lovelysnake1994 · 4 years
Sleepless nights (part two)
Warnings: None
Pairing: Peter Parker X Bucky Barnes
A/N~ Since the second part was requested :) I appreciate all feedback! I’m new to this app so I’m trying get the hang of it!
Much love, Gxx
Peter lay in bed months after being sent to the military school, book in hand. It was nighttime, but Peter hadn't slept properly ever since he was sent away.
He had continuously tried to escape the retched school, but without his suit it was hard.
Security was tight, and Peter had underestimated them.
On the first attempt he had managed to make it all the way outside, but he was quickly cornered. After the incident a guard was assigned to his room door. It was hopeless.
Peter felt his eyes dampen, and it had very little to do with the sad death scene of Sirius Black, which he was currently reading. He put the book to the side and let himself cry for the fist time in months.
In the beginning he had been hopeful, he thought he could get out of there. Now, however, he wondered when he would ever be able to see anyone on the outside.
He missed his parents, who he had to admit did this for his own good. He missed the team, he missed his friends, and he missed Bucky.
He had gotten used to his warmth, and hadn't been ready for their relationships end. He desperately wanted to find a solution to this nightmare.
Peter sat down on a vacant table, he hadn't taken interest in any of the teenagers there. They were all troubled, and problematic.
He looked down at his soggy oatmeal, he had no desire to eat the atrocious breakfast. Though he knew he would only regret it later if he didn't eat.
They had some pretty hard tasks throughout the day, and he needed all his energy for them.
He stabbed at his eggs and looked around the cafeteria. He frowned when he saw two guys start to get into it. Fights were common there. He rolled his eyes and headed to the restroom. Peter would not stay and hear the ruckus that would soon commence.
His hand briefly grabbed the door handle to the restroom, before he was grabbed roughly by the arm.
"What the..?" Peter stared at the hooded man who was leading him through the empty hallways.
All the guards were surely in the lunchroom stopping the fistfight. The person in question made a snarky remark regarding the 'light' security.
"Sam?" The man turned to him and rose his hood up slightly. "Keep quiet Peter, we're going to get you out of here." Peter gaped. "We?" Sam shushed him harshly. They made it to the double doors where a guard stood. Sam nodded curtly, and the man stood aside.
"Why did that guard let us out?" Sam's answer was brief. "I bribed him earlier." Sam led them to a car that was parked on a curb. "Get in the backseat."
Peter rolled his eyes, but complied. His annoyance faded, however, when he saw who was in the car.
"Bucky." He rushed to get into the car, and hug his boyfriend. "Hey, doll." They kissed chastely, before embracing again. Peter was confused when he saw the lack of surprise on Sam's face from the drivers seat.
"He knows?" Bucky smiled down at Peter sheepishly. "When Tony and Steve found out it was only a matter of time until everyone else did." They held each other for a while, before Peter voiced his question. "Where are we going?" Bucky sighed.
"Peter I want you to know we're not forcing you into anything, you have a choice." Peter raised an eyebrow. "Your parents had a fight." Peter remained unfazed, because what was new? His parents loved each other more than anything, but they often had fights.
Bucky continued. "They fell out real bad Peter." Peter was concerned now. "We call it the Civil War.."
Peter was shocked when he heard what had happened. His father had chosen Bucky over his husband. The one he swore to never deceive, his dad. Peter felt sick to his stomach, Steve chose Peter's boyfriend over Tony.
He understood that Tony was in the wrong for wanting to kill Bucky, but Steve was just as bad as he was. He shouldn't have left the other man, Peter knew his Dad would be an anxious mess.
Although Tony always came off as the clingy one, Peter also knew Steve was lost without Tony.
How could he do that to him, how could he keep the fact that Bucky had killed Tony's parents from him?
His parents had always been the strongest of couples in Peter's eyes, they balanced each other out. Steve calmed Tony's eccentricities, and Tony helped Steve lighten up.
They both got over their pasts together.
"Peter, we're here." Peter looked out the window to see a Quinjet on the grass, they were in a field. Peter followed Bucky and got out of the car. Peter saw Steve nearing them, and stayed put when he beckoned him. "Why did you do that to dad?" Peter asked miserably. Steve's face contorted into a painful grimace. "I thought I was saving him the heartbreak by keeping it from him, but I ended up hurting him just the same." Steve, who looked like he had cried recently, felt his eyes fill with fresh tears.
