lost-souls-wander · 2 years
oh no-
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
hunter x reader Chapter 4
It was dark when May woke up, there was a bright flash that illuminated everything before the loud rumble of thunder settled in her ears as a loud war drum. It didn't take long for the sound of rainfall to hit the windows and to wake May even further.
She sat upright and as it sank in another rumble of the thunderous war-drum made itself known in the distance, It was calming at first, the harsh tapping on the house of the rain. Until-
May thought as she practically jumped sluggishly out of bed and made a sprint for her wardrobe. Hastily grabbing a backpack and a plastic bag she started to fill her plastic bag with 2 blankets, a spare set of clothes consisting of 2 sweatpants and a shirt followed by a towel and a hoodie. Putting the plastic bag inside of the backpack May practically sprinted down the stairs and grabbed fruits and snacks and stuffed them in her bag also.
After deeming she had gotten everything she needed, May grabbed her raincoat and flung it over herself before sprinting back upstairs, out of her window- and into the pouring rain, if she didn't have her raincoat on she would be 100% sure she would've been looking like she just dunked herself into the river.
Jumping on her bike she willed herself to bike faster and faster as the rain and wind tried to throw her over so many times, she swore she could hear screaming in the distance. May genuinely hoped it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. But the closer she got the more she realized it wasn't a trick, He was really screaming, howling in pain too. Her stomach had twisted itself in knots as it threatened to throw stomach acid right up. May stomached it down and threw her bike down as she ran down the gigantic sand hill that had been turned into a gigantic mudslide.
When she finally reached the bottom of the hill she ran towards him and the minute he recognized her did the howling and screaming stop, The critter continued to growl however as he shivered uncontrollably in the ice cold pouring rain, even May didn't notice how cold and wet she had gotten until she saw her own hands shaking. They needed shelter and fast, and he needed to be removed from those rods.
All logic had been thrown out of the window when May sprinted towards one of the gray construction houses and smashed the door in, praying there weren't any zombie's there she ran further in and wiped her face so she could actually see something. And there she saw it, in the far corner there was a pair of gigantic scissors used to cut metal rods with.
Dumping her backpack down she grabbed the scissors and sprinted back outside to where the zombie was shivering and shaking. Wincing he growled but passed out mid growl, and quickly got to work as panic started to take its hold of May. She positioned the scissor as close to his arm, but leaving a chunk out so she could remove it later she started to apply pressure to the scissor. And after a few tried the metal rod gave away and cut in two.
Quickly proceeding to do the same with the other arm and legs, her arms were aching but she threw the scissors away and quickly caught the zombie as he fell towards her, quickly dragging him towards the safety of the building where her backpack and supplies were.  Dragging her legs through the mud and soaking sand May struggled opening the door, but after finally opening it she quickly dragged him inside and sat him down on the couch with a crack that made her wince, that couch was hard and probably very uncomfortable. She was gonna have to fix that soon.
Rushing over and shutting the door she threw off her raincoat and got to work.
There were some cracks or missing windows so she went ahead and got some trash bags and duck-tape and closed those up, her arms were heavy from carrying a person who was bigger than her, and probably a lot heavier than her. After finally closing all of the windows with tape and bags she finally turned her attention towards the couch were he was laying on.
She was gonna have to remove those nasty rods first, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get him dry clothes. Quickly looking around the room she spotted the familiar red box with a white cross on it as a medic kit on the floor, covered with moisture from the rain and mud from the heavy wind. Quickly walking over to it she grabbed it and fumbled the dirty box open and placed it down on the coffee table that was next to the couch, grabbing a pair of gloves, needle and thread, band-aids and disinfect spray she went ahead and got to work.
Cutting through the arms and leg holes she got rid of the fabric that had gotten in the way, slightly getting a big disgusted by the smell of the clothes, the outside was wet from the rain and smelled like wet dog, the inside on the other hand- smelled like blood, sweat, and a lot of other things she didn't need to know.
When the cloth had been removed she went over to her bag again and grabbed a water-bottle and poured some on the area that she was gonna work with, before rubbing the spot with her clean glove covered hand to make sure she wouldn't get infected with anything. When she deemed the spot clean enough she got the disinfectant and poured some on the spot she just cleaned and cleaned her glove covered hands again before rubbing the disinfectant in the skin. Grabbing the pole firmly in her hand she took one last look at the slightly trembling figure under her and pulled on the longest piece of the rod and gently prodded it out of the arm, hoping to whatever was out there that it hadn't pierced a nerve or a main blood vessel.
