lostlookalike · 10 years
{ banefulbloodstream } —-;:
"You’re a complete mess. Look at you!" Eva exclaimed, raising her eyebrows in shock, "Drowning your sorrows away with the very bourbon that Damon used in his times of despair," Her tone turned convincingly soft - one of Eva’s many talents that she developed over the course of dealing with her mother’s death and creating a fake persona to the world, "Staking yourself, isn’t the answer. You must be strong!”
Eva pumped a small fist into the air before pouring herself another drink. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders: her promise towards her father that she would make Damon pay for what he had done had finally been paid. But more importantly, the people that Eva loved were finally safe. She didn’t need to worry about Damon taking anyone away from her. 
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"Well, it’s not like I could have helped myself," Eva pointed out innocently, "Besides, who I am to pass up the opportunity of watching Damon squirm in pain as he played Russian Roulette with his own beloved bourbon collection,” She brought her lips up into a half smile, "If you want, I’ll sell some of Damon’s stuff and use the money to buy you a few bottles of bourbon to replace the ones I ruined."
The idea sparked an interest in her, after all, it wasn’t as though Damon was going to need any of his stuff. She would have gladly burned it all if she didn’t have an intense phobia towards fires. Her gaze shifted towards the fire place, though her train of thought was suddenly broken once Laela’s voice filled her ears. 
"As much as I would’ve loved to drive a stake through his heart, I’d preferred to make him suffer first ,” Eva added after a moment of silence, “I’ve watched all the Saw movies, so I’m sure I would have been able to think up some master mind gruesome torment-thing for him to endure before his life ended.”
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{ ♖ } —-;: "I know right, 's a vicious cycle'a manpain and woe," she agreed, "will the fuckin' sufferin' never end goddamn it." she mock-yelled, dramatically shaking her fist, deciding not to smash the glass fro dramatic flare, it was a nice glass. "I know, somehow I shall have to live on after th' death of the man who ruined my life. only time can heal th' pain. Give me a sec." she said, standing still for a few seconds, as if she was in deep thought "Uhp, 'nd I think time just healed it."
Laela knew she was being distasteful, she knew that other people would miss the older Salvatore uncle, one of them being one of her closest friends, but she didn't care right now. For her, this was a celebration. It was finally over. She could finally return to her childhood home in the sound knowledge that she wouldn't have to face the man who had destroyed her life and killed her father. She was free.
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She grinned, "Ooh, little sis, are you suggestin' we go though our dearly departed unc's possesions." she tutted, "I dunno, that sounds real disrespectful t' his memory.." she said, finishing off a glass of his beloved bourbon before pouring herself another, "I dunno if I could live with that guilt." she smiled, "Ooh and while we're there we can see if he really did write awkward love letters t' your husband." she suggested, "Maybe he has a few awkward return letters from Dan letting him down gently?" she teased.
"Maybe a few mixtapes." that thought made her laugh, she always found it fun to tease Damon with those jokes when he tried to make fun of her, but in truth it was rather hard to imagine Damon crying listening to Someone Like You with a bottle of bourbon and a picture of Dan. Fun times though.
"Evie Salvatore, I didn' know ya had it in you." she said in a teasy tone, though she was genuinely surprised by those words coming from Eva of all people's mouth. "I'd probably just have gone short 'n' sweet, y'know? so that no one could freakin' rescue him" she sighed, "like with my first attempt." she recalled the annoying blond who had prevented her from staking the bastard almost a year ago.
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lostlookalike · 10 years
{ banefulbloodstream } —-;:
[Laela]: Clearly you're one of them because of the idiotic move you just pulled. [Laela]: Are you serious? You could have died! How the hell am I suppose to take some bloody chill pill when I'm freaking the hell out over you? [Laela]: You should have made time.  [Laela]: But what if I had? Then what? Hmm?
{ @Evie } —-;: What are you, my mom?
{ @Evie } —-;: Stop freaking out okay I'm fine, everyone's fine and YOU are OVERREACTING, so take a step back and CALM DOWN
{ @Evie } —-;: HOW jfc
{ @Evie } —-;: Well that's pretty self explanatory, no? You'da lost me.. but ya didn't. SO CHILL.
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lostlookalike · 10 years
*kisses* You've caught the kissing disease! Now you've gotta pass it on to the next ten people on your dash.