"I was going to tell him, I swear. Then we found out about your relationship, and I knew that would only make Tony hate Bucky more. He would kill him."
Peter scoffed. "So you chose your friendship over your husband?" Steve chuckled dryly.
"I didn't do this for him Peter, as far as I'm concerned there's no friendship anymore. Once Tony found out I had known Bucky to be the killer of his parents, he said I had betrayed him. He- ." Steve burst into tears, and Peter went to hug his father.
"I had no choice anymore Peter, I chose Bucky when I decided to keep his secret. I made my bed, and now I must lie on it." Peter looked back at Bucky, and frowned. "You have a choice Peter, one I didn't get. Will you come with us, or stay with Tony?"
Peter looked at Steve pleadingly. "Can't you and Dad work this out?" Bucky lay his hand on Peter's shoulder. "We're on the run Doll, this is beyond your parents working it out." Steve looked as if he wanted to say something in regards to the nickname Bucky gave his son. Though he didn't comment on it, he only watched uncomfortably as the two shared a meaningful look.
"So, you're okay with our relationship?" Steve looked thoughtful for a moment. "I know what it's like to be in love, and I won't stand in the way of that. That is if you decide to join us." Peter felt a heart wrenching pain at the thought of Tony staying behind, all by himself.
His dad surely couldn't take it, he couldn't break his heart once more.
On the other hand, he could get to be with his boyfriend. He could get to be with his father and boyfriend, without a fight breaking out.
Peter was conflicted.
"I'm not leaving Dad." Bucky looked heartbroken, and Steve nodded feebly.
"I'm going with you, but I'll come back to visit dad. He doesn't deserve this, I swear I won't disclose your location." Bucky looked at Steve hopefully.
The man hesitated, but eventually agreed.
"Doll." Peter smiled, his body shivered at the nickname. He had longed to hear him call him that again.
Peter turned around to face the soldier laying in bed.
"Yes?" He asked airily. "You better get your pretty arse over here, I haven't been able to sleep properly in months." Peter laughed, and crawled into bed with his lover. He was wrapped in Bucky's arms, and felt guilty that he was so blissful.
His parents were suffering the loss of their marriage, all while he got to have his happily ever after.
Life just wasn't fair. Peter was sad for his parents, but as he drifted off to sleep he accepted that he deserved to be happy. He deserved his happy ending, after all he had endured many sleepless nights.
My Stony heart just broke into 3000 pieces...
I want to make a part 3 where they make up, but I might be pushing it a bit too far.
Thanks for reading!
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lovelysnake1994 · 4 years
Ship: Winterspider
Summary: Peter and Bucky have been hiding their relationship from Peter’s parents, yet all secrets must eventually be revealed in the end.
Trigger warnings: None
Bucky lay staring at his boyfriend who was sleeping soundly beside him, he was so damn lucky.
He couldn't believe he had gotten someone as amazing as Peter Parker.
It had been nearly half a year since they had gotten together, and Bucky's appreciation for Peter only amplified throughout their shared time.
The soldier grabbed his phone to take a picture of the sight he wished to wake up to every morning.
Only then did he realize the time, he cursed under his breath. Bucky shook Peter lightly.
"Doll, wake up." Peter's groan was muffled by his pillow. "Pete, it's four forty."
Peter sat up with great difficulty, not yet wanting to leave the comfort of the warm bed.
Over time they had developed a schedule, to spend more time together. At night once everyone was either occupied or asleep, Peter crept into Bucky's room. In the mornings they woke up early before Tony or Steve went to wake up Peter for school.
This secret was awfully tiring to keep, both heroes wanted to display their love openly, but what would Steve say to his best friend about his relationship with his son? On the other hand, Tony would probably think Bucky was a pedophile, who was taking advantage of his son.
To Bucky though, it was different.
Peter was bright beyond belief he didn't act like a kid, so why should he treat him as such? Peter was at the age of consent, he should be able to make his own decisions. Peter Parker knew what he wanted, he wanted Bucky Barnes.