When the rod had been removed May used long iron pincers to open up the wound and check on the inside of the wound. Other than all the redness she couldn't recognize anything similar to an infection. Not that she could considering May wasn't a medical professional, or had any experience in the medical field.
After deciding the wound was gonna be alright and grabbing a needle and thread before getting to work, Considering she was quite reckless as a child, and having seen how the doctors did their stitches on her before- could have slightly caused an obsession with becoming a surgeon after being sown back together by professionals.
Carefully stitching the holes in his arm into a neat line and repeating the process on the back side of the arm. It was a long and tiring process and the storm outside just kept raging on, The wind howled around the building we were in, and the thundering noises outside got more frequent- as time passed on. It got a lot chillier the longer she kept fixing his arms and legs.
After the final rod has been removed and the wound finally sewed shut with disinfectant rubbed on the wound and wrapped up in bandages did she notice how she was shaking, weather it was from the cold or from the pure adrenaline she couldn't tell, it was probably both.
She finally stood up and her legs popped a weird crack when she did so, walking towards her bag with stiff legs she rummaged through the bag, the plastic rustling in the room with the wind in the background howling to get in, rustling the plastic trash bags that covered the windows loudly, yet unsuccessfully getting in.
Grabbing the old looking roses covered shirt for herself and quickly undressing and putting on fresh dry clothes she quickly and swiftly did the same for him. Looking at the floor as she did his black colored sweatpants on him and quickly putting the crop-top hoodie on him, damn, she really could've swore that she packed a normal hoodie. Did she even wear crop-top hoodies?
Her questions were quickly silenced as she quickly put the hoodie on him, being extra careful with the movements of his arm muscles and the stitches. 
Looking at the hoodie he had worn before she cut it off of him to tend to his wounds she put it in the bottom of her bag, next to the plastic bag, not wanting to get the other 2 blankets dirty along with the towel.
Speaking of towels-
May grabbed the towel, stood up again and walked over to the zombie and gently dried its hair off, making sure to gently pat its face as well making sure it was completely dry before her brain finally decided to voice its opinion.
shouldn't we have dried our hair off first?
May scrunched up her face at that thought, realizing she now either had to dry off her hair with the same towel, or risk getting sick from a cold. Sighing she put the towel to her head and started rubbing her hair dry, patting down the strands that were still wet before leaving the towel over a chair to dry hopefully.
She really couldn't risk getting sick now, not when danger was so close. Not when there was a literal zombie plague running around the states. Did the rest of the world get affected by it too? May really hoped that the plague was contained, and not wide spread.
Looking back into the plastic bag, taking the 2 blankets out of it she stood once more, noting down how she almost fell over. making May really realize she needed sleep desperately. Gently Pulling the Zombie towards her so she could put the soft and warm blanket around him, gently pushing him his back back into the couch now wrapped in a cocoon of soft fluff.
Looking back on her handiwork May yawned and felt her eyes start to droop, quickly getting onto the couch herself and wrapping her cold form with another blanket, leaning into the other corner of the couch and falling asleep as soon as her eyes closed.
Night time passed really fast.
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
To be real that is the biggest mood ever.
I could be better but I'm considering becoming worse
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
YOOO same, I have vakation but brain really be bouncing off the wall-
i love not being able to fall asleep cuz our brain goes 100 miles a min
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
my precious boi-
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Please take good care of them!
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
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hihi I had a screenshot of a cute Hilichurl scenery and just couldn´t resist making this! feel free to have this as your background for a laptop, phone, or anything! Reposting is ok too, Just remember to give credit <3
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
I legit cannot wait WHAHAHA-
can’t wait until people start claiming to be shadowbanned on this site and we collectively get to inform them that there’s no algorithm and their posts just suck
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
To be fair I never knew how to put this feeling into words, feeling unlovable and such. And ironically I have always been hopping around labels, especially Aro/Ace, because I couldn´t believe anyone would love the horrifying monster I am.
And yes- MONSTERS ARE HOT- 100%
im gonna say it.
you cannot separate monsterfucking from queerness.
