lizbug13 · 15 days
9-1-1 Fans 4 Humankind
Action: Supporting Operation Olive Branch & Hedaya's family in Gaza
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Operation Olive Branch is a grassroots, volunteer-run project to boost Palestinian voices & coordinate mutual aid. They have a spreadsheet of fundraisers to provide mutual aid for families in Gaza. All fundraisers are vetted through OOB to check that the organizers are legitimate.
Hedaya Mohamed is raising funds to evacuate her six family members from Gaza. Multiple family members have disabilities and physical and mental health challenges due to continued violence by the Israeli government against people in Gaza. The spreadsheet also indicates there is someone pregnant, which is not mentioned specifically on the fundraiser page.
My uncle is an amputee struggling with heart failure and diabetes. My cousins are ages 16-21 years old, grappling with both mental and physical health challenges with limited access to food, water, and medicine. My cousin Khaled is a nurse at Nasser Medical Complex, suffering severe trauma. My cousin Malak is an incredible artist and designer- Gazans have dreams, they deserve to live in safety.
Here is what you can do to help!
Priority 1:
Donate $5 (€5) to Hedaya's fundraiser. (If just 1% of the #911 fox tag donated $5 they would reach their goal!) You can also find the fundraiser link on line 68 of the Perinatal Project tab on OOB's spreadsheet.
Reblog this post. This helps even if you cannot donate, because it will reach more people who can!
Offer 9-1-1 fanworks to celebrate reaching donation goals! If you create fanworks of any kind (fan edits, fan art, gifs, show analyses, etc.) and want to offer one as celebration for reaching specific goals, DM us. This will help us build up excitement for the Action and keep momentum going!
Priority 2:
Boost Hedaya's Instagram posts.
Boost Operation Olive Branch's social media posts. (All accounts are linked on this page)
Contact your representatives to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (Call, email, or fax)
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lizbug13 · 3 years
Any ideas on what people want to read? I’m having writers block and can’t think of anything so let me know what you want!
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lizbug13 · 3 years
Puppy Love
Jake Jensen x reader
Warning: fluff, cuteness overload, love at first sight, puppy Jensen, alcohol and swearing (I think, I can’t remember what all I wrote so better safe then sorry)
Author’s note: sorry I haven’t posted anything! It’s been super busy and then my adhd said we forgot about the writing I started but I got a lot of motivation and finished! I’ll try to work faster next time lol I hope you enjoy!
You were moving into an… interesting neighborhood you could say. The moving truck just showed up for the second time today to help move everything from your parents house. You had been living with them throughout your college and now that you’ve graduated, you decided to find a job and get your first house.
As you were struggling to lift a box, a man came up behind you. “Let me help you, it looks heavy.” He said with a chuckle grabbing the box before it fell. “My names Clay. You moving in today?” He asked while I grabbed another box and led him inside. “I’m y/n and yeah, I just graduated college and needed out of my parents. You don’t have to help, I can get all this. It’ll probably take awhile.” I said feeling about taking up his day.
After a little bit of playful arguing, Clay insisted that he had nothing to do and was happy to help me move. The day went by pretty quick and I was grateful for Clay’s help because it would’ve taken way longer without him.
“Hey, I’m having a get together tomorrow evening. It’d be a great way for you to meet some people if you’d like to come?” Clay suggested with a smile. “Oh I wouldn’t want to intrude on you and your friends. They’ll probably think it’s weird inviting someone you just met as well.” I smiled sheepishly.
“Nonsense, it’s not even close to the weirdest thing I’ve done. Plus there’ll be great food and we love having new people over.” Clay said hopeful. I smile back and agreed to go. He told me that he live two houses down (the blue shitty one, he called it) and to just come over around 6.
After he left, I unpacked a few thing and made dinner. It was pretty late so I went to bed and woke up around 8 the next morning. I went on my usual run and then ate breakfast. I watched tv until 5:30 and then got ready for to go to Clay’s. I showed up at 6:02 and knocked on his door after sitting there for 5 minutes debating if I should just go home.
Clay answered the door and smiled. He said everyone was out back and that I could just go on back and he’d be out in a minute. I walked through the house to the back door. There weren’t a lot of people, maybe 4-5, I didn’t really count and hung out by the door until Clay came out.