"We never get much time together." Peter frowned. "I know Doll, I'm so sorry." Bucky always believed the boy deserved better, someone he could introduce to his parents, someone he could spend time with whenever he pleased. The man focused on everything he couldn't give Peter, and not on everything he already had.
He had given Peter love, familiar arms that felt like home, a shoulder to lean on, and just about everything Peter had ever wanted.
Peter tilted his head studying the black haired man, just as the other had done earlier. He tenderly placed a kiss on his cheek, nose, forehead, and finally his lips.
"I love you." Peter mumbled. He got up and wrapped the blanket he had brought the previous night over himself. "I love you too babe, have a good day." Peter turned as he opened the door. "You too." He blew the other a kiss before disappearing into the dark hallway, and shutting the door behind him softly.
Bucky tossed and turned, trying to find sleep. Though his efforts were in vain, because he knew that without a certain curly haired boy tucked in his arms he wouldn't find any.
Everyone was in the living room, eyes trained on the TV. The Notebook was on.
Ironically enough on the iconic scene in the rain, where the couple embraced, footsteps were heard throughout the room. Peter had been trying to get to his room unnoticed, doing so horribly.
"Peter. Hey bud, how was school?" Peter stopped in his tracks, his back towards them. "Fine."
He tried to walk off, but Tony and Steve were already on their feet. Tony turned him to face the room, and was concerned when he saw Peter was crying.
Bucky got up, and walked over to them tentatively. Peter instantly ran into the soldier, his sobs muffled by the mans chest.
Tony and Steve were confused, and frankly hurt. Why would their son not come to them for a hug?
Why Bucky?
"It's ok, I've got you Peter." Bucky soothed him, and when Peter's sobs reduced to whimpers he spoke softly. "Do you want to talk about it?" Peter wordlessly scanned the room, and Bucky seemed to understand. He tugged Peter to a more secluded area where they could talk. "Peter." Tony called, reaching for his son. Steve held him back. "He needs to talk to someone Tones and he wants that person to be Bucky."
Peter sat on the bed shoulders drawn forward, as he finished telling Bucky what had happened earlier.
Flash had always bothered, and teased Peter but never to such extent. He had told Peter that it was his fault Aunt May died.
How she couldn't find it in her to stay for him, he wasn't enough. Bucky was seething, who was this fool to make his boyfriend feel such a way?
"I'll kill that asshole." Bucky growled, and went to stand up. Peter grabbed his arm. "Buck. I just want a cuddle." Bucky smiled lightly, he'd be damned he he ever denied him.
Bucky turned his TV off when the first Harry Potter film ended. He looked down at Peter who was already looking up at him. He smiled mischievously, and moved to straddle the older man.
Bucky instinctively put him hands on the teen's hips, his metal hand touched the exposed skin under his slightly lifted shirt. A shiver coursed through Peter, he leaned down his face inches away..
"Peter?!" The couple broke apart, alarmed. Tony stood at the door shocked, and Steve was behind him visibly frozen.
"Dad it's not what it looks like." Tony drew nearer.
"Oh, really? You want to tell me why you were straddling him?" Peter couldn't think of anything else to say, but the truth. "He's my boyfriend." Steve gasped while Tony seethed with anger.
"Peter you're a teenager, he's a grown adult. I thought I taught you to keep from pedophiles."
Peter glanced back at Bucky sadly, their love would always be misunderstood. "He's not a pedophile, seeing as I'm at the age of consent." Peter informed quietly. "I love him, please understand. It's the same love you two share." There was moment of uncomfortable silence.
"My son?" Steve shook his head. "You're supposed to be my best friend." Bucky frowned. "I am, but I'm in love with Peter. I'm sorry for a lot of things Steve, but loving Peter is not one of them." Tony punched the winter soldier then, his nose gave a nasty crack.
"Dad, what's wrong with you!?" Peter rushed to Bucky's aid.
Tony turned to leave, nudging his husband along with him. "I'm sending you away Peter, to a nice military school that ought to set you straight." And Steve didn't object, which meant it was final.
Peter lay on the twin sized bed in his new private school. He was already plotting his escape, nothing could keep him from the winter soldier.
In the end he knew they'd be okay, but for now he had to endure the sleepless nights.
The thought of Bucky Barnes being the only thing that encouraged him to get up the following morning.
