The adventures of Dragon and Unicorn: chapter five
For the little siblings, The next few hours are spent getting to tour the old temple, and help a bit with repairs. They are both willing to help, though Dragon is the more eager. Unicorn had to be carefully coaxed back within the building by his sister and spent most of his time inside hiding behind Brashes cloak or closely at his sister's side, depending on which was nearest to the grandmaster, Whom he was trying his best to avoid.
Brashes spent quite some time conversing with his father. Most of the conversation relating to the two new apprentices of his. There was apparently much to say on that matter.
The grandmaster agreed that they were the most intriguing of all the apprentices he'd met.
Dragon was still a little intimidated by the grandmaster at first, but it did not take long for her to warm up to him. And she was especially excited join him on the back of his large beetle steed, as he showed her around the place and taught her it's history. In fact she never wanted to get off. Brashes had to pull her from the saddle.
They worked a few hours afterward and once the tours and the toiling had all been done for the day the grandmaster took them all to his humble hut just outside the temple grounds, where they would retire for the evening. There was only one room, so they all had to lay their blankets and pillows out on the floor and sleep. While not as cozy as home, it was very comfortable in comparison to the rocks and dunes of the wilderness.
Unicorn is awoken early the next morning by his sister shaking him in his blankets. "Wake up unicorn! Get up we're going to town!"
"Huh?" He mumbles sleepily and slowly rises from his bundles. "What?"
Dragon rushes across the room to grab her cloak hanging by the wall near the doorway. She quickly throws it over her shoulders. "Oh! My necklace!" She dashes back to her bedside to retrieve her belonging.
"What's going on?" Unicorn asks again, still half asleep.
"Is your brother still in bed?" He hears Brashes say from somewhere in the room. He turns and sees the wizard. "get up little one. Get your cloak, we're heading out in five minutes."
"What? Why?"
"We're going to get breakfast" Dragon explains as she clips her jewelry round her neck. "At the marketplace."
He huffs and pulls himself from his covers. "Don't go without me"
"We would never, but get up! We have to go!"
The grandmaster rides his steed in the front, Dragon enthusiastically riding beside him. Brashes, Boldo and Unicorn walk along the path behind. Dragon turns and looks down to her brother, drudging along still a little sleepy. "Come join me up here!"
He responds by clinging to Brashes cloak.
The wizard quickly notices. "You look a little weary." He observes aloud. "Makes sense. You've had a long journey and you worked hard yesterday."
Boldo looks down at the boy. "You really should join your sister and rest your legs." He suggests. "Here-" before the boy can react he is lifted up by Brashes and placed on the saddle beside Dragon. She claps.
He cannot deny that to rest would be nice, but he is still uncomfortable being so near to the grandmaster.
"I'm glad you decided to join us." The old wizard says. Unicorn jumps. He scoots behind Dragon. "Come sit up front, enjoy the view!"
"Go on!" Dragon says. He is hesitant, but deciding it would be disrespectful to ignore the grandmasters request he slowly inches forward. He doesn't want to disappoint the mystic weevil more than he already has.
"It's a lovely home we have here, is it not?" The master says as he stares out at the bustling little land. "I never quite understood why Brashes would leave the security and beauty of our haven for the barren lands beyond. I suppose for a while he was residing in the butterflies kingdom. I've heard marvelous tales of that place"
Unicorn listens intently as always. He had heard something about that before from his sister. He is a bit curious. Why did Brashes leave?
"I understand it wasn't all marvelous though. That lady Violetty being the way she is." He sighs. "Either way he should be home now. He promises he will one day, he claims he must protect that new home of his. Rune rock. Filled with magic history he claims, I suppose you would know. doesn't want it to fall into the wrong hands.."
Suddenly Unicorn finds himself wanting to ask the grandmaster many questions. Questions about his mentor. He realizes there is still much about him he doesn't know. But unicorn has no voice, and even if he did, would he be brave enough to use it? He sits in silence, at least he can enjoy the view.
They make it to the marketplace before long and the group is quickly bombarded with curious villagers, friends of the weevil family, all excited to see Brashes and meet his newest students. He hastily introduces them, and seeing the two are overwhelmed sends them off with Boldo to gather the breakfast while he stays to answer the people's many questions about life outside the haven.
The siblings help Boldo in carrying his bags of food for his and Brashes upcoming meals. And Boldo being appreciative of their assistance, decides to take them to buy a special gift for themselves. Since they don't care much for food.
Dragon bounces up with excitement. "More jewelry!" She's thinking.
The grandmaster meets them as they head from the food stands. "I'm heading to the town library. Brashes wants me to see if I can find anything on the winds, and what's beyond there. Do any of you wish to join me?"
For a brief moment unicorn wants to say yes. He is very much curious about his own past. He finds that he is curious about many things. But once again he is too afraid to admit it. And too afraid to join the grandmaster despite his curiosity.
Unfortunately for his nerves the grandmaster notices his hesitation. "Unicorn" he says "what about you?"
He is singled out. It would be disrespectful to refuse now. He looks at Dragon.
"You should go if you want to" She tells him. "I'm going to buy more necklaces!"
He sighs.
He will do it then. The grandmaster gestures for him to come along, and he does. In the cautious way he does most things.
The lichen haven library is built into a enormous mushroom corpse, tucked in the corner of town. The grandmaster speaks with the librarian, a rather small bug, who sits on a high stool by the desk in the front. Behind them the building is filled with more books and scrolls than Unicorn has ever seen, bookshelves on every wall, and more in-between, tables are stacked with them. He is amazed.
There are a couple other bugs perusing the shelves, and reading at the tables, but everyone is minding their business, the atmosphere is calm and quiet. Unicorn appreciates that.
The grandmaster is led by the little librarian to an area he deems most likely to hold the sort of information they seek. Unicorn follows.
"Now I can't say for sure that anything here will be helpful. But these are our best books on lost or uncharted lands." He presents the tiny section to them. Doesn't look too promising.
"Thank you" the wizard responds and gets quickly to work pulling out and looking over the writings organized before them.
After a moment he turns to the apprentice. "I will tell you if I find anything. Why don't you go look around. Find a book that interests you."
Unicorn nods and wanders to the next shelf over. Carefully examining all the titles and descriptions.
The two of them spend some time going over books. Unicorn eventually stumbles upon the "fiction" section of the library, where he picks up a book about a brave young bug going on an epic quest Through a vast kingdom lost in the winds.
Upon reading the description he jumps up with excitement and rushes to show it to the grandmaster.
The old wizard who isn't having much success, is interested to see what the boy has found. Unicorn points to the description which the grandmaster reads and then sighs. "Oh thank you unicorn but I'm afraid this may not help us."
Unicorn is confused.
"It's a fantasy story." He explains. "It's all made up. You found it in the fiction aisle didn't you." He nods. "That means it isn't real. Non of the books there are written about true events." Unicorn puts the book down. Wonderful, he has embarrassed himself again.
Suddenly a hand lands on his shoulder. "I appreciate the help though." The grandmaster says. "And maybe you'll like the story anyway?"
Unicorn looks down at it. Even if it isn't true, it does sound interesting.
"You should check it out."
