I shifted for about a minute last night!! After an hour of crazy dreams and insane chills, I managed to be conscious in my DR for just long enough to fall and hit my head on the concrete.
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Might try writing a script for real, I wonder if lacking rules for my DR is keeping me from if?
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I never made an intro because last time I was on tumblr you couldn’t pin posts so! Here we go💕
Welcome friends to the reality where you chose to interact with me! That’s super cheesy but true. My name is Lux, I’m a minor and I’ve been a witch for a little over 2 years. I have yet to tell anybody irl except for one of my friends
I am an inexperienced shifted and at the time of making this I have yet to fully shift.
My DRs
Genshin Impact’s Xiangling, in a polycule w Xinyan, Hu Tao, Xingqiu and Chongyun.
Bandori’s Himari Uehara, nothing different other than dating Kaoru
Ensemble star’s Tsukasa Suou, knights are in love, that’s it.
All of my DRs are just kind of series I love and would give everything to manifest💕
I would love to be friends with anyone here so feel free to interact!
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Tip for shifting!!:don’t do it obsessively (trying multiple times a day) because it’s either
A) not gonna work
B) you’ll get what happened to me :>
I tried to shift 8 times yesterday, going really deep and getting really close until something from my CR brought me back.
8 times is a lot and you have limited energy, I think I exceeded how much I had, but had no physical sign I had tried too much.
So my brain decided to be sassy and let me dream of my DR, but the same overwhelming scene, over and over and over for 8 hours. I got up in the middle of it, having to rip myself awake because I tried to wake up a ton of times throughout the dream but I was exhausted and couldn’t fully wake up. Kind of like when you can’t swim in the deep end?
Anyway I stayed up for say 15 minutes, got some water, went to the bathroom and went back to sleep for hopefully some rest :)
Oh boy would I wish I hadn’t, I was greeted once again by the exact same scene for another 4 or so hours. I woke up more tired than I had been when I got in bed, and with a killer headache.
Moral of the story?: know your limits and stick to them, my head hurts.
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Nooooo I got so close to my DR but I noticed sensations from my CR and came back :(
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Tips for shifting when I get distracted anytime my dog moves in my bed? I get reminded I’m in my CR and have to start all over
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Emoji Spell For Healthy And Happy Relationships In The Upcoming Year
Like to charge, reblog to cast!
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💕Bring me attraction 💕
A perfume to bring romantic love in your direction
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Flowers of your choice (you may want to look up meanings, but I find wild flowers work just fine!)
Fresh herbs of your choice (I would recommend basil or rosemary but anything will work fine!)
Dried herbs for meaning and scent (recommend Thyme, Rosemary or Basil)
Citrus of choice for scent and healthy skin!
💕use a 1-1 ratio for flowers and fresh herbs, about a 1/2 ratio for how much peel and a sprinkle of dried herbs
💕slice the peel from your citrus of choice into thick strips
💕wash your flowers and fresh herbs in cold water, flower petals picked and herb removed from the stems
💕put everything into a pot and make a hole in the middle for a glass/heatsafe dish
💕cover the plant mixture with water, careful not to get any in the middle bowl
💕bring to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes. Placing a pot lid upside down with ice in it helps to make condinsation which will fall into the middle bowl, this is our perfume.
💕once finished safely remove the lid and pull the bowl out. You can do whatever you like with it! I would recommend either mixing it into a cosmetic product you use daily, adding a touch to soap, or putting it in a spray bottle and using it like you would perfume. Whatever you do with it is up to you but I recommend using it once daily.
💕you can use what was left behind in the pot for consuming once strained! Ideas would be: using a bit in place of water in cake mixes, put a splash in your tea, a little bit in smoothies. If you like the taste that is. If not than it works just fine for baths!
To cancel the effects:
💕stop using it and dump it out.
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❓Forget Forget❓
For if you’ve made a mistake in speech or action to make somebody forget it happened
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What you’ll need:
- white candle
-sage (cleansing= emmulated wiping it from their memory) (also I used ground sage)
-salt (^)
The spell:
-light your candle
-of you have pre-spell rituals do them now
- on an easily cleaned surface (so basically not carpet or fabric) sprinkle some sage in front of your candle
-sprinkle salt while thinking of it as their memories of what you did/said
-picture them as you dust the sage and salt away, brushing it off into your hand or sweeping it up into a dustpan
-still in the mindset of this being their memories, let them get carried away by wind into nature, throw them into the trashcan outside of your house (you can put them in a bag if you need to get them by people) or flush them down the toilet
-blow out your candle and don’t bring it up with them or it might jog their memory
⚠️warning: this spell doesn’t get rid of memories with physical proof and it doesn’t mean someone can’t get reminded of it, whether it be a picture, someone else talking of it or a note of the incident, it doesn’t make them naive to it, just pushes it to the back of their mind⚠️
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All About Auras
An aura could best be described as the energy given off by someone or something. Supposedly, everything has an aura, even an apple. Many people are able to either see or ‘sense’ auras, which may appear as a haze of light or colour surrounding something.
