luteoflaughs · 2 months
Tomas dismissed the servant into nothingness once more once its purpose was completed. Then again, it had never been seen to begin with so it wasn't like anyone would know it was there regardless.
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"Ok Trondo, I know you seem to think I'm out to get you. But, honestly I simply worry about you. Something always seemed off..."
Tomas felt a lot of connection to the Peace Keepers since his hatchmate was Titan. The two had been joined at the wings then they hatched, they had been closer than close yet were separated once it was shown the two were different. Tomas almost resented that in a way since he had loved Titan like a brother once.
But, that was beside the point. For now Tomas took possession of Trondo's blades since it seemed Trondo wasn't having a restful sleep. He might accidently cut himself...
The sleep was so deep Trondo didn't notice anything when the servant picked him up and not letting his body to get hurt. Soft snores were escaping from his nostrils. A calm sense of peaceful on his usual stoic face. The dreadlocks swayed from side to side, slowly like the grass on a windy day. It was evident that, despite everything, Trondo was a dragon needing of peace deep in its core.
Trondo was now in Tomas’ Tower. The servant had set the dragon gently onto the bed and Trondo let out a groan in dreams, stretching his body to the limits.
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luteoflaughs · 2 months
Continued from here.
Tomas however, didn't sllow Trondo to fall too hard upon the floor. For unlike his other tricks this was more intended to help. Honestly, most of what Tomas did was out of concern for Trondo since he seemed to push himself far too much. His pride likely didn't allow him to stop which was why the bard kept trying to break down that ego. To get to the Trondo that lay beneath that ego.
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Tomas summoned an Unseen Servant to grab Trondo before he fell so he didn't hurt himself. The Unseen Servant was invisible but did have the strength to hold what Tomas himself normally couldn't.
"This is for your own good my friend. And while you might not think of me as a friend, when it comes to all dragonkind I am."
Trondo looked like he was floating in the air as a result of the Unseen Servant. Tomas then instruced the Servant to take Trondo back to his tower so he could be put in a bed for a while tille he woke up.
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luteoflaughs · 2 months
Guess he didn't have to resort to that right now. Since Trondo was already blinded though the bard took this moment to move his way behind the assassin. Using his tail to try and steal away the dragon's blades before then throwing them away.
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Once that was done Tomas formed another bigger cake above the big dragon that he intended to drop once Trondo wiped away the one currrently upon his face this was cake warfare afterall.
"You can't bruteforce me Trondo. I have many tricks."
Tomas then wrapped his tail around Trondo's tail the reason for doing so would become clear soon. Though part of it was to inhibit movement.
"Oh no, I might regret coming over there?" Trondo started laughing. The sound was a demonic howl, like that a werewolf or something worse would produce.
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"I'll take my chances."
Suddenly, two kunais were pulled out and he started running towards Tomas direction, pointing the weapons as he goes. And then, the feeling of something sticky and sweet over his head, forcing him to stop his tracks. His vision was entirely covered with the pie which was before floating. Now over his head.
"W-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? You'll regret this, Tomas!"
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luteoflaughs · 2 months
"Hmph, this isn't torture. I am not causing you any pain. The only thing being hurt here is your pride and that is fair game to me."
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Tomas was ready for this, he hadn't tested out his spells in a semi-combat focused thing for a while. It was good to be prepared. if Trondo did mean to harm him Tomas would defend himself. The cake would still fall upon its intended target no matter what. Tomas played some notes on his lute to create a collection of rainbow colors around one of his own hands which Tomas then hid behind his back. If Trondo got close Tomas would strike.
He didn't intend to harm Trondo, only make more of a fool of him. Why couldn't he take a joke? It was all harmless fun.
"Come get me if you want, but you'll regret it."
Trondo’s eyes were narrowing as he caught sight of the next “cake” menacing to coming down his head. He was feeling furious, his tail whipping violently from side to side, the wings half-opening to be ready for take flight and his eyes glinting with dangerous sparks while his lips were pressed together in a grimace. He was barely controlling his temper and his dragon instinct in front of the Artisans' bard was telling him to fight. It was obvious that he did not like jokes and his patience was running dangerously short.
