, loving the sense of freedom your have to be able to roam about your planet with nary a care in the world.
LandYours is the Land of Forts and Heights. LOFAH is mountainous, with clear air and views like no other. Your planet is at war. Towers atop mountains serve as forts protecting certain areas of the planet. Derse and Prospit are large inhabitants here, the ones who made the forts in the first place. They have enslaved your planet's consorts in order to fight the war for them. Your job is to either liberate your consorts, or use them to help fight with you. The consorts themselves are alright with it either way, but it's your decision as to whether you want to be known as friend or foe to your moon, because yes, Prospit is enslaving consorts too, is yours. The catch is that if you choose what your denizen- Typheus- would deem an immoral choice, you must fight him. There's another catch, too. If you leave your planet the way it is for too long and disreagard your quest, Typheus will seek counsel with you then, too. Your planet will be in ruins, and Typheus will give you the Choice. This is by no means a way to complete your quest, although it is a way to the Choice, and  possible ascension. Your main challenge, then, is to realize your responsiblity, take the reins, and hopefully turn the tides of the war in the long run.Godspeed.
PowersYou, much like John Egbert, can control wind to your own will. You can't become wind itself, but you can use the wind to your own advantage however you wish.You also have the very notable freedom of choosing which moon you are loyal to, although I guess that's not much of a power, even though it does come withascension.
GrimdarkIt's seemingly impossible for you to go Grimdark. You are, by nature, free, and control does not come easily. Even if you choose loyalty to Derse, you will forever be impervious to the Horrorterror's whispers and commands. Whether this is a buff or a hindrance is your choice.
So, basically, a lot is up to you. Choose wisely!
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life-classpects · 9 years
It's the Prince of Time vs. Thief of Space anon(thank you, by the way). Could you also do the Knight of Void strifing with the Bard of Breath?
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guess who spent far too much time on this? (its me. its always me)
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life-classpects · 9 years
Could you do some art of a Thief of Space strifing with a Prince of Time?
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i seriously couldnt wait to do this one
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life-classpects · 9 years
Wow these are really detailed. What about a Knight of Heart and an Heir of Doom?
Anonymous said: knight of heart?
Anonymous said: Could you review the Knight of Heart please? I’d appreciate it.
thank you very much! i do try
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Class: Knight
Knights actively use their aspect to their advantage in battle. They usually have something about themselves to hide, and often it has to do with their aspect.
Aspect: Heart
Opposite of Mind. Often associated with souls, feelings, romance, and impulses. (Think of the question “Go with your mind or your heart?”)
People will often call you a rebel. You suppose they’d be right on that account, but they never say so in a direct manner, perhaps even use it as an insult. You try very hard not to care, but of course it gets to you, you’re only a person. Despite these jabs at your lifestyle, you maintain mostly good relationships. You most likely find out about Sburb from your best friend (moirail?) and enter directly after them. You’re a Derse dreamer, and tend to try to be removed from the general fray of politics until someone you care about needs you. When it comes to personal relationships, you’re often a guide, even prone to jumping in when no one asks.
Hmmmm… using impulses to fight for you? I’d say you have some sort of “auto-pilot” option, like during a fight you just kind of DO and don’t think, making you move like super fast and be impossible to beat. One of the less prominent powers, but should not be underestimated.
I’ve been sitting on this for a long time, mainly because I’m a little stumped honestly! Your land would probably be full, in a way I guess. There’s always a lot of stuff going on. For that I’m thinking a jungle-type terrain, with many layers and hidden alcoves to explore. Your quest is vague and your consorts (probably monkeys) don’t seem to know very much about it either, only to talk to your denizen. The problem is, they don’t know where she is either, only that you need to find her. Exploring is key, and you’ll have to search up and down the planet to find her, when your quest was exactly that, because she was actually taken prisoner. Your job, once you find her, is to free her. But who was she captured by?