It isn't much longer before the two decide to call it quits and rejoin the others. the grandmaster had been unsuccessful in his goal, but their trip to the library was not completely in vain. Unicorn is excited to read his new book, and he is finding the grandmasters company more and more welcoming the more time they spend with each other.
As they walk back from the little mushroom lined pathway, Unicorn even works up the nerve to try and ask the elder weevil a question. This question came to mind as he was pondering his old home, they couldn't find any information about it, he wondered why he and sister had come from such a mysterious place and why they couldn't remember it at all. Then he noticed the roots that stretched over the haven and remembered what he thought he'd heard the other day.
Voices telling him strange things. They wanted him to return to his land. The land beyond the winds? Did the voices know about that place? And what were those voices? Could it have been the root that spoke to him?
He gently pulls the grandmasters cloak, getting his attention, and then points to a giant twisting green root, growing along the nearby cavern wall.
"You're curious about the root?" He figures. "Do you sense their magic? It is strong."
Their magic? Is that how they spoke to him? Through magic? He wonders.
"the ones that grow here, They are all interconnected with the holy ones. The twin roots. They are the gods and guardians of this land."
Gods? Why would the gods speak to him? Maybe he was wrong, they couldn't have been.
"I have never seen or spoken with them myself. They keep themselves well guarded, but their power is strong. I sense it all around us." Their conversation comes to an abrupt end as they turn a curve to find the others of their group in the town square.
"Brashes you aren't going to like this!" they hear Boldo say. He has held by the cuff a little something bobbling around covered every inch in shiny gold and silver and gem studded decor. "This naughty little bug somehow got ahold of all our geo and used it to buy the entire jewelry stand while I wasn't looking!"
"While you weren't looking?! What do you mean you weren't looking?!"
"I thought I could trust her to window shop for a few minutes while I got some more tea flavorings!"
"She did a lot more than window shop! Dragon! Where did you find all that geo?!"
A little arm covered in rings points to Boldo's bag.
"Why did you take it? That's not appropriate behavior!" He sighs "-And look at you! I can barely see you under all of that!"
The grandmaster wheezes a laugh as he catches up with them. "She looks extravagant doesn't she?"
"She looks like a thief." Brashes faces the child again.
"Haven't we taught you that stealing is wrong?!" He stops and considers his own words a moment. "Haven't we?..."
The grandmaster chuckles. "Do you teach them anything but magic?"
"Oh of course I do father! I taught them how to write."
"By having them write spells." Boldo adds.
Brashes glares at him "I taught them the extensive history of their home, Rune rock."
"Known specifically for it's magic runes." Boldo adds again.
"Alright Boldo!"
Dragon leaps from the assistants arms as he and the weevils continue arguing.
She joins her brother. "Unicorn! Look I got you some too!" She hands him a few bracelets. "Not too many though. This one has a ladybug stone on it. The bug at the stand says it gives you good luck when you wear it! I thought you could wear it when you perform for the grandmaster today, so you won't be nervous. Oh what is that?!-" she suddenly notices his book, she grabs it to get a closer look. both her eyes are adorned in gold monocles. "Is this what you got at the library? It looks good!"
"Thank you for the jewelry Dragon, but I don't think you were supposed to buy that many.."
She turns and looks at the adults, all arguing still.
"I know. I'll have to get them more geo. Where do you get that from?"
"I'm not sure.."
After things have settled down and the group is back together at the hut, Boldo quickly begins preparing their meal. Brashes sets the dining table.
"We'll get to work on the temple, after we eat. Unicorn Dragon, are you full on soul?"
They both nod.
"Good. You are free to do as you please till after breakfast."
Dragon grabs her little bag. "I'm going to search for some geo." She tells her brother. He wishes her luck, finds a cozy spot on his bed cushion and gets right to his new book. Having been eager to read it for quite a while.
He is quickly entranced by the work of fiction. Soaking in every aspect of the imaginary world and becoming quickly attached to the characters. It is an adventure story, and the main character, a heroic little bug, named star-forth, is thrust into many perilous situations.
When it becomes very intense, unicorn finds himself worrying for the little adventurer, then reminding himself, the bug isn't real.
It isn't hard to believe a bug like this could be real.
He reminds him a bit of Dragon.
He finally comes to chapter where star-forth makes it into the kingdom of the winds. A place filled with life and opportunities and treasures untold. Star-forth is in search of a powerful treasure hidden somewhere in the heart of the kingdom, the jewel of eternity..
"It was the most well guarded treasure in all of every land, the task would prove difficult. but if any bug were to complete such an impossible task it would be Star-forth. The ever persistent ever courageous bug gathered his strength as he came to face the guardians of the kingdom's gate.
Four towering knights each wielding a unique weapon, challenged him for his entry into their homeland. Star-forth, though smaller and seemingly weaker than these opposing figures, had the bravery of a battalion, the strength of the stars, and an enchanted nail. He pulled forth his weapon and-"
He is abruptly interrupted. He puts his book down.
"Look!" His sister says as she reaches him. She dumps a pile of geo from her bag into his lap.
"I found more geo!"
"Where did you find all of this?"
"In a big chest in a secret room! I'll show you if you want-"
"Not now Dragon, I'm reading." He pulls the book back up to his face.
She sits down beside him. "What's happening?" She asks.
"What's happening in the story?"
"Can I tell you when I'm done with this chapter?" He sounds a little impatient.
Only three seconds pass before she speaks again. "are you almost done?"
He huffs, then gestures to his lap "Shouldn't you take all this geo to Brashes and Boldo?"
"Oh yeah!" She starts picking it up and placing it back in her bag, then races to find the wizard and assistant.
Unicorn is usually grateful for his sister's company, but now he is relieved he can get back to reading without interruption. Grateful only a small moment before he is called away to the temple to work.
He groans. He'll have to read some more later..
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another hk headcanon of ours, is that this in fact the black wrym, but the battle is not named after it as a being, rather as a place.
The theory is that the death of the black wyrm happened long before Ogrim was around, who we know was involved in this mysterious battle, but its body was being used as a war fortress at the time, and was central to the conflict that took place (probably between Hallownest and intruders coming in from the east.)
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The adventures of Dragon and Unicorn: chapter four
The next morning Brashes leads his little crew into the tunnels which take them straight to land where his father resides. The tunnels start rocky and barren as the land above, then slowly the greenery starts creeping in, little mossy shelled bugs and shrooms skitter along the pathway and eventually it leads out to an open grove.
The land is tangled in glistening green roots and abounding in bright red speckled mushrooms. "It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen!" Dragon exclaims.
Unicorn nods in agreement taking in the view.
"Welcome to lichen haven!" Brashes announces.
"Beautiful isn't it." Boldo adds, turning his head back to the young apprentices. Both stopped in their tracks, absorbing the new environment.
 There is indeed much lichen and moss, little dirt pathways with bugs and shrooms traveling about on foot or by wagon. The vine like roots twist from the ground below and from above them.
Two tall lacewing flies dressed in guard uniform come to the tunnel entrance to escort them. Unicorn is a bit intimidated by them and scoots closer to Dragon. They bow upon seeing the wizard. "The great Brashes, what an honor." One says. "It's good to see you back."
"The haven has been faring well in my absence it seems."
"Indeed. with the holy ones watching over us we prosper. and peace continues in our land." "And how does the grandmaster fare? I have come to see him."