Well, at least that awful song about butts stopped and it felt like a huge relief for his draconic ears, used to the silent of the desert or the screams of his enemies. Both of them.
"Ain't you had enough torturing me, Tomas? This is NO joke. Stop playing with me!" he harshly said, looking at Tomas with mad eyes.
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luteoflaughs · 2 months
There is a slight laugh from the bard as he sees Trondo's reaction. Tomas knew what he was doing, but the bard couldn't help it he liked playing tricks. He always jumped at the chance to amuse himself when he had the chance. Normally, he was busy working on his songs. But, boredom struck a bard need to do something to get the mind working again. What better way than playing pranks?
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"Oh my, however did that happen? I don't see any proof that it was me. You can't assume, it might be someone else."
Tomas smiled as he played a tune, totally not conjuring up another cake above Trondo which soon attempted to fall down upon the Peacekeeper once more. Tomas played it off like it wasn't him.
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"Why, it must be raining cakes!"
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luteoflaughs · 2 months
"Hah, yes the war....I don't know much about that. I tend to avoid such topics. I know the basics, but haven't devled too deep. I like to focus on more happy subjects. A bard should spread joy! But, it is right to remember the past though, I don't think I should ever make songs about the war. I wouldn't know where to begin or know if I should make songs. The idea of it caused me to shudder."
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Try as Tomas might some things made him sad beyond belief. The idea of war was one such event. Tomas held a strong connection to the Peace Keepers given their leader was born from the same egg he was. Though their essences meant Tomas would be destined to always be a Artisan while his "brother" would be a Peace Keeper.
"Say, speaking of songs. Here's an old classic of mine."
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Once again Tomas's talent was put on display. As he played the plants seemed to respond to it in a way. Like there was magic within each note gave life to them or made them shine just that bit more. Tomas wasn't casting magic, though it was known he could use his songs to cast spells. Often Tomas didn't though, since the simple act of playing music could make the world that much better.
That was all Tomad desired to do, to give smile towards his fellow dragons who were like family to him. Each and everyone of them.
When Tomas questioned why their worlds are all so different from one another, Lucas turns to his side, placing his hand on his chin, pondering the theory.. even though--at least for the Peace Keepers, Gnasty Gnorc sorta ruined their whole ecosystem with all the tar and poisoned streams. Of course it was finally going back to normal, but the fact it happened alltogether was.. really painful for everyone. A moment passes when Lucas finally responds to the whole theory.
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[ " That may be only a fraction of what's happened. Shifts in what we've done with cultivating our regions would also be a major reason, like.. the Gnorcs poisoning the Peace Keeper's land.. " ]
Ragnar almost flinched when Lucas said the final words of it all, but, clearing his mind and his heart, for only but a moment, he adds onto the conversation.
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[ " And the war that happened before Spyro was born. " ]
That war destroyed the ecosystem much more than anything Gnasty Gnorc could've done. Hundreds of miles of fields genetically and chemically destroyed by Brini. It was only after getting rid of Gnasty's mess that they were able to start reversing what they had done back in the day, and.. it was slow. He was just glad they had fresh water and patches of grass now in the main areas.
Lucas chuckled when Tomas told the joke about the Beast Makers being so close to nature that they'd find flowers for them, but.. to be honest, the Beast Maker's domain was the first place that Lucas and Ragnar went, to get some biding wisdom of what to look for, and what worked well in their specific climates.
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luteoflaughs · 3 months
Tomas gave a thankful look towards Lucas since with his words too Ragnar was finally convinced. That personal touch was something Tomas tended to struggle with. He was good at talking, since being a bard was a talking related role one played as an artist. Tomas's charm could only do so much in this. For now, Tomas chose to change subjects. Tomas chose to move the conversation more to magic.
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"Say, do either of you know why the Peace Keeper worlds are so barren? Or the Artisan worlds are so verdant? It is something I have wondered for many a year. I had the theory that perhaps different elemental forces govern the worlds in which we each reside within. That the magic within us potentially shapes the worlds."
It was well known dragons were the source of magic here. Tomas being the jack of trades that he was became interested in learning about the subject. Since if all dragons are magic by their very nature, then did that nature impact the world they lived upon?