Something sharp, shiny, and customizable. Perhaps a fenching sword? Y’know, those pointy-type things you see in movies? Or maybe something a little more mundane like a knife... or a hoe? Just make sure it’s a clean hoe.
Instead of being to use your own impulses to your advantage, you’d use other people’s emotions. Pitting other people against each other like pawns and watching the battle take place from afar. (Doc Scratch-esque in a way.) That is, until someone finds out what you’re doing. Then it’s showdown time.
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Class: Heir
One who becomes and rules over their aspect. They can manipulate it to their will once fully realized. They can also use it to protect themselves.
Aspect: Doom
Opposite of Hope. Has to do with negative fates and doomed timelines. Often associated with death, but so is Time, and it can also be associated with failure and discord. Players with this Aspect can be a wild card, and will often lash out on accident. (Hence me using Mituna as the image above.)
You’re essentially the instigator for this entire mess. You were the one who found the game and convinced everyone else to play. (Unless someone else got to it first. It really depends on who your first gaurdian chooses. You’re definitely on the list, though.) Your personality, while sometimes erratic, is still friendly overall. Whether you’re Derse or Prospit is really up in the air, but Prospit seem a better choice. You’re not one for lies and cheating most likely.You always know what’s coming ahead of time from everyone else, and will do everything in your power to stop it.
You will probably have some way of knowing about doomed timelines, but no real way to control or stop them. Perhaps something like future-vision that Garnet from Steven Universe has.
The Land of Toxicity and Dismay (LOTAD). Your land is dying, and unless you collect all 12 jewels for your denizen to destroy it, it will infect all of the other planets in your session. Unless you so choose to find a cure, but that is said to be impossible.
Your land is exactly what you’d expect to find in a dead world. It’s very reminiscent of what Earth (or whatever planet you come from) looks like now, only the water you find is bright green and acidic, and the only consorts you find are skeletal and barley surviving. Not exactly sunshine and rainbows.
You like to fight in style. Unfortunately you didn’t have time to get anything cool, so you’re stuck with a wooden spoon. I’m sure you’ll manage though!
Your grimdarkness is something of a berserker state, where the horrorterrors are using their powers to kill everything, not just the target (if there even is one.) An Heir od Doom like this is unstoppable. Your only hope is scratching.
I’ve been sitting on this for a long time, again mainly becase of the knight’s land. i hope this is good though!
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life-classpects · 9 years
Do you think Karkat hating his past selves and such has to do with him being a knight or is it just his personality? Because i'm very confident that I'm a knight of doom and I feel exactly the same was as karkat relating to his past selves and stuff.
it could very well be. i noticed dave does kind of the same thing, but in relation to doomed daves or dave from other timelines (remember “dead daves are the enemy? i think that may have more meanings than one). even davesprite has some amount of scorn (or perhaps longing?) directed towards alpha dave. i always figured that the hate had something to do with the aspect (dave relating to doomed daves and karkat relating to selves from past and future, but still his real self, eventually becoming them, since blood is the aspect of self. he never really deals with his current self, which is why i think he could never truly succeed in being a knight of blood.) 
with you, i’m not really sure what it would be, since doom doesnt seem to be a very active aspect. we’d first have to take into consideration what powers you might have, in which case i’d direct you to the post i made about that here. i mentioned an intuition-type thing, like knowing what your other selves did wrong, and i’m thinking that’s where the scorn for “alternate selves” would come into play. 
thanks so much for the question, this was really interesting to think about! also, sorry for not being very active on this blog. it’s something i just tend to do on a whim, so yeah.
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life-classpects · 9 years
Hello! I was wondering if you did session asks?
yes i do! if you want anything specific i could do that as well!
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life-classpects · 9 years
Knight of doom please? ((Sorry if it's already been asked))
yup. there’s sure a lot of you! i don’t mind though… sorry i keep missing you guys!
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life-classpects · 9 years
Knight of Doom?
whoops, forgot to include this in the original ask. I'll direct you here, anon :)
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life-classpects · 9 years
Hi :) could you please explain the Rogue of Blood?
