Can I request a SF9 and Pentagon reaction to their small s/o grabbing the bottom of their shirt when walking through crowds??
Hey! I’m sorry for the late reply! I don’t do Pentagon, however, here is the reaction for SF9! Enjoy!
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SF9 React to their small S/O grabbing the bottom of their shirt when walking through crowds
Anonymous asked: Can I request a SF9 reaction to their small s/o grabbing the bottom of their shirt when walking through crowds??
Dang this is cute. Of course! Anything for my readers! (PS: Sorry for the ultra late reply! I hope you forgive me anon!)
This boy probably wouldn’t even notice until you accidentally tugged his shirt. He’d ask what was wrong first, then as you explained what you were doing, his eyes would widen in realization and he’d exclaim in understanding. Then, he would blush as he grabbed your hand and told you to hold it instead.
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This man probably wouldn’t even notice until you guys had gotten to your destination. He’d then tell you why you hadn’t said anything the entire time, then apologize because he should have paid more attention to you anyway, and then tell you to just hold his hand instead. Then he’d grab your hand and hold it tightly, showing you an example of how you should do that in crowds.
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Let me tell you, the second he feels your hands on his shirt, he is on you. He will yell your pet name, gathering (probably unwanted) attention from strangers around you guys. Then he’d grab your hands in his, telling you that you’re safer if you’re walking in his arms. He hugs you, but while doing so, he lifts you off the ground and starts walking. You tell him that you’re fine, a blush on your face, but boy is relentless and doesn’t let go until you’ve poked his side. You guys settle on having one arm around your waist after bickering in public. (LOL)
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Although he wouldn’t realize that you were doing that immediately, he’d make such a fuss as soon as he realized. Then he would hold your hand at his hips and make train sounds as you guys went through the crowd. This guy would turn it into a game, making you feel like a child again. However, you’d probably have fun with it because who doesn’t have fun when around Dawon?
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Without any words, Zuho would just grab your hand. With a smile, making you blush, he’d pull you close as you guys started making your way through the crowd. He’d tell you to stay close and you’d reply, “I can’t be any closer to you, we’re basically one person right now.” He’d laugh before kissing your hand that was held tightly in his, as you guys walked side by side through the crowd.
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Baby boy would be all blushes when he saw that you were holding his shirt. Then he’d turn to you and ask if you were scared of getting lost (because there was no way you were losing sight of him), then you’d reply, “Yeah, kind of.” He’d then squat and tell you to jump onto his back, which you’d decline, but he’d be telling you it would make him feel safer knowing you wouldn’t be able to get lost that way. You would have no choice but to do so. It would be an adventure being able to see things from a different perspective, and you’d both probably would be happy to have cuddle time during a walk.
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He would immediately realize that you were holding on to his shirt but he would pretend that he didn’t notice. However, once he noticed that you weren’t really paying attention to him, he’d smoothly snake one arm around your waist and catch you off guard. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he’d tell you that he didn’t want his favorite person in the world stray away from him. You’d blush once you realized the meanings of what he said and he’d smile before you guys continued your way.
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As innocent as this boy looks, he’s also a little prankster. He would be slow to notice what you were doing, however, once he realized, he’d stop dead in his tracks right when you weren’t paying attention. With a smirk (and a slight blush), he’d tell you to not be scared of being lost. You’d reply you weren’t (but you were a little). However, he’d roll his eyes and grab your hand, telling you that you shouldn’t be because he, your savior, would always be there when you needed him. You’d then smack him, earning a laugh from the boy, but you’d both be blushing nontheless.
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He would look at your hand and then he’d look at you, doing this a few times. He would then say, “Are you a child?” He’d act aloof but then he’d grab your hand, without looking and continue on with you stumbling behind him. You probably wouldn’t notice his blush because you were struggling to keep up.
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Breathe In Fog
Hey there! Again, apologies for the late update. However, apologies are unnecessary as I’ve come back from the dead. Here you guys go!
Summary: He’s the most popular guy in school. All the girls love him and all the guys wanna be him. You found him incredibly annoying, but then again that’s how best friends are. (Jungkook best friend scenario)
previous / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / next
You sat at the corner of the room, behind Teacher Hoseok. You smiled at the name, finding it pretty cute.
“Okay everyone, let’s start off with our warm-up,” he said with a smile.
They spent a good 20 minutes just warming up and you wondered how exhausting it must have already been to do so.
After their warm-up, he immediately delved into the lesson.
“I’m gonna show you the whole choreography, and then we’ll break it into parts and practice it together. Got it?”
The song he had chosen for today was “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran. You wondered if he understood the meaning of the song, an amused smile on your face as you watched him dance.
You understood why he became a dance teacher.
He was incredibly good at dancing. Better than good actually. He danced like… he was born to do it. This caught your attention, it held your attention, it amazed you. He was something entirely different when he danced.
For a moment, you had forgotten that you were watching him with forty other people in the room. It was hypnotizing to watch him dance.
When he was done, everyone started throwing their shoes at him and you were startled out of the daze you were in. Hoseok was laughing, instructing everyone to take back their shoes so they could start learning the dance by steps
Your eyes left the dance teacher, wandering around the class to find your best friend. He was at the corner of the front row, next to the boy you had met earlier.
Jungkook was staring back at you, wearing a frown that made you frown back at him. He wanted you to come to the dance class he attended often, but why was he so grumpy? The boy next to him caught your best friend’s glare and followed it to you.
Unlike your so-called best friend, Jimin’s face immediately broke out into a grin and he waved at you. Immediately, you stopped frowning and copied his actions. Although you two were shortly introduced to each other (not really), he already seemed to think nicely of you.
“Okay, so let’s start with the intro!” You heard Hoseok announce.
You gave Jimin a thumbs up as they started the lesson, him giving a thumbs up back to you. When Jungkook bumped his shoulder against him, he turned and hit him back before focusing back on their dance teacher with a smile. You were definitely gonna like that boy.
As Hoseok explained the dance move, he had everyone copy him step by step before putting it all together. He walked around and helped anyone who was having a difficult time by repeating steps for them with a smile and encouraging them.
