londonlesbianlove · 10 years
Hey! Sorry I've been busy at university hence the lack in posts! How is everyone? Anyone wanna play the ask game? Or maybe get some advice? I don't know. On a brighter note; my girlfriend and I are better then ever. And that makes me glad. But I'm really broke, and struggling but I can't tell anyone... So.. Oops. How are you? Let me know! Brighten up my day! - LL x
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londonlesbianlove · 10 years
My girlfriend's sex drive has been low recently... And today I was told that lesbian sex only counts with a strap on.. My girlfriend doesn't enjoy strap ons,Nd honestly I don't like wearing them.. So I've basically been told I never fucked my girlfriend or made love to her, because she doesn't enjoy dick in her? Seriously? But anyway... Back to the sex thing.... I just, I feel unattractive, and whilst being told it's not me, it just makes everything worse....I just want feel... Wanted, and.. Attractive, and well ... Sexy.. How do I do that? I'm not any of those things..
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londonlesbianlove · 10 years
Like or reblog this if you’re a lesbian. I want to follow back more :)
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londonlesbianlove · 10 years
So, I always thought that your parents love and support you no matter what.. My mothers not homophobic, in fact she loves gay people… Except when they are me… The minute I came out she completely freaked, and to be honest, hasn’t been the same with me since, which is difficult for me, and it hurts. I guess my family have always loved me no matter what… But this is just something they can’t accept…. My happiness. Which ultimately, is the most important thing.. Right?
- LL x
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londonlesbianlove · 10 years
You know what I realised... When you're 16 you tell everyone what you're going to be when you're older, and by older you mean, in your 20s... At least I did.. I told everyone that I was going to be married, with at least one child by the age of 22... I'd have a degree, and is be working on the west end... I'm 22, I've only just got into university, and I've worked in countless deadend retail jobs... I'm nowhere near being married, I mean, I'm in an amazing relationship, but not near being married yet... And for me to have a child it's going to cost a lot of money, because I'm in a same sex relationship... Now I don't regret anything, I don't regret being in love with a woman. And I don't want people to think I regret that, or hate the fact that I can't have a child that is both of ours, but... I love her with every ounce of my being.. And if that's the sacrifice I need to make then I will... What do you think? What issues are you having? LL - x
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londonlesbianlove · 10 years
Hey everyone; I'm a new lesbian blog out there, just blogging about my everyday life being a young(ish) lesbian in London, and will offer any advice if people are looking! So hit me up! Would love to speak to everyone!
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