"Yes. He was expecting you. If it was his magic that foretold your coming, or his knowledge that you are always acquiring new apprentices, we can't be sure."
Boldo chuckles.
"I'm glad he's been somewhat prepared." Brashes turns around to face his newest pupils. "I don't expect anyone could be entirely prepared for meeting these two." He gestures for them to step forward. "Unicorn-beetle and Dragonfly." They are introduced. "The most naturally gifted of any students I have acquired."
 "Come right this way." The guards lead them into town. Dragon eagerly follows and Unicorn tries to keep up.
"Those guard bugs are very handsome." Dragon says, staring up at them. "Hmm." Unicorn doesn't quite agree. Still finding them a bit frightening.
All of the people here are a bit frightening. Not really in appearance, just.. Unicorn doesn't like being around people. Especially many at once.
 Though the village is small it is the largest civilization the siblings have ever been in. It is pretty, but overwhelming..
as they wander through they notice little market stands where sellers are advertising freshly grown food, books and scrolls, charms, cloaks, and Knick knacks of all sorts.
"Ooh what charms do they have? What are those?" Dragon stops to peer at a stand filled with shiny dangly things. "More charms?"
"That's jewelry" Brashes explains, noticing the curious girl. "Some bugs like to decorate themselves with those. they put them around their necks and arms and horns."
"Oooh!" Dragon cant help but imagine herself decked in the shiny jewelry horn to toe.
Unicorn stops to admire the cloak stand. "That's like what Brashes wears" he thinks. "Would I look more like a wizard in one of those?"
Dragon sees his interest and turns to Brashes, pulls on his cape to get his attention and points at Unicorn by the little stand.
"You want one of those?" Brashes asks.
Unicorn jumps surprised. He doesn't respond. Dragon does. nodding her head aggressively.
"I think they like your style Brashes." Boldo suggests.
By the time they arrive at the home of the grandmaster both children are adorned with little yellow cloaks. And Dragon has a silver necklace, it was supposed to be a bracelet, but her arms were to small.
"Brashes handed those little stones to the lady in the market and she gave us this stuff!"
"Yes. That's how you buy things." Unicorn responds as if he always knew that.
"Maybe we could get more stuff!" Dragon says. "I found a bunch of those little stones in Boldo's bag when I was packing it for him this morning."
"What more stuff do you want?"
"More jewelry!" Dragon bounces up excitedly. "Don't you want some?" She dangles her necklace showing it off.
"But it makes you stand out more. I wouldn't wear very much."
"I'll just buy you a few then." Dragon decides.
"Here we are!" Their silent conversation is interrupted as they come to the arched gateway of a an old stone ruin, covered in lichen and plant life. Two very large statues stand as pillars protecting the gate, it seems they are both statues depicting old weevils wielding staffs. Similar to Brashes. Ancient members of his lineage they suspect.
As they enter into the old building they are met with wide open, enormous rooms, held with many pillars, not all still intact. the ceiling had long been crumbling. Light beams pour into the building from above. As do the vibrant plants. The stone floor is cracked and the greenery is creeping in from below.
"This is the weevil temple." Brashes spreads out his arms showing it off to his students.
"As you can see it has been around quite a long time." He walks them through the great halls. "My family was chased from this place by invaders over a century ago. And it fell to ruin. My father was the one to reclaim it. Now that this land is under the holy ones protection he is trying to restore it, someday that responsibility will go to me, when I become the temple keeper."
They enter a large circular room where they see a few figures riding saddled on the back of a big round beetle.
 The figure in front is cloaked and he seems to be giving the red speckle topped mushrooms riding in the back a tour of the building. His words are mumbled and quiet from this distance. "Seems we're interrupting a temple tour." Brashes realizes.
They step back to the hall and Brashes has them rest on a nearby stone bench. "We'll wait here."
Unicorn and Dragon admire the carvings in the bench, ancient magic symbols it appears. Similar designs are found all throughout the building.
"Are you both ready to perform your spells?" Brashes asks. Unicorn nods. Inside he is nervous, but he has been practicing for weeks. "I can do it!" He reassures himself. Still he can't quite shake his nerves.
Dragon is the more hesitant one this time. Strangely. Eventually she nods as well. She is usually eager to show off her magic. But she starts to worry that she won't be good enough. Not in comparison to Unicorn. If she isn't allowed to be a wizard anymore, what would she do? Would she have to leave? Not without her brother. But he would definitely win the grandmasters approval.
"You'll both do great." Boldo assures them, as if he could sense the tension. Dragon looks at Boldo and is hopeful.
"He's right. And if I'm not good enough to be a wizard I can just be Unicorn's assistant." She thinks to herself.
Once the little group of mushroom folk are finished with their tour, the old wizard riding atop his beetle steed comes to meet his apprentice and son.
"Brashes." He says in his weary quiet voice.
Brashes bows his head to show respect as does Boldo. The children notice and do the same.
"I was expecting to see you back here soon."
"Yes I was told. It's wonderful to see you father. And to see you so active. The temple is coming along I see."
The grandmaster peers down at the little ones. "Two this time?" He sounds a bit surprised. "I should've known." He sort of laughs to himself though his voice is clearly weak.
"I will see them right this way." He leads the group into the wide open chamber.
"It's always a pleasure when you visit Brashes. You are spreading our families magical knowledge across the whole world it seems. I haven't seen bugs like these two yet, from where do they come?" His steed is stopped beside a big mossy cushion by the wall settled beneath a large statue of what they recognize to be the ancient unicorn beetle. The grandmaster floats down into his cushion And once settled conjures a giant stone from the ground. It has names written all over it.
"That's not quite certain actually. These two have a very peculiar story. They claimed to have come from the winds-"
"from the winds?" His father questions. "These two little bugs?"
"I know it sounds odd, it is. but what's more strange is that neither of them seem to recall anything about their lives from before we found them."
The grandmaster looks them over curiously. Unicorn hides behind Brashes and Dragon meekly steps forward to the old bug and hands him her speech and Unicorn's drawing.
"Oh yes-" Brashes explains "this is how they wish to introduce themselves. They also, uh, lack the ability to speak."
"More curious by the second." He looks intently at the children before looking over the writing and drawing. He smiles, almost laughs. "Thank you for this." He nods at them.
Then looks to his son. "Dragonfly and Unicorn-beetle? You must have named them then?"
"I did yes. As I said they have no recollection of their previous lives whatsoever. Not even their own names."
"Hmmm" the old wizard ponders. "They seem to be good little bugs, but there is something about them.." his stare is so intense, unicorn feels as though he can look straight through their shells into their souls. He wants to burry himself in Brashes robe. Dragon even leans in to be nearer to their mentor.
"How are they with magic?"
"With magic?! Oh it can't be explained! You must see for yourself! They have both prepared spells to perform for you!"
"Very well." He settles in his seat.
"I am at your attention."
Brashes moves to the wall near his father. And Boldo follows.
"Dragonfly, would you like to go first?" Brashes suggests. Usually she wouldn't hesitate. She nods in agreement. She knew it was better than performing after Unicorn. Her brother hurries to Brashes side and all eyes are on her.
She begins by stepping far back to make some room. Her soul canister in hand, filled to the brim. She motions for the spell, and in seconds six white crackling sparks ignite in a circle around her. They start small before erupting into little explosions. The room is empty, but had there been anything in her proximity it would have been greatly damaged.
