lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Totally not relevant to anything.. but seriously love this chick. 
Ke$ha - Thinking Of You
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Fabray Party || Lillinn Moment
Characters Involved → Lilli Salazar && Finn Hudson
Time Frame → Saturday Night (September 8th 2012)
Location →   Fabray Kitchen
Comments → Own little world at the party
Finn smiled at the sight of Lilli, a slight smirk playing on his lips when she sauntered up to him. Of course the first thing that pops into his mind is their time at the lake. "Hey, sexy."
Lilli smiled brightly at the greeting. "Come get a drink with me.." she demanded as she dragged him to the kitchen with her. "Also I have decided that you're going to give me a ride home.. I refuse to ride bitch on Gabe's bike again.." she added as she looked over her drink options.
Finn "I can come get a drink with you but if I'm going to be your driver I can't have too much." Sure, he wanted to have a bit of fun but he didn't want to kill them both or something if he was drunk and driving, that would be bad.
Lilli nodded as she poured herself a drink. "Yeah I would prefer you not killing us," she teased as she poked him for a moment. Shifting out of the way so he could grab his own drink she hopped up on the kitchen island as she waited for him. Her legs swinging a bit. "I don't know if I am going to have fun here." she stated as she sipped her drink.
Finn chuckled at her poking, grabbing a cup so he could pour himself a drink. "Don't worry. I won't kill us. One drink should be good." He nodded his head as he stood in front of her. "Why not?" He asked before taking a sip, his gaze meeting hers.
Lilli hooked one of her legs around his waist as she pulled him closer to him. "I don't know.. every one knows each other and like Gabe is all on this mission shit.. and I just feel out of place in this whole fucking town.. I need to be drunk.." she rambled as she tilted her head back to down her drink. only getting through half before needing to come up for air.
Finn smirked a bit when her leg hooked around his waist, stepping closer to her as she pulled him in. "Well you guys are new and everything. You'll get used to it." He said with a smile, draining the rest of his drink before placing it aside. "The town is a lot to get used to though but hey, the school year will be over before ya know it then you don't have to deal with it." An eyebrow rose as how much she chugged her drink, taking the cup from her when she finished. "Maybe slow down just a tad bit, rate you're going you'll be passed out before we leave." He chuckled softly.
Lilli hooked her ankles together as her legs wrapped around him as she tilted her head. "Lover I can drink circles around you.. don't worry about me," she offered with a smirk as she looked. "now give it back," she demanded reaching for the glass out of his hands. Completely oblivious to others entering the kitchen.
Quinn "Oh My!" Quinn was completely startled by the way Lilli and Finn were entangled in the kitchen. She pushed her cup into Sam's hands and walked right back out the entrance they walked through. "I had pineapple juice and vodka, baby." she told him. "And Lilli?" Quinn said, not even bothering to peek around the corner again. "You should probably watch the um... the spreading of your.... well, just keep an eye on how high your skirt is riding please." Quinn finally got out. Wrapping her sweater tighter around her body, Quinn marched back into the living room and joined the party. "Hey guys." she said lightly as Quinn sidled up to Branden. "Having fun?" she asked them all.
Finn chuckled softly as he moved the cup away from her a little further. But as she started reaching for it he leaned in closer to her, getting ready to steal a kiss when he heard Quinn's voice, only to sigh and turn his gaze on her. Though she wasn't there long but he did hear her comment, causing him to look down at her skirt, trying to pull it back down her leg a little. "Just ignore her." He breathed out.
Sam mentally he made a note of the drink she wanted and went about making that drink happen just the way she liked it. Listening to the comments being made he couldn't help but shake his head about it all. To each their own that was for sure. Although he could see how hot it would be just to take someone on a kitchen counter when anyone could walk in. Yeah, he was a teenage boy so sue him. Definitely hot. Pushing the thoughts away quickly he took a sip of the drink he mixed and smiled at the flavor, perfect. "I don't think Mama Fabray would appreciate you doing that in the kitchen.. not to mention it looks like you could ruin the pull of the cupcakes... You don't want to ruin Charlie's cupcakes," he absently said and he took hold of Quinn's hand and intertwined their fingers before offering her the cup.
Lilli scrunched her nose when he pulled the glass farther away from her. "Rude.." she pouted completely willing to welcome the kiss when he started to lean in. Only to turn her head when she heard Quinn, she offered a smile before frowning her brow a bit. Looking back at him she pushed his hands away from her skirt. "Its not to high.. I am well aware of how much movement can happen in this skirt." she shrugged. "And really the only one getting a show the moment would be you.. and you've already been acquainted lover.." she winked at him before turning her attention to Sam. "I wasn't planing on doing anything Mamma Fabray would be upset with.." she rolled her eyes a bit as she snatched her glass back so she could down the rest as he left. "Geeze.. people are so cranky.." she offered as she set her drink aside.
Finn shook his head. "That's one of my exes she's always kind of been like that about things. I mean, I know the only one that's gonna see anything is me but she just makes comments sometimes." At Sam's comment he just shook his head again, annoyed by the fact that the both of them would assume they'd do something in the kitchen. Even he knew Mrs. Fabray wouldn't like something like that and he wouldn't disrespect the woman like that either. Now that he was a little annoyed he decided to pour himself another drink. "Some people can be, yeah. But oh well, we can just ignore them."
