lost-pagan-wanderer · 3 months
Odin and Freya take the souls of those that die in battle, Ægir and Ran take the souls of those that drown, and Hel takes the souls of those that die of sickness and old age.
To the pagans of Tumblr, does anyone know any like underworld or such deities to work with? Despite being centred in my beliefs, I'm still having a bit of trouble believing in an afterlife 😭 If anyone can recommend anyone to reach out to that would be much appreciated! While I mainly worship Norse and Greek deities, I am happy to accept other suggestions providing they aren't from closed practices. Thank you!
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 4 months
North America's old gods:
This list will be edited as I learn of more of the folkfigures and discover ones new to me.
Annie Oakley
Based off of the Annie Oakley, she was known for her incredible markmanship.
Buffalo Bill Cody
Based off of the man of the same name, he was known for his abilities as a soldier, hunter, and showman of the Wild West.
Calamity Jane
Based off of Martha Jane Canary, she is know for her aquaintence to Wild Bill Hicockok and being a top notch frontiersmen and scout.
Captain Stormalong
A giant nautical figure with a large clipper ship known for his many adventures on the seas.
Charlie Chan
A Hawiian figure based on Chan Apana, he is known as a great detective and solver of mysteries.
Cordwood Pete
A lesser figure, he is brother to Paul Bunyan.
Daniel Boone
Based off of, well, Daniel Boone who was a pioneer explorer and frontiersman that had many great adventures.
Davy Crockett, King of the wild frontier
Based off the man of the same name, he was a frontiersman, soldier, and politican that represented tennessee; he took part in the Texas revolution and Battle of the Alamo.
Jigger Johnson
Based off of the real Jigger Johnson, he was a lumberjack and log driver known for his off the job exploits.
John Henry
Based off of the African-American steel driver, John Henry, he is known for his strength, work ethic, and most of all going head-to-head in a race and winning against a steam powered hammer that was threatening to put man railroad workers out of work.
John the Conqueror
An African-American figure known for his trickster ways to gain and maintain his freedom from the slave masters, possibly the inspiration for the Br're Rabbit.
Johnny Appleseed
Based off of John Chapman, he is credited for planting forests of cider apples across multiple states.
Johnny Kaw
A settler of Kansas, he is credited for shaping the state's landscape and making wheat and sunflowers major crops.
Lone Ranger
Possibly based on Bass Reeves, he is known for his battles against raiders, robbers, and other criminals.
Mike Fink, King of the keelboaters
River boatman and brawler that personified the men that ran keelboats on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.
Molly Brown
A lesser figure known for her time on and survival of the Titanic.
Molly Pitcher
Thought to be based off of a woman named Mary Hays or possibly a college of many couragous women, she is known for her part in the American Battle of Monmouth.
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Oxe
Created by the lumberjacks and woodsmen of Canada and the US, and thought by some to be based off of Bon Jean of French-Canadian folklore. He is known for his giagantic stature, immense strength and endurance, large appatite, and feats of logging with his faithful, loyal, and hardworking companion Babe the Ox.
Pecos Bill
A cowboy known for being able to ride anything into submission, he lassoed and rode a tornado until it dissipated.
Stagger Lee, Stagolee
An African-American figure known for being a big shot in the criminal underworld and murdering an aquaintence for trying to take his hat.
Based off of salomon Pico and other mexican bandits in the California area, he was known for combatting the corruption in the political and wealthy circles in California.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 4 months
There is an idea that I've played with for years but never felt like I could take seriously because it can easily be misunderstood as being something very wrong, but when it enters my life at various stages the same kind of pull that guided me to the Norse pantheon pulls me that direction as well. The figures of American folklore seem to me to be just as much the nations old gods in the same vein that the Norse figures are the old gods of the scandinavian lands. I can take this pull and notion all the way back to my childhood where I read Br'er Rabbit children's stories and watched a movie about some of the folkfigures needing to come together and help a modren kid with a big problem, and it continues to come back into my life and evoke the same feelings and thoughts a new in me.
A few years back I startes trying to read the old folktales and realized that if I don't handle things delicately that the negative veiws of their time could ruin my attempts to bring them more into the modern times; that I might also be painted in a bad light by others. I lost the want to bring them up and share their stories and for a time they were again burried, but they have resurfaced yet again to me and I think its time to try.
