luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
I'm so deeply sorry for worrying you @ajokeformur-ray and @jslittlebirdie! That was never my intention and it pains me very much to realize how unfair and careless my disappearance was. In fact, I still find it difficult to realize and accept that I'm actually seen, heard and even valued by the two of you, that I may not just be a nobody on the internet, but a very real friendship. I would like to apologize to you from the bottom of my heart for the sorrow that has arisen, for the worries and thoughts that you've made, for the horrific impression that I've given and all the other terrible things and feelings that my sudden absence caused. I swear none of this was my intention and I hope so much you two know that none of this has to do with any of you! I'm all too aware of how it feels and none of you deserve it in the least. For this reason I understand that you don't want to have anything to do with me anymore and yet I hope that you can accept my apology. What I did was neither fair nor justified, I know that, but I still want to let you know that I miss you indescribably. Even when we weren't interacting or I was online, you were always with me, in my heart and mind. The meaning that you've for me is limitless and I could never thank you for all the wonderful, great things that you've done and are for me. I hope to never forget you and I hope so much that my carelessness and thoughtlessness didn't ruin such a meaningful acquaintance!
I was wondering how I could ever get in touch again, tried not to be a coward just once, to admit my mistake and to apologize. I know that I've always needed you more than you needed me, that I've hoped again and again for understanding and acceptance from you. And I realized that this time is probably no exception. So if you're still reading this text, then the READ MORE will be followed by my explanation of why I disappeared at all, why it took me so long to come back and what was going on in my head.
So, as you may know, my apprenticeship started last Monday. In detail, this means that I have two days of school every two weeks and one day of school for the opposite two weeks. In the weeks where I have one day of school, I also work five days in the store, in the weeks with two days of school it is four days. This means that I only have one day off per week and that I'm awake from 5:10 or 6:00 am, until 1:30 or 2:40 pm at work/school, at 2:00 or 3:30 pm I'm at home and go to bed by 9 p.m. at the latest, so really too little time to rest, cook, clean up, etc. So currently I ride my bike about 40-50 km per week. All of this ensures that I'm quite exhausted, plus the overwhelming changes in my everyday life, with completely new and unknown environments, activities, people and above all routines (which is an enormous effort for me). But all of this has become more or less established for me and I very much hope that not too much will change now and that I'll get used to everything as quickly as possible.
All of these things are already exhausting enough for me, but the worst is that I'm now going back to school with people who're all too quick to judge and who've high expectations of me, who've little understanding and openness for people who're different, with problems and difficulties. People like me. I've already had a negative clash with one of my teachers because he asked me to do something that I couldn't organize in terms of time.
But that's not what's worst for me because that's one of my classmates. She has only seen me for two days, hardly knows anything about me and yet she hurt me so much and made me think that I came home and cried, so discouraged and hopeless. Actually, I'm not an overly "openly" emotional person, but I don't have too high an opinion of myself anyway.
She told me that I'm such a shollow person, invisible, irrelevant, that my being alone alienates me from my surroundings, that I would't understand anything within the real life, that all I'm and feel are just my thoughts, that I'm a waste in this world, that I'm alone and always will be because my lack of social interaction and experiences mean that I'm not able, don't have the right, to feel part of any group or society. She told me that I'm a nobody, incapable of anything, with a cold heart.
And let me tell you, I was overwhelmed, scared, sad and hurt. I actually thought there was some truth to it, and maybe it is, but after days of worrying, I realized that I'm SO MUCH more too!