Her favorite spell, and the one she thought she could perform best. Though Unicorn could still do it better, hopefully he hadn't chosen to do this one. She does the spell once more before her soul is all depleted.
This time she jumps up and casts it mid air before falling back to the ground. Showing how she could take out flying enemies.
"That's quite a lot of sparks for such a young apprentice.." the grandmaster remarks. Still looking over Dragon in awe. "How long have you been training them Brashes?"
"Just about a month. Dragon could do four sparks when she first tried the spell. Most her age would only be able to cast two. Now she's at six and her brother here has done up to eight at once!"
"Yes!" He replies not containing his excitement. "they're incredible! are they not?"
Well now the grandmaster knows Unicorn could do it better. Hopefully he is still impressed. She bows at him again before running back to be with the others. Boldo pats her shoulder.
"You did great!"
"Indeed you have." Brashes agrees before sending Unicorn forward.
Unicorn finds a place in the center, far from the walls. Dragon claps for him.
"You can do it brother!!"
He is too nervous to respond. "Just focus on the spell, focus.." he tells himself. And before he can fully stop himself he has focused on his soul. A good portion depleted. He is horrified.
"Your soul? Did you need to heal?" Brashes asks.
He didn't. That was an accident. He almost shakes his head but instead he turns and runs from the room back through the entrance gate.
"Unicorn!" Brashes calls. his sister immediately runs after him.
"Sorry-" Brashes says to his father as he prepares to join her. "Unicorn's a bit shy."
Unicorn wants to cry he is so embarrassed. But he can't cry. At least he never has before. He runs outside the temple and suddenly WHAM he hits the ground.
He had tripped over a big root. He sits up and slumps his arms and head down atop the root. Burying his face. Wishing he could cry, while also thankful he doesn't know how.
It is silent until suddenly he hears a voice.
Two voices.
"You are not of us" they say.
He looks around. No one has caught up with him yet. There is no one there. He looks down at the plant where his arms rest. Could it be..?
"You are not of us, but our sister. You have been wilted. you are cursed. Return to your land. Return."
He jumps up away from the root. The voices are gone. "What was that?.."
"Unicorn!" Dragon calls as she runs through the doorway joining him outside. "Are you alright? Why did you run?"
"I messed up!"
"You didn't mess up! You didn't even cast your spell!"
"But I wasted my soul!"
"Only some of it! You can still perform better than me with the soul you have left!"
"No I can't.. What if I mess up again?!"
Brashes comes from the temple gates to join the siblings.
"Unicorn? Are you alright?" He stops and kneels beside them.
The boy buries his face in his hands.
The wizard can tell how he's feeling. "Oh no need to be embarrassed. You only made a small mistake." He assures him. "The grandmaster has been a witness to countless mistakes on my part. It's to be expected of any apprentice. You are still a great wizard." He pats his back.
"I know you're nervous, but You must show the grandmaster your spell. He will be so proud of you I promise."
Unicorn glances up, and Brashes is a bit hopeful. Then the boy turns away and sits back down in the moss, wrapping his cloak around himself.
"Come now Unicorn, I know you can do this. You've done it for me so many times. You're amazing with magic."
Dragon nods in agreement. He doesn't budge.
"I'll replenish your soul, I have plenty of spare."
Unicorn almost turns back to face them. But doesn't quite. Brashes sighs.
"Very well. We will be staying here until tomorrow evening. Perhaps you would like to perform your spell later. I will give you time." He stands, looks hopefully at the child one last time, he still won't move. "I will be back. Boldo is trying to entertain the grandmaster with his jokes and he must be stopped." Brashes explains before heading back toward the temple gates.
"I will tell the grandmaster you aren't ready to perform for him yet."
Unicorn glances back at the wizard. Dragon sits down beside her brother and puts an arm around him. "I was nervous too unicorn. But I did it. So I know you can"
Unicorn sighs.
"You're braver than me."
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The adventures of Dragon and Unicorn: Chapter three
The next morning is spent similar to most, Brashes and Boldo have breakfast and let the children sleep in. Boldo has prepared them more scrambled wild berries, And while they eat, Brashes is eager to show off the gift he'd received last night with his friend.
Boldo responds by showcasing his own gift. A similar drawing on petal with a picture of Boldo himself. "What are you doing?" Brashes questions as he leans in to get a closer look at the picture. "Juggling of course."
"Ah, so the children are amused with your little tricks I see-" he almost leans back into his chair.
"-Wait are those soul canisters?" He asks grabbing the petal from Boldo's hand. Boldo is quiet. "You've been juggling soul again! Boldo I told you not to do that-and in front of my apprentices!-"
Boldo can't help but laugh. "I never drop them! I promise!"
After the children wake up they get to their magic studies right away. In the evening they practice spells. And by nightfall they are drained and ready for a good night's sleep. Another two weeks fly by, where this is routine.
of course with little adventures in-between. Sometimes Brashes let's them use his charms to advance their magic, and sometimes their magic gets a little too strong and out of control. Most especially Unicorns. This would usually end in some sort of mess for Boldo to clean up.
Sometimes they venture a bit beyond rune rock, and have their lessons in a new area, where Brashes will spend the first half of the lesson explaining the areas history. Unicorn listens every time Brashes utters a word. Dragon will occasionally become distracted, often laughing at Boldo's jokes. Since her laugh is silent she is never caught.
She had, however, been caught at one point attempting to emulate Boldo's great juggling skills. And Brashes was not pleased with the broken soul canister shards littered on her bedroom floor. Another mess for Boldo to clean up..
Dragon attempts to help Boldo as he sweeps up the shards. "No worries Dragon. This is my job." He assures her. "I taught you that trick, and besides that, I'm Brashes assistant. any mess of his or his apprentice's is mine to tend to."
She climbs onto her bed and sits on the end of it swinging her little legs back and forth as he finishes. Suddenly she jumps off the bedside and grabs a petal and pen. She scribbles something and rushes to hand it to Boldo.
"Why are you Brashes Asitant?" He reads. Brashes had been working with them on their writing. Not perfect but easily understood. Boldo chuckles.
"good question.. you see it's always been my dream to follow around a weird old hermit and dedicate my life to washing his dishes." Dragon looks at him confused. Silent and still.
"Alright you got me." He confesses with a slight laugh. "It hasn't ALWAYS been my dream..
It started many years ago. You see, Brashes and I haven't always been living here in Rune rock, the both of us used to reside in Hidden meadow, the butterfly court in fact. The butterflies have been ruling that land since long before I was born. Currently it is being governed by Lady Violetty, Brashes used to work for her, as an advisor. The gods know she could use some of those." He murmurs.
"She's quite a personality. Flashy and extravagant. Butterflies tend to be that way. And they tend to care a bit much for outward appearances. Their leader especially so.."
Dragon leans in listening intently.
"She doesn't take much, outside of her own image, very seriously. So when I, who also used to work for her, as a court jester, a jester who she was usually quite entertained with, when I make one joke at her own expense... that joke isn't received very well…
Luckily for me, Brashes was her advisor at the time, and though she and all the other butterflies of the court were set on condemning me to years in prison, the wizard was somehow able to convince the lady to spare me." He continues sweeping up shards.
