nico di angelo was born in venice. a city made of islands and canals. a city that's half ocean. and you're telling me im supposed to just NOT go insane over percico? youre telling me im supposed to just be NORMAL about that?
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Which Characters would be "the seven" to you? Or you wouldn't like to change the group? I'm asking this because there are other amazing characters like Clarisse, Thalia, Nico...so, would you want to change and take someone from the seven and put another? Or you prefer the way it is?
This is such a good question! (Also quick warning I mention events in both Trials of Apollo and HOO)
I think I would definitely change the seven at least somewhat. Percy 100%. Then Jason, because he kinda acted as Percy’s opposite in a lot of ways, or at least that’s how his character was framed in the beginning, as they both go missing and lose their memories. Hazel and Frank I would keep too, because I don’t really have much of an opinion on either of them, but I do think they both played important roles (and kinda just love Frank and Hazel’s powers). They’ve also got some very cool powers between them aswell. Nico would be a member, because I kinda already think of him as a member and I think he would play a big role, there is a criminal lack of him working with Percy (like he wasn’t with Percy for a large majority of TLO). Nico deserved better, and is such a cool character and would’ve added to the quest much more. Then it’s kinda hard, but I’d probably go Thalia and Leo. Thalia because, she’s a badass and would’ve been such a good addition and really didn’t deserve to only pop up a few times following TTC. Then Leo, one because I think it’s really interesting how his evasion of death plays into Jason’s eventual death, and he built the Argo II. That also brings up my point that I think Percy and Leo had the opportunity to be amazing friends and for some reason weren’t written that way.
So, I suppose my Seven would be: Percy, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Thalia and Leo.
I do think though that you could just as easily put Clarisse or one of the Stoll’s in aswell. Even Chris? Personally I’d probably even make an argument for Pollux, because he deserved much more attention than just his few mentions. I really think that Seven could change quite easily and the story still function essentially the same, there are some characters that don’t need to be there, and some I would definitely change.
I hope this answers your question anon!!!
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it really has some sociopath vibes when you're trying to make the person who suffered the most through the series a pathetic&needing piece of villain (or i again read a take with 15k likes that poor regulus was completely destroyed by sirius runaway like he wasn't enjoying it+sirius was already abused+only one year older)
I mean, they even hcs physical violence (crucio and etc) from black family on sirius and then use victimblaming for escaping 😔
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Bitches be like, "Sirius mistreated Kreacher!!! He exerted power over a hopeless innocent person!!"
Like, okay?? Sirius was a jerk to a racist, asshole, 3'0 creature that didn't know how to keep his mouth shut?? What about it?? Like let's not pretend that Sirius made him slam his head against walls or burned his hands (cough the Malfoys cough), the worst Sirius did overall in the books is tell him to get out when he was hurling 👏 racist 👏 slurs 👏 at 👏 him 👏 and 👏 his 👏 guests. He is a fully functioning magical creature, not a child that shouldn't face repercussions for his actions. Kreacher was also a major part of Sirius's VERY TRAUMTIZING AND HORRIBLE childhood and its more than likely that Kreacher actively participated in and condoned the abuse he faced as kid. 15 years of abuse and all Sirius does is yell at Kreacher--calm down with your swords folks. Just because Kreacher was a PART of an oppressed community does not give him a free pass to be a little bitch and not face consequences
People when Kreacher mistreats Sirius
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People when Sirius retaliates:
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Nico and Percy have so much in common with how they deal and cope with everything. I feel like if they could ever just sit down and talk about everything they would see that they understand each other better than anybody else in the universe understands them.
Because Will doesn’t understand Nico at all and doesn’t even try to, all Will does is try to gaslight Nico to think that the ostracizing he went through didn’t happen, and doesn’t understand when Nico acts accordingly with his ptsd, and doesn’t understand that Nico does not need to he “fixed” and that Nico was never “broken” — I could go on and on so I’ll leave it at that
Sally and Annabeth and maybe Paul kinda understand the surface of what Percy’s got going on but they know they’re missing something they know Percy’s not telling them everything because Percy doesn’t want to scare them, doesn’t want them to be worried for him, doesn’t want them to be afraid of him (and they already kinda are afraid of him especially Annabeth).
And I feel like Percy would truly understand most of what Nicos been through because he also went through something similar at some point in his life and Percy has never been afraid of Nico like so many people are and Percy tried to include him in things especially when they were younger. Percy sees that Nico is not “broken” he does not need to be “fixed” or “healed”. He just needs understanding and time to get used to something new.
And Nico wouldn’t be afraid of Percy either and Percy could finally let down his guard and tell Nico everything without worrying about Nico being afraid of him or for him. Wouldn’t have to worry about Nico thinking he’s crazy and too dark and too angry. Because Nico understands that Percy’s crazy dark and angry feelings are very much justified and valid and has alot of the same feelings and they have similar ways of coping.