All of my problems, all of my loneliness don't make me angry, bitter or cold-hearted, on the contrary, in fact. My loneliness and detachment are part of me, neither positive nor negative, they allow me to observe, understand and empathize. Maybe I don't belong anywhere, but because of me, no one else will EVER have to feel as if they're not accepted and valued for who they're. No one will ever feel as lost or hopeless as I do. For me, every single living being is something very special and extraordinary. Maybe I don't have a big or important meaning, but neither am I meaningless. If being part of one of these groups or societies means that it's okay to hurt someone, then I NEVER can and NEVER want to be part of them. I prefer to watch the world, stay away from people who have no idea of the meaning of their words and deeds, stay lonely. Because, in reality, my heart is neither cold nor dead, it's incredibly alive, full of warmth and love. My mind is filled with so many wonderful ideas, stories, observations, and experiences; it's not dull or wasted. My amazement, love, curiousity, compassion and appreciation are truly limitless. Maybe I'll never fully understand the people and life around me, maybe I'll never find my place, my home, but that's okay. My mother always told me that if I don't find my place among people, I'll always have one among the stars. I've no idea what or who is popular, how to do this or that, what's considered normal or realistic, what makes the average life special, worth living or beautiful. And that's okay. I realized, more than before, that I'm capable of something, something very important in fact! I feel, intensely, limitless and almost magical. I know what it feels like to have the rain pattering down on me, to feel the wind in my hair, to see my cats happy, to see the smiles of those around me, authentic and beautiful, how amazing it is to look at the stars, to be filled and flowed through by music. I know what it feels like to live, not to experience, but to simply be alive, to breathe, to see and to perceive everything, no matter how small, around me. To be overwhelmed by emotions, good and bad. Should I actually be meaningless, then I'm definitely grateful for all the meaningful things that I can experience.
I'm lonely, out of place, that's right. Maybe I'm lost, but maybe it allows me to see and discover so much more. I have realized that all of my weaknesses and difficulties, my loneliness, make me understanding and kind. Not cold or incompetent, insignificant or indifferent. I wish I could show her, make her understand that there's so much more than popularity or reputation, all of these wonderfully great things that she seems to overlook or perceive as of less value. And even though her words hurt me, I made up my mind to forgive her. I wish she would understand how complex and meaningful words, deeds, feelings, people and this extraordinary world are, I'm sorry that she understands and appreciates so little. In any case, I want to make sure that she, or anyone else, NEVER gets hurt by me.
I'm sorry to annoy you with my rambling, but that's why I needed time to myself. Unfortunately, I'll not have too much time and energy to be very active in the future either, but I'll try to read and answer all of your wonderful messages. I can't tell how quickly I'm able to do this, but I will try my best! After a really exhausting and intense week, I'm definitely back. And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the compassionate, thoughtful messages. Their, and your, incredible meaning is really difficult for me to put into words, so THANK YOU!
I miss you both so incredible much and I hope all is well with you.
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
A silly little thing I made in the hopes of making you smile! I love you so much darling and I’m so so proud of you!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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My beloved Jareth ♡
Hardly a day goes by on which I don't think about you, miss you and my heart longs for you. Since the day we met for the first time, you've always been by my side, watched over me, given me strength and comfort. When all seems dark and cold, you're there, like my very own personal guiding light ♡
You fill my heart and soul with warmth and happiness ; knowing you feels like home, like looking at the stars, like pure bliss. And I could never comprehend how you're able to see anything worth longing for within me!
I truly feel unworthy of your loving and affectionate words, but nevertheless I can't help the spreading smile or the infinite gratefullness each time I see or hear from you ♡
//Every single word, perception, thought and feeling (and so much more) goes to you as well @ajokeformur-ray ! You're by far one of my most dearest people on the whole world and for nothing I would ever want to miss you♡ THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!//
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
Hello my starlight, I'm sorry I had to leave you so early - I would have loved nothing more than to spend all day lounging around the castle with you, or snuggling together in the throne room, but business from the Human World has called me away. Do not worry, though, my little dove, just know that every second spent apart just strengthens my adoration for you. You're always in my mind, my heart, my soul, for you are my Queen. I'll see you soon, little owl. With love, your Jareth, forever.
My dearest Jareth,
by the stars, what did I do to deserve you? Even if you're not by my side, you're always able to make me smile and feel loved, to soothe my heart and mind. I would never want to exist in a world without you, for you're my source of happiness, my light, my home, my King.