"I'm sure the Beast Makers might know more of this, but they tend to not tell me much. I mean, they could know things about us dragons that we don't. I've always found that the Makers are very connected to the nature of the worlds. Bet they could find any flower."
Bit of a joke at the end of that pattern of thought. But, mostly at this point Tomas was picking the brains of his fellow dragons.
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[ " Well, Ragnar? You and I got a serious recommendation to get better with Tomas over here... What-do-ya think? " ]
Lucas walked over to the two of them, gently butting Ragnar in the side with this shoulder, who chuckled in response to everything going on. Lucas wasn't too sure of it himself, since he viewed it as a recreational thing to do during all of his busywork and the like, but it looked like Ragnar just wanted to keep it on the down-low for just a little bit longer, which.. was understandable, saying how the two of them were just here for flowers for Halvor's flowerbed.
[ I'll.. think about it, once everything going on with me blows over I'll consider it. ]
Ragnar chuckled nervously. That.. fight was pretty much less than two weeks away, and the only souls that knew about it were some of the Peace Keepers, a few of the Dream Weavers, Beastmakers, and Cosmos. Flowers were still a number one priority.. and Ragnar did want to have a gift for Halvor before he had to.. go and fight to the death. Of course, Ragnar looked like he had just seen a ghost for a split second, which Lucas picked up on, but didn't want to budge Ragnar on it just in-case.
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[ I mean, we were planning on spending the gems anyway.. Gotta get him some fancy vases for a few of these, some fertilizer, the likes. Peace Keeper soil still needs a kickstart, but it's getting there. ]
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luteoflaughs · 4 months
"Yes, that would be a much more harsh outcome to a legacy. I feel for you my friend. Is it ok to call you a friend? We may have just met, but I can already tell the two of us will get along well I just know it."
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Tomas took a sip from his own cup savoring the taste. This was very good, one could also tend to tell much about a person by how well they made their crafts. Artisans were dragons who made artistic expressions all the time. Yet, Tomas had to admit he was having a hard time reading the emotions of the butler too well.
"Do you wish to know something amusing? There is a dragon here who commonly brews coffee for us all. I however, much prefer tea over coffee but since he is the only one skilled with that art we are often made to consume coffee. To be fair, he can brew them in many ways. I would never say anything foul about my fellow. Yet, I find that tea well it is something that is more calming in a way. Coffee is a drink that makes you go, or give you energy. i tend to not like that."
Yes, Tomas was one who liked to reflect and coffee was not a berverage that allowed for a calm mindset. Tea did however.
"Say what is your view on coffee if I might ask?"
Luckily Drew is versed in the manner of joking. When you dealt with a little troublemaker like Q, that was something you needed to pick up on quickly. A smile is the only hint of his amusement, another sip taken from the cup in his gloved hand. For the moment he just listens as Tomas speaks.
The notion of a lost legacy causes his nose to twitch and something sad to settle in his frame.
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"Mm... The only thing more painful than a legacy never gained is one that was taken."
He speaks with a note of experience in his voice. While he's only known this dragon briefly, he had a trustworthy air to him. A soft clink rises, the cup gently set back upon its saucer.
"My previous employer is such a case... reputation torn and legacy taken. A house of prestige forced to fall."
Perhaps that was the crueler fate.
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luteoflaughs · 4 months
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From his spot Spyro watched in wonder as he looked to see what Tomas was doing. His eyes followed the form of the other as he flew and blew the fire to create the smoke, that he then shaped to the names of their friends. 
Spyro couldn’t wait for the day that he could fly without the help of a power-up, because he enjoyed the flying but without being able to do so on his own it wasn’t often he got to do so. 
When he changed those names of smoke to form the word Artisan, there was a small twinge of something in his heart. Something he couldn’t explain fully, he knew this was always going to be a home he could come back to, but seeing so much of the worlds now he had left the nest, perhaps a little earlier than he should have done so or planned to, but even though he knew it wasn’t his fault but he somehow still felt a little bit of guilt over this. 
“Yeah, it’s really special Tomas…” 
He smiled softly, feet nervously pawing at the grass now, he was happy to be here back home, but it wasn’t his only home anymore. But it would always be a very special place for him, his family that helped him grow was here.