There were a group of kids in the front row, seemingly to be in middle school, that he focused most of his attention on. He praised them, asking them to stay after class so he could talk to them about something. You wondered what exactly he was planning, but you would save that for later.
After he was sure that everyone had gotten the intro and the first verse down, he played the song so everyone could dance it all together. You watched as the class danced in unison, a smile on your face as you saw how determined Jungkook was to keep up with the beat.
Although you knew nothing about dancing, Jungkook was always raving on about dancing. You knew that it was something that he really liked to do.
The dance teacher clapped his hands together as he cut off the music and announced for a 20 minute break, everyone either rushing out of the room to get some fresh air or use the restroom or plopping down next to their bags to get a drink of their water.
Hoseok seemed to be heading for you, but Jungkook rushed past him to grab you by the wrist and tug you out of the room with him.
“HEY!” You pulled his fingers of your wrist, once you were out of the room. “What the hell? That hurt!”
“Sorry.” He didn’t sound very apologetic. “I wanted you to meet another one of my hyungs. But it seems like you two already met too.”
He gestured to the boy next to him, who had followed you two out of the room. You hadn’t even realized he was there.
“Oh,” you said, sheepishly. “Actually, I just know his name. That’s about it.”
Jimin smiled, putting out a hand for you to shake. “It’s nice to officially meet you! I’m Jimin! A first year music composition major of Chung-Ang University!”
You grabbed his hand, shaking it as you introduced yourself as well.
“Jungkook talks about you a lot,” Jimin started, waving the other boy off when he started to protest. “So it’s finally nice to see why he doesn’t listen to us hyungs but makes us listen to him.”
“Ah… Sorry…”
He shook his head. “There’s no reason for you to apologize. You aren’t the one who isn’t listening to us.” He turned to smile smugly at your best friend, whom you rose an eyebrow and frowned at.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he listens to you guys from now on.”
Before Jungkook could say something back to you, Jimin had an arm around your shoulders and was leading you down the hall.
“I like that spirit of yours. No wonder he keeps you around.”
You laughed, turning to see where your best friend was. When you had found he was gone, you shrugged and followed where the other boy was taking you.
“I wanna show you the other classrooms.”
You glanced up at Jimin, confused. “Why?”
He shrugged. “I just wanna. I used to go to all of them.”
You blinked up at him. “Really? Why did you quit them?”
“Just wasn’t for me.”
“Is Hoseok’s one for you?”
He seemed to consider it. “I like it. Don’t you?”
“I’m not the one dancing though…” you said, looking away.
Chuckling, he lead you down the hall.
After going around and peeking into the other rooms, you and Jimin walked back to Hoseok’s dance class just in time for them to continue their practice. As you sat down, you noticed how full the class was. The other dance classes had many people of course, but the one he taught made the large room seem packed.
You realized that there must have been something else about Hoseok that made more people want to come to his class.
As the class continued, you understood why so many people liked this class.
Even though you didn’t know anything about dancing, Hoseok made you want to know more about it. He made you want to be good at it and encouraged it. He made his students feel as if they weren’t lousy dancers, he made them feel confident and want to dance in front of the other students.
He asked if there were anyone who wanted to dance in front of the class and basically everyone’s hands shot up.
One of the things Jimin had told you as you two were walking down the hall, was that Hoseok liked to videotape his students dancing and post it on Youtube. He thought it was weird at first, but was shocked when one of the videos he was in had more than a hundred thousand views.
“At the end of the videos, he likes to put a message to everyone else who came but didn’t get to dance on camera. He says stuff like ‘I’m sorry but I’ll be sure to post one of you guys soon’ before he lists the names of everyone one who had been in class.”
You watched as he put people into groups and record their dancing, clapping and cheering every time a group was done. He was sincere and kind-hearted.
It kind of pissed you off a little at how perfect one person could be.
When Jimin and Jungkook got put into a group together, you smiled widely through their whole performance. As they finished with some free-style dance moves, you cheered and clapped for them. Jungkook smiled when his eyes met yours and you couldn’t help but smile even wider than you originally had been (which you thought was impossible).
After their performance, Hoseok clapped for them before announcing some events that were going on and to contact him if they were interested in participating before dismissing them and telling them they all did a good job.
As everyone was piling out of the class, the group of kids that Hoseok had spoke to came up to him.
He smiled, patting one of their heads. “I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to join a competition that’s gonna take place in a few months. It’s for kids your age only but you need to get your parent’s permission.”
“Wouldn’t that cost us money though?”
“I’m asking because I’d sponsor it. If, you guys were committed to it.”
Someone sat next to you, snapping you from your eavesdropping. “He’s too nice, isn’t he?” Jimin asked with a shake of his head. “Hyung is always like that. It bugs me that someone is that perfect.”
You frowned, looking at him. “You wouldn’t do that same?”
“I would!”
“You do,” Jungkook cut in, blocking your view from Hoseok. “You’re just as bad as Hoseok-hyung. Last week, you spent half of your paycheck on donating to the Humane Society.”
“It’s my paycheck and I can do what I want with it.” He pouted, looking away.
You stared up at your best friend. “You wouldn’t do the same?”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t, now did I?” he sighed, gesturing you to move. “You’re on my bag.”
“Oh, sorry,” you said as you got up.
Just earlier, he was smiling at you. Now he was back to being grumpy. Your best friend had a serious problem.
“Hey, so am I dropping you two off?” Hoseok asked, appearing before the three of you.
“Me too, me too!” Jimin whined, latching on to his hyung’s leg. “Drop me off too!”
“Did those kids already leave?” you asked, ignoring the college freshman’s whines.
“Yeah, their parents are waiting for them outside.” He looked down at the younger boy. “I thought you said you were going to be picked up by your 95 liner friend.”
Jimin blinked up at him. “Oh. That’s right. I forgot. Ah!” He suddenly got up, rushing to grab his bag. “He must be here already! I gotta go! See you guys later! Hope to see you again Y/N!” he yelled as he ran out of the room without looking back.
