Fate's Tricky Methods || 1
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"Xander, what's up with you?" Josh asks as he throws a basketball at my head. I catch it and throw it back at him."I don't know what you're talking about." He raises an eyebrow in disbelief and sends the ball straight through the hoop once more. "I'm talking about how spacey you are. I called your name like 30 times and you didn't answer me." What is he, my girlfriend? Seems like it. Josh can be such a girl sometimes. I guess that's why they picked him over me for the role of Peeta Mellark, the sensitive, charming baker. Don't get me wrong, I love playing Cato, the brutal career tribute from district 2, it absolutely has its perks. One of them being Isabelle Fuhrman. Isabelle is playing my district partner, Clove. Here on the set of The Hunger Games, we've all become a family pretty much. Josh, Jack, and Dayo are my best buddies. I can tell them everything about myself and they won't judge or go bitch about it to their other friends like the girls do. I have told them everything. Except for this. I've got this..crush, I guess you could say, on Isabelle. It sounds so stupid and immature in my head but it's true. It's more than just that though. It's like we have some strong connection, or bond, that I can't really explain. She understands me like nobody else does. And she's hot. Really hot. But nobody else sees what I see. Probably because she's only 14 years old. But she's mature beyond her years. And that's exactly my problem. She's even more mature than me sometimes. I'm 19. She can make me feel so stupid and small when compared to her. Hell, if it weren't for our age difference I'd have at least kissed her by now. But there's no way she feels the same way about me. She's too smart to fall for a guy like me. Who could blame her? I'm a stupid college party animal, and I'll be the first one to admit it. Back at college all my buddies practically bow down to me like I'm their king or something. I've hooked up with pretty much every hot girl on campus, drunk or not. But Isabelle's so much better than that. She's not one of those easy, slutty girls who have no respect for themselves. I don't think she's ever even kissed a boy before. I guess that's another problem. I always want what I can't have, and Isabelle definitely falls under the category of things I can't have. "Alright man, that's it. I give up on you. See you at breakfast, space cadet" Josh teases as he tosses the ball at me. I catch it and throw it on the rack with the others and catch up to Josh.  "Well well well, look who decided to join us!" Dayo teases as he hands me a plate. I hit him playfully and he hits me back. Eventually we find ourselves faking a cat fight and suddenly a small hand separates us. "Do you two need a time out?" Isabelle asks, raising an eyebrow. There she goes, making me feel stupid again. Dayo and I look at each other, both of us stifling back our laughter. "Behave yourselves. I'm watching you." She grabs a plate and gets in line behind me. "I like the way you tease" I say, trying to sound the least bit flirtatious. She rolls her eyes at me. "Pick on someone your own size, Ludwig." She puts a few pieces of fruit on her plate and walks away, taking a seat next to Jackie and Leven. "Well played, bro. Well played" Jack says, patting my back. "I should go sit next to her." Jack winks at me as I start to walk towards her table. I'm literally inches away when Josh swiftly approaches and sits next to her. My face turns bright red with anger as I walk away and sit at another table with Dayo, Jack, and Liam. I feel like that loser in high school that tries to get the pretty girl but gets beat out by the jock. Its so obvious Josh is in love with her. He makes it so obvious, it's pathetic. Isabelle's too good for him. She must see right through him. I get jealous. Really jealous. What can I do, I'm a guy. When we see someone else take what should be ours, we get pissed. "Hey, is this seat taken?" Leven. It's girls like her that sicken me. It's girls like her that I used to chase around campus. It's girls like her that I used to fall for. But then I met Isabelle. I shake my head and she pulls up the chair next to me and sits down. I don't say anything, and angrily eat my cereal as I watch Josh and Isabelle laughing happily together. Leven clears her throat and scoots her chair in closer to me. "So, you excited for the first day of filming today?" I nod, not taking my eyes off of Isabelle. "What's wrong? You seem distracted." I let out a sigh of frustration, turning back to face Leven. "Nothing, Leven." I feel someone's eyes watching me from behind, but I don't know who. I turn around, expecting to meet someone's gaze. Nobody's looking at me. Then I piece it together. Isabelle. She sees me talking to Leven, now she's jealous. Hah, I could have some fun with this. I turn my chair in to better face Leven, meeting her gaze. I try to look as flirty as possible. "I'm really excited for the scenes we have together" She giggles, and I try to hold back my vomit. "I'm super excited for when I get to sleep in your arms." I quickly turn around, expecting to see Isabelle in a jealous rage. Instead, she's still just sitting there, laughing along with Josh. Gross. Time to really turn on the charm. I put a hand on Leven's knee, stroking it up and down. She flirtatiously raises an eyebrow, and puts her arm around my neck, our faces inches apart. I refuse to go any further. This is gross. I quickly glance at Isabelle, meeting her twinkling green eyes. Good, she's watching. Better make this quick. Leven turns my head to face her and I push her away. "Sorry, I have to go. I'm not really feeling to good. See you later." I quickly slide my chair out and storm out of the dining hall, heading for my room. I press the up button on the elevator and the golden doors slide open. I step inside, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself down. Just before the doors begin to close, Isabelle steps in. Great. Just the person I want to see. "Xander, what the hell?" She exclaims, pain showing in her voice. Great, so I hurt her now too. Can I do anything right? "Leave me alone, Isabelle." I turn away from her, facing the wall. She puts a hand on my shoulder and I swat her away. "If you really care, you'll leave me be." She crosses her arms and furrows her brows in frustration. I always thought it was really cute when she did that...Snap out of it, Alex. You're pissed at her, remember?  "Will you at least tell me what's bugging you?" I shake my head and as soon as the doors slide open again I dart out, sprinting to my room and slamming the door behind me. Isabelle just stands there, a confused expression pasted on her face. I have to be on set in 20 minutes, better get going. I grab my bag and car keys and sprint back out to the elevator once again. Isabelle is nowhere to be found. Phew. I step inside of the elevator, frantically pushing the close button. Once the golden doors slide open on the bottom floor I put on my sun glasses and quickly rush out the door so nobody can see my face. I angrily slam the door to my car and start the car up when suddenly someone has the nerve to knock on my window. It's Isabelle again. Why won't she just leave me alone? I roll down the window, not looking at her. "Uhm..would it be really rude of me to ask for a ride? Everyone else kinda already left and I can't really drive for like 2 more years and-" Without letting her finish I open the door, gesturing for her to climb in. She fastens her seatbelt and awkwardly looks down at her feet, avoiding my gaze. "Look, I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to bug you when you were clearly upset, I should have just left you alone." I laugh at her worrying and pat her knee like a little kid. "It's really okay, Iz. Let's just get to set before Gary kills us." She lets out a sigh of relief and I start driving. "Did you get any sleep last night?" Tasha, my makeup artsist scolds. I shrug as she continues to cover up my dark circles. Once she's finished I put on my black and red training shirt marked with a '2' on the sleeve and head over to the 'training centre'. "Hey man, you okay?" Josh asks, running his hand through his newly-blonde hair. I nod my head, smiling like nothing ever happened. Gary calls him and Jen over and I pat him on the back as he darts away. Leven approaches, playing with her dumb blonde braids. I scoff and roll my eyes at her, conveniently walking away and fist bumping with Dayo. "How'd things go with Izzy?" I give him a thumbs up and walk over to take my place next to Isabelle and Jack. Time to forget everything that happened this morning. I'm Cato, the brutal, fearless tribute from district 2. Just focus on Izzy, or Clove, by your side. "Action!" I cross my arms, acting bored as this woman blabs on about training rules that I know already. I try to look intimidating beside Izzy compared to everyone, especially Jen and Josh. Once Gary says cut Amandla and Jackie exchange mischievous glances. Amandla and Jackie are the prank masters. The other day they hid all of mine and Jack's clothes. You never know when they're going to strike. Now's the time to really intimidate everyone. There's this massive obstacle course-type-thing that all of us tributes have to go on. Isabelle goes first. Gary calls action once more and Isabelle darts off, avoiding each and every obstacle perfectly and swiftly. Sometimes I envy how tiny she is. She can do so much more than most people. The cameras are about to pan over the rest of us, so I stand tall and put on my signature Cato smirk, not taking my eyes off of Isabelle. She finishes and lands perfectly on her feet. She looked so graceful yet intimidating when she did that. Now it's time to show my sword fighting skills. Gary calls action yet again and I stab the dummies, just picturing Josh flirting with Isabelle. It filled me with enough rage to really show my strength. Out of the corner of my eye I catch Isabelle watching me as she practices practicing throwing knives. I give her a subtle wink just as Gary says cut. I walk over to her and whisper in ear. "Meet me outside after?" She nods and Gary sends me off, since I'm pretty much done for the day. He wants us back later tonight for the interview scenes. Once Isabelle's done this little bit she's also done. I push open the doors leading outside and the sun nearly blinds me. I lean up against the wall and wait for Izzy. The doors swing open and I know she's here. I try to look cool. But then I realize it's not her. It's Leven. I let out a much-louder-than-intended sigh and Leven rolls her eyes. "Listen Ludwig, about earlier this morning. You were flirting with me. I know you wanted to kiss me, you were just too embarrassed to do it in front of everyone. But now since we're alone..." She pulls me in and kisses me aggressively and forced. I hate every second of it. But things can apparently get a hell of a lot worse than simply kissing Leven. Once I manage to force her off of me, I'm looking up to meet the tear-filled gaze of Isabelle Fuhrman. Oh, crap. 
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What's that? A new ALEXBELLE FIC?
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Yepp, that's right. I'm relatively new to the Alexbelle tag and such, so I think it's time I started a fanfiction of my own. Now here's the twist: I noticed that a lot, not all, but A LOT of Alexbelle fics are either from Isabelle's point of view or third person, so I figured I'd write one from Xander's point of view. I haven't come up with a title yet, but I'm pretty sure the first chapter will be up at some point tonight! Yay, get pumped! Hope you all enjoy! <33   
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More Than This || Chapter 4
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She’s 14. He’s a 19 year old college party animal. When love blossoms on the set of The Hunger Games, could it mean total destruction of friendships, or even worse, Hollywood reputations? 
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No matter what type of blog you have, quality, black and white, grunge, this picture belongs on all of it. This is in memory of the 27 people (18 of which are kindergartners) who lost their lives today in Newtown, Connecticut. You are forever in our hearts.
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Angry. Horrified. Disgusted. Appalled. Grief-stricken. Words cannot even begin to explain how I feel towards the shooting today. How does one look an innocent child who’s only seven or eight years old and shoot them? How can anyone do that? I really hope that they try to use the “mentally insane”...
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The Arena's No Place for Love: A Clato Oneshot
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They’re supposed to be the ruthless careers. Cold hearted, bloody killers. Only one goes home. Will Clove and Cato die for love?
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In His Eyes: An Alexbelle Oneshot
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Alexbelle is invincible!
I was so worried that once BCW ended Alexbelle would kind of slowly die down, but like I've noticed people writing new fanfics for us to cry over and just ughh I love Alexbelle and all of us shippers we're so cute <333   
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Ahhh Alexbelle<333
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Alright I already uploaded this earlier with a different title but someone told me to change the title because someone already used that title but I didn’t know that, so here I am, yet again. *face palm* So basically this is my first ever fanfic..AHH. Ok so pleease leave some feedback so I...
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