livefastdieyoungxx · 10 months
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livefastdieyoungxx · 10 months
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Santa is on strike due to global warming.  All presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger.  Milk and cookies may not be sufficient.
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livefastdieyoungxx · 10 months
one thing that u should know about me is that i will smoke weed
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
Steve has had a crush on every single person in this photo...
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
I think I'm cursed to be an observer, nothing more. I don't get to have what I want or need in life. The world is designed—very intentionally—to exclude people like me. I'm "not normal", ya gotta be normal
But I can watch, though. I can watch other people enjoying the experiences I dream of, letting myself imagine for a moment that I too could have that one day. Love. Friendship. Belonging. Purpose.
Maybe just a couple more years. That's probably all I can take. Then I'll turn off the screen.
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
What kind of person notices their child depressed and resigned, not wanting to leave their room, and thinks that it's a good idea to go there to reprimand and criticize them?
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
Hey! Pro tip for parents, especially parents of neurodivergent kids. 
Don’t take away/threaten to take away their comfort or safe items. Those are extremely important to us, so threatening or doing something like that doesn’t help us be motivated or work faster, but it does negatively impact our mental health.
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
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p.s. i think that drawing eddie w top surgery scars that look like bats is literally the best thing in the entire world
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
moms be like 'ugh u never tell me anything' then literally never listen to you
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
Why Many ND People Prefer Written Communication
Processing: Written information and instructions are easier to follow and process than with oral communication in those with processing disorders
Social Cues: Neurodivergent people often struggle with unspoken social cues such as tone and body language. Written communication often removes these distractions
Overwhelm: Verbal communication can become overwhelming for neurodivergent people. Written communication allows for the flexibility to form a thoughtful response.
Quality: Neurodivergent people may not be able to communicate in a way that reflects how they truly feel when masking. Their communication skills may be stronger through text
Eye Contact: Many neurodivergent people struggle with eye contact during social interaction. Written communication eliminates the pressure to mask and force eye contact to appear engaged
Selective Mutism. Some neurodivergent people are unable to speak at all. Some may speak only when they are comfortable. Written communication must be avaliable to these individuals
Clarity: Since social masking can be stressful for neurodivergent people, it can be difficult to formulate thoughts and articulate ideas verbally. Written communication is more organized and clear
Ableism: Many neurodivergent individuals are perceived as “slow” and unintelligent due to their social skills. This assumption is ableist. Many come across well spoken through text
Predictability: Written communication has a more predictable format. Emails are generally straight forward and do not include small talk. Written communication is easier to navigate
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
Okay, so does any other Autistic people get worse overstimulation and understimulation when they get their period. Because whenever I start my period I find myself getting worse and more frequent overstimulation and understimulation to the point where I will just have to shut down for hours after to recuperate.
It sucks and I hate it.
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
being ace and autistic is realizing others dont fixate and project onto characters the same way you do
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
Do you ever have time to reflect on your life and realize how not happy you are with how your life is right now?
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
supposedly, when in distress, people go to other people for comfort. Yet, since I was a small child (~5) my overwhelming instinct is to isolate and hide. I think this is an indication things have been wrong for a very, very long time.
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
Eddie “The Murderer” Munson
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Eddie Munson x Female Reader, Eddie Munson/You
Summery: In an AU where Jason and Eddie never die, Eddie has been cleared of all charges. However there are still those that are skeptical of his innocence. Jason Carver is one of those people. He vows to get revenge on the man that murdered his girlfriend. Eddie is ambushed after a D&D session and after all is said and done, he needs you.
or Eddie is kidnapped by Jason and his goons. You help him pick up the pieces afterwards.
Warnings: violence, mentions of self-harm and self-harm scars, mentioned suicide, mentioned rape (no actual suicide or rape), kidnapping, being tied up/bound. This story is very dark, pleaseee read these warnings.
Tags: Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Crying Eddie, Breakdown, Established relationship, AU, Not canon compliant, mental health issues, depression, depressed Eddie
Words: 11190
Notes: Quick rundown of the AU canon. The Gang killed Vecna before he got 4 kills. So no Earthquake. Eddie fought the demobats but Dustin helped him out in time. Jason carver never died. Eddie was cleared of all charges. Wayne repaired the strange hole in his trailer. Please ignore any errors or inconsistencies. I don’t have a beta. Enjoy and please please leave a comment if you liked it! 🖤
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Moonlight bounced off Eddie’s trembling hands as he held them firmly against his front. The rope binding them together scratched at his chest as he shivered against the cold bricks his back had been forced against.
His stuttered breath fogged in the air as it filtered through the hessian sack tied tightly around his neck. The wind had been knocked out of him as his shoulder blades had collided with the wall.
Half an hour ago he had been cleaning up the Theatre Room after using it for his latest D&D campaign with the Hellfire Club. He’d been working on the story for months now and finally debuted it earlier this evening.
The boys had loved it and Eddie had been proud of himself for managing to keep the plot a secret even though it really was all he wanted to talk about.
The story had been left on a cliffhanger and the boys had been excited for next week. Offering to help Eddie pack up and being shooed away lest they gleam any clues of where the story was going from his writing.
He had his back to the door. A poor choice if he was honest. As someone that had spent most of his life being bullied he really should have known better.
They’d entered silently after all the others had left. Waited tactically for them to be picked up or drive themselves away and then cornered Eddie when they knew he was alone.
The ambush had been meticulously planned. That thought haunted him in the future more than he would have anticipated.
He’d yelped as they grabbed his hair. Wrenching him backwards until his body landed against a firm chest. A strong arm wrapped tightly around his neck, causing him to gasp for air. Another pair of hands yanked on his arms, pulling them back at an uncomfortable angle as slow footsteps walked up beside him.
Jason Carver rounded on him calmly. A condescending smile gracing his lips as he tilted his head.
“What’s wrong Freak?” He asked softly, feigning a pout as he reached a hand towards Eddie’s face and ran a gentle finger from his forehead to his jaw.
Keep reading
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
no one respects me because i keep messing up. i'm always too loud or too quiet. I say too much but i don't speak my mind when i should. when i do speak is stupid or rude.
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livefastdieyoungxx · 2 years
neurotypical ppl be like "go do this thing" and then they get mad at you for doing what they said to do because they actually meant a Secret Thing You Should've Known TM
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