Entry 2. Blank people
Well hi it's been few days from my last entry. I don't know how I'm going to start this. Lately I'm going through a lot. Normally all the commoners will going through lot. Because that's how they need to be they exist because otherwise the people who wants to be rare can't exist. If you need to be unique you need a crowd that share common thoughts. No one needs care about that common man. Because that's how it could be. We are the common people of the society and we have to serve for it. So society expects different things from a common man. Men have to be like this women have to be like this. Bla bla bla bla and with that you see the emerging heroes who needs to change the system and bring light to common world. Gender equality and more. I think you guys can think more. My point is do they really wants us to change or so they really wants us to be what they want us to be. I'm not sure about that at all. we all are just the plain canvas of the art piece and they are the shapes and colors. But they never wants us to be the colorful part they need us blank. So they can paint us as they wish. I had this thought because lately most of my surrounding people said me to" be a man" "men's don't sake' men don't cry..... Wtf then why men's have tears then why men's have emotions. If the men like what they say all the soft part of the humanity have to go away from them. Thing is society needs that blank men. That is there canvas. So it has to be the majority and others can paint on it. Like motivation speakers different organizations bla bla bla. May be you don't get a single word I'm trying to tell you. But that's all right you will get it one day. So just remind one thing society need a blank people as common people.other wise there is no painting ever
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Entry 1. introduction
I'm the common man. normally you guys met me every day of your life. as a baker, as a driver as your doctor. yeah, I can be anyone from anywhere. but the most important thing is you never noticed me. so here I am just another common man who tries to tell his story to society. I don't know if this will reach your ears of you. but it gives me peace in my mind. for your record, I tried thousands of things that could bring me peace but they all don't work at all. so this is my last option I think to share my day with the public. soo this onwards ill tell what I feel I'll tell what I have done. Feel free to stay in touch. Remember we all have a story we like to share.
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