"I became especially loyal to him after that, as you'd expect. And when he left hidden meadow only months later, I insisted I go with him. I had no other purpose at that point, and the wizard had saved me, I owed it to him to assist him in any way I could." He finishes sweeping the mess, and looks up at Dragon. "Not to mention he could use the company. He wouldn't say it but he can get quite lonely." Boldo finishes his work. standing to take out the dustpan. "..We're good friends now.."
Dragon claps for him, and he laughs.
Unicorn has mastered the crackling sparks, whirlwind, defending spirit, and heal blessing spells. He is ready to master his fifth. Brashes is taking notes. "Incredible." He mutters to himself. And turns to the boy who is in the midst of practicing the defending spirits. He could now conjure four blasts at once. They swirl around each other and are thrust towards their target. His aim is getting a lot better, as is his stance. He is steady as the spell is cast.
Brashes nods encouragingly as he finishes writing then walks up to the boy. "Amazing as always."
Unicorn looks down at the floor. He Shuffles his feet. Brashes kneels beside him. "You must understand, you and your sister amaze me more than any bug I have met in all my years.. just look at this!-" he hands the boy his petal-book filled with notes on the their progress. "Already you have perfected four powerful, usually considered difficult, spells! You're ready to advance in your training."
Unicorn looks through the notes for a moment then up at his mentor. Is he excited? proud? nervous? Always hard to tell with this one. "Before you can advance however you must receive the grandmasters blessing."
He tilts his head, this expression is obviously curiosity.
"The grandmaster is the only other living weevil wizard. he's my father. I'm sure he will be elated to meet you and Dragonfly. And give you both his blessing of apprenticeship. You will join our lineage."
Unicorn is still once more.
"If that is what you wish?" Brashes adds.
Unicorn nods.
"Very good." He claps the boys shoulder. "We will prepare for our journey to the grandmaster tomorrow."
It was a couple days trip to the home of the grandmaster. Boldo packed them all they would need for their journey. Soul, with herbal flavorings, some food and fresh stream water for himself and Brashes. Blankets and cushions, petals and quills, a lantern and little walking sticks carved from sturdy twigs. Each bug had a little bag to carry their things. They set off right away.
Most of their journey would be through the western dunes. A fairly simple path they would take though Occasionally they would run into trouble. Ferocious predator bugs that Brashes would quickly chase away with his spells. Bands of thieves, again, easily frightened off by the wizard.
At one point they had accidentally discovered a quicksand hot spot, which slowed them down, as they were unable to get through without three quarters of their group falling in. Brashes of course being the one quarter, and the one to get everyone to safety, using, what else but his magic.
Boldo dusts the sand off of Dragon. "Do you still have all your things?" He asks as they reach the end of the quicksand covered path. She lifts her little bag up to show him.
"Good. Still got mine too but we're gonna have to shake out our blankets." He laughs. "And my dinner's gonna taste.. sandier than usual."
"That should end the worst of our journey." Brashes says as he leads the group onward. "We will be at our destination by morning. For now let's find a good spot to rest for the night."
Dragon turns to Unicorn, who is falling a bit behind. She dusts him off, as Boldo had done for her. "This is all so exciting!" She says to him. "We're almost there! I wonder what the grandmaster is like. What Will he think of us? He'll probably love you especially! Your an amazing magician!"
Unicorn shakes the remaining sand away. "I'm nervous.. What if he doesn't like us? What if he doesn't want us to be wizards?"
"He will he will!" She assures him. She kneels down and pulls something from her bag. "I already wrote us a speech!" She shows the page of introduction to her brother.
"Wow! You wrote all of this!?"
"I did! Brashes fixed the mistakes. He said it was good."
Unicorn looks it over. "It is good." He mumbles as he reads.
"Good to meet you grandmaster. We are Dragonfly (The big twirly horns one) and Unicorn- beetle (the one horn sad eyes one) we heard you are a wizard like Brashes. We are becoming wizards too if you accept us. Please accept us. We love Brashes (and Boldo) and we are very good at magic, especially Unicorn he can do so many spells and they are so big and beautiful when he does them. once he almost exploded Boldo's antennas off. It was very impressive.
We hope you will love Unicorn a lot. Also me. I'm Dragon Who is writing this. We hope we can be in your family."
"Is there anything you want to add?"
"No, I would ruin it."
"You wouldn't!"
"Dragonfly! Unicorn!" They turn to Brashes voice calling. "Come! We're setting up camp for the night!"
The two of them grab their things and scurry over to the wizard. "You two are hardy little bugs." Brashes says as they reach the flat rock where he and Boldo are laying their things. "You have traveled far, and have done well."
After the older bugs had eaten the group is ready for bed, they all tuck themselves into their blankets, except for unicorn, who creeps over to Brashes who is reading before he sleeps, as he does most nights. He wrote something to hand to him. It reads-
 "what does the grandmaster look like?"
"Ah well, you will see in the morning.."
unicorn is still. waiting for an answer.
"Well he looks a lot like I do, only older."
Unicorn looks Brashes over and nods. Then pulls out another petal and begins drawing.
He draws for a while under the lantern light beside Brashes, who continues to read, Glancing over at the boy every so often attempting to catch a glimpse of his art piece. Unicorn guards it carefully.
Finally he is finished. He slowly and shyly lifts the drawing to show his mentor. Looking for approval of his depiction. Brashes nearly laughs. Unicorn seems to have interpreted "older" to mean "bigger" The picture is of Brashes himself, standing beside a larger version of himself. Signed "unicorn beetle."
"Very good" Brashes praises him. Nevermind the fact that his father is, in fact, shorter than he is. "Is this for the grandmaster?"
Unicorn nods.
"He will love it I assure you."
Unicorn lifts his head a bit more confidently before hurrying back to his own bed to show his sister. Now he has something to add to her speech.
Night has long fallen over the rocks and dunes.
The group sleeps. Unicorn shakes around in his blankets. Despite the cool night air he isn't cold, As Boldo had asked the children several times the previous nights, Neither of them seem to get cold, at least not easily. No, he is just restless. Is it about the grandmaster? No.. it's something else. After continual tossing and turning he suddenly jerks awake.
He sits up and looks forward to see a black nothingness. No lantern light, no glow of Brashes staff. There is nothing, he can't hear anything at first either. The wizard isn't snoring as he usually is and the howling breezes have gone silent. After a moment though, he does think he hears something. He isn't sure at first, it's strange... it almost sounds like voices. Very quiet, but very many..
Are they crying? Calling out for someone? He stands up. He looks for Dragon. He can't see her either.
"Dragon?" He calls to her. "Dragon wake up! Do you hear them? Those voices?"
When there is no reply he reaches over to where she was sleeping feeling around for her. "Dragon?"
Suddenly he awakes again. Dragon has her hand on his shoulder as he lay in his blankets.
"Unicorn are you alright? I thought I heard you call for me"
He sits up again. He sees his sister clearly. Her being illuminated by the lanterns glow. He sees everyone, and the sounds of the night are normal again. "I'm alright." He tells her. "I just, I must have been dreaming.."
"Oh good." She yawns, and stretches her arms. "Well, goodnight Unicorn. I'm going back to sleep." She lays back down and unicorn joins her.
