luteoflaughs · 2 months
There is a slight laugh from the bard as he sees Trondo's reaction. Tomas knew what he was doing, but the bard couldn't help it he liked playing tricks. He always jumped at the chance to amuse himself when he had the chance. Normally, he was busy working on his songs. But, boredom struck a bard need to do something to get the mind working again. What better way than playing pranks?
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"Oh my, however did that happen? I don't see any proof that it was me. You can't assume, it might be someone else."
Tomas smiled as he played a tune, totally not conjuring up another cake above Trondo which soon attempted to fall down upon the Peacekeeper once more. Tomas played it off like it wasn't him.
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"Why, it must be raining cakes!"
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gemscales-and-tea · 10 months
@luteoflaughs liked for a Drew Starter
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The scent of brewing tea has always been something that calmed Drew's nerves, were they to ever be on edge. Perfectly warm, with the best quality leaves; yes, there really was nothing like it. Though it appears his brewing skills were not just appreciated by himself.
Someone else has arrived and they are observed calmly by the jackal, the tip of one ear twitching.
"Greetings, sir. Is there something I can assist you with?"
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the-purple-hero · 5 months
🎅 Tomas
Send me 🎅 for my muse to check if your muse is on the naughty or nice list.
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{🔥}—; "Huh? But that can't be right! I've never seen ya say anythin' bad pretty much ever. Maybe ol' Santa is mistaken ya for a different Tomas." Spyro was confused, it didn't sound like Tomas at all to get on the naughty list for something like that of all things.
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olliesmultimuse · 8 months
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@luteoflaughs sent: "How do you feel about Halloween?" To bunny from Tomas?
unprompted asks (always accepting)
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"Ah'm not really into...erm, Halloween. Ah'd rather not get spooked and all." The pooka explained rather awkwardly, clearing his throat a bit. "Ah 'ust...don't feel safe when et comes to 'at kind of stuff."
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timekeeperlindar · 1 year
While they were kissing Tomas could help but move his tail to start tickling Lindar's stomach a little just as a joke. (luteoflaughs)
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Lindar tensed suddenly, and then burst out laughing, trying to squirm away from the tickles.
"Haha-" he snorted and squirmed again, then tried to twist away, "HHAAHA- S-s-stop!!!" He laughed.
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nihoneshi · 2 years
(luteoflaughs) Tomas left a letter near to Halvor's home. "Feel no guilt, you were a victim. I was the villain, the one who betrayed you. Nothing I could say will ever make up for my actions. I am undeserving of your mercy, so hearing you never told anyone is a thing that fills me with more regret. I wish I could say this in person, but I don't want to make you suffer more. I am sorry, I would tell people myself but I can't. Nestor may suffer if I do, my only wish is that you be happy, Goodbye.
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He wasn’t expecting to see the note pinned to his door. He recognized the handwriting, recognized who it was. It was Tomas--who had betrayed his trust in the worst way possible and is the reason he’s been WATCHED for so long so he doesn’t end his god-forsaken life. He’s the fucking reason he’s suffered for so long, the reason his intrusive thoughts have been so bad, is the reason why the Peace Keeper hadn’t felt genuine happiness. Halvor grips his bandaged arm and wrist and snarls, burning the letter to ash.
The next couple of minutes shows the Peace Keeper sliding down the side of his door, hands on his knees, tears dripping down his already anguished and saddened gaze. This isn’t fucking MERCY. They have to be fucking with him--harassing him like this isn’t a good idea. He doesn’t have a reason to start more hell in the Dragon Realms. Everyone is so fucking stressed, Ragnar’s downright suicidal over several decade old clan affairs, a lot of the Peace Keepers are mentally crushed from the news and the last fucking thing anyone needs is Halvor telling them everything.
So guess what? He’ll just continue to suffer. And then the intrusive thoughts hit, bickering and laughing as voices become their usual nuisances once more. Halvor, sadly, is so tired of the voices, and... and he rips off the brace and the bandages. ANYTHING. ANYTHING TO MAKE THIS PAIN CEASE. He’s unknowningly completely recessed thanks to this ‘apology’ of a letter. Claws dig into his scales and break once more. He hasn’t felt this in months. Yowling and screaming, covering his mouth soon after as the Peace Keeper is reduced to sobs, old scars reopened because they simply just could not leave him alone.
Soon it is nothing but soft, muffled sobs in a trembling form at the foot of his door, nearly curled up wishing for the thoughts to go away, claws continuing to dig, hoping the shocks of pain would send the dragon signals to stop thinking about this. Alas, this isn’t healthy. They all spent months helping Halvor recover from a the facade that it was war flashbacks and such. It was worse. Much worse--one of their owns in the realm had manipulated him, betrayed his trust, and made him feel disgusted and uncomfortable with his body. Ashamed, even, willing to destroy it because he didn’t feel well enough with it all.
Alas, having read the letter aloud, any unfortunate soul listening from a distance could’ve learned the truth, but it’s the middle of the night, Halvor’s the only dragon awake during this time at least in the hub-world of the Peace Keepers world.
“S-Stop...tormenting me. “
They cry to himself, grasping his wrist, having realized he had deeply messed up... Great. His vision blurs, seeing red engulf the green of his lawn and the silvers and greys of the rustic finishes the rocks and minerals have leading up to his home. He’s hit a vein. Not good. But--the pain is soothing. It’s so soothing in fact, that Halvor numbly stares at the stars. He just.. doesn’t care anymore, for all he cares, the intrusive thoughts won. His tormentor had won.