Hoseok smiled warmly after the boy, shaking his head before looking back at you two. “So-”
“Yeah, I guess you’re dropping her off too.” Jungkook started to pack his things. His actions seemed pretty aggressive, shoving his water bottle into his bag without a care and zipping it closed angrily. 
You frowned. “Kookie-”
“Let’s just go,” the boy sighed, walking out of the room.
You frowned after him, not really understanding why your best friend would do something like that to his hyung.
Hoseok shook his head with a sigh, putting his hands on his hips. “He sure doesn’t like that I already know you.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “He sure doesn’t…”
The trip home was quiet.
Jungkook sat in the front seat while you sat in the backseat behind him. The boy stared out the window most of the time, leaning on the sill like an emo teenager.
Which he might be.
It was debatable.
You felt bad for Hoseok, who kept looking from the road to the younger boy continuously.
“So, was class fun today? You’re getting better at dancing you know. You should sign up for competitions,” he said, trying to make conversation.
When Jungkook didn’t answer him, he laughed lightly.
“How about I put on some music? You like listening to music on our car rides.” He turned the radio on, the station immediately playing rock music. He hadn’t changed the station since you had last been in the car.
Not only was the station playing rock, they were playing My Chemical Romance’s Summertime. You smiled slightly.
“Hey,” you said, nudging the boy in the seat in front of you. When he grunted an acknowledgement, you looked at the side mirror to watch his reaction. “It’s our song.”
He looked surprised for a split second, as if he just realized what song was playing. Then, for a few more seconds, there was a tiny smile on his face. But when he looked at the side mirror and met your eyes, his face dropped and he went back to being an emo teenager.
“Hey!” You hit his arm, glaring back at him when he turned to glare at you. “You don’t ignore our song like that. Respect the song and sing along, before I kill you.”
He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. “I wasn’t ignoring the song.”
“You weren’t singing along, that’s ignoring it.”
“You weren’t singing along either!”
You hit his arm again, frowning at his glare. “You know I’m not as good as a singer compared to you.”
That seemed to soften him as he dropped his glare to frown back at you. He didn’t say anything more, just sitting back in his seat and sighing.
You watched from the side mirror as he closed his eyes right when the bridge ended. His lips started to move and you wondered if he was cursing you under his breath until you realized he was singing along to the song under his breath.
“You can run away with me, anytime you want…”
You smiled widely, leaning back as you kept your eyes on him in the mirror. His face was red as an advertisement went on.
Hoseok didn’t seem to have noticed that the younger boy had been singing or chose to ignore it as he just asked, “What does ‘our song’ mean?”
Jungkook cleared his throat, looking at you through the side mirror and silently asking you to keep quiet.
However, Jeon Jungkook was not someone who could control you.
“It’s a song that he had as his ring tone around the time we first met. His phone went off during lunch while he was in the classroom and I heard it. I went up to the rooftop for lunch another time and happened to be playing the exact same song, when he came up.” Which was true. That’s exactly how it became their song. But they had often fought over bands before then. Even though you two liked rock music, you two had different bands as your favorite and had not realized that you two had liked a similar song and band after that ultimate favorite band.
“It’s a nice song. It’s in English though, so I barely know what it means.”
Jungkook sighed, rolling his eyes. “It’s basically about offering to be with a person no matter what, even offering to run away with them any time.”
“Oh…” The older boy looked between you and his dance student. “That’s the song you two share?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“I didn’t know you knew English.”
“I looked up a translation. I’m not good in English, my best friend is,” he replied before going back to being an emo teenager.
You sighed. “Kook…”
“There’s my house.” He looked at you as the car pulled over to the sidewalk. “Thanks for dropping me off. I’ll see you next week,” he said to Hoseok, who smiled and told him it was no problem. When he looked at you, you felt a chill go down your spine. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Don’t even try to avoid me.”
He really knew you well. “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.” You waved before he closed the door. You sighed, not looking forward to school.
Hoseok broke you out of your thoughts. “Hey, come sit up front before we get to your house.”
“It’s not even a minute away.”
“You’re gonna make me look like a taxi driver?”
“Aren’t you one?”
He looked at you, shocked. “Wow, you really are best friends with Jungkook…”
You laughed as your moved from the backseat to the passenger’s seat. “Yeah, I get that a lot.”
No matter what Jungkook said tomorrow, you’d listen to. Or at least try. Ulterior motive or not, you two were friends in a shape or form that no one would really understand (not even the two of you). Even though said friend could be an annoying arse.
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Hey guys, I'm back!
I've finished another semester of college! I apologize for having everyone wait for me to come back. In all honesty, I've been in a writing rut for the past 2 years but the recent course I took really helped me get out of it! So, I'm making sure to at least update a chapter of each of my series and finish every request I haven't completed!
Thank you to all of you guys who've kept supporting my blog even though I haven't been active in a while!
Keep a look out for those juicy fanfics and scenarios 😉
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Hello! I was wondering if you're going to continue your "When the Sun Crashes" series? Thank you! :)
Hey there! I’m incredibly sorry for the late reply! I will definitely update at least one chapter during this winter break! However, I probably won’t update again until summer comes around, I apologize. Thank you for reading my stories! You are one of the many reasons I haven’t completely given up on this blog and my stories!
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Hi! I was just wondering if you write for all 8 in MASC or just the original four?
I’m so sorry for the late reply! I only do the original four for MASC as I don’t really know the personalities of the other 4 quite yet. I’ll update my rule list when I do, however! Thank you for asking!
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nflying reaction to hoeseung joining the group
Here you go!
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N.Flying React to Hoeseung joining the group
Anonymous requested: nflying reaction to hoeseung joining the group
So, it’s been said by the members that they met Hoeseung before he was on Produce 101 and it was already decided that he would be in N.Flying at that time. Therefore, this is gonna be how I think they reacted at that time.
He’s a bit frustrated at the thought of having to add a new member into the group. He doesn’t understand why they need a new member in order to come back after a 2 year hiatus. However, he’d calm down to rationalize that it wasn’t his decision to make. All he could do was accept the new member with open arms, as the boy was probably incredibly nervous to be added into the group.
