luckystardust · 1 year
College is giving me an anxiety tummy ache
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luckystardust · 1 year
how to improve the quality of your life
Daily confidence affirmations
this sounds corny, but it works in getting rid of most negative self talk. I recommended to do it in the shower, and as you’re washing yourself imagine all the bad thoughts flowing with the water and falling into the drain.
If you’re insecure, your logical side might kill you. If you hate your looks but tell yourself “I’m so beautiful,” you might follow that with a “how?” You can actually use this to your benefit. Answer your question in your head. “I’m so beautiful because no matter how much I go through I still push forward, I never bring others down, my hair looks silky when I wake up, stray cats approach me..” any reason you want. Try to switch it up
Invest in a gym membership
If you’re physically able, I recommended weightlifting. It builds confidence, strength, and can also aid in mobility.
Some gyms come with a sauna or steam room. Definitely utilize these as they can improve your skin quality and overall wellbeing.
Track your water intake
Water reminder apps aren’t enough. I’ve tried them before and have the time I’ll ignore the alert. I recommend the Waterllama app. You’ll have to pay a few $$ for this feature, but you can log in drinks besides water to see how hydrated you are. The free version of the app calculates how much water you need based on temperature, level of activity, and your weight. Hydration is important, yet most people are dehydrated.
this may seem like a no-brainer, but people often misunderstand how reading can bring you peace/help you grow.
Reading fiction allows you to escape from reality. It’s perfect for when you want to relax and become sucked into a story. I recommend the vegetarian by Han kang (please look into cws before reading!) and Heaven by Meiko Kawakami. Finding prose you can connect with will give your life meaning.
Reading nonfiction can give you lots of insight on history, sociology, and/or any topic you can think of. You can easily improve the quality of your life by choosing a topic or two of interest and reading many books on the subject. You’ll feel fulfilled and intelligent after educating yourself. I’m currently reading the R*pe of Nanking by Iris Chang. I will make a list in the future of random topics you can research when you’re bored.
Self help books. Honestly these are iffy. I believe self help books tend to focus on the individual, but I believe that growth comes by interactions with others and fostering good connections. If you agree with this, you’ll love Bell Hooks. Although she focuses on feminist theory, her books can be used for personal growth (for all genders). I also recommend “the highly sensitive person” by Elaine Aron. Try to read these types of books by people with a PDH. I don’t know, I guess I just trust them more..
Invest in good hygiene
Skincare: no one needs a 10 step skincare routine, but I highly recommend 3 things. When you wake up, apply sunscreen. At night, wash your face and then moisturize. My skin used to be filled with bumps and cysts, but now I get compliments. I used witch Hazel and African black soap to clear my skin back in the day, but right now I use Korean products (with the exception of my Japanese shisedo sunscreen). It’s important to understand your skin type before you jump on trends because you might accidentally make your skin worse. If you want an honest review of a product, always check Reddit.
For hair care, as someone with almost straight hair , I recommend washing every 2-3 days. If you do it everyday you’re bound to dry out your scalp and cause breakage. Try to use fragrance free products. Learn how to make hair masks at home - I massage olive oil and an egg into my hair and wash it 30 minutes later. Indian haircare is honesty so great. I recommend Amla oil for all hair types. Just massage into your scalp and then add it to the rest of your hair, braid it up and go to sleep. Also, use a silk bonnet at night. I recommend buying them from Etsy for better quality and so you can support Black businesses. AVOID HEATED PRODUCTS AND TRYYYYY TO LIMIT DYING YOUR HAIR
And lastly, body care. I don’t have much to say except that African black soap is your best friend and always put on lotion. Always. Nivea + almond oil is a great combo.
Get a library card
Watch more video essays
Go on walks daily
People watch
Go to cat cafes
Limit your screen time
Fix your posture
Do breathing exercises
Do mobility stretches every morning
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