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luteoflaughs · 5 months
"Oh really? Ha, what would it take for you to be my butler? I would certainly accept your work within my tower. Can be rather hard to do my bardic work while also keeping everything nice and clean. I do my best with the help of magic but it can only do so much."
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Tomas made a small smile, he was jesting not being serious about the potentional butlership since it seemed this person had something important to do already. Whatever that Esper Union was it sounded like a job that needed someone calm like this to do it.
"I myself am no fighter or anything of the sort. I know how to fight, but to take up a weapon when I am so used to playing music is rather hard. Not that I didn't try it mind you. I've done many things..."
Tomas made another strum of the lute while smiling to himself.
"Becoming a bard was never my first desire I wanted to be something more. Something people would remember forever. The term for it is legacy, I wanted a legacy none could ever lose sight of. Yet, I failed."
The honey in his own tea has done well to give it a lovely hint of sweetness, causing a very subtle twitch from the jackal's ear. Moments like this were to be savored and enjoyed, these little pockets of peace in life that was normally so hectic and rushed. Frankly, things would be nicer if people learned to slow down for a little bit and enjoy the moment as it was.
The strum of strings and jingle of bells pulls a smile from his muzzle once again before purple eyes open in order to look at his guest.
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"Certainly. My manner is a must in my old profession of butlery. To be anything less is unacceptable."
There was a standard to which butlers held themselves, especially given the prestigious families that they could find themselves in service of. The manner of a butler reflected the house in which they served. To bring shame to the house was the ultimate sin. Especially ones that had been as great as House Rameses.
"Currently, however, I act as Operations Chief for the Esper Union."
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luteoflaughs · 5 months
"Hah, why thank you good sir! If only others shared your view then we'd have bards as far as the eye could see! Not that I mind being the only one mind you. It adds a lot of noterity to my skills. However, to be the only one feels rather lonely at times. I would very much like it more if others took up the mantle alongside myself."
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Tomas soon sat across from the other crossing one leg over his lap while doing so. The sound of bells jingle out as there was an anklet on one of the legs which made a sound each time Tomas made a move.
"Why, it is nice to meet you Drew! Such a refined name, and manner in which you hold yourself. You must tell me about yourself!"
Tomas made another strum of the strings before taking a small sip of the drink prepared once it was ready. Once it went into his mouth he let out a happy sigh. Always good to taste something like that.
A simple request. Which equated to one lump of sugar in Drew's experience.
A smile curls his muzzle as he casually pours the two cups, dropping a lump of sugar into Tomas' and drizzling a bit of honey. One of those large ears of his gives a faint twitch at the gentle strum of the lute. A fine instrument, really. The soft clink of a spoon stirring tea comes in answer to the soft melody before he turns and gentle sets both the cups and saucers down on the table he had been using previously.
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"My name is Drew, good sir."
How curious. Drew has heard of dragons before, of course, but had previously pondered if this was another Esper. A dragon? Genuinely? How fascinating. A hum rumbles out of his throat before he takes his seat and takes a slow sip from his tea.
"I assure you that I do not share such an opinion. The musical arts are quite important."
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luteoflaughs · 6 months
Tomas was a social butterfly so he did pick up on the mood he was giving off by subtly excluding Lucas. The bard quickly turned that around as best he could in the hopes of not appearing to be rude.
"I think they do Lucas. And forgive me obviously the offer is the same for you as well! I was focused on Ragnar here cause he's being so open about something he never has been before. Plus he is a lot more stubborn! We should talk more Lucas I would enjoy that very much. Maybe, you can help me convince Ragnar? Or not eitherway it is a fun time! Everything about music is an experiance."
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Tomas also well there were times where he had disagreements with the Crafters. Not enough to be create bad blood or anything. But, Tomas did debate with them on magical theories now and again. He hadn't talked with Lucas that much since whenever Tomas went to the Crafters realm it tended to be on business.
"As for the flowers...I admit I tend to look at them more for their outer qualities to help me focus on my work. I was having trouble with my work before I came here. I have this with with Darius coming up and he won't let me live it down if I fail to meet his standards. Maybe, we can help one another I happen to know where a few flowers are. Let me make it up to you both! Unless you'd prefer to spend gems?"
