I get very frustrated not knowing when Loki is talking to me or is it just my thoughts. I have also even come to doubt my own meditations because "everything is created in my mind and is not as valuable as the experiences of others".
It honestly sucks.
Can you give me some tips please?
I first want to say that just because something is created in your mind does not mean that it isn't real. Scientifically, our perception of everything is created in our minds.
Secondly I would suggest examining the idea that your experience is "not as valuable as the experience of others." Remember that everyone's experience is unique in some way. Also if the "others" you're comparing yourself to are people sharing their experience on social media keep in mind that social media posts are not a comprehensive depiction of reality. Not to say that everything is a lie or made up. But people tend to only post the highlights of whatever they've got going on. Like if someone posts a cute selfie on insta they probably have 50 less-cute ones that they aren't posting. But we don't see the 50, we just see the cute one. So when you read people's posts describing their really cool interactions with Loki or another deity, keep in mind that what they're sharing is just one chapter, not the whole story.
In terms of how to distinguish Loki from your own thoughts I can't really give much advice other than give it time and practice. I know it can be frustrating but there aren't really any shortcuts that I know of.
Also don't be afraid to use other means of communication in the meantime.
In my own experience I rarely get straight up "voice in my head" communication from Loki and when I do it's pretty noticeable. It's usually an idea or phrase that comes seemingly out of nowhere and just feels different from my own inner monologue. So perhaps paying attention to your own inner voice will eventually help you notice when something is different.
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Aw, thanks! I do hope to publish the completed work as a free-to-read publication on Google Books or the like. The final assignment for the class is to submit one of the short stories we workshopped to a literary magazine so this could even get published in one of those! Wherever it ends up, I'll be sure to post a link!
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It’s been awhile. This is an excerpt from a short fiction piece I’m working on for a class, which Loki (and Fenrir!) ended up having a role in.
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It's been awhile. This is an excerpt from a short fiction piece I'm working on for a class, which Loki (and Fenrir!) ended up having a role in.
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And you know it.
I suppose you’re never forgotten if you manage to leave a lasting impression on a writer.
Neil, for providing inspiration for several stories, please send me money.
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Heavy sigh
Loki I love you but if I find one more freaking slug in my apartment...
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You know you're a witch if you buy a specific drink/liquid product just so you can have the nice bottle later
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Fossor, in Pieces.
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Might I add: Don't feel like you have to rush into any promises with Loki. He's an ancient divine being; he has the capacity to wait however long it takes.
I’ve gotten a few questions from younger folks (and by younger I mean under 18) regarding Loki and marriage/sex:
Please wait until you’re an adult. This isn’t to guilt anyone, this isn’t to make anyone feel bad, it’s really, really just me being concerned for your wellbeing, safety and happiness. I don’t have the spoons in me to write a big long post right now so that’s all I’ll say on the subject. Wait. And please be kind to yourselves.
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reblog if ur the witch friend
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Look, sometimes murders of crows will blacken the sky at your coming and ravening wolves are gonna follow in your wake, and you’re just gonna have to deal with that, and everybody else in the Costco is just gonna have to deal too
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me, swirling my middle finger over the pills in my hand: By the power vested in me as the fucking witch in this household, I enchant these pills to fuck off anxiety and depression especially well tonight, so that I’m a functional human being tomorrow. So mote that shit or whatever.
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Come get y'all juice.
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Anyone seen Good Omens, coz...
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Participating in @witches-ofcolor Reclaim the day.
I am a witch in the Pacific Northwest descended from the Mayans, my grandmother was raised in the ways before she married my Spanish grandfather. He wouldn’t allow her to continue her traditions or language, so none of her children learned and none of us grandchildren either. I started my craft when I was 12 years old, learned the history and the legends, and even now that I am in college I have only been able to learn in secret, my grandmother has lost herself and won’t talk or teach anyone and no one in my family has any desire to learn, only me.
So I work in solitude, and even now that I am working on devoting myself to Frigga, I still try and learn about my ancestors and history. I have participated in activism around my state and online, and I work hard to educate the Pagan/witch community on cultural appropriation.
After the last Thanksgiving, (which I will never participate in) I felt I had to connect harder with my background and history, and have been wearing my hair in braids at all times and have been working on educating my college community on indigenous peoples and closed religions.
My ask box is always open, and I want to learn and grow and become a better activists and witch.
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i think what’s wrong with me is that i don’t live secluded in a hut in the woods. i don’t bang enough rocks against enough things. i just haven’t forged any swords.
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Hidden Witchery: Witch’s Ladder Necklace
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One of the hardest, but possibly most fun, ways of being a Surreptitious Solitary is trying to find ways to practice out in the open without anyone knowing. I’ve been wanting to do a witch’s ladder (sometimes called pagan prayer beads, witches rosaries, etc.) for some time. If you don’t know what a Witch’s Ladder is, there are a few articles out there, but the summary is: it’s knot and nature magic mostly intended for protection.
Generally, they’re made of string of different colors corresponding with protection (or whatever you’re making the ladder for), and natural items like feathers, sea glass, shells, stones, etc. Sometimes charms or taglocks can be incorporated. If you look on Etsy there are some really pretty ones out there.
As I researched them, I wondered how I could incorporate this crafty craft into my daily life. And I kind of came to the conclusion that I don’t have to have a big rope of feathers and rocks hanging outside my door to do it: I can make something to wear that would protect me wherever I go!
I debated for some time whether to make a bracelet or necklace, but I liked how the numbers and measurements worked out on a necklace.
If you want to make one, you’ll need:
About 6 feet of beading string in an appropriately corresponding color to your needs (I went with purple for spirituality and power)
Forty beads (6mm for the sizing to come out like mine; larger or smaller will affect it; I picked hematite mostly for the look, but also to keep me grounded)
Nine feather charms
One end charm (serves as your closeure; something with dimension will work better than the flat disc I chose which likes to slip out now and then)
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To make your ladder necklace, you’ll have to tie a loop in it in a place so that you have one short strand about two feet long and one long strand of the remainder. The loop will be part of your closeure. Basically, fold your string so one part hangs two feet, and the remainder hangs on the other side. Tie a simple knot in the folded string so you have a loop that’s just big enough for your end charm to slip through with little/no excess.
Find something to affix this to for knotting (I slipped the loop through some tweezers which I then clamped into my clipboard).
Now get to knotting, just like middle school friendship bracelets. As you know, remember to set your intent for the ladder into each knot. Also remember to keep the short strand stationary: use the long strand to make a basic forward knot around the short strand.
Make four knots to establish (4K)
Thread a bead (B), make four knots (4K). This is your basic pattern.
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For my ladder, I established a pattern of four beads to each side of each feather charm (F). The pattern runs like so from start to finish: [4K, (B, 4K)x4, F]x9, (4K, B)x4, 4K.
In other words, with four knots between each item, string beads and feather charms in a four-one pattern with nine repeats, then end with an additional four beads.
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At the end, tie on your final charm using both strands (I used a clinch knot), and trim off the excess string.
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Done! Hang it up or wear it for protection. No one needs to know you’re carrying a loaded charm. 😉
Blessed be!
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