Heya!! How about hcs for how narancia would propose to his s/o? Thank you!!! Love your writing btw💕💕
-Nervous but trying not to let it show
-asks everyone for advice. This is best and worst decision.
-Mista suggests going full romantic on it. Candle lit dinner, maybe a nice walk in the park. Down on one knee, the whole nine yards.
-Giorno suggests the same thing, but with more roses. Lots more roses.
-Abbachio suggests doing the cliche 'Ring in champagne' thing.
-The others tease Abbachio for his cliche, Nirancia included.
-Bruno and Fugo are the most help.
"Just be yourself."
"Yeah. They clearly already know what they're getting."
"Fugo be nice."
-In the end he just goes for it. But with his own flare.
-Has Aerosmith shoot out 'Will You Marry Me?' Into the ground. [by this point S/O, if not a stand user, knows Nirancia can see and do things they can't]
-Is so nervous when going down on one knee.
-Will feel like fainting when they say yes.
-Cries just as much as S/O does. Or more.
-You know how in movies woman are portrayed as all 'OMG' when showing off their engament ring? That's the gang when Nirancia tells them S/O said yes.
-Nirancia could not be more excited for a wedding and his future then when he's with his S/O, now fiance.
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Headcanons where Fugo’s s/o likes giving Purple haze head pats and stuff.
[before I start, I want you to know this took me...awhile to figure out. Sorry if they're not that good]
-first, you're either incredibly brave...or incredibly stupid. (no offense)
-purple haze is one of the most deadliest stands! And you want to be close enough to give it head pats? ...mood.
-Everyone is apprehensive because 'Why?'
-Especcially poor Fugo.
-It's hard enough for him to trust someone on this level, but he trusts you.
-Purple Haze has no filter unlke Fugo. It's growling happily and leaning into your touch, it's wild eyes closing and he seems calm.
-Fugo is shocked, everyone is shocked.
-Purple Haze will not want to let you go, even taking your hand and putting it BACK on his head.
-Good luck
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Can’t put my finger on it (Josuke X reader )
You all were up on the roof at lunch, chatting happily as you all ate.
The whole deal with Kira was done and over with.
There was still residual effects, mental scars that even Josuke couldn't heal.
But you all worked through it in your own ways.
"Oi. You have something on your face." Josuke said, you blinking and looking up from your bento at him. He reached out, swiping the piece of rice off your face and sticking his thumb in his mouth.
"Seriously? Can you get more cliche?" you laughed, blushing and Josuke just grinned.
"Mah~" Okuyasu said, frowning and scratching his chin. "I can't figure it out...but something is different between you two." He said and both Josuke and you froze, looking at Okuyasu wide eyed.
"Yer alot closer then I remember."
"W-Well shared trauma tends to bring people closer." you offered, quickly focusing on your lunch.
"That's true." Okuyasu murmured, munching on his own lunch with a frown.
"You're also probably seeing things bro." Josuke said, wrapping an arm around his best friend's shoulders.
Okuyasu blinked a few times, looking between Josuke and you before grinning.
"Probably. Ain't been gettin' much sleep these days." He said, rubbing the back of his neck and you perked up.
"Aw~ poor Oku. Wanna talk about it?" you asked, scooting closer to his other side. You set your lunch down, reaching out and touching his cheek.
Okuyasu blushed a bit but shook his head, grinning at you.
"Just knowing your concerned is enough fer me." He said and you hummed, nodding and smiling.
Josuke happened to glance at Koichi, locking eyes as he saw the look of 'I call bullshit' on Koichi's face.
Josuke refused to maintain eye contact after that.
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hello!! i really love your writing so far :') could i request headcanons for polnareff with a crusader s/o who's really goofy and carefree? thank you so much! :)
-I'm being serious here when I say, you are the light of his life.
-The fact you can crack a joke, or do something silly, when they're in this life or death race, it's what he needs. (being honest it's what they all need)
-Polnareff himself is a kind of goofy guy. So having someone he can just be so free and himself with, it's really healing.
-His favorite thing is getting YOU to laugh. It fills him with such warmth.
-Your smile makes him weak in the knees.
-When you throw your arms around him and hug him tight? mon Dieu! He's never ready (though that doesn't mean he doesn't love it)
-He's just so grateful to have you in his life, and he plans on keeping you in his life through all of Egypt and beyond.
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Cuddling with Prosciutto scenario? Like do whatever :3
[i'm just...too obvious with my La Squadra love OTL maybe i should have made this a La Squadra dedication blog instead of just writting XD]
Prosciutto was pissed.