Tomas still kept an arm around Ragnar as he tried maybe teaching over to Lucas so he could hug them both.
[ Breaking the norms of dragon society? I think we're already doing that, -one step at a time. ]
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Plus, Ragnar sort of wanted the breaking of societal norms to be a whole group project with all of them, Ragnar had begun the whole eyeing the Peace Keepers as a big family instead of work-companions, after snapping at Titan, and telling them that this all needed to change, that they couldn't keep going on like this. He was sure the Beast Makers were all fine and dandy, too, even though barely any of them had visited the other worlds...
He was yet again put to flabbergasted silence when the other hugged him, nervously laughing as he had noticed Lucas' change in overall mood, it's like they knew or suspected something he didn't, while it was true Tomas hasn't mentioned a smidge of taking Lucas under his wing, he wasn't going to budge on them for any information on the matter.
Lucas however, went right back to smiling before standing up and stretching, using his tail to push himself back up, before he gathered all of the flowers, putting a little magica band on a couple of them, to show to ones at Town Square to see if he could buy the seeds for the specific flowers, still...
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[ " No Azalea's and no Hibiscus flowers, yet... maybe the shop I saw at Town's Square has them? " ]
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luteoflaughs · 6 months
"You would truly do that for me? Haha! Thank you very much Ragnar that is truly wonderful news! That is a good enough compromise for me. However, don't think I won't still try to nab you up. I do need to pass on my lessons to another Spyro sadly never sits still long enough and the younger dragons are still too young for it."
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Tomas gave Ragnar a hug not a big one merely a simple one as thanks for the Peace Keeper's consideration. It likely wasn't easy for someone like Ragnar to show his more softer side. But, Tomas was gald that had changed it meant he could connect on a deeper level.
"Once I get my eye on someone with talent I strive to do my best to win them over I will convince you someday to be my student just you wait. Soon both our names will be known throughout the realms as the ones who broke the norms of dragon society."
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Tomas was playing those words up a bit for more dramatic effect. He didn't intend to give up on wrangling Ragnar in someday. But, he wouldn't force it if anything it was like a longterm goal or joke. As for Lucas...Tomas had reasons to avoid the Crafter.
"Mark my words Ragnar for a bard's words are golden."
[ If I want to chime in, I feel like these Houses of ours, It's a mix of sharing the culture that's important, that's why I never gave up on music, even when my voice wasn't the best. ]
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Ragnar mused, stretching and cracking his knuckles as they place them onto the warmth of the grass they sat upon. It was fun, singing out aloud in the fields, it was obvious their performance wasn't just the three of them, Ragnar had noticed other dragons had looked in their general direction, hatchlings currently playing around looked off in curiosity, it was a live performance, as Tomas could've put it!
[ " I'm surprised you didn't think that voice was mine the last time I came through the Artisan part of the Realms, I've sang a lot through my travels of Cartography. " ]
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It took a moment to find his words, but Ragnar almost immediately responds to Tomas directly, and while it might sound a bit harsh originally, Ragnar makes his voice very soft, in hopes of not upsetting them further.
[ For me, it was performance anxiety and.. I didn't want my reputation of Peace Keeper to be ruined-- but now I know that's a foolish sentiment to have. While I do have to decline becoming your student, if you ever need a singing partner, you know who to contact.. and hey, you may find out a lot more people to experience your craft with, Tomas. ]
To his knowledge, he knew that a few others were striving to learn how to sing. He had heard Delbin sing during one of his painting sessions, Gavin hums a lot in his cafe, Maximos and Magnus have a deep interest in Metal, not surprisingly so, Gunnar is guitar-motivated, after catching Ragnar playing the guitar himself, it was a bonding experience, and was what made the dragon think differently about the whole culture of the dragon realms.
