lordofwallmonkeys · 2 months
Drew my boy Viathan 👍
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lordofwallmonkeys · 2 months
Amazing, I'm in love with this art style!!
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trying new things
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lordofwallmonkeys · 2 months
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Belated Valentines everyone SHDJABDIADH enjoy some more Kung Lao bc idk I’m obsessed maybe.
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lordofwallmonkeys · 2 months
uhh oc sketch i guess
tahdah!! I'm too tired to make ANYTHING better ngl- so it's a bit sloppy but it does get the point across if nothing else.
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lordofwallmonkeys · 8 months
pls rb for a larger sample size c:
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
Okay but like seriously if I see one more friggin Lion King thing on my feed I will melt down why did my mother name me that way
It's the weirdest thing seeing my deadname and realizing that it's the name of a somewhat popular fictional character and that the post is not talking about me but a lion.
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
It's the weirdest thing seeing my deadname and realizing that it's the name of a somewhat popular fictional character and that the post is not talking about me but a lion.
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
I can’t draw animals for the life of me so this inspires a w e
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Uuuuu kinda attempting to do more traditional art. I have made a few sketches before this one but none i really liked. But I guess those were all some good warmups before finally making this. It’s nice. (I accidentally double tapped my sketchbook to try and fix some mistakes lol)
Also thank you @lordofwallmonkeys & @thana-topsy for the kind words from before. They really giving me some motivation ( ´ ▽ ` )
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
I think I’m gonna start just posting about my little characters I’ve made and their stories and relationships and anyone who’s willing to put up with me can read them <3
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
No you're so real for this
My first fanfic was written on my kindle fire tablet and I genuinely do not remember what it was- I know I wrote a Skyrim one and I wrote like, Dragon Ball? But I can't remember which came first. Anyway I relate to this lmao
The first fan fic I ever wrote was a Harry Potter fic.
I’m trying to remember what it was. 😢 I wish I still had it, but I originally wrote it on my iPod Touch.
I was weird . . . well, weirder than I am now.
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
Sorry to any of the accounts that suddenly have their inbox blown up because I'm mass-liking their content-
But like
I just think it's neat
i really like your guys' stuff-
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
It makes me so sad that my cat will never comprehend just how much absolutely unconditional love I hold for her.
Simultaneously it makes me sad that no cat in general will get the depths of the love and adoration I hold for them-
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
This. This is so... true. And quite frankly, a noble cause. I love it.
If you're like me, you may have had the feeling that since lockdown people have been ruder, more aggressive, and lacking in compassion and empathy. The bad news is, you might be right. Some studies and data coming out show that people have gotten ruder and more aggressive since lockdown (x)(x)(x). And the thing is, if even a few people have gotten ruder and more aggressive over the past few years, that's unfortunately spreading. Rudeness and aggression are contagious, if someone feels stressed and upset and like the world is against them because of constant cruelty and apathy from others, they may be likely to adapt the same attitude and spread this attitude even more.
However, there's good news too! Kindness, courtesy, and compassion are also contagious! Acts of kindness and compassion uplift others and inspire them to do the same. You have the power to start a ripple affect with acts of kindness, compassion, empathy, and just good manners. You have the power to put the breaks on or even reverse this trend in aggression and hostility that's popped up the past few years.
I made this blog because I'm tired of the constant hostility I've witnessed in public over the past few years. I think we have the power to do better, if we're only reminded.
Now you may be wondering, why do good manners even matter? Aren't they just a bunch of dumb rules made up by old dead people? Well, maybe some manners like "no hats indoors" or "no elbows on the table" are arbitrary and honestly it's harmless not to follow those, but that's why I won't be focusing on good manners that have no clear purpose behind them in this blog. In this blog, I'm going to focus on manners that matter.
By manners that matter I mean, manners that have a clear and definable purpose of showing compassion and empathy to other people. Your words and actions have consequences in how they affect the people around you, manners make sure that they affect others in a good way. Manners are the true social lubricant that makes sharing both private and public spaces with other people better for everyone. Going to work, going to restaurants and shops, and using any public space like roads, sidewalks, and parks is going to be better for everyone if we're all being considerate and compassionate to those around us. And this matters because, just like I said earlier kindness is just as contagious and cruelty, so when you're kind and polite to others it will circle back around to you eventually either way.
This is also why I'll be posting an explanation for every manner I post. I myself an neurodivergent so I understand the importance of needing an explanation behind manners. And even if you're not neurodivergent I understand why you wouldn't want to just blindly follow an old social rule without being given a good explanation. This is why I'll always explain why it's polite to do x. Why it's beneficial to you and/or others.
And always remember for every manner I post, I am forcing you to do any of these. If you are unable to do any given manner I post for any reason, or you just don't want to, you are free to ignore it and simply carry on with your life. Of course if you're a wheelchair user it's going to be harder to open doors for others or if you're non-verbal it's not going to be possible to say excuse me whenever you accidentally bump into someone. Consider this my disclaimer that any of these that you are unable to do due to a disability you are not obligated to do.
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
This is art yes I love it very much
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icant even explain why i feel this way about it but this meme, this specific version, just makes me so emotional i love it so so much. its very heartwarming. peace n love on planet earth
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
You're so real for this
i hate all edgy humor ppl try to do with pokemon
>”its cockfighting lol” no its not. they genuinely enjoy battling and will have battles in the wild. they sometimes seek out human trainers so they can get stronger and battle more
>”pokemon hate humans” see above no they do not. many like humans. most who dont have been abused by a comically evil supervillain or are shy and nervous but do genuinely like people once you approach them nicely
>”youre forcing a small animal to do whatever you want” many pokemon are not small. hell some of them are literally gods. and they will not do what you tell it to just because you said so its why you need badges. because your rat has decided other humans dont think ur cool enough to boss it around. pokemon canonically only get caught because they have decided you earned it. its why you cant catch pokemon that fainted–they can’t consent to you being their owner. its also why stealing pokemon is so fucked up, its the equivalent of kidnapping someone and usually thieves just sell them on the black market for displays in weird private zoos, eat them, or exploit them through abuse and usually comically large machines.
>”you cant just say pokemon want to fight because its mean how can they consent to violence” it’s literally like sports to them. they like it and have fun. and then you dress them up and feed them cookies or whatever sweets are in your region and pet their heads. many are human level intelligence or HIGHER. several are literal gods. i promise you the being who created the entire universe wants to go along with you not bc you, a literal child, beat them up and made them but bc they actually wanna eat cookies and play around with you. some pokemon can literally talk and will tell you all this.
>”shoving an animal in a small space like a pokeball will kill them” no it wont the pokeball is a magical dimension room that has everything they need to survive. and they can pop out if they really wanna come out. because they can hear things going on outside it or if they get tired of it or don’t like it. ash’s pikachu doesn’t like being in his pokeball, so he doesn’t chill out in it. other pkmn are shown popping out of pokeballs.
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
You’re so real for this
I gotta say it it's always shocking to me when people write cell as being good at sex this man has never done Anything but sleep eat scream and die. Gero programmed him with a 1980s sex ed video in his brain and that's as far as his knowledge goes. He thinks if you have sex before marriage you go to hell before you die
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lordofwallmonkeys · 9 months
I showed this picture to my friend and he laughed at Barbas and called him a skrunkly
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no offense but why does he look like this
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