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lovelysnake1994 · 4 years
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Tony grinned excitedly as he watched his step father leave the house. He had been waiting to sneak off for the entirety of the morning.
Howard was his greatest concern, with the help of Wanda he could manage to sneak out unnoticed by her sister Natasha.
Tony was Howard's late wife's son, Howard seemed to accept him early on into their marriage. However, soon after their wedding Tony's mother fell ill. After a year of fighting for her life, she lost. Leaving Tony with Howard and his two sisters. Tony then found out Howard wasn't who he had originally appeared to be, he was vile, and cruel.
Upon Maria's death he made Tony his servant, denied him basic necessities, and forbade him from attending any events they went to as a family.
Natasha made Tony's life even more miserable with her jeers and taunts. Though her sister, Wanda, was kind to Tony. She brought him meals after Howard refused him the right to eat, and occasionally helped him with his labor tasks. She had been the only good thing in his life, that was until Tony met a mysterious guy in the woods.
He had been on a short trip to pick up Howard's new tailored suit, and on his way back he took the nearest shortcut through the woods. As he was walking he heard the snap of a twig and turned around to see a handsome guy struggling to get up. Tony offered him help and he was instantly infatuated.
He assumed the man was a peasant too, judging by the clothes he wore. "I'm Steve."
Tony smiled sweetly and shook the blonde's hand. "I'm Tony."
Tony headed to the garden where Wanda awaited him. "Natasha is occupied, and Dad will be arriving home before sundown." Tony nodded gratefully and took off, his mind far away.
Steve changed into his casual clothes hastily, he was beyond late for his escapade in the woods. His royal duties had kept him occupied all day, and he feared that Tony would take his absence the wrong way.
He hadn't told Tony that he was the prince, because over time he had found that it ruined his relationships before they even started.
He wanted someone to be interested in what he had to offer, not just his royal status.
The day he met Tony he had gotten lost in the woods and had scuffed up all his clothes. He found Tony and was immediately immersed in the brunettes beauty. It had been a few months since Steve and Tony had been seeing each other, and they were both smitten.
Steve mounted his horse hastily and took off. His thoughts consisting of the brunette beauty that had stolen his heart.
Tony had waited patiently for Steve to arrive, it was getting dark out and Tony was beginning to head home. He was disheartened that Steve hadn't bothered to show up, but was also concerned for his well being. He knew Steve, he must have had a good reason to not come.
Just as Tony was starting to head back to the Manor, he heard leaves shuffling nearby. The initial panic he felt soon turned into relief as a familiar face came to view.
"Hey." Steve sounded breathless, and that's exactly how Tony felt as he gazed into the other man's eyes. "I'm sorry I'm late, I lost track of time while I was fulfilling some- erm tasks."
Tony looked at Steve uncertainly before nodding.
"No worries, I understand. Though you must know I can't stay for much longer. I have to head back to the Manor before sundown."
Steve sighed in disappointment.
"Well at least let me walk you through the woods."
Tony agreed, and the two set off. They talked the whole way, their chats always came naturally.
Talking with Tony didn't feel forced like it did when he spoke to the women his father insisted he marry.
Their easy, lighthearted conversations were one of the many reasons Steve was actively pursuing Tony.
Steve wasn't sure how his parents would react to his choice of partner, but he hoped that his happiness would assure them that Tony was the one for him.
When they neared the end of the road Steve kissed Tony's hand gingerly. "When can I see you again?"
Tony blushed, and struggled to think under Steve's gaze. "I'm able to see you this Thursday."
Steve shook his head dejectedly. "The ball is on Thursday." He muttered
Tony looked at Steve, surprised. "You're attending the ball?" Steve cursed his stupidity.
"My master is going, I'm attending to provide him assistance." He lied easily, Tony cocked his head.
"Isn't it a ball to provide the prince with eligible bachelors? Is he attending as a worthy candidate?" Tony chuckled. "I suppose he is." Steve smiled.
"Well I've heard the prince has rejected every candidate he has been introduced to, so I hope your master isn't expecting much." Steve laughed, he hadn't known the public was aware of his selective nature when it came to a love interest. "I must go now, surely we'll run into each other again. There's no need to set a date anymore." Tony grinned brightly, and Steve nearly melted. "May I kiss you before you leave?"