Between Ghiaccio screaming his head off, and Melone egging him on, not to mention the piss poor pay for his last hit, Prosciutto felt a headache coming on.
And when he had a headache, he got grumpy. And when he got grumpy, he snapped easily.
And that had resulted in snapping at everyone, including you.
All you had done was asked him what was wrong.
But he had snapped, practically biting your head off with a 'Mind you're own damn business!' before storming off to his room.
He had curled up on his bed, trying to force the fatigue and pain way, but nothing was working.
He had undone his hair.
He had messages his temples.
He had even thought about taking a hot bath. (Last option was a no-go as the tub looked like something might be living in it.)
So it seemed like he was due to suffer for what felt like eternity.
"Prosciutto?" Came the call of your voice, soft as you slowly opened his door.
Prosciutto didn't say anything; just ground his teeth, clenched his eyes shut and curled up into a tighter ball.
He heard the door shut and lock, opening his eye just crack to see you walking towards him.
He grunted, rolling so his back was facing you when you reached the edge of his bed.
He felt the bed dip from your weight, before he felt your fingers play with the tips of his hair.
Neither of you said nothing, the pounding in Prosciutto's head winning out as he scooted to let you lay down.
You did just that, the blonde man instantly turning and latching onto you. His lithe arms wrapped around your waist as he buried his face in your chest.
You blushed but smiled, starting to run your fingers through his hair, messaging his scalp slightly.
He could feel an almost instant relief, some of the tension fading away to the warmth of your touch.
You ran your fingers through his hair, down his neck where you messaged at the base of his skull.
He couldn't help but groan, relaxing more as you slowly worked the tension out of him.
In the end, Prosciutto was half laying on top of you. He had a somewhat dazed expression and you couldn't help but smile.
The only one who could get him like this was you and your 'magic touch', as he had put it.
A grunt was the response, which made you let out a breathy laugh as you just held him close.
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How about some La Squadra hug headcanons? uwu
Formaggio: -first and foremost, like everything he does, when Formaggio hugs you, he puts his all in. -pulling you close -nuzzling the top of your head -the biggest grin on his face -he loves hugging. He loves touching -He's very warm. -Formaggio hugging you is like taking that first step out on a nice, summer day. How the sun kisses your face and you feel that spread down to your bones. -He wants to know you're loved when he hugs you. That there's always someone on your side.
Illuso: -Hugging Illuso is a gamble. -On one hand, it could be a great experience. -With how his clothing is, how strong his arms are, it might end up feeling like the safest place in the world. -On the other hand, with how he acts most of the time, he might be trying to get something out of you. -If you're shorter then him, Rest In Peace. -He's going to pick you up and swing you around. If you squeel he's just going to do it longer. -Hugging Illuso though, even if he's trying to get something out of you, it's like hugging the stay puff marshmellow man. It's fun and he's practically covering you with his body.
Prosciutto: -One, you got a HUG from Prosciutto? How in the nine hell did you manage that? -Two, my god you got a HUG from Prosciutto. How lucky are you? -He's not much of a hugger. He really doesn't like touching other people if he can help it. -His type of hug depends on how you're feeling. -If you just came out of no where and hugged him? He's going to be a grump and probably try to pry you off. -You look tired? He's going to put an arm around your shoulders and pull him into your side. -He's not good with crying people, but if his S/O is crying, he'll put his own discomfort aside and taking a page out of Pesci's book. -He's pulling them as close as possible, trying to show them things will be alright, that he's here for them. -Hugging Prosciutto makes you feel like there's a secret. Like it's just you two, and nothing can ruin this moment.
Pesci: -nervous baby -does not know where to put his hands.
"Put them around me Pesci."
-he doesn't mean it but sweaty palms. -That awkward stage will never pass with Pesci. He's just... he's so surprised someone likes him and wants to hug him. -He might tear up the first few times. -Human contact is nice, Pesci understands this. -He'll hug back with everything he's got once you tell him it's fine, he can't hurt you. -He doesn't want to let go. -Hugging Pesci feels like, this person will do ANYTHING for you. No mountain is too high.
Melone: -First and foremost, Melone's hugs are also all encompassing. -He prefers to start the hugs. You know, sneaking up behind, wrapping his arms tight around your waist, pulling you close so there's not a breath of space between you two.
"Di molto~ You always feel perfect in my arms."
-Nuzzles and whispered words. -Likes to pull you onto his lap if he can. -He smells like citrus, with an underlining medical smell. -Hugging Melone is very intimate, but the type of intimate that shouldn't be out in public. But he smells so good and is holding you so tightly, you can't help but melt into it.