Hi :D
a rogue, huh... insteresting!
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Class: Rogue
Passively steals aspect. Rogues generally have trouble coping with a defeciency of their aspect, similar to a Page, only they purposefully deprive themselves of said aspect because they believe they can't handle it. Part of their challenge is to overcome this.
Aspect: Blood
Opposite of Breath and symbolises bonds, self, leadership/control, and palpability. It could also mean blood in the literal sense. 
In general, you try to stay away from your friends. You have honestly no idea how you ever got any anyways, but you're always too scared to go out and make any, thinking you won't be able to handle it. People seem to like you, though. Maybe it's your honesty. You also probably tend to head to the back of the crowd when it comes to people wanting someone to stand up and take charge. You're not suited for this kind of thing, and it's always occured to you as "out of your league." When the game comes up though, you're probably shoved in first or second, and... yeah, you're a bit excited! Once you hear about the moons, you most likely want to see for youself, and wake up on Prospit. I'm saying Prospit because a Rogue of Blood doesn't strike me as particularly dishonest or concealing of their personality. Blood players tend to be outright and forward, but what do I know? (Not everything, and certainly not much about you, Anon!)
If you want blood in the literal sense, I guess... sucking all of the blood out of someone, leaving them a dehydrated mess of flesh? Ew, no, scratch that, that's gross and awful, no, no, no. I mean unless you like that sort of stuff...
You can make anyone alligned to be on your side, so long as you physically touch them while doing so. Call it mind control, because that's absolutely what it is. The problem with this power is only using it when necessary. It'll take work to learn to control, but could very well save your ass. You could even control imps. Actually, that'd be hella cool. Now you have an imp army. Congratulations.
The Land of Ruins and Sanguine. I'm not really sure what your quest would be. Probably would have to do with solving puzzles in the aforementioned ruins. The sanguine part of LORAS is the blood-red hue of, well, everything. It's a bit of a wasteland, to be honest. Littered across your land are buildings of (possible) ages past. Your consorts exist, but like you, are reclusive and hardly speak. I also say sanguine because it also means "optimism," and when it comes right down to it, that's the feeling you might get of the place. Small ruby rose bushes poke out of the crypts, sometimes winding around and around, or lady-bugs which poke their antennae into the air tentatively, coming out when they see you approach. Now that I think about it, maybe your quest has something to do with those, too. But I'll leave that up to you, Anon.
Something iconic, probably. And powerful. Maybe iron knuckles or weaponized boxing gloves? 
It's hardly likely, but in the event of Grimdarkness, fucking run. Just RUN. 
The Horrorterrors now have the power to not only control you, but also anyone you come into physical contact with. Now instead of a regular army of imps, it's an evil army of imps possesed by dark majyx. And they're chanting something... blood is spilling from their eyes and their mouths as they chant "anceint sins... ancient sins... ancient sins..."
Okay, maybe that last part was a reference to Gravity Falls. But whatever.
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life-classpects · 9 years
Hello! Pardon me, but do you help people find their classpect if they send information? ewe;
absolutely! send whatever you believe to be necessary, and if i need anything else i’ll just tell you and you can reply directly, tag me in another post, or send another ask. ultimately your god tier is up to you, but i can certainly give you some ideas and you can see what sounds most like you!
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life-classpects · 9 years
O man this blog is fantastic! Could I have an analysis of Knight of Doom :>
hussies-assistant63 said:Hello, my question is could you possibly tell me about knight of doom I could never get any information about this aspect so it would really mean a lot of you could. Thank you very much ^.^
what cute emoticons! they look like a bird and a jack-o-lantern 
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Class: Knight
Uses their aspect to fight (exploits it), a highly active class. Personality-wise, knights generally have something to hide, and do everything within their power to hide it. Part of their awakening is (usually) to become comfortable enough with that part of themselves to reveal it to others.
Aspect: Doom
Opposite of Hope. Has to do with negative fates and doomed timelines. Often associated with death, but so is Time, and it can also be associated with failure and discord. Players with this Aspect can be a wild card, and will often lash out on accident.
