listlesssehnsucht · 1 month
Soooo I think I wanna learn to sew. I know less than the basics, and have some clothes that I want to mend. Plus, I feel like it would be cool to make some little pieces of clothing like cloth masks. IMO face masks/coverings are so underrated! Not only do they keep people around you safe, but it's like a dysphoria shield (especially when growing out hair before electrolysis)!
This post isn't like a super focused thing, but writing my listless aspirations helps to solidify my intentions toward them. I don't even know where to start with sewing, but I'm open to learning and making many mistakes!
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listlesssehnsucht · 2 months
Summer Wardrobe Worries
I definitely need to get some new outfits for the summer. The cheap T-shirts I have are mostly completely worn out and somewhat translucent despite only having them for like a year (don't buy Style & Co clothes if you value your money), and I can't wear sweaters and/or undershirts all the time to hide that.
So... I need to start coming up with some general ideas of what I want to be comfortable with.
Shorts: I haven't worn shorts since I started shaving my legs long before I came out (probably around 2017). Now that my body hair growth has slowed somewhat thanks to 💕HRT💕 I think I would be okay with going out in them. It's been so long since I've shown that much skin though, I think it'll be hard initially.
Crop Top: I think I have a good body type for crop tops in a conventional sense. I have never worn something quite so revealing as a daily outfit though, so the thought of it makes me a bit lightheaded. I always worry about making a fool of myself or looking weird and drawing undue attention to myself, so this one is a pretty big step for me.
Bra: I've been wearing the same five sports bras since 2020, before I started transitioning. Since that time, they've gotten a little tight for me. I've never been a fan of wired bras or lace, so I've been looking at bralettes recently. One thing that's been holding me back has been actually finding one that fits. I got my current cheap sports bras off Amazon🤮 and kinda guessed at the size. It didn't fit snugly like it should due to my then diminished chest, so I never learned how to properly fit a bra. I know that it's the difference between mid-breast and underbust, but the thought of actually going to a store and trying some out is terrifying to me. I still haven't entirely gotten over the feeling that I'm somewhere I don't belong.
I still want to maintain the cute/cozy aesthetic that I can't seem to put my finger on, so that just adds another layer of complexity. There's so much that I want to do but haven't worked out how to go about. I'm starting to look at more outfit inspo and a lot of it looks good, but isn't really what I'm going for. I'm getting tired of feeling anxious over this stuff, and need to take the plunge to change that.
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listlesssehnsucht · 2 months
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listlesssehnsucht · 2 months
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And I hope you'll let me be in your story.
ig credit: nev.in.color.
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listlesssehnsucht · 2 months
The third image seems to call out to me
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Moments in time, preserved through sentiments Twitter | Ko-Fi | Patreon
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listlesssehnsucht · 2 months
Who I am and hope to be!
Hi! I'm Listless, a mid-20s transfem enby. I've picked this unconventional moniker because I feel that it describes my attitude toward social expression until recently.
But no more!
I made this account because I want to figure out who I am, and how to express that. I have a vague concept of my desired self-expression, but am struggling to put it into concrete terms.
Here are some of the abstract descriptors which resonate with me:
Cute in a simple sense
Somewhat cheery and reserved
Able to appreciate novelty
"Pure" in a simplicity sense
I don't know many aesthetics by name, but one that I like at least in concept is Cottagecore. But I'm not really a fan of how frilly and elegant it can be, and how old-fashioned it usually is. I think I'm looking for something that won't stand out as much, but still project a similar underlying vibe.
I also really like the atmosphere that the game Life is Strange constructs. It's peaceful, serene, almost nostalgic, yet still expressive in its own way.
I have never used Tumblr before, but hope that it can be a place where I can collect my thoughts and discover new styles of clothes, hairstyles, mannerisms, decor, etc. which I feel help me more authentically express this abstraction I hope to coax out of the crevices of my mind. I look forward to any interactions I might have which can broaden my horizons and aid in focusing my sense of self!
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