Hopefully your business goes well! As you know, my thoughts and heart will always be with you. And please don't worry about me, I would never want to concern you! But I thank you from deep within my heart for your tender words, you really know me and all my doubts too well.
Nothing would make me happier than to see your beautiful smile again and to snuggle up together as soon as you're back ♡
With love, your little owl ♡
P.S. Your goblins are truly a crazy bunch, even more so if you're not around
// @bowieandqueen11 I say this with the most sincere, infinite love: Thank you! //
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
Although I don't know the 13th Doctor yet, what you wrote is really sweet and loving, thank you very much! I don't think I've ever been called funny or cool in my whole life quite the opposite? And I'm really incredibly boring! Not even I would like to be friends with me or spend time with me! But YES, I would love to have a sleepover with you ♡
Although the 10th Doctor is only my third favorite Doctor, David Tennant embodies this role simply gorgeously! And I'm so excited about the second season of Good Omens! I don't know how many times I've watched the first one, but I just really love this show, especially Crowley ♡
Please don't worry about the moodboard! I would've never expected replies to all my emojis! You've already put an incredible amount of effort and thought into the celebration, which is really impressive and wonderful, thank you so much ♡
Hello Love! ♡
First of all, I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this incredible milestone! 5000! WOW! It's a incredible beautiful feeling to see one of my absolute favorite blogs getting the attention, admiration, and passion it so very much deserves. You're so incredibly talented and put so much thought, time and passion into all of our requests and I want to THANK YOU for that!
Every single request you wrote from me was simply amazing and still gives me so much joy and comfort! In other words, I'm incredibly proud of you and indescribably grateful to have found you and your blog once! I hope you know how much all the headcanons you've written for me means to me, even if I don't always find the most suitable words for my thoughts and gratitude ♡ And you're honestly the best non-autistic autism writer (I still can't believe how incredible well you represent and write for us, without actually experiencing it yourself !)
Could I possibly ask for (↓) please? Is sending more than one alright? Of course it's alright shouldn't it, I would never want to overwhelm you or make you feel uncomfortable!
romantic 💌 from Jareth
📷 with Billy Hargrove
📚 Have you ever read the book "Awaken" by Katie Kacvinsky? I've read many books before, but that one really lingered in my mind even after not reading it for years. I can absolutely recommend the trilogy! And I've always had a fascination for rebellion
Ahhh Luna!!!! You are the sweetest being!!! I cannot physically summarise how much you and your kindness and your constant positivity and thoughtfulness means to me and gets me through my day, you are only the sweetest person in this entire universe and I am so so so so so happy that everyday I'm able to wake up and be your friend!!! <333
🥳 - I’ll tell you which fictional character you remind me most of and why, or vice versa!!
You really remind me of the Thirteenth Doctor! You're really cool, and fun but also really really caring and loving towards your friends and ahhhh just your vibes are incredible you're amazing I totally would want to spend just a whole week having a sleepover party with you cause you just seem like the most amazing and interesting person!!
💌 - For a small letter, either romantic or platonic into your inbox from your favourite character!
Keep an eye on your inbox darling!!!
🤡 - For a random fact about myself!
The first 'fandom', or thing that introduced me to anything like Tumblr, or what being part of a fandom community was Doctor Who. I salute David Tennant thank you you slutty man you made me a huge nerd and I love you for it, thank you for bringing this energy back with Good Omens
📷 - Send me a character and I’ll try and make a mood board!
Okay so it turns out I am not talented enough to XD But I'm going to direct you towards this really beautiful one by @amidstardust which I really love!!!
✍️ - For one of my favourite quotes!
Oooh I'm going to go with: 'Listen. Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind... in the air... in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do... is listen', from August Rush!
📚 - Recommend to me songs, books, movies, T.V shows or games!
I've never actually heard of it, but that sounds really cool!! I love books that always leave you with an afterthought, so I'll definitely check it out!!