The American figures of folklore encompass more than just the white and male poppulace, there were African-American figures, women figures, at least one Hawiian, Mexican, and possiy even Native American (that I have yet to learn about) figure. They are the representation of everyone that belongs to America. I know that around me barely any of these figures were talked about or known, and their memory is pretty weak as there is little mention of them in modern media or social media; I want to continue their legacy. They are old gods to me, at least as old as gods of america can be excluding those of the Native Americans as their beliefs are considered closed to outsiders unless invited to partake.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 4 months
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Lord of storms.
Brother of the wild wind and the wild fire.
Husband of Ran and father of the waves.
He who gathers the sunken tressures, friend of the gods and he who holds the great feast of the gods.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 4 months
I can relate! In the several years that I've been on-again-off-again with my spirituality I've come across a group of people that where different religions and beliefs that wanted to meet others that had no previous knowledge of Norse paganism suddenly try to insert themselves into my worship as my mentors that knew everything there was to know and tried to pressure me to join their coven by doing a ritual to connect me to them, two people that had turned me against the Æsir with the belief that they were evil and abusive and that Loki and his family were victims of their abuse, one that tried to use Odin and Freya to bend me to his will by 'channeling' them and giving me 'messages' (because of this I've not been comfortable including either in my worship), and one that seemed to have a serious mental health spiral that started claiming that she was Loki and MY god and wanted to be worshiped and praised despite the fact that I have not ever included Loki in my worship.
Depsite the fact that there is a heavy emphasis on group ceremonies in norse paganism I no longer feel comfortable engaging with people from the norse pagan community or the larger general pagan community in regards to my worship.
I do hope you build yourself and the connections to your gods back stronger and can see the ones that would do you harm (ingentionally or not) for who they are before they have the chance to sink their hooks into you.
A Fresh Start
Hi Folks,
For any of you who follow me and any of you who are just finding my page, hi and welcome! I'm Joan or, if you prefer, Indigo, and I'm an eclectic chaos witch from Southern California who's been practicing on and off for the past 6 years. I've been on a deity work journey for the past 2.5 years and have been reading tarot for 6 years. My practice has always been a bit chaotic and I've found a lot of meaning in pulling from different traditions to build my own spiritual path.
For those who follow me, you may have noticed that several of my old posts have vanished and that this is a repeat introduction. Well, you're right! I've had a few recent tower events in my spiritual practice and am currently working on rebuilding my practice in the aftermath. To keep it brief, I thought I had found a mentor who would help me discover and pursue my spiritual goals (high priestess-ship for example) and it turned out she was a scammer and made up a lot of what she told me. To be frank, it really fucked me up. She attached several egregores to me to leach off my energy and I'm still trying to figure out which deities I'm actually connected to and which were just egregores from that scammer. Long story short, I'm looking to start fresh with my path and wanted my page to become a place where I can document my journey to put everything back together.
I am grateful that my relationship with The Morrigan is intact and my connection with her is legit. While I still want to become her High Priestess, I will be taking a hiatus from my training to pick up the pieces. Thankfully, The Morrigan has always been caring and patient with me (and she is my spirit mother, thank the gods; this was confirmed for me recently by several separate trusted sources), and I feel her support in this decision. I still want to pursue this path later but for now, I need to heal. I lost a LOT of friends during this time as well (we were in a very active discord group and I was kicked out after kindly asking to step back from my training) and basically my whole spiritual community fell apart. So yeah, I definitely need to do some serious self-care and healing.
The silver lining to this is that I've noticed new growth and paths opening up to me. Kemetic deities have been reaching out and I've found that I actually have a deep connection with them! Set, Sekhmet, and Horus have been stepping forward with enthusiasm and I've had my first ever psychic conversations (with any deitiy) with them via trancework and meditation! I've also connected with my ascended master and several Archangels and working with these energies has felt like a breath of fresh air.
While the path forward is still unclear for me, and I have a LOT of things to parse through, I am optimistic that the future will hold many wonderful opportunities for growth and spiritual awakening. There's even a new potential godspousal relationship on the horizon which I will be keeping private while we court. Things are looking up but to get there, I need to clear away what doesn't serve me. So If you want to see a chaotic gremlin of a witch put her life and spiritual practice back together, feel free to come along on this journey with me!
