So, after being unfairly let go from my job.. I'm no longer going to be doing LUSH reviews. I've decided that I'll still post reviews of stuff that I already have but I will not be reviewing any of their new product.  I'm going to turn this into a whole other type of tumblr and mix in some other beauty/home type reviews instead if you guys are interested. I took a little break trying to decide what to do.. but I guess I've figured it out. I missed you guys and I missed writing reviews.
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I'm baaaack!
2 reviews coming tonight! <3
how were your holidays, everyone? get any lush for christmas?
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Hey guys, just a quick update! I'll have reviews up after the New Year. I've been so busy with shopping, and work that it's been insane! I love you all, stay safe and have very Happy Holidays. Be looking for a giveaway soon after the New Year. :)
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I seriously hate blogspot and their HTML. I wish I was savvy enough to figure out tumblr html so I could post all of my reviews here. :\ 
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so, i used bon bomb from the retro section. and it's incredible. review coming shortly. :D
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My samples! I asked for a sample of chai. I got: Chai, tramp, antiphilitron shampoo, banana moon soap, pineapple grunt soap, 17 cherry tree lane soap, canadian maple soap, lily savon soap, honey waffle soap, red rooster soap, milky bar soap, waylander soap, mud flats soap.
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It doesn't cover you in lustre when you use it. You have a few specks here and there. It's a bit more extreme than sunny side though. What it WILL do however, is stain your tub and leave a huge ring around it. I was so disappointed when I drained my tub. :\
Have you used star light star bright? I just bought it and was wondering if it leaves you all sparkly and If you have to shower after?
Unfortunately I lost my little star! I think I may have left it in a hotel when I went on a trip b/c I have looked everywhere! I hope to find it/get another one soon and then write a review. What I do know is just picking it covers you in tons of silver lustre…..
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Mmmmmm. They're ALL amazing you guys! If you haven't gotten them, get them now!
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do you guys want reviews from LUSH only or other soap companies that i order from?
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We want lemslip. Bottom line! Nothing compares. AT ALL.
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OKAY. I'm typing up quite a few reviews right now, and i'll be posting them after. PROMISE. :D lips scrubs, face masks, body butters.. etc.
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30 lush questions
I watched xsparkage on youtube. She did a lush haul. That was 6 years ago. My first time I went into a shop I bought many things. So it's hard to say which was the first I used.
2. Top 3 favorite bath products? (Bath bombs, bubble bars, bath melts)
Bath Bomb- Dragon's Egg
Bubble Bar- Rose Jam
Bath Melt- Happy Blooming
3. What’s one product that you REALLY want to try but just haven’t gotten around to yet?
Snowcake perfume, rose jam perfume. (Soon!)
4. Do you use Lush skincare? What are your favorite products for your skin, and why do you love them so much?
Angels on Bare Skin, Let the Good Times Roll, Breath of Fresh Air, Imperialis, Skin's Shangri La, Gorgeous. 
I like them so much because they've worked WONDERS for my skin.
5. Aren’t the massage bars AMAZING?! Which is your favorite? 'Amazing' is a bit of a stretch. But my favorites are Mange Too and Strawberry Feels Forever.
6. Do you have a discontinued or Retro product that you miss more than anything?! (Not holiday!)
Lemslip or Vanilla in the Mist.
7. If you could give your best friend(s) just one Lush product, which would you pick for them?
Dirty Shower Gel
8.What Lush blogs do you check frequently? Do other Lush blogger’s opinions on products effect your decision making when choosing what you get for yourself?
9. Where/how do you store your Lush “stash”? My bathroom and bedroom.
10. What haircare products do you love? Do you use Lush haircare in your daily routine?
Curly Wurly, Soak n Float, Hair Doctor, American Cream. Yes, I use Curly Wurly or Soak n Float every time I wash my hair. O
11. If you’ve had a terrible day, what Lush product do you use for a pick-me-up?
Anything Rose Jam scented. or Dirty Shower Gel
12. What issue of the Lush Times has been your favorite so far? Do you keep all of your old issues?
My favorite is one I have from like… 08. I love seeing my old favorite products, lol.
