lostvoidedsignal · 4 days
I have a movie suggestion for all my fellow mechanophiles. I present to you, Christine
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lostvoidedsignal · 2 months
Today I have something to show. Art? Nah. Robot dog with it's head through the wall
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lostvoidedsignal · 2 months
I see a ton of people mistaking what mechanophilia means. Mechanophilia is the attraction to vehicles like cars, motorcycles, planes and boats. Not robots. The attraction to robots is called robophilia
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lostvoidedsignal · 3 months
I got astigmatism and photophobia mixed with near sightedness. A couple of days ago I was walking my dog and it was really bright outside and we had to cross the street. I usually press the special button that makes it so when it's green it'll beep loudly cause I can't see the light most of the time. However this time someone else waited at the light before us and didn't press that button. So when the light turned green I stood there like an absolute moron
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lostvoidedsignal · 4 months
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New OC that has been an alter in my system for like a week now. There's a backstory and all to him if anyone's interested
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lostvoidedsignal · 4 months
It's my boi
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lostvoidedsignal · 4 months
Another one for good measure
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lostvoidedsignal · 4 months
I attempted to draw kinito yesterday
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lostvoidedsignal · 5 months
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For context this is a feral nsfw artist. That means they draw fictional dogs doing sexual activities. Yet lolisho is where they draw the line
Ps. The fact that they don't like it and don't want to see it isn't the problem here but the fact that they called fictional content "Child porn"
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lostvoidedsignal · 9 months
Bro I just wanted to look at cute dog pics and instead I find 2 zoophile blogs that post sexual/suggestive pictures with dogs and horses. And the comments aren't any better bragging about having done with dogs. Fucking disgusting. I'll have a lot of reporting to do tonight
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lostvoidedsignal · 9 months
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This is an acrylic magnifying glass with a green strip in it that helps you read long strings of numbers! It's been known for a while that putting a colored filter over pages can help people with dyscalculia read numbers without them flipping places, but this is the first time I've seen something so simple and accessible. I put it on some test numbers and my eyes didn't feel like they kept wanting to jump around all over the number. I can keep this on my desk and use it on paper, or hold it up to my monitor to read long numbers at work! It may help people in other ways as well, this is just what I bought it for and I already love it!
I found it at a Daiso location, but there are probably others online.
Spread the word!
EDIT: It's also like $2, so pretty much anyone who needs it can afford it!
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lostvoidedsignal · 10 months
I need antis to understand that you're allowed to dislike "problematic" content. You are allowed to have things you're uncomfortable with and don't ever want to interact with.
But this is the internet. You will see things you dislike. Block tags and people freely to curate your own space. Properly tag your content where applicable.
If you agree that you should just block people and tags and shouldn't send harassment to people who make content you dislike- Congrats! You're proship.
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lostvoidedsignal · 10 months
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reposting this to my blog since i know some interesting people are stalking it right now
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lostvoidedsignal · 11 months
maybe u should go outside and stop treating antis and children like satan
Jokes on you I have a dog so I actually do go outside multiple times per day.
Also "Treating antis and children like Satan"? I don't like kids. They're loud, mostly spoiled these days and most are extremely entitled.
Antis commit actual crimes on a daily basis (Yes cyber stalking/bullying is a criminal offense depending on where you live as well as doxxing, suic baiting, threats of any kind and slander) so why wouldn't you treat them like the plague when they choose to interact with you despite asking to not have antis interact with you. Boundaries only apply if it works for them
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lostvoidedsignal · 11 months
kill yourself challenge!!!
Failed siko go take your meds
People please remind me how antis are the sane people when all they can say is shit like this. I don't get it
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lostvoidedsignal · 11 months
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this user wants / needs a service dog
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lostvoidedsignal · 11 months
Same anti repeatedly accused a Japanese person of race-faking because said Japanese person asked them to stop fetishizing their culture and acting like an authority on it, and "real Japanese people are polite" and the Japanese person who approached them was "rude." A few of us spoke up about it, so they turned anon off, and then claimed we were the same person pretending to be Japanese (nobody was, they're assuming solely because the Japanese person didn't meet the frankly racist stereotype of being a bunch of doormats for westerners to walk and drool all over. Which is exactly the point the Japanese person seemed to be making :/)
Geez. It doesn't seem to be so uncommon on social media from what I've seen. But it's always those people that fetishise other irl people because of their countries culture
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