“Hey everyone, this is my new neighbor, y/n. Y/n, this is Aisha, Pooch, Jolene, Cougar, and that is Jensen.” Everyone waved and smiled at me except Jensen, who stood there staring and not moving, even his mouth was a little open. Clay clapped him on the shoulder, “what’s the matter Jensen? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Jensen sputtered but eventually gained control of himself. He clear his throat and smiled. “Nothing. Hi, I’m Jake.” He took my hand and kissed the back of it.
I looked down and blushed hard. I looked back up and he was staring at me with his charming smile. Clay scoffed with a smile on his face. “I’m gonna go check on the grill. Jensen, try not to drool too much.” He chuckled and walked away. Jensen made a face at him before turning back to me.
“So…. Do you have any hobbies?” He asked before looking down and muttering to himself. I chuckled and smile. “Um… I like to do a lot of things. I’m pretty active and like doing things too.” I smiled up at him since he was much taller (and bigger😍) than me. His face broke out into a smile and he giggled (his fucking giggle). “Oh yeah. Im always trying new things.” He went on to rant about the new things he’s been doing.
Soon the food was done and Jensen fixed me a plate like a true gentleman. We ended up talking about anything and everything for the rest of the night until everyone started turning in. First Pooch and his wife, then Cougar, then Aisha until it was just me, Jensen and Clay. “Well. I’m gonna head in guys, it’s getting pretty late. Try not to get arrested for nudity in my backyard.” He smirked at us. I blushed and looked down while Jensen awkwardly chuckled, also turning bright red. We were all sitting around a fire pit and me and Jensen were sitting close enough that I was almost in his lap.
Clay went inside and it was just me and Jensen left. “So you probably got a boyfriend waiting for you at home.” He sighed sadly. “No I don’t but you’re girlfriend would probably be mad that your here with me alone.” I gave him a light smile. He didn’t say anything and kept staring at me. “What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked, wiping my face. He shook his head, “No girlfriend and no, no you’re perfect. I mean not perfect but you don- I mean you are perfect.. but not in a creepy way! I just- how do you not have a boyfriend? I mean, you’re just so pretty and nice and … I’m rambling. That happens when I get nervous, especially around pretty girls. This is probably one of the longest conversations I’ve had with one and I don’t know why you’re still talking to m-“ I cut him off with a peck.
He looked stunned for a second before lightly touching his lips where I had just kissed. He looked at me, stunned and not saying a word. I started to get worried that I had overstepped and opened my mouth to apologize but then he surprised me. He leaned back it to kiss me, deeper than the last. We kissed for a good couple of second before pulling away.
It took me a second to register everything and open my eyes but when I did, I saw his beautiful face smiling at me. He looked like a puppy in love. I giggled at him and grabbed his hand.
“That was the first kiss I’ve had in a long time.” I said smiling up at him. “Me too and I wouldn’t be upset if it happened again.” He replied with the biggest smile on his face. I chuckled with him and leaned our four head together.
“You should take me on a date first, big boy.” I smirked at him. His face drained a little and I got worried I said the wrong thing. “Oh my god, of course. I completely forgot and I’m normally better than that, not that I get a lot of attention from women and talk to them much, but in generally I like to think I’m pretty smooth and good at remembering stuff like that an-“
I cut him off by grabbing both his hands and turning him to face me. I smile at him and say, “it’s ok haha. It’s not a big deal Jake. I’d love to go on a date with you and get to know you better if you’d want that too. And I think you’re quite charming, have to watch out for other ladies if this goes somewhere, which I hope it does.”
He smiles and agrees, “If we do get farther, which I can see happening because I actually am really starting to like you, I’m gonna be the one to have to watch out for other girls and boys. Wouldn’t want anyone, male or female, stealing my girl.” He softly kisses me. I smiled and pulled away.
“Oh so I’m already you’re girl now?” I smirked at him. He laughed and shook his head. “Not yet. I’d like to make a better memory while asking you to be my girl but I can make plans for the future.” We see the light in the back room turn on in the house out of the corner of our eyes. “Get your asses out of my yard and get a room!” We hear Clay yell with a chuckle.
I look at Jake and I’m a silent conversation, we decide that it’s probably time to head out. He holds my hand and walked me to my house. Once we reached the door, I turned towards him. “So when’s the date?” He chuckled and leaned in to kiss me.
“I’ll have to check my calendar. If you give me your number, I’ll text you when and where.” He smirked at me. I giggled and we exchanged phones. I bit my lip and looked up at him. He smiled back at me and brought my hand up to kiss the back of it.
