loveamusician-blog · 11 years
We will be away until further notice.
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loveamusician-blog · 11 years
I found out about you guys just today and you guys seem so inspirational! I find it really nice that this was created to help out people who aren't really noticed. Maybe I'll even submit something someday ^.^
Hello, thank you! You should submit to us! We'd love to hear you!
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loveamusician-blog · 11 years
          "I have terrible stage fright. That was the reason I created my youtube channel."  LoveAM's next featured artist, Kathryn Cacho, first created a youtube channel to help gain confidence in herself and to help break out of her shell. "All my life, I have been struggling with expressing myself and my thoughts through my words. Through music though, I have been able to express myself so much more." The musician has already received over 60,000 views on her channel from uploading covers of songs like "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran. At the age of 9, Kathryn learned how to play the piano, the guitar at the age of 12, followed by voice lessons at age 15. Only recently has Kathryn taught herself how to play the ukulele. 
          Kathryn is an outstanding singer. Her voice is extremely soothing and relaxing to the soul. In our opinion, Kathryn has the ability to sing absolutely any song she chooses to tackle. Anyone would be blessed to have such a fantastic voice! Her voice alone adds a unique feel to the song, making it extremely easy for her to flaunt her originality to any cover she sings. 
          Although music has become a big part of her life, fashion is Kathryn's main passion. Kathryn has opened her own online jewelry store during the sumer of 2012. The talented artist will be studying fashion design and business in college. "Hopefully, I will be able to do something in music on the side." Hopefully you do, Kathryn! We hope to see more videos in the near future!
Tumblr Youtube Twitter Store
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loveamusician-blog · 11 years
          Izzy Salinel, born and raised in Dubai, has always had a passion for music but it was never really something she wanted to pursue until her pre-teens. When did she realize music was her true calling? At the age of 13, Izzy auditioned for a musical in a local theatre despite the fact that she had no experience with musical theatre, whatsoever. “I was a very, very, very shy person growing up, was too shy to partake in anything really, but my mother encouraged me to try to break out of my shell, to take the opportunity when I was given the chance.” Izzy landed one of the lead roles that year. Was it luck or perhaps pure talent? The filipina used this achievement as motivation to start learning how to play instruments like the ukulele and the guitar (self-taught). In addition, Izzy began to compose her own songs and started performing at various events. Slowly, she started to gain more confidence in herself. ”I'm not so shy anymore. Maybe still a tad bit shy but I'm getting there.”
         To the young artist, music is freedom. Freedom to express the deepest most feelings and emotions as well as freedom to explore the imagination. Salinel has most definitely expressed her emotions very well with each word tied to every note sung in her original songs "Goodbye Butterflies" and "Rainbow Wishes" ft. Austin Luu. Music to Izzy, has the power to inspire, create and bring people together. “It truly is an amazing thing, I cant imagine my life without it. It’s beautiful.” Just like her.
          Despite facing obstacles and rejection multiple times, Izzy has made the choice of committing her whole life to music. Yes, there will always be rejection in the future, but she is dedicated, motivated and passionate. “There's always a storm before the rainbow. I know I'll get there someday. I just got to keep trying and working hard... There was this one quote from one of my favorite artists. He said ‘love what you do, not the love that you get from it’ and music and I, we are one.” Truly inspiring! LoveAM has a lot of faith and support for Izzy Salinel. With a powerful voice like that, we're sure she'll make it!
Izzy Salinel's links:
 Tumblr Youtube Soundcloud 
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loveamusician-blog · 11 years
          "Music is timeless" says one of our newest musicians, Rey Zapanta. "Music is more than just a sound. It's an expression that comes from the heart. It’s my way of expressing feelings that I have during times of recording." Rey also known as RiceboyRey, was born and raised in London, UK. Rey was always on the move as a child and was placed in a number of different primary (elementary) schools. He also attended different music schools where he learned to play the piano and sing. Rey participated in events as a high school student but never really was personal with anyone. "We were friends but I felt like I couldn't be open with anyone." During this time, the musician taught himself how to play guitar and bass. Rey made the wise decision of taking a gap-year before going to college and studied at a music school not as a vocalist or an instrumentalist but as a sound engineer. "There’s a lot that goes behind the production of music and the efforts of a sound engineer are very important."
