you can leave haikyuu brainrot but the haikyuu brainrot will never leave you
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Been a while, yeah? Anyway, new chapter!
also Happy Pride!
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It’s fine because I’m actually using a secret technique called writing it in my head and nowhere else.
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If all goes well, I should finally have another chapter of Back From the End out tomorrow.
Fingers crossed.
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It’s fine because I’m actually using a secret technique called writing it in my head and nowhere else.
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being OCpilled is so fucking mortifying honestly. like oh... yeah..... heres my guy. i invented him. i can't think about anything else except for him this week. but he isn't cool or anything. he actually sucks. im just ill.
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Disclaimer these are just a small sampling of some possible writer traits I’ve noticed either in myself or in fics I read. Also consider a rb for sample size !
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Please add credit if you repost outside of tumblr!
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BILL SKARSGÅRD as Boy in BOY KILLS WORLD 2023 — dir. Moritz Mohr
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this is a PSA for fic writers who haven't updated in a while :
there are fics out there I'm subscribed to that have gone double digit months without updating.
rest assured the moment those babies catapult an AO3 email my way i'm dropping from the face of the earth to sink my teeth into them
i'll wait, and so will your readers
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I bet the plan will make sense when it happens. Like a magic trick. Lots of weird props but then something amazing happens. Except… I’m the magician and I don’t know magic. Nobody knows magic. That’s why it’s magical. Right. So… This is fine. This is fine. BOY KILLS WORLD (2024) dir. Moritz Mohr ››› Bill Skarsgård as Boy
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Boy Kills World (2024) was dystopian Mortal Kombat and The Hunger Games with a revenge plot. It was hilarious, original, fun, and serious. The fight scenes were spectacular and on point, like Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I loved it. And shoutout to Bill Skarsgard and Famke Janssen working together again since Hemlock Grove (2013-2015).
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i have got to get more insane on people's fics
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Boy Kills World headcanons
So someone asked the general fandom for some Boy headcanons for Boy Kills World.
And like, I've been mentally writing fic for this movie since the first time I've seen it (i've seen it like 4 times in theatres. God help me when I get it on Bluray). So like. . . I have a few?
Kinda keeping them generic here since I might want to write the fic in the future, and I want to keep some things just for me. So like. . . here are a few that I have.
Also, I obviously know June 27th isn't her real name, but I'll be using it here.
I like the idea of him searching for a new name with help of course. Since who he was as a child was basically wiped from his memory for a while and then who he became died with the Shaman, none of the names (or lack thereof) he had feel appropriate anymore. So he just tries a bunch out with June 27th and tries to see what fits.
Constantly searching for himself. Since his memory was fucked and a majority of the time after was him becoming a warrior, he doesn't know what else he likes to do. So he just allows himself to do whatever he wants no matter how insane because he wants to know.
The same can be said for June because I doubt she had a lot of freedom or time to explore life for herself.
The Best Handwriting. Calligrapher maybe? Constantly switches between teacher letters (the ones straight from those learn-to-write books and Ye Olden Cursive depending on the day and how much energy he has.
Can't cook. Can make enough to keep himself alive, but it won't taste good.
Will automatically win at any word game ever. Do not play Scrabble with him, he will obviously win. Motherfucker grew up reading the dictionary. June has gotten mad and leapt at him for playing 'Rancorous' after she played 'awful'. It was fun.
Also, I don't see June 27th as being straight. She just isn't.
I picture him like a Doberman-type boyfriend. Will be lovey and fluffy and playful, but only to You. If anyone tries to mess with You while he's around, he will try to maul the person.
Leaves You love letters almost every day because it's pretty much the only way he can express his love. You will need a dictionary, though, since he casually uses hilariously complex words all the time. It's impactful, but it also makes reading them kind of slow since You have to stop and look up words every three seconds.
I like the idea of the two of you (and June) learning sign language together. While Boy has a great hold on reading lips, he's pretty limited in how he can respond. So sign language!
I feel like one of his love languages is physical contact. Hand holding, head scratches, cuddling, all that. He loves it, to the point where You hardly to ask if he wants to. He will respect boundaries, though, so if You say no, he'll respect it.
June 27th is you two's biggest supporter. Best wingman when you and Boy are getting together and sister when you two become a thing.
You're probably going to be his first real crush/relationship, so he's going to be a bit awkward and overly enthusiastic at points, but he'll mellow with time.
That's all I got for now. If you have any of your own, I'd love to read them. So yeah! Bye!
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Because we both love and want to punch him. Inspired by a conversation with @limabeans-babies-forthewin.
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|| Knocked down a peg
Pairing(s) ->
2007!Leonardo H. x GN!Reader
Warning(s) ->
Cocky asshole Leo, hurt/comfort, punch, violence.
Summary ->
Your loveable asshole takes it too far.
184 Words : Masterlist
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Imagine when Leo returns he’s being kinda (a lot) of an asshole. At first you think it’s because he had a rough trip back from the jungle. April hadn’t mentioned him being like this, and he was quite different from the Leo you had grown close too.
Imagine you start to notice the way he treats his brothers. The way he fights with Raph and how he treats his team. The way he acts like he’s better. Rants from Raph say enough. You get fed up with it eventually. Especially when he starts being a bit of an awhile to you.
Imagine going to Leo to confront him. He acts like he knows what he’s doing and that he isn’t being an asshole, how he's just better. The confrontation becomes a fight. And you punch him square in the jaw. How then teaching you comes back to bite him. You scold him like a mother.
Imagine him apologizing, sincerely. Especially after saving the world from the stone warriors. You do not interrupt him as he shares from his perspective. Ending in you hugging him.
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Tags: @fluffybun24
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I just wrote 8 pages when I haven't written in months and was beginning to think I'd never be able to again. Idk what it is, but I am sharing and manifesting this energy for every writer who sees this. May you write 8 quality pages effortlessly and find joy writing once more
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