lou-intrepidus · 1 year
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lou-intrepidus · 1 year
XV. Fears
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On Thursday morning, exhausted, having slept only two hours, Laurel sent a letter to the Patron with the information she found and went up to her room to change before classes. After collecting all the papers and books, she hid them in the closet and was about to close it when she noticed her father's notebook lying on the bottom shelf. Frowning, she returned the massive notebook to all the documents from her home, convincing herself that she would read these notes a little later. Vague anxiety tormented the woman's mind at the sight of this thing, so she was in no hurry to look into her father's thoughts.
After changing into overalls, she went down to the greenhouse. Classes in the afternoon were quite ordinary. But as soon as they were over, an exciting message came to Laurel's phone.
Larissa🤍: Come to me urgently.
From such a phrase, Laurel was instantly drenched in cold sweat: did Larissa find out something?! Did she notice her absence at the academy last night? Or — what a nightmare — intercepted and read her letter to the Patron?! Or did something else happen?
Laurel hurried anxiously into Ophelia's hall, barely breathing because of her heart squeezing painfully. Frozen in the semi-darkness of the corridor, she tried to cheer herself up, but when Laurel knocked on the door and heard an invitation to enter, her knees instantly weakened, and she barely filtered into the office.
— Is something wrong? — Gates asked first of all, pausing at the entrance and clutching her jacket tightly in her hands.
— Yes, — Larissa answered seriously, filling out the paperwork and not even looking at Lin who entered. — Lock the door, — she said, without getting up from her chair and putting another signature on the documents.
With trembling hands, Laurel turned the key in the lock and with difficulty approached the massive desk of the headmistress, throwing her outerwear into a chair along the way and desperately trying not to give in to panic, but inexorably losing to her.
— What? What is it? — she barely managed to squeeze out of herself, watching Larissa leaf through the papers held together with a silver bracket, without raising her eyes to Marilyn. Laurel's heart was pounding like crazy, she was ready to collapse on her knees in front of a sitting woman and cry, but Larissa suddenly motioned her to come straight to the chair, and Laurel could not disobey. When Gates got close to Larissa, it seemed to her that either she was going to die of a heart attack, or Larissa would strangle her with her own hands for betrayal. But, having finished with the document, Larissa turned around in her chair, looked at Marilyn and curiously knitted her eyebrows:
— Why are you so pale?
— What happened?! — Laurel asked softly, losing her self-control and choking in a fit of panic terror.
— I missed my beloved ... — Larissa answered softly, took the woman by the hands and confidently pulled her towards herself. Laurel spread her legs and collapsed on Larissa's hips, a little glad that she had put on a clean jumpsuit in the morning and did not have time to stain it with earth. The two women hugged, Laurel laid her head on someone else's shoulder and exhaled with relief, snuggling up to Weems. Larissa began stroking her back and asked: — Why are you scared?
— When I came in, you didn't even look at me and looked so serious... — Laurel murmured into her neck, slowly calming down from the familiar sweet smell and feeling of comfort.
— But this is my usual look... — Larissa replied thoughtfully, followed by a strange laugh, followed by another.
— What are you doing? — Laurel immediately clarified, and then Larissa giggled loudly, unable to restrain herself. Confused, Laurel gently placed her palms above the woman's chest and pulled away from her. — Are you kidding me? — Gates asked in bewilderment, looking at the woman leaning back in the chair, whose hands slid to her waist.
— No, of course not, — Larissa said through giggles, looking at Marilyn with that unreadable look that Laurel still couldn't find a definition for. — It's just funny to realize that there is a person nearby who is unaccustomed to seeing me serious and strict ... — Larissa paused, closing her eyes contentedly, and a beautiful smile flushed on her lips.
Laurel froze in amazement: Larissa really hadn't let anyone get so close to her for a long time and probably didn't take off the mask of the all-powerful headmistress in front of anyone... The bliss shining on Larissa's face at that moment was so charming that Laurel couldn't look away. She began to carefully stroke her lover's collarbones with her fingers, because her hands were still practically on Weems' chest, and Larissa suddenly sighed gently, finally getting lost in an unfamiliar, pleasant state.
