loudpizzacreation · 3 years
gravity was a big discovery i guess but nothing compares to realizing girls can kiss girls
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
I’ve never met anyone who likes their birthstone. Reblog + put in the tags what yours is, if you like it and what birthstone you’d rather have.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
men who don't like big women gross me out
I'm not saying that as a big woman, I'm saying that as a woman who loves women. if she has a cute face and a bomb personality who tf cares about her body type
like you're telling me you only like women who sexually gratify you? Like, give you a boner at first glance?
embarrassing, dude. nasty.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
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Oh, boy, what a book.
I was pretty bored through most of it, but the last 150 pages really put me through a loop. The twists were pretty great.
The most boring perspective to me was Christopher's. Weird, since you'd think he'd be the most exciting due to the fact that he's (not really a spoiler) a serial killer. I kinda felt bad for him at the end, though.
The most exciting was Nick and Alex's romance. It was the only thing that got me through this book. And they were the only happy thing to come out of this book. (Also, fuck Sally)
I felt bad for Ellie, but I didn't at the same time. She's kind of unethical, which is bad, but she kind of made the world a better place. Kind of. (Who else is mad that Marrs didn't write down her verdict?)
Jade? Not that exciting, but her and her "Match" were friendship goals. Until, y'know. Spoilers.
And, Mandy. She's stupid, and not really lovable. But her ending was so cute.
So, over-all, a slow-burn that made me cry at the end. Can't wait for Netflix's adaptation.
Anyway, 4 out of 5.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
I️ hate it when I’m looking for a fanfic but it’s so specific that it hasn’t been done yet and then I️ have to write it myself.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
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I'm mad at myself because I didn't guess whodunnit, but I'm also mad at the book for whodunnit.
I'm also mad that it ended too quickly.
Also, also, mad because it made me CRY. That means I was actually attached to the characters.
I also think the title is misleading, because it makes you think that surely one of the Bayview Four did it, but maybe that was the exactly what it was saying. All four of them "caused" Simon to do it in some way, even though they were stupid reasons.
Not all victims are the good guys.
Anyway, 4.5 out of 5.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
I finished a book
I don’t think I’ve finished a book in months...
It’s past midnight and I need to get up in the morning and I can’t bring myself to care because my chest is full of another world and my heart is giddy and I missed this feeling so much
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
I don't need a boyfriend, I just want someone to buy me first editions of classics
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
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Not very secretive.
Did the other characters even have secrets? No. Just the main and the antagonist, Sasha. It would've been great if I could actually have believed that the drug dealer could've come up with it all, but he was taken out of the running very early on.
Not saying that I didn't figure out whodunnit within one third of the book, but still. I like to entertain other possibilities.
Don't get me wrong, the atmosphere of the book was amazing. Every time they were in the room, I was sweating. It was for sure a page turner.
The whole "stacking the drawers in the chimney" thing happened for no reason because they just took the bomb back out.
The fact that Sasha immediately believed everything was real and continued to do so up until her death was very annoying. She was smart, supposedly, so why didn't she think that it was probably fake? Since they were just a bunch of teenagers.
The secrets weren't very good and a couple of the characters didn't even have secrets. They all obviously hated Sasha.
Don't get me wrong, there was one twist that got to me. It shocked me and I visibly gasped.
But, in the end, Robbie was left. He was abandoned and that pissed me off. They had loved each other and, suddenly, the main can just move on like that? Terrible.
And Diego and what's-her-name immediately forgave the main after her confession? Even though what's-her-name KILLED somebody?
Fake news.
So, I didn't like the ending, but the rest was okay.
Anyway, 3.7 out of 5.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
I'm so glad I'm immune to taylor swift, hope you guys are okay ❤️
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
tw addiction
John Mulaney has checked himself into rehab for cocaine and alcohol abuse. Addiction is a medical disorder and admitting you need help is one of the bravest things you can do. Jokes about John Mulaney's situation are at best inappropriate and at worst cruel. If I see anyone joking about this I will block you. Please join me in sending light, love, and healing to a man who has brought us all so much joy and laughter.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
whenever you have problems with writing and worldbuilding for stories, just remember COCK
C- Does it have Creatures?
O- Does it Offend the church?
C-Is it Completely unhinged?
K- Does it Kick ass?
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
Bruce: wow. 6 tattoos.... those are pretty permanent you know.
Jason Todd: wow. 6 children.... those are pretty permanent, Bruce.
Tim Drake, without looking up: Technically, both can be removed with lasers.
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loudpizzacreation · 3 years
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