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 5 months
Dreams contain signs that have meanings extremely personal to each individual, what could mean danger to one person might be a good omen to others. That said, since you asked for others to help you, what I take away from this is that you are trying very hard to get validation from others and are not getting the results you hope for; what you should be focusing on/validating yourself and accept that others may not see you as you want them to.
help decipher my dream please!
I had a really vivid dream last night and I need help deciphering it. In my dream, I woke up and looked out the window to see a 10-foot-tall crow. It flew away and when I tried to tell people no one believed me. The next day I woke up and the 10-foot-tall crow was back but flew away right when I tried to show someone. No one believed me and I became determined to catch evidence of this bird. I decided to set up a trail cam and wait but the bird never came back. Instead, a horse-sized crow showed up but never the 10-foot-tall one. I was beyond frustrated because people assumed I must have been talking about the horse-sized one when really they were two different birds. And then I woke up.
it feels really important but I can't figure out what it means. Any help is appreciated!
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 5 months
Its been some time since I last saw a rune sign in the world around me, but I have had a handful of occurances of something new. I've heard the trees chatter, something that isn't quite like just rustling in the wind, but something sutbly different and usually I don't realise I hear it at first and its my subconcious brain telling me that is bringing it to my attention. At first I wasn't sure what the phenomenon meant and would just stop to listen to it for a bit before going on about my day, but about the third or fourth time I started to pick up that the weather would change a few days after I'd hear the trees chatter. A couple more of occurances and my watching the weather and forecasts learned that hearing the trees chatter meant that there was fixing to be a shift in the weather, a break from high temperatures, the approach of a storm system that would result in rainfall for a few days, a little repreive from freezing weather to something more comfortable. I've heard the trees chatter less than ten times in about a year, but when I do I stop and listen then watch to see what they are talking about the coming near future.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
Yesterday was the first anniversary of the natural disaster and death of a loved one, I had plans to try and dabble with tiktok and join the heathen community there but I don't know how to start off. I also had to contend with the emotions that got brought up and with how to reconcile the seeming exclusion of half my family. Many didn't show up to the memorial held in place of a funeral and even less showed up at the anniversary event yesterday; to top it off there was a family reunion set up yesterday evening that no attempt was made to invite or inform me of. To say it seems like the little connection I had to that half of the family has been severed and that no one seems any bit inclined to try to forge any further connections is an accurate depiction of the situation; I'm not sure if I should accept this as a gift or be bothered by the notion that they don't seem to care about me. I've made attempts to keep that connection, but it has been met with honey at face value and then discarded once its convenient for them.
As for my own respectful actions, I attended the memorial which was for the 24 people lost in my city to the natural disaster, witnessing 24 large bird resting on the water tower, remembering the events of last year, and three offerings of mead. One to the ones lost, one to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers for their part in protecting out area from devastating storms, and one to Thor who me and those around me.
To end this, I'm going to add the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to my worship as it feels like they should be recognized as local deities. I have met and communicated with the embodiment of the Ohio river many years ago before actually understanding who they were, and I hope to meet the embodiment of the Mississippi river in the future.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
I talked about making my mental illness struggles part of my dedication to my gods; this is what I'm meaning. I'm essentially a slave to my job, to make sure I can cover my expenses I had to give up what little control I had in my life by giving up having set days off, I have been living week to week at the whim of whoever makes the schedule and unable to go out and do anything as no one around me has the same days off and plans are made for the convience of everyone else because they have similar schedules so I am literally living to work while watching those around me actually live. Giving up the last little bit of control in my life in exchange for necessities has been wearing down my mental health until I've reached this point.
I've lost all hope that the job that started off great and declined into garbage will start to get better, and any thoughts about work ruin my time away. I've tried to be as valuable as I can be to the company, willing to try to do almost anything asked of me, working myself hard to make sure things get done good, but all I hear is complaints and that the shift isn't doing enough. It has been over a month since I've last had a day off with my significant other, only getting in a few hours a day to spend quality time with him before having to go to bed for one of us have to go in to work the next day. All of this to say that my depression is hitting back in full force.
