lifeisahealer · 7 months
Today I'm happy, I have restored my emotional cube blocks back into a cube..... yesterday my anxiety was on high, taking its toll.
My anxiety originates from the fear of my husband's brain tumor coming backi constantly pray for his wellness....hope the Universe answers my prayers.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
Mining for Diamonds was for yesteryears,
These days Empathy is a gem to be mined.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
Trenches of Life:
Beautiful pearls are often tucked tugged alone nicely on the ocean floor, When i find myself alone, i say to myself i m that Pearl, shining alone is my fate.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
Finding a friend in this sea of people, was always a rare find,but these days finding people with whom u can sit and chat, share your stories is also becoming difficult.
If they just get a hint that u have touched a rough patch, the flock of people around you flies away, for them u become invisible.
Sad state of today's world.
We talk about empathy all the time but when it really comes to empathize, we fail miserably.
People tend to walk away from your sad moments, instead of helping u stay upright in those moments.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
Healing from a wound.
No matter how big or small the wound is, it always brings pain. We have to decide to let it rule on us or to rule on it.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
We all have a habit of taking things for granted.....most of all our own body, our own organs....in order to live the life we forget the driver who is driving us, Our Heavenly Organs, because of them we are here, we are living and enjoying ourselves.
Thank you my dear Organs for functioning well and making sure that we are able to live our life.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
They say, to lessen your pain talk about it....is it really true????
It might be, but do you have people who have brave hearts to hear the pain, to take the sorrow....i think those GEMS are hard to find, hence i call them GEMS, a rarity. And if you have found your GEMS, you are lucky, enjoy the company of your jewels.
It recently happened with me, i was shattered to my core when i learnt post craniotomy my husband has suffered a paralytic stroke.....i was devastated.
I had lost my smile and all i could do was cry, tears rolling down my face all the time everytime, i did not feel sorry for myself but felt very very hurt and sad.....this is another story(some other time).
People go silent in shock but with me reverse happened, i was speaking and speaking to my family around me, to my family far off. Everyone kept on sympathizing with me. But sympathy was the last thing that i needed, i needed the courage, i needed my heart to become brave and i wanted a ear to listen to all my garbage without any judgement........and one thing Human Beings cannot resist is Judging others.
When this happened to me, i realised the sorry state, people are so miserable that they cannot even share the pain of their own family member....It becomes too heavy for them, kind of burden.
i want to ask one question, if you cannot simple bear to share the pain when it is not even yours, how do you expect the person in pain to behave normally????
That was when i realised, no matter how many people we have around, no matter how very well connected we are, we are ALONE most of the time.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
When your loved one or yourself is diagnosed with Brain Tumour, everything thing goes numb. Even a smile is not able to reach you, the brightest flower will also not feel wow......everything becomes cold and numb, in the hot one can experience the chill.
I know this and i'm writing this as my loved one is experiencing the same. I'm proud of him, the way he has come around the big truth, he is my inspiration.
He has undergone multiple craniotomies and has come out smiling andis ready to bounce back to life. This is what i find most inspiring. He is a fighter and is still fighting......it's the Power bigger than us all, who is taking care, and i'm so thankful to the Power, to the Almighty for protecting him, for giving him the strength, the will to fight for his life.
Life has colours, sometimes it's dark and sometimes it's light....we have to keep looking for our RAINBOW 🌈.I hope and pray i find mine.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
Often those around us, take us for granted and when this happens in relationships it hurts alot.
We have to say NO to it. And when we do that we feel liberated, but they will keep coming back, all we need to do it to be firm on our NO.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
Sometimes distancing yourself from some people lets you live peacefully, so i prefer to distance myself from ones with i feel let down....and i feel free.
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
Fear of Unknown is Destructive, free yourself
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lifeisahealer · 7 months
#L1: People will start pulling themselves away
It hurts the most when u think u have wonderful people around you who will listen to you, help you find a solution to your problem but alas after so many years i realised WE ARE ALONE IN THIS SEA OF PEOPLE.
Everything has a justification, they will never accept that they have flawed. My Flaw was expecting from my dear ones. Finally, i have accepted the truth, bitter or sweet and it has given me so much peace inside, i feel the calmness now.
When people leave you, FAITH comes to the rescue...
#L2: Power of Universe
I have fallen in love with the power..... The power never leaves you, it ia intangible, its presence can only be felt. The moment i raised a desire in my subconscious to come near the power, i felt it is holding my hand, showing me the way, taking me on the right path, helping me take the right decisions.For me this is the Power of Universe, for me this is my Krishna.
We seek the Power and the Universe is so kind it comes to our rescue. Our Faith comes to our rescue. There is no need to go to a specific place, a quiet corner and a peaceful place with a desire to connect and complete surrender is needed. One can enjoy and feel the peace inside and surround.
Lessons of life:
When we walk through difficult times, life teaches us lots of things, life also keeps on checking us. Life is a GURU.
In this process we change, we grow , we evolve.
I will talk about my lessons, which i learnt in this process. Let me introduce myself, i m a wife, a mother and while i was enjoying my life i became a caregiver to my husband.On our rose petalled path, we suddenly encountered thorns when we came to know he has Brain tumor, suddenly we felt the ground beneath our feet shaking....our happy world came crashing down. It has been 8 years and we have survived 3 brain surgeries and right now recovering from paralysis which happened during the 3rd surgery.
It seems Universe is testing our grit, our breaking point....everyday i pray to the universe to spare us no i can't take it anymore, i do not want to endure more, i'm tired of crying, I want to smile, i want to be happy with my husband as a wife, i want to be happy smiley mother to my children who have also grown up in this process.
In these past years i have evolved as a person, i have learnt hard truths of life which we realise when we touch the low of life. I will now share my lessons.
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lifeisahealer · 8 months
Trenches of Life :
Deep down in the ocean lay its beauty.
In the trenches we find life, we find beauty....In difficult days of life we have to dive deep find the trenches inside us.
When we find the trench when we hit the ocean floor of our deep inside, we will see the beauty, we will gather strength and power to reflect upon the difficult times.
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