sarenth · 4 months
Hail to the Gods of the Waters
Hail Njörðr! Hail Rán! Hail Ægir! Hail to the Nine Undine Goddesses! Thank you for the bounty of the sea, of life that swims and strains Thank you for the sweat of fishermen, the strong meat of the oceans That raise up from the depths and nourish us Thank you, Holy Ones. Hail to the Gods of the Seas, the Oceans, the Rivers, the Lakes, and the Streams! Hail to the Gods of the Waters,…
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poeticnorth · 4 months
Some general ramblings about one of the holidays I created for my practiced
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Arknights: Ægir conlang
Seeing how my recent conlang sketch that takes place in the same universe is so well received, I might as well share my second most realized conlang. this one is for the aquatic goths at the bottom of Tera's oceans.
the language employs a four consonant root system. like any semitic language but with an extra letter. this was shamelessly lifted from a now-missing language of Lichen the Fictioneer's Skjor. because Ægir is such an old norse aesthetic, and skjor has such in its name alone, I just had to incorporate this feature somehow. (To Lichen the Fictioneer, if this post ever finds you, First of all, I hope this feature won't end up copying what yours would be doing, as unlikely as that may be. second of all really big fan of your work, keep it up).
There are no plosives, affricates, clicks, ejectives, implosives, nor any consonants that completely close the airway. the closest to those would be fricatives, of which there will be many of as explained in the tentative section of this post. this will mean that Skadi's name would be more pronounced [Sxa,.ðhi']. I really like the phonaesthetics of this choice and will not be changing it any time soon.
Now that we got the confirmed features out of the way, let's look over some maybe-inserted ones:
I was thinking that what consonants there are will have a three-by-three-way distinction via voicing and articulation. voicing would distinguish voiced, breathy voiced, and voiceless. while articulation would be plain, aspirated, and palatalized. though I'm on the fence about the palatalization.
I am honestly stumped about what to encode morphologically with the aforementioned features listed above. maybe the classic person-number-case seeing as the four-consonant root system and lack of plosives meets my self-imposed quota of "features I have yet to see in a conlang".
this is all I got for this one. hope you found this interesting. as always, your feedback is appreciated. till next time... ;).
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sigyn-foxyposts · 5 months
"Ægir and Ran"
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I don't know why but I have an obsession with very minor deities from the norse pantheon.
Ran and Ægir as well as the dynamic I imagine they'd have is one of these obsessions! As well as their 9 daughters like come on how adorable is this?! 🥹
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aspiring-sea-hag · 8 days
Gratitude has never been my strong suit, but there’s no other words but “thank you” to capture what I have to say.
So thank you.
Thank you for these three years that I have spent by your side.
Thank you for giving me a chance to become closer to you.
Thank you for showing me beauty, showing me balance, and showing me peace.
Thank you for bringing me closer to my ancestors, and I hope that I can see you like they saw you.
Thank you for bringing me closer to Nature, and for helping me believe that I am not a stranger to this world.
Thank you for bringing me closer to myself; for guiding my breaths when I start to choke on my struggles.
Thank you for teaching me about the rhythms of this world, and for the lessons about life that I have learned from countless meditations.
Thank you for being my muse, I would not be half the writer I am today without your beauty to inspire me. I hope I have done it justice.
Thank you for allowing me to do what little I can to take care of you, to repay the kindness I have been shown all my life.
Thank you for making me feel loved by one so unimaginably vast.
Thank you for being exactly that which you are.
Thank you for making this “see you later” three of the hardest words I’ve ever had to say.
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(note to my lovely tumblr buddies: no, this doesn’t mean I’m stopping practicing or even changing who I worship. I am moving away from the coast and this will change how I go about my practice because I prioritize animism and physical connections. It’s a bittersweet moment but right now it feels mostly bitter. I’m looking forward to how my practice will change in my new home but it’s put quite the ache in my heart.)
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The seaside.
My RAN and ÆGIR bless your timeline 💚
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mimameidir · 1 month
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(via Le pélerinage d'Ægir, ou le voyage de tout un chacun)
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jpainorn · 2 months
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zaazs · 11 months
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i could easily live here for the rest of my life
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tanjaded · 2 years
Damn, how many fish I gotta kill to look like her?
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poeticnorth · 1 year
Oops, more psychopomps.
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Ægir Grammatical "Number" System.