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As Kwangjin is the member who has trained the most years, he’s a bit angered at the thought of having a new member. The 4 of them have been together for 8 years, so he feels that their little group being infiltrated by a total stranger is uncalled for. He’s not going to welcome the new boy with open arms (at first).
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He’s pissed. Probably almost as pissed as when Kwangjin kissed him on national television. He doesn’t want a new member in the group. He believes there’s no use for a new member. However, he’d easily fall into the charms of the new member within a few days. He just might not look like it, as he is the straight-faced Cha Hun.
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The boy is as sad as can be. He knows that there would only be one reason why a new member was going to be added, and it’s because they weren’t good enough for CEO Han. He hates it but he can’t do anything about it. When he meets the boy, he’s the only one with open arms and a smile because he knows that the new member would be nervous about the whole situation. He might as well make friends with the new maknae.
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He’s terrified, nervous, worried, etc. He feels bad for debuting in an already established group but if it’s a chance for him to debut, he’ll take it. He promises to try his best, so that if the members hate him, they’ll like him soon enough.
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Fake Text Scenario: Asking your boyfriend Dawon why he’s such a meme
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When the Sun Crashes
I hope you have all been enjoying this story. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well!
Summary: You would always be there for your best friend. Or at least that’s what you wish you could do. But when that best friend is running to chase their dream, do you think you can keep up?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / next
There were many things about Taeyang that you never understood and probably would never understand. Such as entering your home early on a Saturday morning.
You groaned, pulling your sheets over your head. “Five more minutes…”
“If I give you five more minutes, we’re gonna be late.” He sighed, pulling your sheets away from you.
“Why do I even need to come? I wasn’t invited.” You sat up, scratching at your bed head.
Laughing, he leaned over to help smooth your hair out. “I asked if I could bring a plus one and they said sure. So, you’re coming.”
“It’s my only free day. I wanna spend it in bed.” You waved his hand away, frowning when he caught your wrist and tugged you up. Although you tried going back to bed, he pulled you to your bathroom.
He opened the door before pushing you inside. “Go get ready. I picked your outfit for you.” He closed the door, making you stare in shock.
You turned, seeing your clothes laid out on the closed toilet seat. “Hey! What did I tell you about going through my stuff?!”
“We’ve known each other since we were in primary school. Stop pretending we haven’t seen everything-”
“Just shut up and make me some breakfast. I’m gonna shower.” You cut him off, face warm.
From behind the door, you heard him chuckle. “Don’t take too long. We’re meeting up in an hour.”
After you were sure he had been busy in your kitchen, you sighed and locked the bathroom door.
You hated how easily Taeyang could convince you. All you wanted was to sleep in. But instead, you were his plus one at a party. A party you were sure the girl crushing on your best friend had invited said best friend and his dance crew to in order to get close to him.
Of course, your best friend was too oblivious to things like that.
“Why did you change? The outfit I prepared matched with mine,” Taeyang complained as you two headed to the dance studio. He was wearing a simple white shirt with a black bomber jacket along with black ripped jeans and black converse.
“That’s exactly why I changed. Seriously Tae, you know I hate skirts. Why’d you pick one?” How he found that monstrosity, you didn’t know. It was buried under other clothing along with the hideous bomber jacket matching his own. A simple black sweater and jeans along with your black combat boots were just fine to you.
“It was in your closet. If you don’t wanna use it, why do you even have it?”
You glared at him. “My mom bought it and I don’t have the heart to throw it out.”
Cooing, he pinched your cheeks. “No wonder it was so cute. Your mom really has a good taste.”
“You’re just asking for a fight now,” you said, hands on his wrists.
“Let’s not do that today.” He chuckled, while releasing you. He rubbed at your red cheeks softly, trying to soothe the pain he had caused you. “Let’s just hurry. They’re probably already waiting in the car.”
Of course, Taeyang was correct, The other boys rushed you two inside the small van, welcoming you with a smile before starting on the highway.
“Is this the biggest van you guys have?” you complained, thighs squished against your best friend’s. “If you guys didn’t know, Tae’s got really thick thighs.”
“Hey! That’s one of my complex’s!” He pouted. “And what’s wrong with this van? It’s just that you’re here were tight on car space. It’s usually really spacious.”
“If you had known I would just make this car uncomfortable, why’d you invite me?”
One of the other dancers said, “But you don’t make this car uncomfortable…”
Their dance leader, at the front passenger’s seat turned to you two with a smile. “I actually thought you would sit on his lap.”
“HEY!” You reached out, trying to punch him. Taeyang grabbed your upper arms to restrain you.
“Please don’t kill anyone…” Taeyang begged.
“I’m not gonna kill him. I just wanted to show him a lesson…”
Their dance leader laughed. “I see why you like her, Taeyang. Girl’s got attitude. She knows how to defend herself.”
Taeyang sighed, pulling you back when you tried to hit the leader. “She’s my best friend. She should know how to defend herself.”
“Best friend huh?” The leader wondered. “Why doesn’t she dance like you?”
“That’s more of a Taeyang signature in our friendship,” you explained, sitting back in your seat.
“Is it because you’re a bad dancer?” Their dance leader turned to smirk at you.
You grit your teeth. “Why you-!”
“Please no killing!” your best friend begged as he held you back.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” The rest of the boys encouraged.
The dancer who was driving pointed at everyone. “Don’t make me turn this van around!”
“Why can’t we ever have a normal trip?” Taeyang whined.
Luckily, the whole van arrived at the party in tact.
You weren’t sure how, but your best friend was relieved and that’s all that mattered.
“Okay, Min and I are gonna go talk to the DJ. You guys can chill or find some ladies.” Their dance leader winked.
You rolled your eyes while the other boys laughed.
“C’mon. Let’s go in.”
When you entered the hall that held the party, you deduced that Yoonji really did come from a rich family.
The hall was huge but already filled with people. Balloons and banners filled the place and there were children running around. There was a buffet table on the right side of the room while various tables of different activities were on the opposite side of the room. At the back of the room, a stage was set up for the DJ table and the special acts that the family probably paid a lot of money for.