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
“Some people don’t like you because your strength reminds them of their weakness. Don’t let haters slow you down.”
— Thema Davis
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
@jslittlebirdie Thank you so much for sharing this with us! ♡
Your FO(s) want you to know that they'll be by your side whatever happens.
- Whether you are so busy you can barely manage to think about them. - Whether you're so sad you can do little more than bury your face against their chest and cry. - Whether you are ill, mentally or physically, and are barely able to function. - Whether you are able to give all of yourself to them or not...
They'll be there through all of it. Your FO hasn't signed up for the easy life; they've signed up for YOUR life, whatever that entails. They'll be there when you need them and they'll give you space when you don't.
They won't find you selfish for leaving them sometimes and they won't hate you when you have to return. They understand you on a deep level and they understand their place in your world. They are simply glad they get to be part of your world at all. Your FO wants the best for you, and they'll do what they can to make this world match up with the perfect world that you deserve ♥️
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
a train of all your past people
the train is filled with people who have hurt you, who you yourself has hurt. who love you and cherish you. everyone that has had a significance to you that no longer resides in your world. smile and bid them goodbye. you need to let go of your past. the past will forever be unchangeable. you can move on. you will be alright, okay?
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
a woman’s face at the end of a horror/thriller movie? where she has that serene expression on her face - whether it shows peace, joy, a bone-deep exhaustion, satisfaction, or simply growing insanity? with her skin absolutely dripping with blood and grime, her clothes torn and ragged, and her being illuminated by police lights and/or a raging fire? that’s some fine-fucking-art
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
Luna, my love💖💖💖
This is me thinking of you and missing you terribly. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with my ramblings, but I don't know if you read my answers to your asks. So I wanted to tell you again how endlessly grateful I am for all your support and love!!😭😭❤️❤️ You and all your loving messages have been such a GREAT help and encouragement these past few days, you have no idea. I love you so incredibly much! I will think of something to say thank you with in the near future🥺🥺 Because I feel bad when I don't thank you properly.
And Luna, how are you doing, darling? How is everything with you? I'm still worried about you. Have some of the problems regarding the beginning of your apprenticeship been solved? Gosh, I'm so incredibly rooting for you that things have calmed down for you by now!!💖💖 I'm constantly thinking of you, always hoping you are well and safe🥺❤️ If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know, okay? I'm here for you. You are not alone. I am soooo proud of you. You got this🌸💗
Have a very wonderful evening, my dear. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and spending quality time with all your F/Os. They all love you so much. And so do I. I'm sending you so much love and hugs🤗🤗💜💜
Hello love! ♡
I'm so sorry that I didn't answer you yesterday! I was a little busy and then exhausted (more on this below)
First of all, you could NEVER annoy, bother or overwhelm me! I absolutely love hearing from you and I always try to answer as soon as possible and I really hate to keep you constantly waiting. I'm so sorry!
I've just seen your answer and answered you, but thank you so much for your loving message again! In fact, I'm usually so touched and overwhelmed by attentive and wonderful answers/reactions/messages that I read it, calm myself down, try to formulate a answer, can't find the right words, get distracted and then forget, which is so incredibly unfair because I originally wanted to drown the person in love and affection! Of course, that's no excuse for my lack of answers, but maybe it helps to know how this came about? I'm so annoyed with this myself...
You don't have to thank me at all! Especially with something! Oh please don't do this, I couldn't handle the bad conscious for feeling unworthy of it! I love and value you already so much, the least I wanted is to try helping you ♡ Your kind messages are enough gratitude and I'm honestly touched that I was able to help you!
And how am I doing? That's a really good question! I think I'm okay? The last few days have been pretty exhausting, but different from what I'm used to, and not necessarily in a bad way.