Lilli let him out of the hold her legs had on him as he moved to get another drink. Shifting a bit she pulled her skirt in to a respectable place. Noticing her brother and charlie out of the corner of her eye. She offered a light smile and a hi as they slipped in and out of the kitchen. "So you dated Quinn?" she asked. A little curious about what all had happen between the.. seeing as Quinn didn't at all seem thrilled to see him. "I mean we don't have to talk about it.. You can just kiss me to shut me up.." she offered playfully as she pulled him to her again. This time keeping her legs safely on either side of him.
Finn nodded his head at her question, drinking from his cup. "We can talk about it.." He said while licking over his lips. "But since you seem on good terms with Quinn and whatnot I don't want to change your opinion of her when you hear about it." He shrugged his shoulders. "This isn't really the place to talk about it anyway. So I'll settle for kissing ya." He grinned, putting the cup aside as he leaned in to press his lips to hers.
Lilli grinned a bit as she leaned in to the kiss. "Later is a good time for talking.." she breathed out against his lips before kissing him again. Her hands stayed rested against his chest as they kissed. Lilli was not going to push her luck in this house. Kissing for a few moments wasn't going to kill anyone. So she let herself enjoy it. Pulling away with a smirk. "How would you feel about skipping out early," she asked lightly as she nipped along his jaw line. "I mean I wasn't to keen on coming in the first place.. And I am sure we can make our own fun some where a little less crowded.." she added quietly.
Finn pulled back as she did, licking over his lips. "If you want to skip out I've got no problem with that." It was getting kind of boring anyway so he was all up for going somewhere less crowded with her. "Where would you like to go?" He asked curiously, not really minding where she wants him to take her.
Lilli thought about it for a moment. "We can't really go to my house.. my grandparents like never sleep," she pouted. "Honestly I don't care were we go, I just want to be gone.." she added with a nod as she pushed at him a bit so she could jump down off the counter. She watched charlie disappear out in the to the back yard alone. For moment she wondered if she should worry that Gabe did something. Shrugging it off she tugged on him as she moved from the kitchen to he living room. "Give me the house key.." she demanded as she let go of Finn and strolled up to her brother.
Gabe looked up from his phone when he heard the voice of his sister. "You know a please wouldn't kill you Li," he rolled his eyes as he dug the key out of his pocket. "Don't slut it up to much.. I am to young to be an uncle.." he offered with a smirk as she tugged the keys away from him.
Lilli "Fuck you Ass hole," she growled as she kicked him in the leg. "Why they let you out in public I will never understand," she added slipping the key in to her pocket as she moved back to Finn. She ignored whatever smart ass comment was thrown at her as she tugged on Finn again. "Stupid cock sucking asshole... smother him in his damn sleep.." she mumbled under her breath as she made her way to the door.
Finn nodded his head a bit. He knew his parents were out since his stepdad and mom had some plans this weekend together or something like that and he knew Ray and Branden would stay a little while longer so he already decided on where they're gonna go. Feeling her tug on him he followed her out of the kitchen, sliding his hands in his pocket as he waited for his brother to hand over the key before giving a wave to his brother and kind of sister-in-law, Ray then lead Lilli out the door to his SUV.
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Finn: Ah, well I've never done that. Unless you count sex on the beach in Florida but there wasn't anyone around.
Lilli: Only counts if you can get caught, So more like bathroom quickie at Starbucks.. or stairwells... those are the most fun.
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Lilli: Ignore me I just woke up a bit ago.
Finn: Lol what did you mean then?
Lilli: There is word that means public sex.. but I can't think of it right now.
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Finn: Voyeuristic? I don't think I'm familiar with what that is.
Lilli: Wait i used that wrong.. it means you like to watch people or some shit.
Lilli: Ignore me I just woke up a bit ago.
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Finn: Can't wait to hear them then.
Finn: And they do have a pool so we definitely could.
Lilli: You shall be entertained.
Lilli: A little voyeuristic there Finny Boy. I like it.
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Finn: Lol first time I ever heard something like that. But I'm sure you'll have fun. There's alcohol at least.
Lilli: I own the exclusive rights to about half the shit that comes out of my mouth.. or fingers in this case. So I'm sure I will offer plenty of new phrases for you. Hmmm Alcohol makes this more appealing.
Lilli: Or we can just go swimming again. ;)
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Finn: Lol yeah, the party is the better pick and you can get to know more people. Always a plus.
Lilli: Your logic is sound, oh giant one. I just hate being the new girl at parties full of people that have like sucked tit together. Its like being the new kid in the sand box.
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Lilli: Hey Lover, are you going to this party thing Charlie was flittering on about?
Finn: Hey, what's up? Yeah, I was thinking about it. You going?
Lilli: I haven't decided, but probably. I mean party with a bunch of people I don't know or law and order reruns with gran... seems like an easy pick lol.
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Text || Finn
Lilli: Hey Lover, are you going to this party thing Charlie was flittering on about?
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
Its Friday night,
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what's up with everyone??
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lilli-salazar-blog · 12 years
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