In your mind, you were shocked at the similarity of Western birthday parties Yoonji’s family held. They must be really rich.
At the entrance, there was a table for sign-in and to leave presents. The woman manning it smiled when you all entered.
“Hello! You must be the dance crew our Yoonji kept talking about. You don’t have to-”
The dance leader shook his head as everyone took out an envelope. “We’ve already prepared gifts. Please accept them.”
You suddenly felt stupid for not preparing a gift as the woman accepted them from each boy. However, when Taeyang gave his, he smiled at the woman.
“It’s from both of us,” he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
While you sputtered with a red face, the other boys chuckled behind their hands and the lady in front of you two smiled widely.
She nodded, putting the envelope in a white box. “I understand. Enjoy the party and good luck!”
You all bowed before leaving, Taeyang pulling you along with him.
“Hey,” you said as you shoved his arm off your shoulder. “Why did you do that?”
“I already planned that  you would forget a present, knowing how busy you are. Plus, you are my plus one. It would only make sense that we share a present.”
You really hated how he could explain himself out of a hard spot. “Fine. But don’t try stuff like that again.”
He laughed. “Only if we stop being friends.”
Right after you had your fill from the buffet, you made a plate for Taeyang (who was practicing outside for their performance).
It was funny how, although the best dancer, he’d keep practicing whenever he could. Even now, when all the other boys were having fun decorating cookies and getting fake tattoos with sprayed paint, he was practicing on an empty stomach.
You sat back at your seat, putting the plate you made for Taeyang on the table space next to you, where he sat.
“It’s cute how you two look out for each other.”
You rolled your eyes and stared at the boy to your right. “It would be cute if you shut your mouth, Dongjoo-oppa,” you said sweetly to the dance team leader.
He laughed, taking a bit from the 2nd plate he made for himself. “Such harsh words sound like honey coming out of your mouth. If you two aren’t dating, why do you do stuff like that?” He pointed to the plate of food you had made.
“You know how he is.” You sighed. “For Taeyang, dance comes before food. Everything can wait when it comes to dancing.”
“Huh…” He picked at his food, deep in though. “Do you think that’s true?”
“Of course. Dancing is his whole life,” you said without a second thought.
“Then which do you think comes first for him?”
“Dancing or you?”
You frowned. That was the dumbest question. “Why would he ever have to choose between me and dancing? I would never get in the way of his dream.”
“It’s just a hypothetical question.” Dongjoo rested a cheek on his right hand as he stared at you. “So, dancing or you?”
“Dancing,” you whispered, eyes dropping to the table. The answer was clear to you and, even though it hurt, it was the absolute truth.
Shaking your head, you got up. “I’m gonna go check on the other boys,” you said before leaving him.
You pretended not to hear what the dance leader said as you left.
“Funny. Taeyang doesn’t seem like he’d choose dancing.”
While you were helping two of the boys help little kids decorate cookies, a child tugged at your jacket. You looked down at them with a smile.
“Unnie, can you make a pretty smiley face on this one?” the little girl asked.
“I’m not really good at it.” You laughed in apology. Kwangho and Beomseok had made many of the children’s cookies looking even more tasty with their frosting art. You had just helped children who wanted to write their names on theirs. “You should ask the oppas, they’re better than me.”
The little girl frowned. “But I want you to do it. Everyone who went to you look extra happy. Even the adults were happy.”
Even though you smiled at the compliment, you knew you shouldn’t lie to the kid. “I’m not really good at art…”
“It doesn’t have to be perfect… I just want a happy face!” She pouted. “Please unnie!”
You sighed. “Okay, okay. But remember that I told you I wasn’t good.”
The girl smiled, totally ignoring your warning. “Thank you!”
As you tried to do your best making a smiley face on the cookie with the frosting, the child watched intently. When you were almost done, you asked what her name was.
“I’m Mija. What about you, unnie?”
“Y/N.” You smiled, handing her the finished product. “It was nice meeting you, Mija.”
She squealed in delight as she took the cookie. “Thank you unnie! It looks so pretty! You did a better job than my unnie! Thank you!” She pulled you down to hug you before running off to brag about the cookie.
You smiled after her, but finally noticed you were alone at the table. “I can’t believe they ditched me without saying anything…”
Suddenly, the MC went up to the stage. “Good evening everyone! I hope you have all enjoyed your food and that the children enjoyed the activities that were set up. Now, we’re gonna start the real fun! We prepared many special shows for you all!” The MC smiled.
You hurried back to your seat as the lights dimmed down. The table was empty, save for the center piece and the plates of food the other boys had made themselves. Your seat was near the stage, but closer to the left side of the room.
“First, we have an amazing dancing crew! Not only are they handsome, they’re talented! Coming from the dance studio to this stage is a big deal! Everyone, please welcome Figure 8!”
While the MC left, the spotlight turned off and made the place dark. It went quiet and you held your breath.
Lights hit the stage, showcasing 8 of the boys you had arrived at the party with. When the music played and they started dancing, you smiled widely.
It was always the best when Yoo Taeyang was in his element.
You guessed that after your thoughts on the practice you had seen, the boys really put in a lot of effort. All the mistakes you pointed out, they had fixed. Not only were they dancing with the beat, they seemed like they were enjoying it as well.
You couldn’t help but laugh when Dongjoo winked at a table of high school girls. He really fixed what you had suggested.
When they finished, there was an uproar of cheers and clapping. You even heard a child from the table behind you ask if they were idols (you couldn’t help but smile at the thought).
“Wow! An amazing performance from Figure 8! Let’s give them another round of applause!” the MC said, giving the group more applause.
The boys bowewd before leaving the stage, all of them shedding their jackets off. As they headed back to the table, you clapped for them.
“You guys did great! I’m really proud,” you said as Taeyang took his seat next to you.
Dongjoo laughed, sitting as well. “It’s all thanks to you. Hey, could you come to our next practice? We have another gig and we want your opinion again.”
You frowned. “Why can’t you just record yourselves and monitor it?”
