Emotional Wave
March 8, 2024 @ 9:16pm
No matter what I've done,
Or what I've said,
How I've changed,
Or have I've survived this life.
The World stays the same,
I gave up a lot to be where I am,
But yet,
Things always seem to repeat,
An endless cycle.
I just want to feel better,
Have a smile that's genuine,
Feel cared about,
No longer struggling.
For I seek to be more then just a shadow,
A figment of imagination,
A stolen breath,
I seek to be human.
I want to understand,
My emotions,
My thoughts,
Being human means we're flawed,
Not all gemstones are perfect,
And that is something I've come to accept,
For it means I can shine.
In order to shine,
We must weather at parts of ourselves,
Sharpen our edges,
And buff put the uniqueness we all have.
Everyone is beautiful,
Everyone is human.
~Lilith "Chey" Kieran Dellacroix
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