lornology · 1 month
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they had a great time
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lornology · 2 years
“My boy Spatula bunking down for a snowy night” 
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lornology · 2 years
goals and resolutions and aspirations and hopes
well there’s a lot... so... I don’t even know where to start...
The big one that a lot of people are going to be starting soon is losing weight. I’ve done it once and I can do it again, I’m even getting a head start by starting back up this month instead of next month. 
Second biggest one is probably eat cleaner/cut out sugar. Both of which I need to do... badly... (details on this plan to come.)
I didn’t read a book every month this year, there was 3 months that I missed, however I read so many books at the beginning of the year that it still comes out to 12 books so I’m gonna go ahead and say that I halfway met my goal. In 2023 I’d like to finish the game of thrones series by April 1st, and move onto another fantastical series to finish by June 1st. 
I’d like to only drink water with the exception of maybe the occasional glass milk or a cup of coffee. I have reignited my Dr. Pepper addiction at work, so now it’s time to reel it back in by going down to half/half tea if I really feel like I need something other than water. Maybe in 2023 I’ll be audacious and try to cut out soda completely. 
Something else I need to cut out is unnecessary spending. I might try a no buy month and see if I think I could go the next month. Of course buy things I need like groceries, but only buy what I need when I need it. If I run out of a skincare item I can buy it again, but it needs to be used up again before buying something along the same lines. Only things I need too, so no expensive things that I really don’t need (like serums, or phone cases, or shoes). Just stick to what I need.
Hmmm, what else? I can think of several throughout the day but when it comes time to write them out they all disappear. 
By June 1st I’d like to be making more money at my job and start a plan or blueprint for the second half of the year regarding the new position. I think by May 1st I’d like to start a M-F work week and see if I can’t get Saturdays and Sunday’s off... 
I’d like to discover my own sense of style, more than the same 4 jeans and few t shirts I wear. I’d like to be able to get dressed nicely and not just wear gym clothes or work clothes. I’d like to have a hairstyle I love and I’d like to get a little more knowledge and practice with the basics of makeup. 
I’d like to get back into playing ultimate frisbee. I went a few weeks ago to a pickup game, the next week it was freezing cold out so I skipped, and then last week I just completely forgot about it. Maybe I’ll go tomorrow night. 
I’d like to start my day with sunshine and spend less time on my phone in the morning and throughout the day in general. I did a great job staying off TikTok but I’ve been ignoring the time limit lately and spending hours upon hours on the app a day. 
I think that’s it for now, so for a quick recap my points are: -Be consistent in the gym again. Lose the weight I’ve gained in the past year.  -Eat cleaner and cut out the sugar. -Finish the game of thrones series by April 1st and start another fantastical series to start then finish by June 1st.  -Drink 80oz of water a day!!! And only water!!! (a few exceptions, but 99% of the time WATER!!) -Test the waters of a no buy month and see how far into the year I can go. - Make more money at my job and have a clear blueprint of what to expect the second half of the year in regards to the new position I’ll be starting. (Try to get Saturday’s and Sunday’s off by May 1st.) -Discover a sense of self in a physical way (style, hair, makeup).  -Stay active and social by continuing to play ultimate frisbee.  -Start the day with sunshine! Maybe drink a cup of water on the balcony in the mornings and evenings even if it’s just for 5 minutes. -Spend less time on my phone, specifically TikTok... 
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lornology · 2 years
How does ANYONE pick a career? 
Not even pick maybe a career, but get a feel for what they might be good at and enjoy... 
I feel like at this point in my life I should at least be on some sort of track to an official career or adult type of job. 
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lornology · 2 years
*flirting* so what fruit do you have in your town
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lornology · 2 years
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Keep reading
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lornology · 2 years
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a love so nice its echoed in dreams!!
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lornology · 2 years
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lornology · 2 years
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soggy wet cats <3
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lornology · 2 years
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lornology · 2 years
“Anoche vino ella, rabiosa, azul, color de noche, roja, color de vino, la tempestad trajo su cabellera de agua, ojos de frío fuego, anoche quiso dormir sobre la tierra. Llegó de pronto recién desenrollada desde su astro furioso, desde su cueva celeste, quería dormir y preparó su cama, barrió selvas, caminos, barrió montes, lavó piedras de océano, y entonces como si fueran plumas removió los pinares para hacerse su cama. Sacó relámpagos de su saco de fuego, dejó caer los truenos como grandes barriles. De pronto fue silencio: una hoja iba sola en el aire, como un violín volante, entonces, antes de que llegara al suelo, tempestad, en tus manos la tomaste, pusiste todo el viento a soplar su bocina, la noche entera a andar con sus caballos, todo el hielo a silbar, los árboles salvajes a expresar la desdicha de los encadenados, la tierra a gemir como madre pariendo, de un solo soplo escondiste el rumor de la hierba o las estrellas, rompiste como un lienzo el silencio inactivo, se llenó el mundo de orquesta y furia y fuego, y cuando los relámpagos caían como cabellos de tu frente fosfórica, caían como espadas de tu cintura guerrera, y cuando ya creíamos que terminaba el mundo, entonces, lluvia, lluvia, sólo lluvia, toda la tierra, todo el cielo reposaban, la noche se desangró cayendo sobre el sueño del hombre, sólo lluvia, agua del tiempo y del cielo: nada había caído, sino una rama rota, un nido abandonado. Con tus dedos de música, con tu fragor de infierno, con tu fuego de volcanes nocturnos, jugaste levantando una hoja, diste fuerza a los ríos, enseñaste a ser hombres a los hombres, a temer a los débiles, a llorar a los dulces, a estremecerse a las ventanas, pero cuando ibas a destruirnos, cuando como cuchilla bajaba del cielo la furia, cuando temblaba toda la luz y la sombra y se mordían los pinos aullando junto al mar en tinieblas, tú, delicada tempestad, novia mía, furiosa no nos hiciste daño: regresaste a tu estrella y lluvia, lluvia verde, lluvia llena de sueños y de gérmenes, lluvia preparadora de cosechas, lluvia que lava el mundo, lo enjuga y lo recrea, lluvia para nosotros y para las semillas, lluvia para el olvido de los muertos y para nuestro pan de mañana, eso sólo dejaste, agua y música, por eso, tempestad, te amo, cuenta conmigo, vuelve, despiértame, ilumíname, muéstrame tu camino para que a ti se junte y cante con tu canto la decidida voz tempestuosa de un hombre.”
— Oda a la tormenta, Pablo Neruda
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lornology · 2 years
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lornology · 2 years
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Howl’s Moving Castle headers 🏰
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lornology · 2 years
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lornology · 2 years
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Sëlynn Lee on Instagram
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lornology · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ  time to eat!  ´ˎ˗  
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lornology · 2 years
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Paintings by Yuka Hiiragi for the cozyca products 2023 ‘day and night’ calendar
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