“Because we need a change in atmosphere.” He blinked. “The guys seem more alert when you’re around, duh.”
“Just cause I’m a girl? Ask someone else,” you scoffed. “I don’t need to waste my time with you guys. Besides, there are prettier girls out there.”
“Hey,” he scolded. “You’re pretty to us. And that’s not why I want you to start coming more often. You see mistakes I can’t even catch. Plus, we need an outside view. We wanna know the thoughts of an audience member.”
“Don’t some of you guys have siblings? Why can’t you ask them instead?”
He sighed, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “Our siblings don’t want anything to do with our dancing. C’mon, we’ll even buy you food.”
You heard Taeyang chuckle. He knew that with you, food was always a deal breaker. You wanted to prove that jerk wrong.
“I’ll pay you,” Dongjoo offered with a smile. “Twenty dollars for each practice.”
Taeyang gasped, making you turn and slap his thigh. “Ow! I just think that it’s a good offer… That’s why I reacted that way…”
“Still,” you replied. “You know I’m busy.” With regular schooling, a part-time job, and schooling from an academy, you weren’t sure if watching them dance would fit in your schedule.
“You won’t be coming to every practice. We’ll invite you to watch when we feel like we’ve got the dance moves down. Then I’ll ask Taeyang to ask you to come. If you can’t, we’ll just schedule it to a new day,” Dongjoo explained. He seemed to really want you to accept.
You looked over at Taeyang, who shrugged with a smile. “It would be nice for my best friend to know my dance friends better,” he said.
You wanted to decline. Sure, Taeyang is your best friend and you enjoy watching him dance but dancing wasn’t really your expertise.
Just as you opened your mouth, a hand covered it.
“Unnie! He’s gonna give you food and twenty dollars! Don’t say no!”
Pulling the hand away from your mouth gently, you turned to look at the child. “Mija, you don’t understand-”
“Say yes! They’re handsome and cool, unnie! Please!” She looked at you with twinkling eyes.
Taeyang patted her head. “She’s cute. How do you know her?”
“I was helping at the cookie table.” You sighed, rubbing your temples. Children were so hard to deal with. “Mija, honey-”
“As the birthday girl, my wish is for you to say yes to them!”
Dongjoo chuckled. “A birthday girl just wasted her wish on you.”
“No,” you said. “She hasn’t blown her candles out yet.”
Mija frowned, pulling away from your best friend. “A birthday girl can have as many wishes as she wants on her birthday.”
‘Stubborn kid…’ “This wish is too big. The only way it’ll work is if you wish it before blowing your candles.” You cursed at luck for making you bullied by a little girl.
“Mija!” a voice called, catching the girl’s attention. “It’s time for cake!”
She basically lit up and ran towards the stage, where they would present the cake. She turned to look at you before she left. “I’m going to wish it!”
You watched as she stood on a chair so everyone could see her. You waved back when she waved at you enthusiastically.
“Let’s sing ‘happy birthday’ to the birthday girl, Mija!”
Everyone sang, clapping their hands to the beat while you hoped she really wouldn’t wish what she had told you she was going to wish.
After she blew the candles and was caked, she looked over to you and yelled, “Unnie! Did my wish come true? Are you gonna help them?”
You groaned, hanging your head. “I hate all of you,” you whispered.
Taeyang laughed. “She said yes! Your wish came true.” He patted your leg and you could hear the rest of his dance team members cheer at your agreement.
You sincerely hated everyone.
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Breathe In Fog
Hey there! I’m sorry I haven’t been updating this blog recently. I’ve been busy with school but I promise I’ll try hard to update whenever I can. So, let’s get this show on the road!
Summary: He’s the most popular guy in school. All the girls love him and all the guys wanna be him. You found him incredibly annoying, but then again that’s how best friends are. (Jungkook best friend scenario)
previous / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / next
You hated that he was your best friend.
“Where are you going?” he asked, catching up to you from behind.
You cursed under your breath. “Out. Why are you following me? Don’t you have your class to go to?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Please, don’t be so conceited. My class is this way. And I asked where you were going.”
“I need to buy new notebooks. My other ones are getting full.”
He grabbed your wrist, making you stop. “We’ll buy it tomorrow, go home right now.”
“No, I wanna buy it today. What if a really nice one is at the store and I can’t get it because that was the last one?” You pouted.
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t play with me. I know you’re trying to go meet that stranger. What did I tell you? You can’t go without me,” Jungkook warned.
“No, I’m actually going to buy a notebook. Jungkook, please let me go,” you pleaded as you tugged at your wrist but he had no intention of letting you go.
Searching your eyes for a lie, he sighed and released you. “I don’t like that you’re going out alone. Could you at least wait for my class to finish?”
“Kookie, your class finishes late at night.”
“There are plenty of stores that sell notebooks that’ll still be open when I finish. We can get it then.”
You knew that when it came to things like this, Jungkook wasn’t one to let you go so easily. The only thing you could do was go along to what he wanted. With a sigh, you nodded. “Okay. I’ll come.”
He smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Cool! You finally get to see what I do when you’re not usually around.”
“I really hoped I would never have to see that…”
“What? Why not?” He frowned.
“I’d rather we keep our school lives apart from our outside lives,” you said quietly.
“Yeah, like you have a life outside of school- Ow!” He winced as he rubbed his side, you escaping from his hold.
“If you say anything else, I’m not gonna go with you. I’m going straight to buy my notebook, by myself.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, grabbing your wrist. He sighed, looking at your frown. “I’m sorry. Just this once, okay? Then you can go out to buy a notebook by yourself next time.”
You pulled your wrist away slowly, your frown still in place. “Why does threats like that scare you so much? Stop being stupid and hurry so we can get this over with.” You turned back and continued to walk forward. When you realized he hadn’t caught up to you, you turned to see him staring at you from afar. “YAH JEON JUNGKOOK! HURRY YOUR BUTT UP AND SHOW ME THE WAY!”