It’s crazy how much they mirror each other. I want them to be friends so bad but I know they wouldn’t really spend time with each other unless they were forced to. I wish Chiron or Sally or Annabeth would lock them in one of their cabins for a few days so they can actually talk and make a bond.
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So when Grover peeps on the hunters (whose average age is 14) from outside their cabin at chb, he's taken out back and shot, canceled etc.
But when Annabeth peeps on Percy sleeping & changing his clothes in the privacy of his bedroom, and then hangs out in the boys locker room invisible (where we know boys, including Percy, are changing their clothes) it's just Rick's bad writing??? Annabeth is blameless as usual.
The double standards in this fandom are driving me nuts yall.
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There are people who think Annabeth is very powerful because she is the leader of the seven. What do you think about this? Is Annabeth really the leader of the seven and she is very powerful because she has "the control"?
I haven’t read much of the books of the heroes of Olympus series, but I think Annabeth as a character has always stayed the same in the fact that she has always had a superiority complex, to the point where it’s her fatal flaw, and I don’t think it’s discussed enough.
I suppose I think about it the same way I think about people saying that Annabeth was the leader between her, Percy and Grover. What it really was, was that Annabeth couldn’t be wrong and as you said, ‘have control’. Something I am familiar with from HOO is the scene between P*rcabeth and Akhlys, and I think it’s a very clear representation of Annabeths character, particularly her reaction to the events of the scene. She is scared because she doesn’t have control. It’s all but confirmed when she says “some things aren’t meant to be controlled” which then leads to a Percy spiral and him passively thinking about suicide, which, is its own entire thing but I think it’s very relevant when talking about Annabeth. Particularly because it all comes back to control.
I truly believe Annabeth is only viewed as a leader because she likes to have control, and her superiority complex that she’s automatically better because she’s a daughter of Athena, which again, is shown entirely from her introduction in the first book, and is pretty central to her character as a whole. I think Percy and Jason probably acted the most like the leader, and I kinda feel like Annabeths role is pretty interchangeable. Personally, I think bringing Thalia back to be part of the seven would’ve been more impactful. Especially because when you look at the quests the OG trio went on, Annabeth doesn’t really do anything in particular that means they would’ve failed had she not been there. Which is why I also don’t think Percy gets enough credit for the role he played in his own quests.
Every single member of the seven had better, more interesting and are factually more powerful than Annabeth. They did not need Annabeth there to do that quest, and I think that really Jason and Percy acted more like leaders, both of which have also been leaders in the past and have more experience (Jason through the legion and Percy through TLO, since he led all of camp halfblood against the titan army. Percy did, not Annabeth, Percy did but that’s besides the point). I think Annabeth is simply elevated because she’s a fan favourite, not because she is a leader or anything. And I don’t mind Annabeths character, if her flaws are addressed.
So no I don’t think Annabeth is overly powerful, and I think the only reason she’s seen as the leader of the seven is because she’s the only one who cares about being seen as leader, in comparison to the others to an extent. I really think it was more that nobody had the energy to fight her on it, then her being the true leader.
I hope this answers your question! Also feel free to ask more I love getting these, it’s exciting!!
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Missing Jonathan Byers Hours (24/7)
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people who let me wake up to this get a special place in heaven. firefly_fox how does it feel to hold my life in ur hands....
36K notes · View notes
One of the best writing advice I have gotten in all the months I have been writing is "if you can't go anywhere from a sentence, the problem isn't in you, it's in the last sentence." and I'm mad because it works so well and barely anyone talks about it. If you're stuck at a line, go back. Backspace those last two lines and write it from another angle or take it to some other route. You're stuck because you thought up to that exact sentence and nothing after that. Well, delete that sentence, make your brain think because the dead end is gone. It has worked wonders for me for so long it's unreal
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I’d love a proper like talk between them, and I’d also love some real cutesy moments too. I also kinda want a mile breakdown, like now he’s opened the floodgates and he just kinda tells it all to eleven. Also maybe eleven telling him about the Nina project.
If u can’t tell I just actually love Mileven so much and can’t wait for heaps more content from them, which after how ST4 ended, I think is very likely.
What are some mileven moments you'd like to see in season 5?
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Do you ever write a sentence and then realize “Nah, that’s too self aware for you” and backspace a bunch of times.
6K notes · View notes
Me to my draft: You are a oneshot.
The draft: Wrong. I am the pilot chapter of a multichapter fic that you do not have the bandwidth to take on, but will haunt your every waking thought anyway.
12K notes · View notes
horrible news: in order for you to finish a wip, you have to work on that wip and not the 2543524 other wips you were brainrotting over instead of that one. more investigations at 7.
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What do you think about Percy and Nico or Pernico?
(Please no hate, I know people have a lot of opinions and this is simply mine based on my interpretation of the characters and not meant as an attack on anyone)
Hi 👋
I really like pernico, at least in some of the fanfics I’ve seen but I prefer it when they’re older and come back together. I really think the Percy and Nico friendship gets overlooked quite a bit, personally because I think a lot of people see Nico as a kid, and in comparison don’t see Percy like that.