“I had a really good time tonight. I wasn’t planning on going but I’m glad I did.” He said. I smiled and looked down to hide my blush. “ I had a great time too. I can’t wait to go out with you and get to know you better. I’m not really busy with much right now so text me anytime.” I said looking at his face, trying not to get distracted by his beauty.
He kissed me one more time before retreating back towards Clay’s house to get his car. I waited on my porch until he got in his car. He got in, he looked back over at me and waved before getting in and driving off. I went inside my house and leaned back against the door, sighing. I smiled to myself knowing that I found a pretty decent guy and hoping that it all goes well.
~~~~~~~~~~~At Clay’s house~~~~~~~~~
Clay held a glass of whiskey while he watched the encounter out his window. He smiled to himself, seeing how good this could be for Jensen and Y/n. He took pride in introducing them and already had plans to take all the credit at their wedding. He chuckled to himself, “Those punks are gonna be the death of me. Gonna be lookin’ like a damn puppy in love. Golden retriever ass.” He smiled, happy for his friend and new neighbor before heading to bed himself.
@saltyflowermakertaco @chvntelle-99 @gwilymleeisbae
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lizbug13 · 3 years
If you’re taking requests could you write tabloid - Johnny storm. I’d love to see more of your writing. 💕
Absolutely! I’ve been working on a few pieces but it’s been a little busier than normal lately🖤
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lizbug13 · 3 years
Chris Evans x fem/gender neutral!reader
Warnings- angst, fluff, slight eating disorder, insecurities, Chris being a jerk in the beginning
Word count: ~2.8k
Author’s note: this is my first writing that anyone else is reading so I hope it’s good! I originally wrote this from a girl’s perspective but I don’t think I used any specifics or pronouns but let me know if there is anything you want to see, whether it be improvements or a story line that you’d like to read.
It was just another day for everyone on set but It was special to me. I was planning on surprising my boyfriend, Chris on set. Anthony has been helping me set this up all week and I was so excited to see him. It had been a while since I really got to see him because of filming and my work but I asked off to come visit him. I was really missing him and he said he missed me too so I took the chance to come see him. Anthony said he was at lunch in his trailer with Sebastian and Jeremy. No one but Anthony knew I was coming. Once I got the the filming location, Anthony let me in and showed me where his trailer was. I was walking up to the door when I hear them talking. As I was about to open the door, I heard my name. Being curious is in my nature, so I stated ease dropping, know I shouldn’t.
“I don’t know guys, I really like them but they just get so clingy and needy sometimes. They always needs to be around and the only breaks I get are filming, and even then they’re constantly calling and texting and trying to visit.” Hearing this broke my heart but I continued to listen. “Maybe they just have trouble with the sudden change, being with you every day to barely seeing you. Have you talked to them?” Sebastian said. Chris groaned and threw his head back. “That’s the problem. I can’t talk to them cause they won’t understand. They’re too stupid and attached to get that I want some space sometimes. They’d just get upset and even needier. I don’t think I could handle that. I really like them but I don’t know how long it’ll last if they keep being a clingy mess. They don’t really take care of themself unless I’m there. They’re always eating junk food and just laying around and it’s exhausting trying to get them to do stuff. Maybe that girl from the makeup trailer would be better…” I didn’t hear what he said after that cause all I could hear was ringing. My whole body felt tingly and I couldn’t breath right. I slowly backed away and put some distance between me and the trailer. I didn’t think any of that was true. I always did stuff with Chris and I was very active. I loved going out and I don’t eat a lot because I’ve always had a very small appetite that he knew about. I started to feel all my insecurities come to the front of my mind. As I was walking away I heard boisterous laughter come from the trailer. They were probably making a joke about me but I couldn’t care less at this point. I started walking back to my car, trying to keep the tears at bay. Anthony saw me and asked what was wrong. I told him that I’m not wanted there so I was leaving and thanked him for his help. I managed to make it home before bursting into tears. I had no idea he felt that way, I had tried to hold back on being clingy but I guess it wasn’t enough. I went to take a shower and ended up staying in there for a couple hours stuck in my head.