The boy finally seemed to snap out of it and hurried to your side quickly. “Sorry…”
The walk to the practice room that held the dance class he participated in had only took them a few minutes to get to. You looked at the tall building, following Jungkook when he gestured for you to enter with him. At the entrance, he stopped you.
“Wait here. I’m gonna go and try to find my dance teacher. You guys should meet before our class starts.”
“What if your teacher won’t let me watch you guys?” you asked, hoping he would suddenly reconsider.
He smirked. “You don’t know my teacher. He’s pretty chill so, he wouldn’t mind.”
You felt yourself become disappointed. Although you liked being Jungkook’s friend, it was pretty tiring trying to always beat him in these kind of games. You had wanted to meet Hoseok again, but he had to get in the way. “Oh… Okay…. You should go find him then…”
Nodding, he handed you his bag. “I’ll come right back, don’t go anywhere!” With that, he turned and ran to the hall on the left.
When he was gone, you sighed and pulled out your phone. You sent a text to Hoseok, apologizing for not being able to keep the date because of your friend and hoping that you two would be able to go out together some other day. Hoseok had quickly sent a text back, saying that it was no problem and that you guys could work another day out (a smiling emoji was sent right after). You smiled, happy he was so understanding.
A few boys walked past you, heading towards the direction Jungkook had gone in. You heard a familiar laugh, a look of confusion on your face as you stared at one of the boys who had his arm wrapped a younger looking boy. Even from the side, that smile was easily noticeable.
He looked at you, his jaw dropping. The boy he had his arm wrapped around looked at you as well, a confused look on his face. Hoseok slid his arm off of the boy, pointing at you. “Yah, you just texted me that we couldn’t meet! Why are you here?!”
“That’s what I wanted to ask you!” you shouted back. “Why are you here?!”
“Oh.” The boy who was with Hoseok smiled. “You know a girl, hyung? Are you finally dating?”
“Yah!” Hoseok made a motion to hit him but was satisfied with the flinch the other boy gave in response.
“How did you meet hyung? Is he your boyfriend?”
“Do you want to die?” When the other boy responded with a shake of his head, Hoseok pushed him to the left hallway. “Then get to class. I’ll be right there.”
The boy frowned, but walked towards the direction. Before he disappeared behind the wall, he turned and bowed towards you. “I’m Park Jimin, by the way. It was nice meeting you!”
“YAH!�� Hoseok glared, sending Jimin running.
You blinked at the older boy, confusion clouding your thoughts. “What the hell is going on here?”
“That’s what I wanna be asking you. Just answer my question. Why are you here?” He walked towards you, stopping once he was standing right in front of you.
“The best friend I was talking about takes dance classes here. Why are you here?”
“Didn’t I tell you? I teach a dance class.”
You suddenly had a gut feeling and knew that something you didn’t want to happen would happen.
“Who’s this best friend of yours? Maybe I have him in my class. But then again, there are 4 other dance classes going on this afternoon.”
You really hoped he was in the other 4.
“Hyung! There you are!”
The gut feeling you had was never wrong…
Hoseok turned, smiling widely. “Kookie! You’ve been looking for me? Why? What’s the matter?”
Your stomach churned. Hearing someone else call your best friend that name was somehow… Weird.
The whole situation was weird.
“I needed to talk to you,” the other boy said, his eyes flashing over to you. “I see you’ve already met my friend…”
The older boy rose an eyebrow and glanced over to you. “Your friend?”
Jungkook smiled, nodding as he walked over to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You felt your face get warmer. “Yeah, this is the best friend I’ve been telling you guys all about. Hoseok-hyung, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Hoseok-hyung. Hyung, she’s gonna be watching us at the class. Is that cool with you?”
The both of you stared at each other, him in shock and you in horror. You were the first to shake it off as you shrugged your best friend’s arm of your shoulder.
“Jungkook… I already know him.”
“Oh.” He blinked at you two. “I mean, that seems impossible, seeing how you’re with me or at home and never out of my eyesight.”
You rolled your eyes. The boy was slow sometimes. “There was a time that I’ve been out of your sight, remember?”
While Jungkook thought hard about it, you glanced over at the older boy’s expression. He didn’t look like he minded. In fact, he looked more amused than anything.
“Why are you being like that?” you asked when he started chuckling.
“Well, I guess your friend is the only Korean that likes rock music,” Hoseok joked.
Jungkook didn’t seem to be too happy about the joke and you suddenly understood why he hadn’t let you meet the hyungs he would always talk to you about. “Hyung, I-”
“I know you don’t like that I know him, but you invited me and I’m already here. If you’re gonna make me go home when I’ve already wasted time here, I’m never talking to you again,” you cut in with a glare at your best friend.
Said best friend looked at you shocked, while the new friend you made seemed amused at the younger boy’s reaction.
“Y/N, listen-”
“I’m not kidding and you know it.”
He groaned, running a hand through his hair. “You’re really gonna be like this?”
“You barely know him.”
“If he’s your hyung, shouldn’t you trust him more?”
Jungkook pouted at you, knowing that you were right. He looked over to Hoseok, his shoulders sagging. “I guess she’s watching our dance class no matter what I say…” He turned, walking to the practice room.
You sighed, giving the older boy an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that. It’s probably really weird to see someone his age scolding and threatening your dongsaeng like that…”
Hoseok shook his head. “No, no, it’s fine. I’m actually in awe of you right now.”
“Oh, really? Why’s that?” You rose your eyebrow.
“Because the kid doesn’t even listen to us hyungs. And he’s the maknae among our group. He’s got no respect, I tell you.”
“Oh, does he now…” You crossed your arms, looking towards the direction your best friend had gone. “That’s really good to know…” In your head, you were thinking of ways to make the jerk a better person.
“Yeah. That’s why I’m wondering why he’ll listen to you.”
You blinked, looking at Hoseok while dropping your arms to your side. “Huh?”
“I’ve known his for years now, but he hasn’t ever listened to me. I’ve probably known him for almost half a decade.”
That’s way longer than you’ve known him…
“But there was never a time where he would listen to me. How do you do it?”