[ Truthfully, I think everyone's got the bit of Artisan in 'em. ]
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luteoflaughs · 6 months
There was a slight twinge of envy from within Tomas as he heard these two start singing. It was well known that Tomas hadn't intended to become a bard from the get go. He had tried many things before that like trying to learn the magic of the Crafters, how to fight like the Keepers and form dreams like the Weavers. He went to many dragons in the hopes of finding some form of inspiration. The bard thing was something he had always been able to do. So Tomas desired to not be defined as being Artisan. Tomas desired to be more, to become more than what he was born as. Yet all his attempts at doing some unique failed....somehow it didn't feel fair.
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How dare they have this talent when I struggled for so long to refine my other talents and got no where. I was always able to sing! I was always able to dance! That is to be expected of an Artisan! Why doing things a Crafter can do would be more impressive so them having my natural talent is an insult. They shouldn't outshine me. I am the greatest musician in the realms not them! Make them stop! It is an insult to everything you were...no...that isn't me...I'm not...
Tomas shook his head forcing these vile thoughts away as he began to play in harmony with the others. He played the bells on his ankle doing more than he maybe should to drown out those darker thoughts that weren't his own. Tomas was used to putting on a happy mask it was almost second nature by this point. Some of the joy he felt was genuine but this envy was trying to ruin this moment. There was no mistake to be made as Tomas fit into the song perfectly. Once the song was over Tomas sat in between Lucas and Ragnar.
"Well, if I had known you both were so talented I would have thought you were both born Artisans. It is rather hard for some of us to find our art you know? It is something of a personal journey we all undergo as we try to learn who were truly are at our very core."
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"Part of me wishes...you both had been with me back then since it always felt like I was the only one who had natural talent for music. I would've liked to have played with others. Playing alone is rather sad..."
Yes, that was the real emotion coming through not the envy. Tomas was in truth sad he never got to enjoy his talent with others. It felt like it was only him at least with regards to the Artisans.
When the time comes for Tomas to start the praise train on the Peace Keeper, Ragnar tries to intercept the conversation, before getting his hand grabbed and shook, he wasn't surprised that his singing reached hem, but he was a bit flabbergasted and silenced for a good couple of moments before putting on hand on the back of his neck, chuckling somewhat nervously as Lucas laughs whole-heartedly at the two of them.
[ Refine that Talent? I mean--Andor and I have been voice training for around two decades at this point, It only started sounding good recently. ]
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Ragnar noted, around two decades was before and after the war, the war that shook everyone to their very core, but singing and instruments were Ragnar's main coping mechanism now, and cooking seemed to be Andor's primary mechanism, it helped them all greatly. Soon before Ragnar can even decline Tomas' offer, as good as it sounded, the Peace Keeper had many a more priorities now in this time, recovery from recent events being one of them--it's then that Lucas looks at the two of them and approaches.
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[ " You two are not the only ones who can sing, For I can as well. I've gone through the ages learning much about other Houses' professions to intertwine them as my hobbies. " ]
Lucas sits down nearby Ragnar and Tomas, curling his tail up towards his hands, and he also begins to sing, since all of them knew how to sing, maybe it could strive Tomas to join in, get inspired, it was the least they could do for the bard!
[ But I know you know I’m right Though we’re different we’re dragons deep inside But without love, or salvation, or kindness, or comfort though, is it really life? no! Crying when the radio plays a sappy note, pathetic yes, I know One thing’s for sure though, Everything is your fault. ] Lucas is shocked when Ragnar continues his lyrics, and they continue on, they're shocked they know that song.
[ I’ve tried but I still don’t understand why Why is it we have to fight to live our own life Why I can’t live off doing the one thing I like I don’t care if my lyrics aren’t quite right, I don’t really care, no ‘Cause I think I’ve got it right Yeah I think I’ve got it right Yeah I know I’ve got it right? ]
Ragnar seems to be tapping to the guitar and drums, and Lucas is tapping to the pianos, what started as the two of them looking for flowers for Halvor has ended up with the two of them singing for the Bard, in hopes of bringing them the necessary inspirations to continue on with their profession as an Artisan. It was a kind gesture, at least they hoped they would join in.