After I eventually got out, I texted Chris. We had plans to get dinner together tomorrow night but I didn’t feel like seeing him yet. I told him that I was busy and couldn’t get dinner tomorrow and that I was sorry. “I thought you cleared tomorrow to see me? It’s okay but I miss you. We can reschedule dinner but I hope to see you soon xoxo❤️” He must have been really putting up a front on caring about me. I decided to not respond and watched some television. I was really exhausted front the emotionally draining day and decided to head to bed early. I stayed up crying for while before I passed out from exhaustion. I woke up the next morning around 8 am. I went to make something to eat when I thought about what Chris said yesterday and decided on a glass of water instead. I went upstairs to put on some active clothing so I could head to the gym. If Chris thought I was lazy and ate too much then I was going to change that and it could help clear my head. After I got dressed I checked my phone. I had a text from him which surprised me. “Hey baby! You never texted back yesterday so I assume you got busy but I love you and I hope you have a good day. If you end up not being busy you should stop by and see me! Text me when you get this xoxo❤️” this brought tears to my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I ignored the text and finished getting ready for the gym. Once I got there, I started at the treadmill. I put headphones in and started a run. I lost track of time while being there and ended up staying until about 4 in the afternoon. I eventually heading back home and was glad that I didn’t share a house with Chris, know he had the afternoon off. Once I got back to my house, I started to feel dizzy. I shrugged it off and when to take a shower. After I got cleaned and dressed I went and grabbed an apple and ate it. I usually watch tv for awhile before dinner but the nagging voice in the back of my head wouldn’t let me sit down and relax so I decided to clean instead. After a couple of hours cleaning the whole house, there was a knock on my door. I was confused cause I wasn’t expecting any company. As I opened the door, my heart dropped. There stood Chris in all his frustrating glory. “Hey babe. I saw your car in the drive and didn’t know if you were busy. I missed you and wanted to see you real quick.” He said with his breathtaking smile. I stood there frozen, I didn’t know what to say. “Y/n?” I snapped out of my daze and said “Hey Chris. What are you doing here?”
“Well I missed my person and we originally had plans and I wanted to see you.” He smiled again. It was hard to stay neutral, all I wanted was to cry in that moment. “Um, yeah. Come on in if you want.” He stepped into the house and complimented the cleanliness. I gave him a tight lipped smile and headed to the kitchen. He followed and sat at the bar. It was silent for awhile as I got him a drink and kept cleaning the kitchen. He tried to make conversation but I wouldn’t give him much to work with. Eventually he got frustrated. “Is something wrong?” He asked out of no where. I was taken back for a minute. “No. I told you I was busy today plus this kitchen hasn’t been deep cleaned in a while. I wouldn’t want to let it go and be lazy.” He made an incredulous face and asked what that was supposed to mean. I said nothing and kept cleaning. He huffed and stood up. “Well since you’re so busy right now, I’ll leave you be and see you when you have some time.” He went to give me a kiss but I turned my head at the last second so he kissed my cheek instead. He looked confused but shrugged it off. He left telling me he loved me and hoped to see me soon. This went on for a few more weeks, me telling him that’s I’m busy and can’t meet up or when we do meet up, I make sure to keep distance and not be clingy. He seemed to get irritated with this which make no sense, I thought this was what he wanted. One day he came over right after I came back from the gym. “Hey baby. I need to talk to you.” I led him inside and we sat on the couch, him at one end and me at the other.
“Listen, you’ve seen pretty distant lately. You’ve been working out a lot and have lost a lot of weight. Is everything okay? Are you planning on breaking up with me?” He asked sadly. I scoffed, he has the audacity to ask me that. “No I haven’t been planning on breaking up with you and I’ve just been busy and wanting to be more active lately. Is that a problem?” He looked at me with wide eyes. “It isn’t a problem but you’ve become really skinny and it’s worrying me. You haven’t been wanting to be around me and I haven’t seen you eat a real meal in weeks. I miss you and I want you to be healthy.” I started to get angry and tear up. “I was just trying not to be clingy and lazy like you wanted. I was trying to be better for you and that’s still not good enough for you!” He was taken back. “What are you talking about?” I stood up and walked around the coffee table. “I heard you talking a few weeks ago, about how I was being too clingy and how I wasn’t active enough. I heard you saying this stuff about me and then talk about the makeup girl who you thought might like better than me. You know how much that hurt me? Do you know how heartbroken I was and how much I tried to change to be better for you!? Because I love you and I don’t want you to choose some other girl over me!?” I screamed at him. I started to get really dizzy and almost fall, only for Chris to catch me. “Wow, easy there. When was the last time you ate?” He questions as he laid me on the couch. I tried to think but I couldn’t recall when that was. He looked worried as he went to the kitchen to get me something to eat and drink. He came back with a sandwich and a can of soda. I took a bite and almost threw up. He got me a trash can but encouraged me to keep eating. I eventually got the whole sandwich down and most of my drink. “Why would you do this to yourself baby?” He look almost on the verge of crying. I accidentally let some tears fall as well and looked at him. “I thought it was what you wanted. I thought if I looked better and gave you the space you wanted, you wouldn’t leave me for the makeup girl.” He shook his head and pulled me in for a kiss.
