lightnurlicht-blog · 10 years
:DD humans-of-ddw:
Nindya Nareswari, Indonesia.
"I’ve ever come to Dutch Design Week two years ago and i come here again. It’s really nice to see all the new designs again, it open my mind! It’s also really interesting to see that all ages, from kids to elderly, come to visit. For example in my country the age is still really limited. Here design is for all and it’s really nice to see that everybody is joining!"
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lightnurlicht-blog · 10 years
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source: http://evaberendes.com/
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lightnurlicht-blog · 10 years
very interesting topic!
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lightnurlicht-blog · 10 years
Light and I
Light? Why light? What is light? It has been six years since I got the 'click' to this extraordinary thing. Back then, when I was studying Product Design, I remember it was my second year, I found a little book titled 'Light design now!' at the local bookstore. That was my first sight to Lighting Design. Luminaire Design precisely at that time. Suddenly, my heart was beating fast when I read the book, page by page. This is it. I found it, I said to myself. Light has something different. It has long long story with us as human, even since before any product was invented. It is an (intangible) element that is almost impossible for us to live without.
How light reflects the life process by its own way. How magically light dispersed into spectrum through certain mediums. How light could be produced by living organism. Those phenomena encouraged me to pay more attention to light.
Since then, almost all my assignments I have done with light. I felt like a fanatic. But I didn't care, because this is the best way to learn my interest further. From a small reading light (material study with acrylic glass), resin with fluorescent pigment powder, helmet, jewelry, table lamp, desk lamp, floor lamp, pendant lamp, wall lamp, to an interactive balancing board as my graduation project.  My internships had given me a priceless experience and huge impact to my thought about lighting design. Luminaire design based on market research in Japan, lighting design plan by projects, and conceptual luminaire design in Germany. Those all taught me how wide light could be approached. I went to exhibition 'Liberation of Light' in Eindhoven on 2010. It was just amazing to see various possibilities of light! Interactive installations, games, fashion design, home decorations, agriculture, poetic sculpture, and many more. The exhibition encouraged me to explore further about light, more than just functional as a tool for vision.  Then, I continued my study in Architectural Lighting Design, Wismar, Germany. Here I learned another thing, another side of lighting design. How light define the space, how light influences our body, how light plays as identity of the place, how light could be easily controlled by technology, how light and material are strongly engaged, and by installation & experiments I did with material and space, I learned how light affects perception and touches its new role in human experience.
Light doesn't only allow us to see. It has a strong and deep relationship with us as human. Don't you feel it? If you put more attention to light, more conscious about light, any detail of it, even though only your shadow on the ground, you will feel more blessed and thankful in life.  Eindhoven, Lichtstad, 2014 in deadline of my thesis :P
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lightnurlicht-blog · 10 years
<3 danorst:
Moon Rise Time Slice…. this is a collage of 11 photos taken over 27 minutes and 59 seconds
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lightnurlicht-blog · 10 years
it tells many things about light. Optical Glass House by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
Solace by Nicky Assmann http://nickyassmann.net/
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
A thought - design myself.
I'm kinda person who is quite idealist. I want something perfect. Ya I know, nothing is perfect. So I will do as long as I can to get close to perfection. Especially for myself, for my future. And I feel that to build myself I found a similarity as designing products. -Probably you feel I'm odd or geek of design, but I think it's also because I got a lot of influences from my background, product design :))
To design, you need to do a lot of experiments. To do that, you need ideas. To get ideas, you need a research. To research, you need a reference.
As well as my way to find the real me by traveling. I feel that it's almost impossible to find myself by just staying in one country. I need to explore to find inspirations. To research & survey to different sources/places to get as much inputs as i can.
I will visit as many countries as I can until I found myself. And then, in the countries I'll visit, i will try many different things and decide which one I like and fits to me and which one doesn't. In design context, I called it as experiment.
Afterwards, I can decide where I belong to, what I like, how and who myself is by references that I had and 'experiments' that I did. If someone is asking me, why don't you like this and that? I will obviously have the answer. As well as design. When the product is done, and people are asking, why don't you make the shape like this and that, you will have the answer, because you did a lot of experiments and researches before.
Stuttgart, January 2014
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
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Folded by Jomi Evers Solheim
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
Winter version of Inspired by Iceland
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
reminds me to my master thesis plan  * _ *
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
Concert , 2013, by Amy Paterson & Studio Olafur Eliasson
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
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by Hilda Hellström http://www.hildahellstrom.se/
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
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iceland. http://www.ignant.de/2013/07/24/iceland/
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
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my future house :p
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lightnurlicht-blog · 11 years
Please be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in.
Andrew Zimmern  (via thenocturnals)
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