Tony's hands wrapped around Steve's neck. "I don't know why you insist on asking my permission, I'm yours."
Steve's knees suddenly felt weak, Tony was his.
Hearing those words come from Tony made Steve oddly giddy inside.
Steve captured Tony's lips in a searing kiss. He knew that his heart would forever be Tony's, and though that excited Steve for the future, it also made him fear that a life with Tony wasn't written in the stars
after all.
Tony sighed dreamily, as he always did after seeing Steve. Wanda watched Tony in amusement as he sunk into her bed and hummed a cheerful tune.
"I'm absolutely dire to know about your time in the woods." Wanda smiled and joined Tony on the bed.
Tony smiled as he remembered how wonderful Steve made him feel, regardless of the amount of time spent together.
Tony told Wanda about his kiss with Steve. The kiss had certainly not been their first, yet it made Tony feel like it had been. Every moment Tony spent with Steve made him feel like he was falling all over again.
Tony and Wanda chatted lightly for a moment when something across the room caught his eye.
"What's that dress for?" Tony asked, eyeing the elegant creme colored dress with great interest.
Wanda grinned. "It's for the ball." She had a far away look in her eyes, as if she were imagining herself dancing the night away already.
"You wish to try your luck with the prince?" Tony looked concerned, he didn't want her to get too hopeful only for her to be let down in the end.
"Well yes. Admittedly it was my father who was the one that insisted both Natasha and I attend the ball, but I'm growing very excited as the day nears."
Tony was glad to see Wanda so excited over something other than his own love life.
She had spent so long hearing Tony's romantic stories, and it spurred her on. She longed to experience all the things Tony had shared, Wanda filled with anticipation at the new possibility.
"I'm glad you're pursuing something, or rather someone, that you want." Wanda blushed.
"I only advise you not to hope for too much, I've heard the prince is exceedingly hard to please."
Wanda nodded understandingly.
"Steve's also going to be attending the ball." Tony fell into his dreamy haze again and Wanda rolled her eyes affectionately.
"Maybe I'll see him there, I'll be sure to look for a 'dashing man with stunning blue eyes and a breathtaking smile.'" Tony laughed as Wanda recited Tony's description of Steve.
"I better head back downstairs before Howard finds us here." Tony picked up the broom he had previously abandoned and started to walk off.
"Wait" Wanda called, Tony turned his head and regarded her with a puzzled look.
"Why don't you go to the ball?" A beat.
Tony busted into laughter, tears rolled down his eyes as he clutched his stomach. Wanda frowned at him and watched as Tony fell to the ground and continued laughing. She even felt like joining in, but her pride was far too big.
"I haven't laughed like that in a long while." Tony said once he sobered down.
"Assuming you're done with your childish antics, I feel the need to tell you that I'm serious."
Tony looked at Wanda, confused. "Wanda, you know Howard won't let me go. He doesn't want me to represent the Stark family in any way."
Wanda pursed her lips in thought. "But there must be a way to get you to the ball, don't you want to see your own prince?" Tony nodded, he thought that Steve being called a prince was fitting, he was Tony's dashing prince after all.
"Then let's find a way to get you to attend the ball, without my father's knowledge." Tony agreed hesitantly, if Howard found out about their plan it wouldn't end well. Yet, Tony found that it was worth it if he could dance the night away with the man he loved.
"Tony." Wanda hissed, Tony peered around to see if he was being watched before he met Wanda in the garden. "We're going to the ball, wait half an hour before you take the horse." She gestured to the elegant horse next to the stables.
Tony agreed before wishing Wanda luck, she certainly needed it if she wished to captivate the prince. With that, Wanda set off towards the carriage awaiting her.
Steve eyed the dancing people disinterestedly, he had a partner after all. He would tell his parents about Tony soon enough, for they were growing frustrated with Steve. He knew they wanted him to marry, he could only hope that Tony would find it in his heart to forgive him.
Though Steve had lied to Tony, he was absolutely certain that he was the man he wanted to spend the rest of his days with.
Steve's parents were looking at him encouragingly. "Go ahead, son. Dance with some of the people here, after all you've been in search of a spouse for far too long now." Steve resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"I'm in no rush to find a spouse father, though you're most certainly eager."