"Strange dream.." he mutters. "But familiar.." he must have had that dream before.
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I forgot to post the third chapter yesterday XD so I will post two today to make up for it!!
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The adventures of Dragon and Unicorn: Chapter two
Two pure blasts erupt from the creatures tiny hands, they swirl around each other until they crash into their target knocking it to the ground. Dealing great damage. The little one is knocked back a bit by the force of his own power.
 "Very well." Brashes says in a tone more calm then than the one swarming his mind. In truth it was exceptionally well. Better than he had ever seen an apprentice perform their very first try. He helps the child back on his feet. Boldo claps from behind the wizard where he and the other child sit and watch. She stares up at Boldo, watches as he claps his hands together and then copies, clapping a little hesitantly, as if the action is new to her, but she is eager to join in.
The group is gathered in a round room specifically designed to practice magic within. There are cushions along one side, for spectators. Spell targets on the opposite end, crafted from stone, and soul containers hang like chimes from the ceiling all around the wall, Filled with essence to strengthen the magicians.
The sister had performed excellently as well. She had been more eager to showcase her new power, and though her blasts were smaller and weaker, she cast the spell repeatedly out of what seemed to be excitement. This one seems more timid about using magic, or really, he seems more timid in general. Brashes thinks it odd how one so small and shy could cast such powerful magic, perhaps it wasn't his first time?
"Are you quite sure you haven't practiced spells before, child? Your power is greatly impressive."
The boy glances up at the wizard with his curiously empty eyes. He quickly looks away and scurries back to his sister whom he attempts to hide himself behind. Brashes stifles a chuckle. The two of them are quite amusing. So far he has been unable to get either child to speak. Even the more outgoing sister, though willing to communicate, has yet to use her voice. He looks at the little creature burying himself safely behind his sister. "I take it you're finished with your performance then?" Brashes assumes. "Spellcasting can be draining. You should replenish yourselves. I will lend you more soul. Boldo-" he turns to face his assistant. "Would you prepare them something to eat."
Boldo stands at attention. "Of course." He turns to the children. "Neither of them seemed to want any of the scrambled wild berries or the moss stew. Do you think they eat meat?"
"Perhaps. Maybe go to the hunters market in Sandshell?"
"I'll try to be back before long." He agrees.
"Thank you Boldo." And his assistant throws his bag over his shoulder, waves goodbye to the children and walks out the door.
"You two may not be used to the food we consume around here. But you really must try something. How long has it been since you've last eaten?"
The girl looks up at the wizard not knowing how to answer, or not wanting to. The boy still hiding. "Have you eaten anything recently? before I discovered you?" He rewords his sentence. The girl shakes her head.
"No. That's what I thought." He knows some bugs can go long periods of time without need to sustain themselves. But these two are clearly very young. at such an age it can't be healthy.
He helps them to replenish their soul. Offers them water which they also refuse to drink despite his insisting. Shares with them some tips on how to maintain a steady form while practicing magic. Has them rest until Boldo returns with two rock hoppers he'd managed pick up at the market, Freshly cooked, And has them ready at the supper table.
Supper does not go well.. As far as actually eating goes. Once again neither child is willing to consume any food or drink that is prepared. And after an hour of pressuring them into doing so Brashes and Boldo finally concede. They have some saved aside for tomorrow's breakfast hopeful that they might change their minds in the morning or at least after their morning magic practice...
Brashes studies his notes..
the children's behavior did not change. in fact the more time Brashes spent with them, the more strange he discovered them to be. They had now been under his tutelage for nearly two weeks. And Brashes made several important observations.
• These strange beings do not eat or drink and don't seem to need to. They maintain their strength and energy on purely soul alone. He has never met a bug like that before
• They do not speak, after so many days he had come to the conclusion that they simply are unable to do so. For whatever reason both are completely mute.
• however it seems they have some, unexplainable method of communicating clearly with one another. They rely on each other completely, and have a powerful bond. It seems that one always knows what the other is feeling and needing.
• and most notable to Brashes himself. These creatures are naturally gifted with magic. He had not trained them long. only a matter of days and they had already surpassed previous apprentices he had trained with for months. If they had been taught anything previously they seemed to have forgotten their instruction. For he had to guide them still on what to do. But the power they exhibited was unlike any he'd ever seen!
 It was a shame. Of course the very apprentices with magic practically seeping out of their shells are the only ones who seemed to have lost all recollection of who they are and from where they come. They even seemed to have forgotten their very own names. They could understand some writing. Brashes had tried to get them to write their names or communicate them in some non-verbal way. But they claimed not to have any. When Brashes asked if it would be alright to bestow upon them names himself they both quickly agreed. Even seemed excited about the prospect. The brother even seemed excited, which Brashes observed did not happen easily. Because of this he knew he had to give them exceptional titles, he could not disappoint them. (In truth he too found it exciting. He had tutored many apprentices in his past. And had come to see them as his own children, but he had never named a child before. Never imagined he would get the chance.)
After hours of contemplation and going over many options with Boldo, he had determined the ones he deemed most worthy. (Though Boldo thought they were a bit odd and did not agree entirely. Still preferring his ideas "Brashley" and "Brashes the second" not at all doable.)
"You will be named Dragonfly" he bows, placing the end of his staff on one of the girls shoulders. Then to other. Bestowing a regal name upon her. "And you-" he turns and repeats the gesture to her brother. "-Will be Unicorn beetle"
The girl claps her hands to show her approval. And its hard to read the feeling of her brother. He stays still but looks up at his mentor, without shyly looking away. Perhaps that is a good sign. Dragonfly then moves her shoulders and forearms up in a questioning gesture. "Ah of course. You would like to know why I have chosen to give you these titles. Well I can assure you they are very special. You are both named after some of the most magically gifted bugs ever created. Both species long extinct. But their memory lives on through myth and legend and now through the both of you..
..I chose dragonfly for you child, because they were known, not only for their great power, but their protective nature. Many hundred years ago the dragonflies ruled over the nearby land hidden meadow, they watched over their people using their magic to hide them from enemies and keep them safe. Or so the legends go. That protectiveness is something you also exhibit. You look after your brother well."
Dragonfly claps again bouncing up with glee. He beams at her before turning to the other child.
"And as for you, unicorn beetle, I named you after the ancient being that blessed my great ancestor. The reason I and my lineage wield any magic at all. The being was known to be mysterious and showed itself to very few. My family is greatly honored to have known it. As am I, to know you. I'm glad you're opening up to me." He says warmly. Unicorn beetle shows no expression in that moment..
However later that evening once Brashes has finished organizing his soul vials and spell tablets he goes to his room to find a picture drawn on a petal, waiting for him, on his desk. Though clearly a child's drawing it is easy to see that It depicts Brashes with his two apprentices on either side of him. It is signed "yunacorn betel." He chuckles to himself.
"Dragonfly. Dragonfly. Dragonfly."
"Why do you keep saying that?"
"It's my name!"
"Why do you have to keep saying it?"
"I don't ever want to forget it!... or yours! Unicorn beetle unicorn beetle Unicorn-"
"your being too loud! I'm trying to sleep." He pulls the blanket tighter around him.
"Sorry." She tries to calm her excited mind. "You must be exhausted .You do the hardest spells!"
"They aren't that hard. I'm just tired."