13. Do you use hair masks, foot treatment products or face masks regularly? What’s your ultimate at-home Lush spa night?
I like Jasmine and Henna Fluff Eaze hair treatment. Hair doctor hair mask. I love catastrophe cosmetic, mask of mag, and oatifix.
14. Do you use the designated Lush tins to store any of your products? (Massage bars, solid shampoos, body butters, etc.)
Yes, if they fit.
15. What’s your must-have-on-hand-at-all-times product that you might die without? (Okay, dramatic, but not really for Lushies ;D)
None, really. If anything maybe honey trap.
16. Favorite Gorilla perfume that you’ve tried?
25:43, Dirty. That'll be changing soon once I get my LE's. 
17. What areas of the products available that you haven’t dived into at all? (Example – you haven’t tried any of the skincare, etc.) What’s holding you back?
I've tried everything.
18. Lush is extremely notorious for being a very ethical company in terms of their sourcing and campaigning, as well as all the green initiatives they take for packaging. The fact that all products are 100% vegetarian and 80% are vegan, plus all solid products don’t have a preservative attracts many as well. Are Lush’s ethics a reason why you use Lush products?
I used LUSH before I really dug into what the company was all about.
19. What’s your go-to bath cocktail?
I don't like doing cocktails. I feel like it's a waste. The one that I've tried though… space girl, comforter, you snap the whip, sweetie pie.
20. Do you typically get your products in-store or through mail-order? Which do you prefer, and why?
In store. I love the LUSH experience. 
21. Favorite limited edition holiday product? (Can be from any Lush holiday line!)
Snowcake, Rose Jam Shower Gel.
22. If someone was to buy you a wrapped gift tomorrow, which one would you want? Get creative (– which one OTHER than Lush Legends, or any of the awesomely big holiday gifts would you want?)
Probably Sweet Christmas. I want the knot wrap. 
23. Do you use any of the knot-wraps? Which design has been your favorite?
No. Psychedelic Summer.
24. Congratulations! You’ve won a trip to visit the factory, and part of your prize includes you getting to create and design your own personal product with your favorite compounder! What would your product be? (Type, scent, purpose, etc.) Who do you choose to make your product with?
Gigantic bath bomb (think 2008's humango) but just in the scent of Lemslip. So the scent is super strong, and make it moisturizing.
25. Are you a soap fanatic or a shower gel junkie? If you could use only three soaps or shower gels for the rest of your life, which would you pick? (Because what avid Lushie could only pick one?)
I prefer shower gels. They tend to last on my skin longer. Rose Jam, Dirty, Olive Branch. 26. What’s your must-have body lotion/moisturizer/body butter/smoothie/etc?
Sympathy for the Skin, Ro's Argan, Buffy, Sandy Santa, Lush Lime Smoothie.
27. Have you attended any of the forum or chat parties? If so, which (if any) limited edition products did you order?
Yes, and none.  28. Do you use the Henna hair dye? If so, what enticed you to try it? If not, would you ever consider it?
Caca Rouge. I wanted to try it.
29. What’s your go-to exfoliant – body or face?
Rub rub rub for body.  
30. Uh-oh. The world pretty much ended and you’re all alone on a deserted island and you don’t have your Lush stash (if the world hadn’t ended yet, it has now!). You get to have a unlimited supply of ONE (that is a very clear rule: one) Lush product for the rest of your lonely life on this island. You do have access to a shower/bath/whatever you need to use the product. What ONE product do you choose to be the only product you ever use again during the rest of your miserable, lonely life?
Angels on Bare Skin.
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if you ever wondered what we do at LUSH trainings…. wonder no more! we draw silly pictures.
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*drumroll* The winner of a Rosy Christmas is….
hipcheckk!  My mom chose a random person, and this is who she pointed to. :)
My store was out of snow fairy, so I grabbed a Rosy Christmas instead. :D
Congratulations to the winner! You have until the 12th to send me an ask with your address information. I'll be choosing someone else, otherwise. :D
Also, reviews coming soon. :D look out for those. And probably another giveaway sometime soon.
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