& for the love of fuck i don't need babygays coming at me with "you're equating being gay with being a monster!" go back to tiktok, this is for the adults.
monsterfucking is so queer bc so many of us feel unlovable, so many of us can't relate to real world affections & attractions. (aces & aros in particular)
so yeah, i wanna fuck that monster, bc deep down, i hope someone will love the monster i think i am.
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
*aggressively sips tea*
LIKE to give mace windu very expensive and delicious tea
REBLOG to drink tea with him
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lost-souls-wander · 2 years
I fucking love this and don´t you ever stop doing this-
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I just wanted you all to know that I've made this today.
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
Petition to change all "ted-talks" related to starwars to "tech-talks" because I think our boi would 10/10 be reading everything we post.
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
These men are absolutely precious my goodness-
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ill do echo later i promise IM TIRED
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
To be fair I don´t understand either but I relate 100%-
I wanna write but my brain is like a western saloon. Empty, dusty and full of expired whiskey.
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
Tagging 9 people you want to get to know better-
thanks for tagging me @techs-utility-belt !!!
Favourite color: Purple!! I absolutely love it!!
Currently reading: Im reading a lot of books at once XD But one Im reading right now is; The Raven boy's.
Next up! uhh I have no clue- I don´t know if this counts but Im writing my own star-wars based fanfic where the separatists attack earth and the fangirls/boys have to fight back as the clones come and help- eheheh shameless self promotion right there-
*its called: Now that's some hot garbage right there. on wattpad
Last song: Neru Tokyo Teddybear.
Last series: Clone wars- Im making a gigantic list of all the troopers I see with their name and their personalities.
Next up: Vikings because why not-
sweet, savoury, spicy? ummmm I cant choose between them (and bitter isnt on the list) so I think spicy :))))
Currently working on- Emotional Damage™️
No pressure tags!! @aesnawan @clone-rambles wheheheheh Have fun!!!
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
thanks for tagging me @vanilla-chip-101 @faheyslantsov @ct-1994 @jmobiwanspadawan <3
favorite color: blue! every shade of it
currently reading: there is no devil by sohpie lark
next up: idk yet, mayebe any book from my tbr??
last song: teddy picker by arctic monkeys
last series: tbobf, daredevil, euphoria (kind of i didn’t finished any of these shows, just a few eps)
next up: 911 s5 i think
sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet!
currently working on: nothing, im enjoying my winter vacation haha
no pressure tags: @usermurdocks @temueramorriison @capthowzer @jamesbuckybarns
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
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Wrecker is trying his best~
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
Hunter x reader Chapter 3
oh my god- is this it??? the 3rd CHAPTER??? FINALLY-???
The next day she brought him food and water again, and the day's after that. Slowly deciding on what to do with this... Zombie man, he was slowly gaining more and more strength, causing May some serious discomfort. She had begun theorizing that he might be able to smell where she left to every morning, considering she kept using the same route for safety reasons it wouldn't surprise her if he could follow her back to finish her off, and her brothers.
That was something she didn't like thinking about.
She pondered that maybe it was a bad idea after all to save this- creature. It had been alive, but it certainly acted like, an animal?-not an animal even. It was slightly more intelligent, but it was driven by hunger and needing to intimidate, which she noted down on her notepad every time she visited him. surprisingly she hasn't encountered any other zombies, or heard any in the past day's. Did zombies migrate when the season's changed?
It was becoming fall quite soon, in a month or 2 it would be winter even, what if she hadn't gotten him out before then?
May got quiet.
The sun was quite warm against her skin, the morning was starting to begin again-
wait, morning?
Oh no- she had to go! Hurriedly packing her notebook back in her backpack she raced off with a quick "bye!" and got on her bike, looking into the sky she saw that she sky was clear, it had been now for a couple of days, it hadn't rained in a while too. May hoped it stayed that way until he was better and she didn't need to take care of him anymore.
The creature didn't know what this human was doing, or why they were doing it, but they were slowly making him feel better, which aside from the constant hunger was.. a welcoming feeling.
While biking home she realized that not all zombies were probably like this one, which mean there were more "kinds" of zombies out there, somehow that thought alone was unnerving and brought her a lot more anxiety about how she was going to live in the future. Depending on how many there were she either had to scrap the plan to live in the woods entirely or change it drastically.