— I'll come to you today, — Laurel whispered, losing her head from the outburst of feelings in her chest, and leaned forward to kiss Larissa.
And if Larissa had been a cat, she would have purred loudly with happiness at that moment.
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lou-intrepidus · 1 year
Me and my dear ruaxrose have ordered an illustration for our story само/убийство (self/murder), look at this beauty! ♥️🥹♥️
Read the fic on AO3/Ficbook and be happy ✨
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lou-intrepidus · 1 year
I made stickers with Laurel and Larisa for telegram, I'm sharing with you guys!
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lou-intrepidus · 1 year
Okay, okay, good.... Look at these photos and TELL TO MY FACE THAT THEY ARE NOT LOVERS!
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LAURISSA CANON, I'm canceling the eighth series, Laurel is not crazy, read my fic on AO3 and be happy ✨
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lou-intrepidus · 1 year
VI. Truth
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Weems leaned back slightly in her chair, watching Marilyn trying to warm her fingers, and a truly delightful thought came to Larissa's head.
— Let me help you?.. — with these words, Larisa began to pull off thin gloves, which she did not part with during work.
Laurel nodded, thinking Weems would let her put them on, but Larissa suddenly moved to the edge of the chair, reached forward and covered Laurel's frozen limbs with her warm hands. Gates froze in confusion, looking into Larissa's eyes: she smiled charmingly, more comfortably clasping Marilyn's cold fingers and hiding them in her hot palms. A treacherously contented sigh escaped from Laurel's chest, from which Larissa literally shone.
— Why are you doing this? — the question came out of her mouth faster than Laurel could process it.
— What is it? — a sly expression appeared on Larissa's face: Marilyn was finally ready to talk about them, and Weems was in no hurry to make her task easier.
Laurel was taken aback by Larissa's apparent bewilderment and nervously licked her lips, realizing that she was trapped: the headmistress's fingers gently but firmly restrained her from escaping.
— This, — Laurel nodded at the intertwining of their hands, openly asking the question. — Why are you warming my hands with your own?
— Because I care about you, — Larisa simply gave out, again amazed at how Marilyn does not understand the obvious things.
— But why do you care about me?
Marilyn's huge eyes provoked Larissa to dizzying stupidity, but Weems, gathering all her strength, tried to calmly continue:
— Because I like you.
Laurel looked down for a moment, remembering the first time she'd heard that phrase. Larisa closely watched her reaction: the woman had a chance to finally unravel Marilyn's feelings for her. Weems expected any answer, but not a new question, and certainly not this:
— Why do you like me?
Larissa froze. Marilyn really didn't understand. This both amazed and frightened Weems. Larissa unconsciously squeezed Marilyn's hands harder, trying to suppress the emotions that rose to her throat. Thornhill waited with trepidation for an answer, her lips trembling, but she did not break eye contact. With difficulty collecting the words in her head, Larisa whispered:
— Do you need reasons for sympathy?
— Yes.
Marilyn's answer was clear and confident, categorical. Larisa was confused:
— Have you never been loved for nothing?..
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lou-intrepidus · 1 year
— Miss Weems, may I ask you a personal question?
— It depends on his character, — she replied slyly, pausing expectantly. What has been worrying your mind for so long, Marilyn?..
— Why are you so kind to me? — Laurel breathed out in one breath, lowering her gaze to the floor and feeling that she could lose all confidence again. This question tormented her almost from the first day at the academy, and not without reason. — Some teachers avoid me and even try not to notice me, others can only say something out of politeness ... but not you, — here Gates found the strength to look into the blue eyes opposite. — You are the only one paying attention to me not forced, not because you have to squeeze out a formal "Hello". You come to me and call me to your office just to talk. You're asking about my condition. You're asking for my opinion. You smile at me sincerely. And you always look me straight in the eye, which makes me even begin to feel like you're the only one who sees me here... — Laurel broke off, almost saying, "you don't see me for who I really am." — Why are you doing all this?