Joseph was torn between amusement and helplessness. "I worry about you son, I encourage you to lead with a partner by your side, you are to be king soon."
Steve looked out into the dance floor warily, he decided that he wouldn't put off the inevitable any longer.
Steve wandered around, socializing with the guests. He hadn't asked anyone to dance yet, and it had mostly to do with the fact everyone seemed to be eyeing him like a piece of meat.
Steve met a pair of kind eyes across the room, he could tell the girl was modest, and he appreciated her simplicity. She wasn't flashy, for she hadn't worn any expensive jewelry, yet she carried herself elegantly. Steve went to greet her, he thought speaking to a genuine person would be a nice change.
"Hello." Steve smiled at the girl, she hurried to bow down. "Your majesty." Steve regarded her with an amused look. "There's no need for formalities, it makes me feel like my father." Steve grimaced, it made the girl laugh.
Steve smiled at that, he decided he liked her laugh.
"Would you care to dance?" The girl took his hand and nodded, with that Steve swept her off onto the dance floor. "I'm sorry for being so terribly rude, I never asked for your name."
Joseph and Sarah watched as their son danced with the mystery girl. "Do you reckon she's the one, darling?" Sarah asked as she continued to watch the dancing couple, Joseph shook his head firmly.
"His heart is not in it, perhaps it is a possibility that he has already given his affections away."
Sarah eyed her husband suspiciously. "Are you suggesting he's been seeing someone?"
Joseph shrugged. "It would explain his unpredictable absences." Sarah considered the possibility, though the turmoil in her stomach didn't allow her to do much thinking.
Joseph looked at his beloved son sadly, he hoped he had been right. All he knew is that his son deserved to be happy, and that would accept any suitor Steve chose into the royal family.
The two parents weren't the only ones that had been watching the dancing pair, Howard smirked at the sight of his youngest daughter dancing with the prince, his night was going much better than he had expected.
Wanda felt like she was in a dream, she never wanted the magical night to end. She looked up at the prince dreamily, they were bound to be married soon if he felt for her as strongly as she did for him.
Wanda was so blinded by her desire for love that she hadn't noticed the respectful distance Steve kept between them, or Steve's friendly nature.
Steve started to lead Wanda into another dance, when he caught sight of a certain brunette.
Tony looked confused when he saw Steve on the dance floor with Wanda.
Steve cursed himself and pulled away from Wanda abruptly, he didn't know what to do, Tony wasn't meant to be there. Wanda grinned when she saw Tony, and she dragged Steve along to greet him.
"I'm glad to see you could make it, don't worry, Father is out in the gardens."
Steve and Tony looked at each other as if they were complete strangers. For once, they were both dressed nicely and not in the usual attire they wore  they met up. "Tony, this is Prince Steven."
Tony blanched. "Prince?" Wands nodded, unsure of the reason why Tony looked so crestfallen.
Steve reached out to clasp the other man's hands into his own. "Tony.." He pleaded, Steve knew it would be difficult to get Tony to listen to him.
"I don't understand." Tony stammered.
"You're not the prince, are you?" Steve swallowed thickly, he couldn't lie himself out of this problem.
Steve's silence spoke volumes and Tony snatched his hands from Steve. "You've been lying to me!"
People were starting to watch the scene that was unfolding.
Wanda's confusion rivaled Tony's, what on earth was Tony on about? "Please, let's step out into the gardens to talk." Tony scoffed.
"There's nothing to talk about, this is complete madness!" Tony raved. "This ball was thrown for you to find your future spouse!"
Steve was very aware of the people who were now watching the spectacle. "You know I deny every marriage request, you told me so yourself."
Tony backed away slowly. "That doesn't change anything, I can't deal with all of this right now."
Wanda was still painfully confused, did Tony and the
prince already know each other?
"What is going on?" She demanded, Wanda's question went unnoticed as Steve tried to explain and apologize to Tony all at once.
It was all so overwhelming, the crowd's murmurs, Wanda's questions, Steve's sudden revelation, so Tony ran. He weaved his way through the crowd of people and ignored Steve's pleas for him to return.
The only thing he knew for certain right then as he ran out of the castle, was that he hadn't ever felt as betrayed as he did in that moment.
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