They both lay still in their bed for a long moment. A cozy little room Brashes and Boldo had made them. A big circular cushiony bed lay centered at the far wall. Shelves full of stone spell tablets and petal books line the others. A big lumafly lamp hangs above their bed. And they each have a soul canister at their bedside. Unicorn has some petals pens and ink lying on his bedstand beside his soul reserves. He shifts back a little toward dragon. "Why do you think you could forget your name?" She shuffles around in her side of the blanket to face him. "Well we forgot our old names"
"How do you know we had old names?"
"All bugs have names!"
Unicorn ponders that for only a moment. "Yes, but Brashes says all bugs need to eat and drink. But we don't." He ponders some more. "Regular bugs have voices and memories. We are different. Maybe we never had names." He continues.
"Only if we never had parents." She assures him. "Maybe we never did."
"Even irregular bugs have to have parents Unicorn! Where do you think we came from!?"
"I don't know. If you think we have parents why don't you want to go back to them?" He responds as he turns away from her again. She is still for a while, then she turns to her side as well.
"I don't know. I just know that wherever we came from we meant to leave that place. I don't know why. Maybe we weren't wanted there anymore. Maybe it was dangerous, like Brashes says. Our old parents probably wanted us to leave. Now we have Brashes and Boldo, and new names. I don't want to leave any of that. We are safe here."
"You think we had a life before, somewhere beyond the winds. But you aren't curious about what that life was like?"
"I know I always had you, and I have you still. That is good enough for me."
 "It's good that we're together Dragon." He agrees. And bundles tighter his blanket ready for sleep. "It's good enough for me too." Unicorn says to her, though both of them can tell he is a little unsure.
He does care for his sister more than anything. And he now cares for Brashes and Boldo too. But Brashes is right. No bug he'd ever seen was quite like him and his sister. Magically and otherwise. What does that mean? What are they? Where do they come from? These questions might plague him forever. And even if he was brave enough to ask Brashes to help him find out, it would be hard. Brashes cannot understand the language he and his sister speak with each other. No one can. No one can hear them at all. Unicorn is usually grateful for that. He has the feeling that even if he had a voice. He wouldn't use it very much. Only for important things...
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The adventures of Dragon and Unicorn: Chapter one
Darkness is familiar, darkness is welcoming, darkness is belonging.
When night falls over the dunes and everything is cast in shadows they feel at home. But why? And why when they see a flicker of cold light twinkle in the distance somewhere far and uncertain do they feel compelled to follow it?
To escape the darkness that feels so familiar?
There's a cave. The light comes from a cave. "Come brother." She grabs his little hand and hurries them both toward the cave. "We will be safe there." Though the brother is more cautious he cannot deny the feeling of relief upon seeing the light.
A symbol of life somewhere in the distance. They have been wandering for so long, he was beginning to think they were the only two living beings in the whole world. They get closer. the light beams brighter, a glistening white orb. They can't have much further to run. And suddenly, in an instant the light disappears. It had drifted deeper into the cave and is no longer in their sight. And as it left their vision the world around them did as well, they are once again drowned in the darkness of the night. With only the faint glow of each other's white shells to cling to.
"It's gone." He says and slows to a halt.
"No no, it must be there, we just lost it. We have to keep going!" She pulls him forward. They continue, though more slowly, more carefully than before. And still they are not careful enough, in the stillness something pounces upon them, a large creature who's shape cannot be fully comprehended before the siblings scramble in the opposite direction in a panic. The thing growls, it's cry booming across the dunes and it chases after them. They are small, they have no weapons, no means of defence, they have no other option than to run. But soon realizing they also lack a place to hide in this direction, and are low on energy, the sister turns backward in a circle. Still gripping her brothers hand, tight as can be carrying him along. "We have to make it to the cave!" She exclaims.
He is panting along side her barely keeping up. The creature is too close. He dares turn his head to catch a glimpse of it, as he runs. All he sees is a large dark figure with many many legs. "Don't look back! Just keep going!" She yells at him.
But it's too late, he panics and stumbles. His whole body falling into the dirt below him. She is knocked backward on her knees, the creature is almost caught up with him. She scrambles to her brothers body and shields it. Turning her head away from the beast. And just before it can pounce once more and claim them as it's meal, a light!
A beaming white light illuminates the scene, blinds the beast for a moment and just then five gusts of soul swirling around each other in a massive beam blast the shell of the creature knocking it back. It growls. A second similar blast is thrust at it only a moment after and the creature falls to the ground.
The siblings, after processing the event for a moment, turn to see the thing lying there only a few feet away.
It is dead. They shakily get up off the ground and turn to face the light, still near the edge of the cave that was now just above them. The light had greatly dimmed. Only a faint glow comes from within an orb at the tip of a long wooden staff, in the hands of a very odd looking bug. Well, they hadn't really seen another bug before. But still he looks odd.
 "Brashes what was that? A dune digger? It sounded angry what-" the voice stopped. A second bug had come out from the cave to join the staff wielding one. "Are those bugs down there?"
"It appears so"
"I didn't hear any bug cry for help. They must be paralyzed!"
"They look young too." The other notices as his orbs light begins to replenish. It is glowing bright again. "Come let's get them up here, and see if they're hurt."
The two bugs, one tall with a very long nose. Carrying a staff and adorned in a silver cloak, and the other short and round with two large antennas, come hurrying down to meet the siblings. The brother still shaking and scared grabs his sister's arm. "What are they?"
"They're bugs. Like us. I think they want to help us." She carefully comes toward them and he cowers behind her.
"Oh thank the gods you're alright." The tall one says. "I mean, alright enough to stand. Please if you're injured at all we can help you."
"We aren't hurt." The girl tries to respond. But For some reason they do not seem to hear her.
"They look unharmed." The short one says after looking them over. "But clearly in shock."
"You two seem young, what are you doing all the way out here? and at this time of night?"
The siblings look at each other. That is a question they themselves had been wondering. They aren't sure how to respond.
"That's alright, you can explain once you've had some rest. Come inside."
The two strange bugs lead them into their cave. "How long have you been travelling about here?" Asks the tall bug after they had all gathered round a small fire the short bug had lit in the cave center. The Brother and sister sit close together opposite the strangers.
"It has been a long time. I'm not sure exactly." The sister responds. Though she realizes there is something different about her voice than the voices of the strangers. And once again they do not seem to hear her at all. There is a brief silence.
"Has it been long?" He repeats the question.
"Yes" and again her voice is apparently unheard. She nods a yes.
"Hmm. You carry nothing with you. You must be in need of food and water. There isn't much to be found in those dunes." The siblings look curiously at each other.
"Food and water? Why? We have never had those before.."
"And you carry no weapons? You ought to have means of defense in a place like this."
"Yes, this place is dangerous." The brother mumbles.
 "I use magic myself. As you've seen. I'm a wizard in fact. Brashes is my name." He gestures to the other bug. "-And this is Boldo, my assistant. What are your names?"
"We do not have names. Do we brother?"
"No, not that I remember. though we've forgotten much." He glances up at Brashes. Then back at his sister. "He said that thing he used to kill the monster is called magic. How does it work?" The sister gets up from her place around the fire and walks up to Brashes. she gestures to his staff.
"How did you do magic?"