May decided that she probably should start drawing and noting down other zombie variants, their habits and other things. She should probably note down things about this one when she was home, possibly also catch up on her studies.
carefully putting her bike down she once more climbed over the half rotten wooden fence that had been attempted to be repaired with a metal plate here and there, and a few spikes too, which had fallen off.
Sighing she climbed back into her room as quietly as she could and then got into her bed and grabbed her information dump notebook, she started on a new page and began writing.
"hmmm, you pounced on me, and treat me like a prey all the time, how about hunter?" she murmured to herself more than anything as she began to write down tiny bursts of information down about this so called 'hunter' species, deciding that she would maybe study his anatomy- more muscle wise than anything. That seemed like a good idea! then she didn't have to guess work her drawing skills.
Yawning she put down her info-dump notebook and stretched, enjoying a few more hours of sleep until she was practically forced to get up and out of bed.
It had slowly turned into a habit to leave early in the morning to feed him, get up, get food, feed him and go back to bed. It wasn't until later in the night that a dangerous thought started to ghost around her head.
shouldn't we name him?
The thought alone made May sit upright instantly, eyes wide and thought's rushing. Naming something meant making it special to you, which mean emotional value's would start to come at play. She had read it online, and in fictional novel's. Where Scientists name their creations, deeming them harmless and when they least expect it get killed by what they thought to be their friend.
May instantly got her journal and started to write things down, not that she could see them. But she hoped it was an empty page, and readable later on at that. Closing the journal she layed back down on her back, eyes piercing into the darkness as if somehow it would help make sense of what to do now.
Nothing she had ever read or experienced had prepared her for this.
It was safe to say sleep did not occur that night.
When she came back to him with some food the next morning she kept extra note on his behaviour, she did what she always did, and started to compare it with how he had behaved at it when they first met, there were indeed some subtle changes. May unwrapped the newspaper around his sandwich, the smell of peanut butter and jelly strong as the hunter in front of her started to get restless at the scent. She no longer shuffled her way through the sand, taking firm steps towards him and staying just out his reach so that she could give him his food.
It was here where she noted the biggest difference.
In the beginning, he had hissed, howled, growled- anything to signal he wanted her to fuck off- in a very direct way.
But now- now he just stood there, mouth agape, waiting for May to hand his food over so he could wolf it down.
Had so much changed so fast already?
The cold air of the morning left clouds near both their faces with each exhale, The slightly purple sky turning into an orange halo.
It was then she decided to do something extremely stupid, May took a step forwards. She was now in his reach, he could easily scratch her from this distance. Reaching the sandwich towards him he no longer snatched it out of her hands like at first.
He nibbed at the piece of bread before taking the piece- like when you would feed a stray that has gotten used to you. This fascinated her.
Was it possible to tame a hunter?
She watched as he continued eating the sandwich, no longer concentrated on May at all, she could just stand here, inside of his reach without him doing anything to her. The colder winds of autumn were starting to weep through the cracks of now abandoned buildings, creating an eerie sound as she just took in the scene in front of her.
Dirt all around her with directly in her line of sight a human infected with god knows what impaled by his arms and legs by metal construction rods. A cold atmosphere of tall towering buildings looming over them, the empty windows looking like piercing eyes, staring them both down.
May guessed that the only reason she felt some sort of comfort here was because one of them was tied down and couldn't reach the other unless she reached for him.
At least, she hoped that was the case.
When May left for the morning again and went back in her bed she looked at the ceiling, thoughts were racing in her head as she started counting all the grime spots on her ceiling that had been there for as long as she could have remembered. The covers of May's bed were a dark purple with a blanket over it she had gotten from an online website before everything went downhill-
Wait, did the local house furniture store's still have blankets?
This made May roll over from her back to her left, grabbing her to do list- and writing down "check for blankets at furniture store" she would have written it in a secret language, but May didn't need to, considering she had- as her father had put it-
"Unreadable doctor's handwriting."
Oh the glory of writing half the speed you can think in.
The pages were old and had some tea stains in them, and coffee stains.
After that was done May finally thought she could go to sleep in peace that night.
She couldnt have been more wrong.
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
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came across this and I have no words-
its beautiful-
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