My quality of life has dropped, getting up, getting dressed, and eating 2-3 meals a day is the best I can do on my days off, and work days are full of procrastination, dread, and clock watching as clock in time draws closer. I want to give up, I want to break down, I want to let myself give in to the deep urge to just watch the clock tick by and not clock in when I'm expected to and just lay on the couch in my depression. I'm still going though, I'm still getting dressed and walking out the door, still clocking in for work, because I feel that's what my ancestors would do and expect me to do, what I think my gods would do and expect. I'm trying to find another job but until then I have to keep struggling with this one, I have to try to fight harder to get back what I gave up for this job to get back some freedom and quality of life.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
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I got this in today, I'm very happy! It is a replica of a historical Mjollnir, and one that I've had in the past that got spirited away in a haunted factory I worked in.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
It is well known in the historic side of things that in the effort to convert whole poppulations they would use violence to kill off as many steadfast believers as possible, attack villiages and towns to show the futility of their gods in the face of Christianity, defile sacred or perceived sacred items and places to show how the Christian god's power was mightier than the pagan gods and remove those things from further pagan use, force children to attend schooling by the church's servants and indoctrinate them through the education to turn them against their native religions so that they would grow up to be devout Christians, and take parts of pagan beliefs that the populace held fast to and co-opt them into Christianity to make their conversions as successful as possible. In its early years, Christianity was ruthless in trying to take over and wipe out the native religions of every country that caught the church's attention, and if that meant having to adopt a few harmless pagan things then that's what it would do.
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I, for one, am very tired of seeing antisemitic pseudo-history passed along as fact, so let’s take this Easter Sunday to remember that Jesus was Jewish, Christianity and Western occultism both wouldn’t exist without Judaism, and the goddess Eostre appears in very few ancient sources and is largely a vessel for white supremacist propaganda. 💖
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
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Got a couple of pretty clear runes in the clouds, in person they were darker and easier to see but still adequately visible in the photos. Ehwaz from my understanding can be summed up with partnership, mode of transportation, and movement; Gebo is give and take, and equivalence. I am not really sure what the message here is meant to be, could this be talking about work?
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
I've read of Thor having a sacred rage that even friends best avoid him during, and I think that I experience something like that with a coworker that has done nothing but push me more every fucking day. At this point I start mentally preparing to work with him hours before I have to clock in, I dread it so much that I've started procrastinating till I've almost been late. Fucking hell, Thor, Thunderer, PLEASE help me control my anger tonight so that I might have a job tomorrow. I've got some mead with your name on it after work tonight.
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
This and saying a positive thing about your day has been something I've been trying to work on to combat the constant inner critic thought process and just today it clicked as a way for me to show what it is I've offered my gods today.
Devotional Journaling
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I cannot express the importance of daily (or weekly) devotional and gratitude journaling. Writing letters to the Gods and expressing my devotion and gratitude for them directly connects me to them in an unexplainable way. This is great way to offer devotional acts.
Some things I like to include in my journal:
• Prayers
• Poems
• Reminders of them
• Drawings
• Printed Pictures
• Letters
• Gratitude
• Pressed Flowers
• Polaroids
• Manifestations
• Affirmations
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
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“The Norse Conspiracy Chart”
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
Norse gods and "perfection"
Something you will hear time and time again from heathens is how "human" our gods are. They are the best of us and the worst of us. Anything we can do, say, or think--odds are they've been there too.
Take Freyr for example. At his zenith, Freyr is a symbol of love and growth and joy and fertility. At his nadir, Freyr is an example of what happens when you let love/lust impair your judgement and sacrifice too much for the sake of it.
Our gods die. Our gods break oaths. Our gods know fear. And that's why I listen to them. That's why I trust them. They're the sort of parent to see you stumble home dead-drunk, and sure they'd get mad you broke curfew, but they'd be more focused on helping you learn how to make better decisions in the future rather than punishing any perceived wrong-doing.
I trust advice infinitely more from someone who's been in my shoes, and empathy from someone who's been in my position offers infinitely more comfort. So I offer thanks to our gods for their imperfections x0x
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lost-pagan-wanderer · 2 years
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So I wanted to make a visual timeline of just the runic alphabets for my own personal reference—so I could see when each alphabet was used and for how long and such.
But I got carried away.
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