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{ ♣ } —-;: “Caroline Forbes I didn’t know you swung my way…”
0 notes
lostlookalike · 10 years
Name: Caitlyn Age: 19 Meaning behind tumblr url: Baneful means exceedingly harmful, and I just thought it explained Eva’s “toxic blood” well.  Where you live: Australia  Single/Taken: Single Hobbies/Interests: Sleeping, reading, shopping, eating, roleplaying, and anything to do with animals.  Why you follow me: Because you’re AAAAWESOME  Random fact about yourself: I can’t stand the smell of caramel. Blerg! Question for me: If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?
I wanna meet my followers.
{ O O C } —-; Nice to meet you again Caitaroonie Caity.
I know we don't talk much these days and that's been cause of my painting and school *shakes fist* damn my school, but I need to get online more often so I shall try to do that and we can talk all the time and it'll be awesome promise (may not always be awesome, may sometimes be lame 'cause I am lame. Not for children under the age of 3. Terms and conditions apply)
If I could I could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?
Honestly there are so many places I'd go if I could. Down under would be one of them (pinkie promise I'm not stalking you), I always wanted to got to South America, actually as well, something about the scenery there just draws me in. We'll see ;)
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lostlookalike · 10 years
{ O O C } —-; *BLUSHES* you’re too nice bby
send me a ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ and i’ll rate your blog like this.
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
SIDEBAR: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless |SEX
POSTS: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX 
OVERALL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SEX
FOLLOWING: No | Yes | I Am Now| Forever
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lostlookalike · 10 years
Send me a ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ and I’ll rate your blog like this.
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
SIDEBAR: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
POSTS: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
OVERALL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEXXXXXXXXXXXX
RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
FOLLOWING: No | Yes | I Am Now| ForeverAND EVER
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lostlookalike · 10 years
[text]: Are you insane, or are you just plain stupid? [text]: Do you understand that you could have died? And don't you dare give me that I'm already dead crap.  [text]: The least you could have done was call or text me so I knew what was happening, maybe even help.  [text]: Goddammit, Laela. I've already lost so much already and there's no way in hell I'm loosing you, too.
{ @Evie } —-;: Neither?
{ @Evie } —-;: Well I COULD have, but I didn't. You need to take a fuckin chill pill fucking hell Evie.
{ @Evie } —-;: Wasn't time.
{ @Evie } —-;: Well ya didn't, kay. So relax
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lostlookalike · 10 years
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
SIDEBAR: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless |SEX
POSTS: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
OVERALL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SEX
FOLLOWING: No | Yes | I Am Now| Forever
Send me a ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ and I’ll rate your blog like this.
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lostlookalike · 10 years
Put your answers to this in my ask:
Meaning behind tumblr url:
Where you live:
Why you follow me:
Random fact about yourself:
Question for me:
I wanna meet my followers.
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lostlookalike · 10 years
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{ ♛ } —-;: "I dunno how wold'a coped if my supportive little sister hadn't come  t' my rescue, it doesn't bear thinking." she shook her head melodramatically, though the broad gron on her face betrayed her true feelings about Damon's 'tragic passing' "I may just'a staked m'self from the shire pain.". Come to think of it, she could probably cry off a few of the mind numbingly boring classes on Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis by appealing to the 'my cousin died' card. She'd have to make sure not to milk it though.
Laela saluted "Thanks f' the heads up," she said, and with a zoom of vampire speed she separated out the offending bottles so she wouldn't drink any of the tainted liquid on accident, "Fun as it was t' watch the asshole squirm I still think that there's no excusin' taintin' such beautiful bourbon.." she insisted before downing the glass she had.SHe took some extra pleasure form the fact that if Damon knew they were steadily making though his bourbon he'd be horrified.
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Laela nodded, "I know how ya feel." she admitted, pouring herself yet another glass before looking back up at her adoptive sister, "I have a certain amount'a regret that I wasn' the one who drove a stake though his fuckin' heart." she added, she was clearly quite upset about that. While Leala was often compared to her older lookalike there was no one who could draw out her hate like her now deceased uncle.
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"Oh, yes," Eva replied, furrowing her eyebrows in a mocking manner, "You poor, poor thing," She tsked slightly, shaking her head, "No one should have to go through this horrible event alone. It’s okay, I’m here," She winked at the last comment.
Eva realised it had been a good thing that she didn’t lace all of Damon’s bourbon bottles with vervain. Nothing brought her more pleasure than to see him squirm with pain as the vervain burned his insides, though it would have been a shame to let all his drinks go to waste. At the thought of the vervain, Eva instantly made her way over to the bourbon cabinet and took out all the drinks she knew to have been laced.