I mean that more so when it comes to Bianca. I’ve seen different takes that it was Percy’s fault, that Percy purposely hurt Nico, that Percy doesn’t deserve to mourn Bianca.
1. I think Pernico no matter when it’s set, needs to address Bianca in some capacity, because it is such an integral part of their arc. I think for Percy there is always a guilt that he’ll have, survivor guilt or otherwise about what happened to Bianca and that should be acknowledged. It is also the first death that happens so directly in front of Percy, and his reaction shows that in comparison to later deaths in botl and tlo. Percy was used as a scapegoat in this situation for Nico’s anger at Bianca’s untimely death (and her somewhat abandonment of him but that’s a whole other thing). I think this is why I like older pernico so much, because often times they’ve dealt with or are dealing with this to some extent and I don’t see how the ship would work without first dealing with this.
2. I think the ship only works once Nico is passed the hero worship and later hatred of Percy. I think Nico has a lot of issues he needs to deal with and that he’d have to be doing that first before pernico could work. Tho I do love doomed relationship fics. I think they’d both have to reevaluate how they view one another for it to work (ie. Percy was a child put in an impossible situation, Nico was the same, the blame game was played, Nico is not one extreme or the other). Moral of the point, they need to sort their individual shit out first, and their issues between each other before a relationship could work, but I really think it would and really love the idea of them being together.
3. In some aspects I think Pernico, after going through points 1 and 2, is healthier than what I know of Solangelo or Percabeth in canon. Now this isn’t bashing but I do think both Solangelo and Percabeth are toxic in ways that aren’t as wildly addressed both in canon and fanon. The stuff with Nico’s powers always bothered me. He’s extremely powerful, and i think he kinda ends up nerfed in later books and things like Will banning him from shadow travelling for his health. One point is I think a child of Hades knows more about shadow travel and it’s affects than a child of Apollo, doctor or not. I also think that Nico had a tendency to overextend his powers in canon, which it’s shown when Percy does the same thing he’s heavily drained, nearly passes out ect. I think Percy would be able to help Nico in exercising his powers, as I think that’s the big issue really. I also think Nico as a character would be very tied to the Greek world and live more in that world than the mortal world, which despite canon I think would suit Percy. I think the whole New Rome College thing is odd, and he’s clearly going for Annabeth. Percy hated school, and I think it’s much more likely he went on to train halfbloods or worked in legion in New Rome than going to university.
(This is so much longer than I intended, sorry)
Overall, I think Percy and Nico (both in a relationship and as friends) have a lot of potential that wasn’t lived up to. There are definitely ways it could be toxic, but not more than any other ship has the potential to be if broken down (Percabeth, Piper and Jason and the fact he had no memory, Solangelo, the weirdness that is Leo and Calypso). Ultimately I think Pernico can prove to be a stronger ship than a lot of others too, because they’ve seen each other at their worst, they’ve seen each other stripped back and raw and grieving and they have seen each other in ways nobody else has. Percy knew Nico before he lost Bianca, he knew that side of Nico. Nico saw Percy through the war, through everything during the last Olympian. He saw him command the river Styx and wasn’t scared (which begs the comparison of Percabeth in Tartarus and Annabeth making Percy feel so bad about a particular power that he wouldn’t use it even when it meant he would die and ultimately had to be saved by a third party). They’ve seen each other grow and change, and that in turn changes people. I truly think once you get past the trauma that taints all their interactions, once they address and move past it, they are much better than many other ships. They seen the worst, and I think with that they’d find it much easier to be vulnerable with one another and show parts of themselves that they don’t show anyone else. I definitely like Pernico far better than Percabeth.
I honestly didn’t mean to write an entire essay on Pernico and my opinions but here we are. If you’ve read this far I hope I answered your question.
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A big issue I’ve just realised while looking at P*rcabeth again, is something I haven’t really seen discussed. I think while a large portion of their relationship was forced by outside perspectives and everyone thinking they should be together, I think another factor that makes it just as toxic is the trauma bond aswell.
I whole heartedly believe that they didn’t stay together after canon because there is no way that is a functioning long term relationship. I think they relied on a connection they thought was there while they were literal children fighting wars, but after that it becomes harder.
I think Percy in particular should’ve stayed single, because I think there’s a lot of things he hasn’t dealt with and needs. He was (heavily implied) to have been abused growing up, he watched multiple friends die and handed Luke the knife he killed himself with (which even with everything that happened there, it would still weigh on him either way), all the pressure that had been put on him to save the world, Sally making the Blofis family after the fact (which again would be hard for Percy, no matter how welcoming, because he never got that like Estelle will). Not to mention all the other trauma over the years. The blame that others put on him (Bianca was the first death he saw, he was maybe fourteen, and he canonically has always felt guilty about it). Boy needs a therapist, and I think being with Annabeth only exacerbated both of their issues.
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