[ But I’ve got it wrong again I don’t understand I don’t really care though Not about dragons or truth or the world or this life I hold, I don’t really care, no! Never giving a reply, just philosophic lines, is just an excuse right? Not that I care though, Everything is your fault! ]
[ Even I had dreams long long ago Now it doesn’t feel the same as it did before I’ve told you time and time again It didn’t really matter if nothing came of it, you know You do know, I know you know, now I can’t do it anymore So now you know why.... So now you know why I, don’t do music anymore.... ]
The last line didn't say anything truthful about how Ragnar and Lucas thought about music, it was just a really good song, and they resonate with a lot of the lyrics and the instrumentals. They're both surprised the two of them knew the song so well from heart, it's only when Ragnar speaks, and Lucas responds in turn, that the reason they knew the song is revealed.
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[ This is the first song, me and Andor covered, a few years back. How do you also know about it, Lucas? ]
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[ " That's simple! I heard it being played while I was in Gavin's cafe, that man's got a massive collection of CDs and Radio Stations to listen to! " ]
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luteoflaughs · 6 months
Once the singing was over Tomas came running over to where Ragnar was with a spring in his step. He had never heard someone from the Peace Keepers sing so wonderfully. Why, it might have been possible for Ragnar to be born part Artisan with that level of skill with his voice. The bard had to have Ragnar refine that gift, or do something with it. That sort of thing needed to be shared, or at least used more often. Tomas was going to make it his mission that happened. Without being too much of a bother of course!
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"Ragnar you old son of a sword how did you have that voice and hide it from me for so long? That voice is a precious treasure! A wonderful gift given by the grace of the realms. I was blown away by it!"
Tomas came up to Ragnar and attempted to take one of the bigger dragons hands so that he could shake it. Some form of thanks for being shown something so wonderful. Tomas felt such excitement within his heart. One that was all encompassing to himself.
"You simply must refine that talent! I would like to offer my skills as a music teacher to help with that! Or if you'd prefer it we could simply have it so that you can sing with me sometimes Please, you have to let me experiance that voice more! I've not felt this inspired in so long, I've been struggling so long! It could help me create such wonderful art for all the world to see. Like it did just now!"
Tomas looked rather determined about this. Ragnar might likely be hounded by Tomas at this rate if something wasn't offered.
Claws racking up against his tungsten tail guard, it couldn't ever replicate a piano, but the rhythm that Ragnar was able to keep through his singing was remarkable, and even when he heard the obvious lute of the Artisan Bard, Tomas. He's able to continue the rhythm, and while he wants to sing more, this truly wasn't anything the Peace Keeper was expecting...
Lucas looks over to them and waves, beginning to hum to the instrumentals, following Ragnar's lead on the claw tapping before looking over yet another batch of flowers, he won't stop in his search for the azalea's but.. maybe he'll have to ask Nestor for those answers, since they seem to oversee a lot of it. If not Nestor...perhaps Delbin? Their home seemed to have plenty of flowers surrounding it.
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[ ♪ Let me reflect on yesterday’s regrets, Let me reflect and shed nothing but tears, At the bottom of a falling sky, The tomorrow I could see was so beautiful… I’m going against it! Hug those Few Seconds close, Hug them close and don’t you forget. Even the fake tears of the star that had begun to turn; can surely smile; before dawn breaks…. ]
It was obvious that Ragnar's musical talent far exceeded what anyone could've thought what anyone could've thought that the Peace Keeper had in his heart, vocalizing gently as he continued the piano-rhythm on the metal of his tail guards, using different sides of the metal to hit different octaves needed for such a basic melody, but.. it fit.
For how gruff and deep Ragnar's voice was normally, there was a soft...soothing note to it all with the way he sang, it was like they were a completely different being so to say, but, this was just something that he did to find some sort of inspiration to finding flowers for his dear friend, tagging along with Lucas sure was the best idea he's had in awhile.. they're so much better at finding flowers that Halvor liked better than he did.
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[ " How marvelous!~ You're such a good singer, Ragnar, I hadn't ever realized it. " ]
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[ Hmm? Not really-- Andor and I much do it out of inspiration and bonding. ]
That was the truth, for now, at least.