Ægir has a few grammatical numbers that not only mark the amount of a group of the nouns but also the composition of said group. In other words...
Singular applies when there is only one of such noun.
Balanced Dual applies when a pair of something is considered the same or equal.
Biased Dual applies when the two nouns are considered different or not equal.
paucal is for when you have a few of a noun regardless of composition.
Even Plural is for when a group is considered equally distributed in some way.
Odd Plural is for when the group is considered to be unequally distributed.
Collective is used for when referring to all possible types of that noun regardless of composition.
What is considered "balanced" or "biased" or "even" or "odd" is a subjective matter left to the speaker to decide therefore making it telling of what the speaker values through its usage.
In the person marking system these numbers are marked with a vowel that is which out of the eleven that the language has, this system uses seven of. placing the vowel in the place denoting the person in the consonant root (more on that later) determines the number of the person in the subject and/or object of the verb. there is a total of 441 possible combinations of person, number, and case without tense, aspect, mood, nor positional infixes (more on those later).
Overall, I am quite satisfied with the results. (though I was considering having the singular come in different genders. but decided against it as the numbering system with what I consider a unique twist on how nouns are marked for number).
That is all for now. as always, feedback is appreciated.
till next time... ;).
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sigyn-foxyposts · 1 year
"Freya/Freyr + Heimdallr family tree"
『My AU』 ꈍᴗꈍ
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Thjazi = Skadi X Njord.
Njord X Njorun? = Freya and Freyr.
Freya X Odr = Gersemi and Hnoss.
Freyr X Gerdr = Fjolnir.
Ægir/?? X aurboda = Gerdr.
Ægir X Ran = 9 sisters = Heimdallr.
Heimdallr X 3 Couples = Thrall, Karl and Jarls.
Heimdallr X Guan yu = Heigu.
Guan yu = Guan Ping, Guan Xing and unnamed daughter.
Fjolnir X Forseti = Sveigdir.
Sveigdir X Vana = Vanlandi.
Vanlandi X unknown girl from Finnland
= a lot more that I'm not adding.
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Way We Go Down by Kaleo is Apagender!
requested by @nyxx01
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aspiring-sea-hag · 27 days
I hosted my first devotional yesterday :)
I mentioned in my bio that I’m engaged and I’m busy with wedding preparations and just recently got my wedding ring and I really wanted to do some sort of blessing for it and for my marriage. I considered having my wedding on the beach but I had some safety concerns (from being queer) about a public wedding and private beachfront venues are too pricey, so I’m getting married in my hometown. I still really wanted Ægir to have a hand in my marriage, and so I decided to do a blessing ceremony for the wedding ring. I invited a few of my college buddies and wasn’t sure if they were going to accept, but they did. Here’s how it went:
I spent the past several days preparing a communal meal for us. I made some traditional Norwegian dishes, including a vegetarian option because one of my friends is vegetarian, and I really wanted to demonstrate my hospitality skills. We all brought towels and ate on the beach and everyone loved the food. I brought an offering dish and filled it with a little bit of honey and took it to the waters edge and just let the waves wash it out at their own pace. I very rarely do physical offerings, but it was super calming to kneel there and let her accept my offering. She seemed so eager to take it and it made me so happy. After that I brought the ring to the water, put it on my finger, and dipped it in. I could feel this sense of acknowledgement as I lifted my hand, so I feel really content with the actual blessing. We also took a walk along the beach after; we picked up trash and I pointed out different kinds of animals that we saw. I also got some guidance on seashell divination but that’s gonna be another post.
I’ve been practicing alone for sixteen years. This was my first real experience sharing my faith with others, and it honestly changed the way I see spirituality as a whole. I grew up in a hardline atheist family, so much so that it bordered on bigotry. Both of my parents were former members of a high-control religious group, and that group has continued to harass me and my family for my childhood. Because of that harassment, I never really understood that there was a way to share your beliefs without forcing them on someone. My friends were so unbelievably respectful, even asking me in advance if there were offerings they could bring and what was appropriate to wear. They asked thoughtful questions and thanked me for being so vulnerable to them, because they knew that this was my first time with something like this. It just really warmed my heart to feel so much love from my friends, even though they don’t believe what I believe. It was just a beautiful experience on the whole.
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mimameidir · 8 months
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(via Les filles d'Ægir)
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