Ghiaccio: -Always cold. -Will not initiate it. It's too embarrassing. -Turns red like his shoes. -Robotic hugging back. -Hug him enough and then suddenly stop. Ghiaccio.exe has stopped working.
"You keep touching me and then just suddenness don't?! The fuck?!"
"You said you didn't like it!"
"Ah~ Ghia! Come here!"
-He craves human connection but refuses to acknowledge it. -Hugging Ghiaccio is like stepping inside after being out in the cold. Yes there's that chill, but you slowly warm up and feel content.
Risotto Nero: -Lord have mercy. -Whether you managed to hug Risotto Nero, and he hugged you first, how? -Just how? -He's so tall, with a chest like a tree trunk. -If you can get your fingers to touch, awesome. -10/10 best feeling. -He's gonna blush just a bit. He'll deny it. -He'll have to lean over and his body will literally engulf you. -He likes it when you come up behind him while he's sitting and wrap your arms around his shoulders. -He's not a nuzzler, but he will put his head on top of yours. -Unconscious tightening of arms in those more quiet moments. -Hugging Risotto Nero is just a wonderful experience to be honest.
(Bonus) Sorbet and Gelato: -Bruh you're almost always in the middle -Lot of moving back and forth if you're not -Sorbet is the silent type, but he's always smiling when he's got you or Gelato in his arms -Gelato is smiling no matter what. But he can't help but giggle when he sees you and Sorbet sitting together. -Once you're in between them both though, there's no escape.
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Heyya hope you're having a great day!! Since your requests are open can I maybe request some headcanons for fugo where he has a crush on the reader and tutors both them and narancia at the same time and it's just super obvious that he's playing favorites but reader is oblivious lol Nara openly teases him about it and fugo tries his hardest to keep his obvious crush a secret from reader. Thank you so much in advance!!!
-First and foremost, Fugo can try. He can try and try and try. But we all know. -Except you of course. -So tutoring you, he's over the moon becuase oh my god, you mean he gets to be alittle closer? Doing something he knows?! He can't make a fool of himself here! -Oh... Nirancia too huh? ... shit. -So it's obvious in one major way. -Say there's a question you and Nirancia don't get. -Fugo flips quicker on Nirancia. -But damn does he take the time to explain it to you. -The one time Nirancia really uses his smarts. He has you ask Fugo questions so he doesn't get his ear chewed off. -Success! -Fugo actually trying to crack jokes? The most adorable thing. -But Nirancia just has to open his mouth. -Everytime your back is turned, Fugo is threatening Nirancia quietly. -You once turned to see Nirancia slumped onto the table, holding his arm and Fugo just smiling.
"Fugo no, we don't hit our friends."
"He deserved it."
"Well what did he do?"
"He sassed me."
"Fugo that's not a good enough reason."
"You're right. Sorry Nirancia."
"No you're not!"
"Do I have to do it again?"
"[Reader name]!"
-Eventually Narancia is gonna get to him and Fugo will finally crack. -Score one for you. You get a flustered as hell Fugo whose stumbling over his words like no other. -Luckily the rest of the gang will help him, after watching him flounder long enough. (It's quality entertainment, promise) -You'd better say yes to his confession. Because if not, he might cry. Openly and ugly.
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Basic stuff
So this is my first writing blog. (Probably should have made THIS the first post)
-This won’t just be Jojo’s. I’ll be writing for various things
-Jojo’s: I’ve seen parts 3, 4, and 5 and I think I have a pretty good grasp of the characters
-other series; +Kimetsu no Yaiba (i’ve read it all) (all add more as I think of them)
RULES: -I’ll write NSFW, that’s fine (no minors on my blog plz) -I will not write gore and horrible stuff like that (I don’t want to trigger anyone) -If I don’t know the subject, I won’t write for it
-Requests and headcannons are welcome.
-Please tell me if I need to tag something I didn’t.
You respect me, I’ll respect you.
Thank you.
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ship asks
what is your absolute favorite ship?
what ship do you hate most?
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
explain why do/don’t ship [pairing]
how did you start shipping [pairing]?
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion?
do you prefer [pairing] as an otp, brotp, or notp?
why do you think [pairing] is so popular?
why do you think [pairing] isn’t popular?
rate [pairing] from 1-10 and explain why
what’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]?
what’s your favorite canon moment of [pairing]?
favorite AU ideas for [pairing]?
rant about [pairing]
what’s a meme/quote that reminds you of [pairing]?
what song(s) remind you of [pairing]?
what kind of dates do you think [pairing] would go on?
realistically, do you think [non-canon pairing] will ever be canon? why or why not?
have you ever written fanfiction/drawn fanart of [pairing]? would you consider it?
any other questions?
