lightacwriter · 3 years
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lightacwriter · 3 years
What to do when you’re having a poor executive function day/been sitting in front of your computer for a few hours wondering why you can’t do your work: 
1. Take a deep breath - Let out all that anxiety over the project you’re doing so you can think clearly
2. Pull up a clean sheet of paper and something to write with - You can use a fresh word doc, new page in your journal or planner or whatever else works for you, the idea is that after this you will have a physical list to look at to help keep you on task.
3. Identify your obstacles (i.e. What is keeping you from doing this task?) - For example: Is it scary? If so, why? Does it feel too hard? Is there something else that you feel needs to be done first? Write these down!
4. Plan how to overcome your obstacles - This can take some creativity and some thinking to best figure out how to overcome the obstacle. I’ve included examples below for potential plans.
Example 1:
Obstacle: I don’t know the best way to approach this task.
Plan: Brainstorm on paper ways that you might be able to approach this task. Google ways to accomplish this task. Review lecture notes or example homework problems on how to accomplish this task. Ask a friend/coworker/classmate how they might start the task. Write down everything you feel might be relevant until you feel like you know where to start and where to go.
Example 2:
Obstacle: This feels too big and overwhelming so I don’t want to do it.
Plan: Break down the tasks into smaller, tiny tasks. Make them as small as you need to make them feel manageable. Write down all these tasks check them off as you go. 
Example 3:
Obstacle: I’m waiting for someone to get back to me with comments on this project but they’re taking too long.
Plan: Follow up with this person and identify what you can do without their comments. For example, if you’re waiting for someone to sent you a section of a project or paper, write your section to the best of your ability. Can you have someone else review this project and still get good feedback. Or tell yourself you’ll revise/edit your project and integrate their comments later when you get to them. Often when I identify what feels out of order, I can move past it or put it farther down my list so I’m no longer just stuck waiting.
5. Encourage yourself and commend yourself for filling in the gaps actively that your brain couldn’t do on it’s own today. - You’re doing a great job!
A Graduate Student with Adult ADHD
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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We danced on the beach, and we kissed on the beach, and… dot, dot, dot.
MAMMA MIA! (2008) dir. Phyllida Lloyd
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lightacwriter · 3 years
Casey Mquiston books will have the corniest tag lines like “True love isn’t always diplomatic.” or “Sometimes love stops you in your tracks” and then emotionally scar you.
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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studying again, collecting treasures, waiting for the semester to start. more here.
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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Let's run away
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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There are such things as ghosts. People everywhere have always known that. And we believe in them every bit as much as Homer did. Only now, we call them by different names. Memory. The unconscious. // The Secret History, Donna Tartt
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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I am drawing people with different features, which were requested to me, so people can see themselves in art and feel valid and seen. more art in #reqbodyposi hashtag
#reqbodyposi art compilation. there is much more! look in the tag
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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3. 4.639 likes
Druck - Old Gen - Top 3 liked Instagram posts
-> Abdi Ates
(as of 21st July 2021)
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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lightacwriter · 3 years
if you woke up late, your morning didn't go well, something unexpected happened at the beginning of the day and you are now sad and worried your day will be wasted, don’t worry. take a deep breath and start with where you left off. you can always start at any point of the day. you can start getting your life together at 5PM in case you were too tired and sleeping all day long. please don't give a bad 20 minutes or so of an incident the power to dictate the rest of the day. you dictate the energy you want. start wherever you want. rest when you need to. you got this ♡
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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scans of eugène delacroix (1-2) and mozart's (3) diaries, from 'great diaries'.
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lightacwriter · 3 years
A little something I’m trying to work on for the start of my wip - The Enchanters
The Enchanters is a new adult/ya fantasy novel about a boy who can see the future and his mission to save the magical world with his oblivious best friend by his side
I can feel my heart beating in my ears as I tap my fingers against the tops of my thighs, considering what words I will say and what facial expression I will make when that door opens. I can feel my hands starting to get clammy – something that’s usually very unlike my hands to do and is, quite frankly, very rude of them. The vinyl of the blue seat I’m sitting on is hard and uncomfortable under my butt, and I know the second that I move, an embarrassing and dream-haunting sound is most certainly going to escape. Why does the office of a small and cosy café have a blue vinyl chair for its interviewees, you ask? Well, I would be the wrong person to answer that, but perhaps we should direct that question to the middle-aged woman who’s just now opening the door.
“Franklin Quinn?” She asks, her purple glasses slipping down the bridge of her nose as she squints her eyes at the paper in her hand.
“Just Frankie,” I reply with a small smile, adding as much charm as I can with that one dimple on my right cheek. I have to nail this one. I just have to. Everything depends on it.
“Right then,” the woman says. She pushes the glasses back up to meet her eyes and opens up the blind behind the single window, allowing a flood of golden sunlight to fill the dark wooden room. She then walks over to the desk and takes a seat on a much more comfortable and much nicer looking wooden chair. The contrast between the vomit-blue colour of the one under my ass and the cherry wood of the one under hers makes me question if I actually want a job here. “Frankie. Unfortunately, your resume isn’t as impressive as you made it out to be in your email.”
Right. Way to get straight to the point and break my heart, lady who still hasn’t told me her name.
I open my mouth in an attempt to reply with something charming and witty, wanting to do my best to win her over, but she cuts in before I get a chance to speak.
“However, we are desperate for staff, so you’re hired.” She says it with such casualty that I almost don’t register the words that come out of her mouth. I watch her shoulders shrug as she shuffles around with the paper on her desk, sorting through the stacks. She then places my resume in front of me, as well as a staff information form. “But you might want to think about adding a few lies to this thing. No one’s going to hire you when all you’ve got is being an avid gardener and captain of the year 12 cheerleading squad, which was six years ago.”
I’m still in shock from trying to process her words. That I actually got this job without even being asked any questions. Without even knowing this woman's name. And instead of nodding in agreement about my shitty resume or reaching across to shake her hand, I jump up out of the crappy vinyl chair (yes, it does emit that horrid noise I was so badly trying to avoid previously) and bend down to throw my arms around her shoulders. I feel her jolt back in shock at first before she reaches up to pat my back with one of her hands, the thick gold rings on each of her fingers pressing hard into my back as she does so.
“Thank you, thank you,” I say as I let go and begin pacing around the small office space. “You have no idea what this means to me. I can’t even begin to explain. I wasn’t going to be able to pay rent, I-”
The woman raises her hand for me to stop speaking, and I comply, standing still in the middle of the room.
“I don’t need to know your personal business, Frankie. Don’t make me regret this.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I say, nodding my head enthusiastically. “I promise that you won’t.
“Right, then. Be on your way. Your roster will be emailed to you later today. Welcome to the French Bean.”
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lightacwriter · 3 years
do you think tumblr will make new “uh oh there was a fucky wucky error” for when your credit card information gets stolen?
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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lightacwriter · 3 years
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