Brashes looks down at her. "Ah you're curious about my staff." He lowers it so that she can see more closely. The brother stands up from his spot and comes to his sister's side. They look in awe at the light. "Yes this is where the magic comes from. This soul container specifically. It is quite a powerful one. It replenishes rather quickly. A gift passed down for generations. I am honored to be the current wielder of it."
The sister reaches her hand forward to touch the container. "The magic is in the soul?"
"Be careful." Brashes pulls it away. "Seems you're both interested in magic?" He almost laughs. "I do recommend it as the most capable means of defense. Though it does not come naturally to most."
They stare back at the wizard.
"If you would like to know how, I would recommend finding a mentor. I have mentored many myself. I would teach you, though I would first like to figure out where you come from and who exactly you two are."
Boldo inches closer to the group. "Do you have parents?" He asks. "Family of any kind? You two look like siblings."
All these questions. So many questions the entire group share. If only they knew.
 "We must have family somewhere. We don't know." She tries to say. Knowing by now that her voice can not be heard or understood she simply makes a confused gesture with her arms.
"You don't know?" He supposes. "How do you not know?"
They do not respond.
"Strange.. Do you know where you come from? Boldo hand me a map please." Boldo reaches for his bag and promptly pulls a map from it. A somewhat detailed map drawn on a cream colored petal. Brashes spreads it out on the cave floor in front of them. "Look here, do you recognize any names on this map? Do you know from which area you came?"
They both kneel down to look it over. "This is the world." She traces the drawing. "There is so much." Though it appears most of it is vast dunes. There are little civilizations scattered here and there, usually near the lakes and rivers.
"There sister." The boy gestures to the corner of the map. "we came from the place by the edge."
"Yes. Here." She points at it. A vast swirling fog, outlining the right side of the map.
"You come from the winds?" He sounds surprised. "That's what that place is called. I know nothing of the area. No one goes there. Or at least no one does who ever returns. hmmm."
"Why? What is there?" The boy wonders. If only they could remember.
"Brashes we can't possibly send them back that way. It's dangerous."
"I know Boldo especially with no means of defense." He thinks for a moment longer. "We should take them home with us for now. We can set up a post for any family that may come looking but they can't stay here and they can't return to the winds." Boldo nods in agreement. They turn to face them.
"Would the two of you come with us to our home? We will get you food and water and you can rest there."
She looks at her brother placing a hand over his. "Brother what do you say? I say we should! These people are good to us. They could keep us safe." She holds his hand and squeezes it. He is hesitant at first.
"If you think we will be safe. Then yes. We should go." He finally agrees.
"Is that a yes then?"
She nods confidently. He nods as well.
"Very good."
They travel through the cave tunnels to a wide open stony terrain. Which Brashes calls Rune Rock. A place named for it's many ancient magical runes. The intricate symbols glow, igniting the stone as they pass them by. Brashes and Boldo have a little hut tucked up on a cliff side there, Where they are welcome to stay. "For as long as you need to." Brashes insists.
"Stay for more than a couple hours and he'll turn you into his newest apprentices." Boldo adds with a little laugh.
"Now Boldo, I'm sure they aren't ready for that." He turns back to them. "Although if ever you are willing to learn I do have much to teach. you would be able to defend yourselves in situations like the one i found you in earlier. I don't know how well you will take to learning spells. I could give you one now so that you can practice."
Boldo rolls his eyes. "Nevermind hours, it's minutes now apparently."
"A magic apprentice? That could be useful." She suggests to her brother.
"It could be. But the wizard says it could be hard." "Should we try it?"
He thinks it over. After a few seconds he nods. "We should try."
They both grab the handle of the wizards staff. And look up at him.
"You know Boldo I believe they're just as eager as I am."
"I'll prepare them a room." Boldo says as they reach the pathway to the hut. "They'll be staying a while I'm sure."
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~The adventures of Dragon and Unicorn~
The great weevil wizard and guardian of Rune Rock, Brashes, and his assistant Boldo discover two strange little bugs wandering the wastes. The siblings have no recollection of their past, but are eager to become the wizard's newest apprentices. He is equally eager to teach and ever intrigued by their mysterious circumstance.
This story is an almost completely fluffy one. I am a fluff person XD Its about found family and exploring the world beyond Hallownest, full of new characters and a few mysteries. Mostly I wrote it for fun!
Also my vessel ocs have gendered pronouns! Dragon goes by She/Her and Unicorn He/Him
i'll explain more as I update! The first chapter will be posted today!
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don't know if anyone on here is that interested but I will soon be posting a hollow knight fanfic I wrote featuring these vessel ocs of mine! Dragon and Unicorn!
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So I struggle taking pictures of my paper drawings as it always looks like crap on my phone. What is your advice?
oh man I really wish I had actual advice about this. Honestly I have a hard time with this too. I just take the pics with my phone and try to do it in good lighting or wait till I can find good lighting. I'll also crop them afterward when I need, but I don't really do anything else. If anyone else has advice about this feel free to add!
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Siblings as the seasons! (I will post a colored version eventually!)
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Adventuring beyond Hallownest!
Close up pics below the cut~
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ooooh!! Yes I love these!!! <3
Hornet x Quirrel stuff
• Quirrel telling Hornet stories about the lands outside Hallownest and teaching her more about the world outside. And Hornet telling Quirrel stories of Hallownest and helping him to remember his old home.
• The two of them practice sparing with each other And of course Quirrel teases Hornet about the first time they met.
• Hornet easily relaxing around Quirrel but being upset about it later, after she's realized.
• Quirrel writing about her and sketching pictures of her. (He just finds her so intriguing!)
• Hornet loves dancing, she learned how to dance in the hive and she feels so relaxed and free when she does it. Quirrel would absolutely enjoy dancing with her, and learning from her. And he's a quick learner!
• Quirrel and Hornet doing tasks together and Quirrel gets so easily distracted. Hornet keeps him focused and he helps her to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
• Both of them love water, and swim very well. They spend lots of time at the blue lake, or dancing in the rain in the city.
• Hornet making Quirrel silk bandanas, he loves to wear.
• The two of them visiting the dreamers memorial in the resting grounds. Placing flowers by their stone.
• Herrah and Monomon watching over them, absolutely adoring how close the two have become.
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Do you ever think about Hegemol and think about how he was probably ambushed in his sleep so easily by the maggot, because he had exhausted himself trying desperately to stay awake during the spread of the infection, he was probably sent to the crossroads soon after the infection came back, because that area is most definitely where it started up again. (the radiance being within the area.) And he was trying to help the people to escape, block and guard the travel routes and what not, and because the infection spreads through dreams/while sleeping, he was trying to keep himself awake, probably stayed up for days and his body eventually just gave in, and because of it he was murdered.
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So I struggle taking pictures of my paper drawings as it always looks like crap on my phone. What is your advice?
oh man I really wish I had actual advice about this. Honestly I have a hard time with this too. I just take the pics with my phone and try to do it in good lighting or wait till I can find good lighting. I'll also crop them afterward when I need, but I don't really do anything else. If anyone else has advice about this feel free to add!
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My sisters and I call this the princess tram because it takes passengers to Deepnest- Basin- Hive, all the places Hornet would have been raised. We headcanon the king had it constructed specifically for her transportation.
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Adding these!!
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The twins!!
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