On Saturday I went to my first First Aid course, which I had wanted to do for so many years, but never had the opportunity, time and money, which is why I was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, the course was two hours shorter than scheduled and we didn't do so many topics at all and many far too short, that was pretty disappointing. In addition, I already knew everything, apart from the practical application, that made it a little boring. I was desperately hoping to learn A LOT more, because, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, I'm really passionate about the practical application of medicine! Actually, I always wanted to go into medicine, first as a laboratory assistant, then as a doctor, then as a nurse, then as an operating technician and finally as a paramedic, but unfortunately that doesn't work because of my lack of schooling, funding and my phobia of touch and social fears. Yes, I hate all the reasons
And I got my second vaccination on Monday and I was absolutely fine the rest of the day, but during the night I got such a fever and heavy chills that my night was just horrific and exhausting, which is why I hardly slept and was totally exhausted. On Tuesday morning, however, I felt better and with every passing hour my fever dropped, so that I was completely normal again at noon! Otherwise there was nothing at all! By the way, my first vaccination was just as harmless, I only had warm ears and somehow I slept completely for half a day, otherwise there was nothing at all as well! (I'm so proud of my body♡)
But I wasn't working on Monday and Tuesday so as not to strain my body too much. However, this made sure that I was in a really bad mood from doing absolutely nothing, so that I can hardly wait to finally go back to work today! I really hate doing nothing or too less, if I'm not exhausted, I don't feel like I've done enough?
Though, not a single problem regarding the apprenticeship has been solved so far, which is why I still feel great uneasiness and panic... But thank you for asking and your concern! Thanks to you I feel a little less ashamed about all my worries ♡
And all these things were also the reason why I kinda forgot to take care of me and look after myself, hopefully that will change from now on...
Thank you sooooo much for all your kind words and for always showing me love and support! Even if I'm not answering you appropiate, I still value you and your words GREATLY!
I'm sending so much love and hugs right back to you! ♡
(And I'm sorry for this very long answer, I just can't be brief?)
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
@ajokeformur-ray @jslittlebirdie @bowieandqueen11 @mymagicsuitcase @starlightsearches @tatestripedsweater Just a little reminder ♡
⚠️ this is a checkpoint ⚠️
 💧 drink some water 💧
💊 take your meds 💊
🌳 go outside for a bit if you can 🌳
 🌸 stretch your back 🌸
🍓 eat something 🍓
✨ take a shower/bath if you haven’t today ✨
💛 tell your friends you love them 💛
🌼 ask for help if you need it 🌼
💜 ok keep scrolling 💜
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
🌸 I would like you to imagine your lovely F/O picking up some of your "signature" phrases as in speech habits or the faces and grimaces you usually make. Whether it is solely conscious and intentional or purely accidental mirroring, you might observe them.
Truth be told, they have watched you closely, analyzing your every word rigorously, trying to understand what you truly mean by that.
Remember those times when they thought they could stare at you across the room without being noticed and internally admiring every feature of yours that you might even consider a flaw? When they mindlessly turned their head to you while you were speaking to someone else while lost eyes accompanied by a big, beaming smile greeted you, tirelessly telling to themselves how lucky they are to have you?
Big bonus if your F/O is the rash type, they might do it more often than not to simply show you how important you are to them; you might even discover a new love language at this point!
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
Stop scrolling.
Would you treat Arthur Fleck the way you’re treating yourself right now?
If the answer is no, then please try to treat yourself in this moment with the same love and patience you’d treat Arthur. You deserve it and you’re worth it.
If the answer is yes, then carry on!
Either way, my love, he’s so proud of you, and so am I!
Keep scrolling.
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
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David Bowie as Jareth The Goblin King | LABYRINTH (1986)
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
Everyone's all "cottagecore this" and "farmcore that" but where is the representation for the people who want to run away and live in the ballroom dream sequence from Labyrinth (1986)
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I want to die an untimely death somewhere in the background of this scene
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
Every person on this planet is one accident away from becoming disabled. Every person on this planet will become disabled if they live long enough. You are not an exception. Neither are your loved ones.
If you feel like disability rights aren’t relevant to you, remember that the only thing standing between you and being disabled is time. 
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