— You really don't understand? — Larisa's face reflected her deep amazement, seasoned with disbelief. But when Marilyn, looking at her with guiltily bashful eyes, slightly shook her head, Larissa Weems' heart was pierced with pain: the woman sitting opposite sincerely wondered why Larissa was behaving nice to her and so far only slightly caring. This struck the headmistress so much that she barely restrained the emotions that rolled up to her throat and said with all possible warmth: — Because I like you, Marilyn.
Laurel felt like she'd been shot right in the chest.
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Read more:
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lou-intrepidus · 1 year
hi guys I wrote fic about Laurel and Larissa, so it will be cool if you read it... but it is in russian, so I advise you to use a translator 👉🏻👈🏻
I will be very grateful to you 💜
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lou-intrepidus · 2 years
Молли спрашивает:
— Госпожа Коин, это Вы отдали приказ о бомбардировке Круглой площади с воздуха, с захваченного у противника планолёта?
— Это что за бред?! Наглая девчонка! Я знаю твёрдо, что Сноу окончательно потерял рассудок и отдал этот безумный приказ! Причём здесь я?! — женщина искренне возмущается.
Молли с облегчением вздыхает: она не ошиблась в Альме Коин. И вместе они смогут противостоять неизвестному врагу, решившему уничтожить Панем.
Molli asks:
— Ms. Coin, did you give the order to bombard the square in front of the mansion from the air, from a hovercraft captured from the Capitol?
— What kind of nonsense is this?! Impudent girl! I know for sure that Snow has completely lost his mind and gave this insane order! What does it have to do with me?! — the woman is genuinely indignant.
Molli sighs with relief: she was not mistaken about Alma Coin. And together they will be able to resist an unknown enemy who decided to destroy Panem.
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lou-intrepidus · 2 years
My lovely Alma Coin and Molli by @auntyokula!! ✨❤✨
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41160690/chapters/103180794
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lou-intrepidus · 2 years
Дарова, тумба!
Возвращаться сюда довольно странно, особенно после стольких лет... Когда-то этот блог был моим дневником, и, кажется, уже ничто не напоминает об этом. Многое, слишком многое изменилось в жизни.
Но неизменным все восемь лет оставалось одно: работа над моим фанфиком по Голодным Играм, о которой я когда-то писала. Моя фиксация по Альме Коин так и не прошла, благодаря чему я продолжаю писать и раскрывать её с весьма интересной стороны... Миру, хах, до сих пор нужен этот особый взгляд на личность Коин, на третью сторону противостояния в Панеме и на то, как целый мир вообще оказался в таком чудовищном положении.
Интересно, фанаты ГИ ещё живы? Заходите на огонёк в профиль на АО3, что ли. Покажу вам живых Коин и Финника, а ещё к ним присоединилась Прим!
В любом случае, интересно вернуться сюда.
Не прощаюсь 👉👈
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lou-intrepidus · 6 years
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time for some Stan hugs
I forgot how to draw them oops
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lou-intrepidus · 6 years
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Hey Stan, where did you get that boat?
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Hey Stan, where did you get that mask?
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Hey Stan, where did you get your fez?
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Hey Stan, where did you get that crossbow? 
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Hey Stan, where did the phrase “Hot Belgian Waffles” come from? 
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Hey Stan, how do you know there’s a secret button on the wall?
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Hey Stan, where did you get Journal 1?
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Hey Stan, where did your love of money come from? 
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Hey Stan, where did you learn to lie? 
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Hey Stan, where did you learn how to punch triangles?
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Hey Stan, where did you learn how to fight?
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Man, Stan got all of things from his past and his family 
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lou-intrepidus · 6 years
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^ from this post
Here you go @incorporatedmii!! Have I already told you that I love your AU???
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lou-intrepidus · 7 years
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It… is done. A huge thanks to @kiki-kit for being an inspiration for this project.
Please don’t tag as ship. :T
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lou-intrepidus · 7 years
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lou-intrepidus · 7 years
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