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La Squadra Head cannons (childhood)
(I didn’t do Risotto since I couldn’t come up with more then what we already know. sorry)
Formaggio- -large family (several brothers and sisters, one of the oldest children. A large amount of cousins, aunts and uncles (some not related) -how did they end up in Passione? His father had a large amount of debt to the gang. Formaggio joined the gang to take it on. When his father found out, he got angry and called Formaggio a ‘no good gangster’ and turned almost the entire family against him -Formaggio really likes soccer. Wanted to go pro but joined Passione instead. Soccer was the one thing him and his old man could agree on (when Formaggio was still part of the family)
Ghiaccio- -Grew up on the streets -stole a lot -never knew his father -mother died when he was 8, was sick so growing up, Ghiaccio had to take care of her -Got into Passione when he was 16
Illuso- -half Spanish -was raised by strict, catholic parents -truly believes there is no god -wanted to be an idol but ended up working in a bar as a bar tender -was born with his stand, manifested when he was 6. -moved house two or three times when he was younger becuase his parents thought there were demons in the house (never figured out it was Illuso)
Melone- -Was raised by his abusive father (The man who instilled Melone’s creep view on woman) -uncle taught him about medical things and got him interested in that -used to dissect small animals -all the children called him weird, he had no friends -got in the middle of someone initiation into Passione. The other guy died, Melone didn’t -ended up killing his father once he was in La Squadra
Prosciutto- -only child -‘perfect son’ -super smart -started smoking when he was 10 -a scrawny child -lost his parents when he was 16 due to a house fire -Was suppose to inherit money, but aunt and uncle ended up getting it all
Pesci- -Raised by his grand parents -One night, someone broke into the house to rob it -killed his grand parents and Pesci killed the attacker -A few days later that’s when Prosciutto found him -Prosciutto brought him into Passione as his protege
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Ghiaccio falls for ligma every single time and just gets progressively more and more annoyed with it
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can I ask for la squadra and bucchi gang with an so who laughs hard at the stupidest shit? (I've been laughing at the word "peen" for 20 minutes, because of the way my friend said it so seriously)
Risotto is used to the rowdy men around him laughing at occasional inanethings, so he’s not surprised to hear you burst out in laughter when he sayssomething innocuous one day. If anything, he finds it endearing – he couldalways use some lightheartedness in his life.
Formaggio is ecstatic to have found someone with the same sense of humor ashim. Both of you laugh at the most ridiculous things, even when the others are glaringdaggers at you for being obnoxious. There’s not a day that goes by without oneof you crying from laughter.
Illuso is a bit taken aback. He considers his sense of humor “superior,”so he’s miffed to see you laughing at such… mundane things. Still, he doeslike seeing you happy, so he comes to accept it, even if he does think you’re alittle weird.
Pesci laughs with you, even if he doesn’t understand exactly what you’relaughing about. Your laugh is infectious to him, so he can’t help but to joinin. He tries to point out things he thinks will make you laugh, since he knowsyour sense of humor is easy to please.
Prosciutto is annoyed by your constant snickering when he says certainthings, but he learns to tolerate it. A laughing partner is better than acrying or angry one, he supposed. He’s never really been regarded as funny, soeven if you may laugh at silly things, it does boost his ego a bit.
Melone tries to say stupid things on purpose to get you to laugh – he justlikes to hear it! He laughs at them with you, although he’s often at a loss ofjust why you find certain things so funny.
Ghiaccio, oh, poor Ghiaccio. He’s met thematch for his unrelenting rants, except its laughter. You laugh at thesame number of stupid things he rants about. He can’t even be too mad becausehe’s just as obnoxious, even though he won’t admit it. At least your laugh iscute.
Sorbet& Gelato don’tlet it bother them. Really, Gelato laughs at the most inane and often inappropriatethings as you laugh at random things, so the two of you are like two peas in apod. Sorbet doesn’t laugh often, but as long as it keeps you occupied; he doesn’tmind.
Bruno doesn’t really get your sense ofhumor. He’s not as serious at home, but he’s still… unnerved, by the amount of seeminglyinnocent things you laugh at. He just doesn’t get it – but he loves you, so helaughs with you. Besides, he’s already used to it from working with Naranciaand Mista.