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trondopeacekeeper · 2 months
🌊 though instead of a swimming pool maybe a dunking pool? Tonas throws a ball to hit a target to dunk Trondo in water.
One of the tasks commanded by Titan to Trondo for that stunning sunny day was non another than to inflate some small dunkin pools for the hatchlings. Of course, that humiliating offer was furiously denied by him. 'I'm a warrior, not a stupid nanny!' Trondo screamed out of his lungs, any of his complaints being successful.
He was commanded and he had to obey.
If that task wasn't enough stupid for him, Tomas had to be around to make things worse. The Assassin was so focused on inflating the pools that he didn't notice the ball hitting his face. Feet stumbled in the floor until Trondo finally fell into the small pool, wetting all of his lower body.
"That's it? I am an assassin dragon. You think a mere dunk in the water will stop ME?!?!?"
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multi-universal-muses · 4 months
“ you make my heart kinda flutter … ” (luteoflaughs) To Nestor.
Nestor, despite his efforts to maintain his composure, could feel his cheeks heat up as well as a charmed smile bloom on his snout.
"You...honestly mean that, Tomas?"
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spyromultimuse · 1 year
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@luteoflaughs sent: “Oh no you DON’T”
send "Oh no you DON'T" to grab my muse by the back of their collar to prevent them from doing something stupid (accepting)
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What Spyro wasn't expecting was that they got grabbed by the back of their collar, unable to do anything to try to help. "Tomas, it's my duty to help you guys out! Let me help you guys out!" They nearly huffed out in concern and annoyance, a puff of smoke escaping from their nostrils. They seemed rather annoyed.
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dreamycollective · 1 year
🐉 @luteoflaughs​ requested Spyro the Dragon!
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   “ Aw, c’mon Tomas... I don’t wanna practise, I’m already an expert at fightin’! If Gnasty comes back I’ll just torch him again! ”
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booksofadventures · 1 year
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@luteoflaughs​ asked ;; 🎁 + Tomas gives Spyro a dragonfly plushie!  "I hope you like it!" Tomas then pulled Spyro into a hug.
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Spyro carefully unwrapped the present given to him by the other. And no words could describe the very excited squeal that came from the young Dragon as his eyes lit up as he saw the plushie in the box. Sparx himself was around today at buzzed in approval of the plushie. 
Spyro carefully took the plushie into his paws as he buried his face into it now. He was extremely happy with his gift. Placing it back in the box though for now, he turned around to go get something, a box that he held by the ribbon tied around it in his teeth. Placing it down in front of Tomas.
“Thank you Tomas, I got you a little something too.” 
It was a few little things from some of the worlds Spyro had visited, but the many gift was some new blank sheet music and some golden ink and a purple feather quill. 
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luteoflaughs · 6 months
The music Tomas played was wonderful, there was nary a day where Tomas wasn’t strumming his lute in some respect. He was in constant search of new ideas. It wasn’t an easy art to master being a bard, but Tomas strived to be as exciting as he could be. Entertaining the realms was a task only a few dragons could pull off. Darius was certainly a rival to Tomas in that respect. So, in an attempt to beat that white scaled blowhard Tomas spent hours thinking, shaking his head, and throwing balls of paper everywhere. The creative process was a hard one. However, Tomas would never admit defeat. Not to Darius!
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“Just you wait Darius! My next performance will be a thousand times better than yours! You may think I didn’t notice that joke you snuck in there about bards. But, I did! I saw it! Calling my stories too overdone? Have you looked in the mirror lately? I could have sworn you used the same plot point in your last production. Honestly, calling me overdone? I mean, come on...”
Tomas didn’t really hate Darius, he was simply playing up the drama. Both dragons were lovers of attention. And nothing was more exciting than to see than a rivalry. It pushed Darius and Tomas to work harder, so that they could bring out the best in one another. Such determination could not be matched.
The main problem was, Tomas was stumped. He couldn’t think of anything. At times like this, Tomas would turn to Spyro or another for some help. No one was around at the moment though or was there?
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hxuse-of-muses · 2 years
(luteoflaughs) "Hey Nestor can we talk a moment?"
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{♚}—; "Yes of course we can Tomas, what do you need?" The dragon turned to face the bard, giving him his full attention.
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the-purple-hero · 5 months
Tomas wishes Spyro a happy new year! He's giving him a big hug! (luteoflaughs)
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{🔥}—; "Hey, thanks Tomas! Hope you're havin' a great start to the new year!" Spyro chuckled, as the bard embraced him through a hug.
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olliesmultimuse · 1 year
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@luteoflaughs sent: Tomas comes in and hugs Bunny.
unprompted asks (always accepting)
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"Well, if et ain't mah own friend, Tomas, how are ya doin' these days?" Aster then hugged the dragon bard back with a bright smile.
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timekeeperlindar · 1 year
(luteoflaughs) "You're my valentine obviously! I would never want it to be anyone else." Tomas goes in and kisses Lindar.
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Lindar was about to make a teasing remark, (just to hide his own flustered state mostly), but then Tomas went in for a kiss.
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His tail stiffed in surprise at first, and then started wagging uncontrollably. His face was flushed a blue so dark it was almost violet, but he managed somehow to keep his smug smile on his face. From behind his back he pulled out a rose and handed it to him.
"Well, we're of one mind, then," he said, and gave him another peck on the lips.
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