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luteoflaughs · 6 months
Tomas had been struggling for what felt like hours with many attempts at trying to find that right tune he needed to get the creative gears going. Art was not an easy thing to do on a regular basis. It required a lot of trial and error as well as determination to give a voice to the endless creativity that Artisans were gifted with. Tomas had struggled to find the means to show his gift to the realms. Him becoming a bard was only something that happened after many years of failed trials. But, it was in that failure that Tomas found his song the one that carried him on even now to this very moment.
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"What is that song? Its...so beautiful..."
Tomas played his lute to match the melody created by the song by second nature. It was part of his duty as bard of the realms to react quickly when hearing new sounds he could harmonise with. The string played well with that was happening almost to a fault.
As he got closer Lucas and Ragnar could hear the sound of bells. Since Tomas always wore bells on his ankle. You could always hear him coming from quite far away. For why would a peformer need to hide from anyone he could potentially entertain?
He didn't interupt if anything Tomas as he got closer kept playing so that the song Ragnar sung wouldn't end. Moments like these were precious, one needed to allow them the chance the florish. Tomas hoped the accompaning music would help Ragnar. Tomas also gave a small wave to Lucas too since Tomas was well mannered.
[ " I don't know, Ragnar, I don't think Begania's would fit the overall theme we're going for... I wonder if Stone Hill has someone who keeps to the flowers...? " ]
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Lucas hadn't found any hibiscus or azalea's yet, either, these flower fields were a new thing in the Artisan homeworld, and it looks like someone's been having a lot of fun planting a whole variety of flowers in the realm, maybe they'll ask around the area, at the very least they should at least question Nestor if they know who's been planting so many flowers these past months. And if they do--where to get the seeds for certain ones.
-, Ranger, on the other hand, was exhausted of flower searching, it was obvious he was just as caring and meticulous about the whole thing, but his palette wasn't as refined as someone like Lucas. So he'd sit himself right there in the warmth of the grass, almost wanting to lay down to stare at the sky, on one of the many final weeks of fall, it was good to get in the warmth while they still could.
The Cartographer seemed to notice this, deciding to give them a thumbs up before walking over to another nearby patch of flowers, someone really likes their Begonia's, these ones are red, and while he's looking for Hibiscus flowers, these are just too bright and... not good in the Peace Keeper climate, even if that place after all the tar extraction and such was a much more all-round area, hell.. grass was even growing there, now.
And then there was Ragnar, who in his stupor of trying to figure out what flowers would work the best, decides that he's done hiding a lot of things about himself, maybe singing will bring out some potential ideas about which flowers to get Halvor?
So, he'd sing. What about? Who knows.
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[ ♪ The lights went off and I cried ; As I flew against the Wind... I was simply dyed in the seasons as they came together and mixed. Leaving sentiment behind;; I can’t even see the water’s surface, and the tomorrow that I can’t see just laughs, and I leaned into the other direction… Until I met you….]
The resulting musical prowess of Ragnar makes Lucas whip his head back to stare at Ragnar, before regal-clapping at their ability, before he goes back to looking for flowers.
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luteoflaughs · 6 months
The music Tomas played was wonderful, there was nary a day where Tomas wasn’t strumming his lute in some respect. He was in constant search of new ideas. It wasn’t an easy art to master being a bard, but Tomas strived to be as exciting as he could be. Entertaining the realms was a task only a few dragons could pull off. Darius was certainly a rival to Tomas in that respect. So, in an attempt to beat that white scaled blowhard Tomas spent hours thinking, shaking his head, and throwing balls of paper everywhere. The creative process was a hard one. However, Tomas would never admit defeat. Not to Darius!
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“Just you wait Darius! My next performance will be a thousand times better than yours! You may think I didn’t notice that joke you snuck in there about bards. But, I did! I saw it! Calling my stories too overdone? Have you looked in the mirror lately? I could have sworn you used the same plot point in your last production. Honestly, calling me overdone? I mean, come on...”
Tomas didn’t really hate Darius, he was simply playing up the drama. Both dragons were lovers of attention. And nothing was more exciting than to see than a rivalry. It pushed Darius and Tomas to work harder, so that they could bring out the best in one another. Such determination could not be matched.
The main problem was, Tomas was stumped. He couldn’t think of anything. At times like this, Tomas would turn to Spyro or another for some help. No one was around at the moment though or was there?
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