"If I were you, I wouldn’t touch these,” Eva warned as she motioned towards the few bourbon bottles in front of her. She took the lid off one and had a quick sniff. The faint smell of vervain filled her nose and she put it back down,”Unless of course, you like vervain with your bourbon,” She smiled playfully, a small laugh emitting from her lips.
Muttering a thanks, she took the glass from Laela and swallowed it down in one big gulp. Her pale features contorted in slight disgust as the horrible liquid ran down her throat. Eva never understood why anyone could stand drinking that stuff. The only reason why she bothered with it was because it helped craved the blood lust to some degree.
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"You know, in a way, I am sort of upset that Damon is dead," Eva began, her lips pulled downwards in a small innocent pout, "Because I didn’t get to kill him,” She added, emitting a loud huff of annoyance as she poured herself a drink from one of the laced bottles, “Son of a bitch sucks the fun out of everything.”
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lostlookalike · 10 years
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{ ♕ } —-;: Laela twirled around to face her younger sister, glad it was her, quite frankly, had it been someone else she doubted she'd have been able to continue with the festivities, and while she was truly sorry that those who liked Damon were suffering, she felt like she had every right in the world to celebrate it. It was finally over.
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                               "I'm practically inconsolable. jus' look at me.                                I'm clearly just drownin' away the imense                                pain I'm in with his lovely booze collection."
                Only good thing about Damon was his booze as far as she was concerned. She didn't ask before she poured her underaged sister a fairly generous glass of her deceased uncle's top shelf bourbon. When she looked up, she couldn't help but feel somehow even happier, just seeing a smile on Eva's face.
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                               "Well t'day is one of those occasions, an'                               no one is gonna stop me celebrating by sta-                               rting on our dearly departed great, great, g-                               reat whatever uncle's fabled bourbon stash                               in the knowledge that Damon fuckin' Salva-                               tore's worm food."
                She handed Eva her glass.
Eva was beginning to wonder that she was the only person who wasn’t in the least upset about Damon’s death. The only thing depressing about his death was that she hadn’t been able to cause it herself. The very moment Damon had taken everything away from her, Eva dreamed of the day that she would make him pay. And now? She had finally won, even if she didn’t kill him herself. 
The sound of a drink being poured was more than enough to bring Eva to her senses as she made her way into the main parlor room of the boarding house. It was no surprise to Eva as she saw her adoptive sister help herself to one of Damon’s drinks. In fact, she was expecting it. A cocky grin instantly played her lips as she heard her adoptive sister’s toast. 
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"I take it you’re just as upset as I am about our dear uncle’s passing," Eva commented in a sarcastic tone. She pretended to look sad, though it didn’t take long before she broke and allowed a small laugh to escape her lips, "We must celebrate this glorious event," Eva suggested in a rather happy tone as she grabbed herself a glass, "It’s not everyday an arrogant ass like Damon gets what he deserves."
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lostlookalike · 10 years
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{ ♕ } —-;: Laela couldn't suppress a grin as she pored herself a glass of Damon's bourbon, there was no worry that he'd rip her head of for it, she was, in fact, for the fist time in quite a while, free of worry.
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                               ”To Damon Salvatore.."
                She said to no one in particular..
                               ”..may he rot in hell."
                With that she downed the glass.
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lostlookalike · 11 years
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155 notes · View notes
lostlookalike · 11 years
I Swear This Is An RP Blog: A Musical 
Featuring such hits as
Maybe I’ll RP Today and its reprise No Wait Nevermind
What Was The Plot of This RP Again?
Fuck My Partner Deleted Their Blog
And the ever classic
I’m a Lazy Bastard
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lostlookalike · 11 years
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{ ♤ } —-;: Damon was out of town. That was perfect, she wasn't sure it was going to be the most riveting night of her life, but she did somewhat miss her uncle Steffy.
                               ”In that case I'm in.”
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"I think Damon’s out of town, so.. probably not.”
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lostlookalike · 11 years
I feel like I'm able to understand and relate to this entire thing in an extremely deep, profound way.
What's up with TVD? I stopped watching it ages ago..
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(after S4 anyway)
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lostlookalike · 11 years
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{ ♤ } —-;: "Bourbon"
                Laela parroted, at the mention of top shelf liquor her interest was instantly piqued, which she figured should worry her, but she dismissed it.
                               "Will Damon be present?"
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"Well that was the idea."
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"There’ll be bourbon?" he tried.
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