You were stuck. In all honesty, you had thought that the reason he had been so lenient was because you were his only friend in school. But you had thought that he was that way for everyone else he had befriended, like his hyungs. Knowing that he actually wasn’t that way made you confused. “I… I don’t know now… Really… I don’t know…”
Hoseok didn’t seem to mind as he just shrugged and started to walk over to the practice room. “Come on, let’s go. He’s probably waiting for us to come into the room right now.”
You followed, your mind mostly on the fact that somehow, Jungkook seemed to listen to you. Even though you two were just best friends for the image of it.
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Fake Text Scenario: telling your boyfriend Rowoon you love Dawon more
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Here you go!
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SF9 React to reader showing them memes
Wow okay. For all my fellow memers out there, this is for you.
Old man Youngbin has almost no experience with memes whatsoever (other than the three living and breathing memes Fantasy call Chaos Line but he won’t count that). So when you show him a meme, he’s more confused than anything honestly. He’d say, “That’s a cute picture!” and you would correct him and tell him it’s a meme. After, you would probably have to explain what a meme is and the purpose of it is as well as explain the different types of memes there are. If you’re gonna show him a meme, the first one has to be a normie or wholesome meme because he knows nothing about memes yet and there’s less of a chance of him looking at you with a concerned expression.
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Dank memer coming through! If you were to show him a dank meme, Inseong would go off. “YOU LIKE DANK MEMES TOO?!” He’d be incredibly happy and start exchanging memes with you. He’d ask what your favorite dank meme is and he’d tell you his favorites like Dat Boi meme. He’d also really like wholesome memes as well but dank memes are his forte. You shouldn’t show him edgy memes though because he’ll start an intervention.
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Depending on the meme, he’ll laugh and start exchanging memes with you. He likes dank memes but he’s mostly a wholesome meme guy. He’ll easily start conversations with memes about how much he supports and loves you. He’d be genuinely worried if you showed him any edgy memes, so much so that he’d sit you down and talk about how he’s there for you if you need to talk (he’s honestly the most pure boy in the world #ProtectJaeyoon2k17).
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This boy is the real meme king. He’s very versatile when it comes to memes. Edgy memes? He’s got it. Dank memes? He’s got it. Wholesome memes? He’s got it. Every meme you want, boy’s got it. The chances of him already have seeing the meme you show him is 100% but he’ll pretend he didn’t see it because he thinks the memes you show him are cuter and better.
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There may be a chance we knows at least some memes, probably knows the really popular dank ones like pepe. If you’re gonna show him some memes, it’s gotta be wholesome and dank like Jaeyoon. However, he’s not gonna be so much into memes like Chaos Line, he’ll smile and laugh at those types if you show it to him. Beware if you show him an edgy memes, he’ll question your sanity if you do.
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He may as well be a little bit versed in meme culture, just a tad bit though. His adventure in memes has only gone up to normie and wholesome memes however. Meaning that if you show him a dank meme, chances are he’s not gonna get it. He’ll probably love wholesome memes to the core and show it to you as well as his members often. If you show him, an edgy meme, he’ll probably try to talk to you about your feelings and start an intervention.
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This boy, like Youngbin, will know next to nothing about memes (and probably only knew about them because of the other members). When you show him a meme, he’ll probably smile but be a bit confused or he’d laugh as soon as you show it to him. Chances are, he’ll laugh more if it’s a normie meme. Don’t show him a dank meme because he won’t understand it’s dynamics and purpose. He won’t like anything edgy, wholesome memes are forever his thing. Show him something edgy and he might be scarred for the rest of his life (don’t do that to the poor sunshine).
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Like any young person these days, his sense of humor is pretty dark so it would be no question that his taste in memes is the same way as well. He’s got an odd sense of humor, so dank memes are something he’s incredibly fond of. He also appreciates a pretty edgy meme (not too edgy though) and wouldn’t find your love for memes weird at all. In fact, be sure to stock up on your memes because he might declare a fierce meme competition.
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If you’re gonna show Chani a meme, it’s gotta be a dank and edgy meme. He’s a millennial, so he’s usually part of the people who start the meme trend instead of jump on when it’s high and swinging. He finds what most of his hyungs might find extremely odd to be hilarious and he likes memes that challenges social norms. If you show him a wholesome or normie meme, he’ll comment on how cute the meme is or he’ll laugh but not as hard as he would with an edgy or dank meme.
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all fnc artists react to good promotion
Here you go!
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FNC Artists react to good promotion
@hnlxjo requested: all fnc artists react to good promotion
I’m gonna write these in groups because it would be too long as individual artists. However, I’ll write a little about each member in the group so I hope you don’t mind. Also, I’m sorry I don’t write about AOA or CNBlue, I don’t know enough to write about them TT
As the company’s first group, I think they would be the most surprised.
Hongki would personally go to CEO Han and ask him what his motives are (because he’s sure the man has an ulterior motive). Jonghoon would also go to CEO Han and ask him if he was feeling well (because he’s sure the man was probably out of it). Jaejin would be very shocked but very happy. Seunghyun would probably break down crying in happiness. Minhwan would question what made CEO Han want to promote them better, but would be glad nonetheless.
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Kwangjin will question if CEO Han was okay. Seunghyub would think it was a joke and would be shocked. Hun would also be shoked but would play it off by being nonchalantly happy about it. Jaehyun would be extremely happy, probably yelling a, “FINALLY!”
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Youngbin would be very happy to know that SF9′s name was finally out there and even happier about the amount of love they were getting from the public. Inseong, Jaeyoon, and Dawon would probably run around screaming in shock. Zuho and Rowoon would probably scream and shout in joy while hugging each other. Taeyang and Hwiyoung would probably cry at the amount of fans and love from the public they were getting. Chani wouldn’t be fazed, but he’d still be extremely happy.
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Seongseok would be extremely happy, probably would be screaming in happiness the whole day. Chulmin would be smiley, he would probably announce it to their fans. Dongsung would be very happy, his mind going, “FINALLY!” Hwan wouldn’t say much but the smile on his face would easily show how happy he was.
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Imagine Rowoon learning Lemonade by Passion on the ukulele and singing it to you on your first date
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