Abbacchio finds it incredibly irritating atfirst. Great, another brat who always laughs their head off about the mostpointless of things. As he grows fond of you, he grows fond of your habit and enjoyshearing your laugh. He likes when you laugh at his sarcastic comments.
Mista loves it! He laughs a lot anyways,so he’ll laugh right along with whatever you’re chuckling about. He’s notalways sure why you’re laughing, but it doesn’t really matter to him.
Narancia finds it adorable. He loves having apartner to laugh with, especially when he does stupid stuff! He gets a hugegrin on his face when you laugh at something silly he’s said or done. He adoresit.
Fugo tries not to let it annoy him, buthe really doesn’t get why you act that way. He learns to loosen up a littlethrough you, though. Even if he may not laugh, he’ll smile whilst you lose yourshit about something stilly you saw.
Giorno doesn’t laugh much, so he’s slightlytaken aback by how open you are with your laughter. He doesn’t mind it, though.In fact, he grows to love it – it’s nice to have someone so happy around. Hedoesn’t understand the things you laugh at, but seeing you smile is enough forhim.
Trish likes it – she’s always being calledstuck-up, but you don’t judge her. She lets her walls down and starts to laughat all the silly things you do, finally able to enjoy herself.
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La Squdra with a s/o who loves doing stuff with their hands like handicrafts, baking, etc
Ooooo~ This is way too cute!!
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My Kofi~
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Them going down on a thicc fem reader Headcanons
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I skipped Josuke and Okuyasu because I wasn’t really in the mood to write for them. I added some others tho :)
Characters: Jotaro, Rohan, Kira, Risotto, Abbacchio and Kars tw: None, I guess? Just dem men going down on you. Overstimulation is mentioned though. Cut for length.
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JJBA blowjob headcannons
(I’m so thirsty for these men oh god)
This includes Bruno, Abbacchio, Mista, Melone, Jotaro, Risotto, Rohan, Doppio and Polnareff
(Cut for length)
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La Squadra Head cannons (childhood)
(I didn’t do Risotto since I couldn’t come up with more then what we already know. sorry)
Formaggio- -large family (several brothers and sisters, one of the oldest children. A large amount of cousins, aunts and uncles (some not related) -how did they end up in Passione? His father had a large amount of debt to the gang. Formaggio joined the gang to take it on. When his father found out, he got angry and called Formaggio a 'no good gangster' and turned almost the entire family against him -Formaggio really likes soccer. Wanted to go pro but joined Passione instead. Soccer was the one thing him and his old man could agree on (when Formaggio was still part of the family)
Ghiaccio- -Grew up on the streets -stole a lot -never knew his father -mother died when he was 8, was sick so growing up, Ghiaccio had to take care of her -Got into Passione when he was 16
Illuso- -half Spanish -was raised by strict, catholic parents -truly believes there is no god -wanted to be an idol but ended up working in a bar as a bar tender -was born with his stand, manifested when he was 6. -moved house two or three times when he was younger becuase his parents thought there were demons in the house (never figured out it was Illuso)
Melone- -Was raised by his abusive father (The man who instilled Melone's creep view on woman) -uncle taught him about medical things and got him interested in that -used to dissect small animals -all the children called him weird, he had no friends -got in the middle of someone initiation into Passione. The other guy died, Melone didn't -ended up killing his father once he was in La Squadra
Prosciutto- -only child -'perfect son' -super smart -started smoking when he was 10 -a scrawny child -lost his parents when he was 16 due to a house fire -Was suppose to inherit money, but aunt and uncle ended up getting it all
Pesci- -Raised by his grand parents -One night, someone broke into the house to rob it -killed his grand parents and Pesci killed the attacker -A few days later that's when Prosciutto found him -Prosciutto brought him into Passione as his protege
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Basic stuff
So this is my first writing blog. (Probably should have made THIS the first post)
-This won't just be Jojo's. I'll be writing for various things
-Jojo's: I've seen parts 3, 4, and 5 and I think I have a pretty good grasp of the characters
-other series; +Kimetsu no Yaiba (i've read it all) +Persona 5 +Pokemon (all add more as I think of them)
RULES: -I'll write NSFW, that's fine (no minors on my blog plz) -I will not write gore and horrible stuff like that (I don't want to trigger anyone) -If I don't know the subject, I won't write for it
-Requests and headcannons are welcome. This also means scenarios. But for scenarios, please be as specific as you can. Thank you.
-Please tell me if I need to tag something I didn’t.
You respect me, I'll respect you.
Thank you.
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