“I never should have said that. I never should have talked behind your back at all but I didn’t mean it. I was frustrated and the crew kept making fun of me for checking my phone between ever take and I let it get to me. I convinced myself that you were being clingy and I said it to the guys. I don’t know why I let it get to that and I never should’ve even tho ught that but I promise I don’t want space and I don’t think you need to be more active. I love you exactly the way you are and I’m sorry I made you doubt that. I wanna make it up to you and show you that I’m sorry.” He was sobbing at this point. If he hadn’t been there, who know what would have happened to me. “If you didn’t mean it, why did you talk about leaving me for the makeup girl and that she was probably better?” I asked him. “No no baby, I never said she was better. I thought she might be better to ask about girl stuff too. After I said all the stuff to the boys about being clingy, Seb suggested that maybe something was going on and I thought that the makeup girl could help me better understand and comprehend what was going on with you cause after I got the frustration out, I was worried that something was wrong. I’m so sorry doll, I never wanted you to feel this way. I love you so much baby.” He put his forehead against mine and held me close. We sat like that for awhile before he spoke up again. “Please let me make it up to you? I never want you to feel this way again, especially because of me. It’s the least you deserve and I’ve missed you so much love.” He said and I could see the sincerity and live in his eyes. He was telling the truth. I nodded. “I’ll give you another chance but you need to show me that you won’t do this again, I don’t think I could take another.” He started nodding and chuckled while crying. He sniffed and pulled me into a kiss. His kiss was hard and intimate, his way of showing me that he really meant it. “Let’s go take a shower and then get ready for dinner. I made reservations at that Chinese restaurant you love.” He said with a huge smile. I chuckled and we got ready. During dinner, he gave me his undivided attention. He listened to everything I had to say and every story from the weeks where we barely saw each other. He refused to let go of my hand the entire dinner, not even to eat, smiling from ear to ear. I chuckled and said, “you know, that’s a little clingy of you.” His face dropped for a second until he saw my smile and smile back, chuckling. “Well it’s the least I can do to show my girl how much she means to me. I really, truly do love you for the bottom of my heart kitten.” I blushed heavily at the pet name and almost choked on my drink. “Christopher! You don’t wanna start that in a restaurant but I love you too.” I give him a quick kiss before going back to eating. He showed me that he really did regret saying that stuff and that he loves me. Once the dinner ended, we headed back to his car. Before we got in, he stopped me.
“Listen, you know I love you and this is a way I’m trying to show you. I’ve been planning this for awhile but now seems like a good time to ask. I don’t want you to think this is only because of what happened because this has been a long time coming and you can even ask Sebastian and Anthony but will you move in with me? I miss waking up next to you and seeing you everyday. I love having you around and so does dodge. It would me me very happy to know you’re always there and taken care of.” He looks at me it’s a hopeful gaze. I start to tear up and he gets worried. “Baby? You don’t have to if you don’t want to or if it’s too soon. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset. I…” I cut him off with a kiss. “Of course I’ll move in with you silly. I love you so much Chris and I could be more thankful for you. I forgive you for what you said and I couldn’t be happier with you. I love waking up next to you too.” He relaxes and smiles at me again. He kisses me and opens the passenger door for me. He drives up to his, our house and opens them door for me. We walk up together and right before we go in, he pic ks me up bridal style and walks me through the front door. “Welcome home baby.” I knew it was the right choice to give him another chance and he definitely made it up to me(😏) and when the end of the night, he held me close and whispered how much he loved me and how happy I made him. He talked about anything and everything, from our future to what he had planned in his career until we both fell asleep. I knew that as long as I had him in my life, he was gonna show his love for me and I was gonna be happy.
Author’s note pt. 2: If anyone wants to be in the tag list let me know! I’m more than happy to tag anyone and let me know if you like it! I’d really appreciate any and all positivity! I hope you guys like it!🖤
Taglist: @saltyflowermakertaco
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lizbug13 · 3 years
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I know I don’t really have anyone following but would anyone like to see any of these stories? Or make any requests? I love writing but idk if anyone would like them but I have lots more am willing to write about anything!
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