          Rey is relatively new to the YouTube community and has only started uploading musical covers in December of 2012. Already, Rey has received over 7,000 video views on his channel. His multiple talents clearly shine through in each and every one of his videos. Take a look at his snippet cover of John Legend's "Ordinary People" as an example; the londoner plays the piano, an instrument not often used in his videos, for his viewers to hear. Rey is an extraordinary pianist and guitarist but his voice is an entirely different story. The timbre of his voice is most definitely not one we hear every day. It is as unique as the person behind it. And in case you were wondering, Rey most certainly has an accent (like most people from London do). Say hello to LoveAM's first featured musician from the UK!
Rey Zapanta's links: Tumblr Youtube Twitter 
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loveamusician-blog · 11 years
          Meet LoveAM's second featured artist, Isabell Thao. She's very outgoing and a fun person to be around. Did we mention that she's also an outstanding musician? The 17 year old girl, born and raised in Minnesota, currently has over 8,000 subscribers, over 600,000 views on her youtube channel and the numbers continue to grow each day. Holy cow! How does she do it, you ask? It wasn't easy for her. The young girl moved around often, creating a total of being introduced to 12 different schools in her entire lifetime and also made it difficult for her to make friends. Isabell was also bullied for being the only asian student at her schools. "Being the new girl wasn’t a new feeling to me either. Making friends was always a struggle, So I just stopped trying to make friends and I focused on music. When I realized that music could take a situation and turn it around, I knew that music was my calling… I strived to be successful to show all the bullies that I made a difference and I turned out to become better than what they said I would be. My whole purpose is to prove people wrong. They never thought I could get this far. And now, I’m here." Isabell is true underdog and an inspiration to all.                      To Isabell, music isn't only what we hear on the radio. Music is much more. It is a passion and her way of being strong. "I love everything about music. The way that I can turn my sadness into a song, the way that I can express myself through 4 chords on the guitar. Music is everything to me." Not only is Isabell known for her outstanding covers on youtube but also her original songs such as "In My Heart" which speaks about a long distance relationship and her most recent original written with YouTube artist, Amanda Yang, called "You and Me." Her music is both catchy and holds a lot of meaning and her voice leaves many people speechless (it totally did for us). With her amazing ability to write a song out of any situation, her guitar and ukulele skills and her incredible voice, Isabell can't go anywhere but up. Come join her on her journey to a dream come true! We're rooting for you, Isabell Thao!
Isabell Thao's Links: Tumblr Youtube Twitter Facebook
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loveamusician-blog · 11 years
          Meet one of YouTube's freshest musicians and LoveAM's first featured musician, Bea Go, a talented musician from Westchester, New York. A fellow New Yorker, just like us! Bea Go is somewhat new to the YouTube community but has been known to perform at live events around the concrete jungle. Her voice is something that you all must hear. Her voice is soothing, beautiful, controlled, one of a kind and most certainly has the ability to completely pull the listener away from the real world (yeah, she's that good). The rising star has landed over 100,000 views on her cover of Chris Brown's "Don't Judge Me." If you don't believe us, you should totally check it our yourself ;).
          There is more to Bea Go than just an incredible voice. Around the age of 7, the aspiring musician learned to play the piano and at the age of 12, taught herself how to play the guitar. I don't know about you but learning the guitar is not as simple as it seems. Did you know that she is also a Visual Arts student? The talent never stops for this beautiful girl. This is only the beginning for her. May she continue to share her talents and inspire all who hear her. We wish her the best of luck and support her until the very end. 
Bea Go's Links: Tumblr YouTube Soundcloud Twitter Facebook
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loveamusician-blog · 11 years
What is "Love A Musician"
Love A Musician is a group of musicians from New York City (we will stay anonymous) out on the search for incredibly talented musicians (duh) just like you! It doesn't matter what your talent is as long as it involves your own original (musical) work. We know how it feels when you put yourself out there for people to appreciate yet you only get a few views (if you're lucky). We're here simply to help each and every single one of you get to know other musicians and music lovers. We're here to spread your talent for everyone to see! 
Want us to promote your music? Click here to check if you qualify! Want to become part of the Love A Musician team? Click here. 
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