Your friends somehow convinced you to play this game. Despite your often peppy attitude, you weren't really the most thrilled, mainly because you preffer being alone. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings though, so you join in anyway. You end up being the last player to enter, sealing up the connection. You don't wake up on your planet, Derse, until much later in the game, mainly because you're so focused on trying to get through. You use other people's mistakes to your advantage, and while some may think it's a bit cold-hearted, you say it's for the greater good.
Perhaps you could do a Knight-of-Time-esque thing and be able to get selves from doomed timelines to fight with you? I'm thinking it'd be something more like knowing what your doomed selves did wrong in order to avoid it, like an intuition or something.
Coming up with a land for this one wasn't very easy, but I've come up with a good one. Maybe the Land of Clouds and Obscurity. It's always covered with of ominesce clouds, which, while always thundering and pouring rain, all seem to snake in arrangements like pathways. There are certainly no other indications of where to go (what the obscurence is is up to you), so you follow them. Your land's quest is simply to find your denizen, or any civilization, at all. At first you may be tempted to sit alone in the calming quiet, but the challenge is to go out and actually try to find anything worth finding.
Bow and arrow/hunting rifle. That was my immediate thought for you. It suits you perfectly; pin-point accuracy, but not too limiting. Unless you suck at using it. If you want a melee, I'd think something smooth that won't be too messy. Some kind of knife, maybe. 
You're a Derse dreamer, so you have the potential to go grimdark without things like mind control. And from what I can gather, it's more likely than you'd be entirely comfortable with.
You're sure to use your weapons more than ever in this state, or perhaps get an entirely new specibus, something close range. Your rampage would be probably revenge-driven, and you want to see their blood spill onto your hands. You can make a person recall every single mistake they or their doomed selves have ever made to overload them, get in an attack. It's brutal and cruel, but that matters not to you. Not after what they did...
Damn, I missed this blog. Thanks for the asks!
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life-classpects · 9 years
whoop dee doodle, guess whos back from their leave of absence? time to get crackin on your lovely asks!
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life-classpects · 9 years
hoo boy. gonna be honest here, I have been way more busy than I expected to this week, and since this blog isn't my number one priority right now, I might not be able to get into anything until this weekend. the play im in has opening night soon, and I have homework stacked over my head. sorry about this brief hiatus here, but I cant really do anything to stop it.
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life-classpects · 9 years
Hello there! Could you possibly review the Maid of space, please?
Anonymous said:
A Maid of Space? 0:
Hey! Politeness and funny emotes are always appreciated!
Creates with or creates their aspect. Often looked over and used. Often (but not always) start out struggling to rely on themselves for their aspect.
Opposite and partner of Time, needed to create a universe. Aspect of creation, ideas, adaptability, unpredictability, and frogs.
All In All...
You have a lot of ideas and love to contribute with your sometimes unpredictable thoughts, but you always hold yourself back for fear of not being enough. You have a talent for fixing and making things. You were already awake on Prospit before your session began. You enter your session first, not on your own terms, but because you needed to. 
You can create any object in the palm of your hand, whether it previously existed or not. (Am I taking a leaf out of the Roxy Power book? Yes. Am I ashamed? Not when I'm giving you hella cool powers.)
The Land of Trees and Frogs. Your land is a vast forest with small ponds or lakes scattered about. It's easy to get lost in, but part of your quest is learning to find your way through it.
I'm thinking something basic but still with the capability to be really cool. Maybe chopstick-kind?
Most likely you went Grimdark because someone in your group got power-hungry and controlling, and you made a deal with the Horrorterrors in an attempt to stop them. Little did you know you'd kill everyone else too.
You can create shadowy figures to fight for you, minions almost. They're killed easily, but it's difficult to defend against a large onslaught.
Sorry these are a bit short lately! I've been really busy lately with opening night soon and homework. Hopefully I'll be more active this weekend!
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