The colour an aura appears can have many correspondences, which can relate to someone’s mood or spirituality, or can be because of external factors such as light intensity. It’s even said to be possible to tell if someone is pregnant from the way their aura appears.
Common misconceptions about auras:
It is always the same colour.  - This is untrue, as auras tend to change colour when affected by many different factors. However one colour may be dominant.
It is always the same shape and texture.  - Nope, they could appear hazy, smooth, or spiky. Some could have auras spanning an inch from their bodies, but others could have auras reaching out to a metre.
There is scientific evidence for auras.  - Again, untrue. Despite many people being able to see auras, there is no way to measure them or comprehend why it is even there.
Your aura is a shield.  - Whilst it’s possible to utilise your energy to shield yourself from things through visualisation, your aura alone is by no means a barrier against spirits and vampire-like entities looking to ‘feed off’ your energy. Learn how to ward yourself.
There is only one colour at a time.  - Your visible aura can actually be a mix of colours. However, there are also seven different extents of your aura, ranging from physical to spiritual, which could all be a different colour at one time.
It is especially important to note that auras are constantly changing. This could be seen as Anicca, or impermanence, in which the Buddha taught that nothing is permanent and everything is constantly changing. The aura reflects this truth in ourselves and those around us.
Seeing Your Aura
Some people are able to see auras with ease without a whole lot of practice, whereas others might never be able to comprehend the aura. It is common for many witches to practice with seeing their aura.
Here is a simple exercise which will help you to begin seeing your aura. This is what I tend to get people to do often when starting with auras. If inexperienced, it is important to practice often in order to get better!
You may want to begin by meditating or casting a circle in order to have a better focus on your aura. Make sure you are calm and in the mindset to concentrate.
Find a blank area, such as a white wall or a sheet of paper, and hold your hand out to it. It is important that you don’t get distracted by the colour of the wall or anything on it.
Rather than focusing directly onto your hand, shift your gaze to look just past it. For instance just past your fingers, but not the space directly between your fingers.
Focus on this space. To avoid distracting yourself, practice steady breathing as you would in meditation.
Eventually, you should begin to see a haze of light surrounding your hand. At first it may appear small and even colourless, but keep practicing and you will start to see it even better.
Colour Correspondences
The colour of an aura can have many connotations, and can be dictated by thr shape and texture too. But here is a guide to help you with the typical deciption of simple aura colours.
Centred/grounded, passion, anger, energetic.
Power, confidence, outgoing, good health.
Spiritual awakening/awareness, playful, happiness.
Healing, good communication, jealousy.
Intuition, calm, clairvoyance, honesty, fear of the future.
Daydreaming, spirituality, artistic, psychic abilities.
Newness, purity, reaching enlightenment, angelic.
Negative feelings, blocked energy, potential illness.
Grounded, tied to the outdoors, afraid to let go.
Loving, sensual, psychic gifts, dishonesty.
Physical and spiritual wealth, awakening of higher thought.
Enlightenment, protection from divine entities, guidance.
A rainbow aura can indicate a healer, a new soul, or reaching enlightenment.
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reblog if your blog is safe for trans witches, non binary witches, bisexual witches, gay witches, pansexual witches, closet witches, mental ill witches and all type of witches 🔮🌿
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Single Word Spells
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Because I’m lazy and don’t like to monologue while I’m doing a spell, here’s a couple of the single word spells I use in my personal practice.
absum - to make something be concealed from sight
     ↳ def. to be away, be missing
advoco - summoning spell
     ↳ def. to summon
casso - destruction spell
     ↳ def. to destroy, make void
bellus - glamour spell
     ↳ def. beautiful, charming, handsome
explico - reveal information
     ↳ def. explanation, to unfold
mutare - transmutation
     ↳ def. to change
cessabit - calming spell
     ↳ def. to rest, be free of
uro - burning
     ↳ def. to burn, inflame
conturbo - invoke confusion
     ↳ def. confound, to throw into confusion
taceo - to silence
     ↳ def. shut up
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one of my favorite cookie recipes!
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Moon Spell Cookies Ingredients: • 1 cup of finely grated almonds (optional) • 1 ¼ cups of flour • ¼ cup of confectioner’s sugar • ¼ cup of butter • 1 egg yolk Directions: 1. Combine almonds, flour, and sugar. 2. Work in butter and egg yolk until well blended. 3. Set it in the fridge until chilled. 4. Roll into crescent moon shapes or use a cookie cutter. 5. Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 320 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius) for 20 minutes. Spells for: Love - Add a few pinches of rosemary, sweet basil, cinnamon, and honey. Prosperity - Add cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, and grated lemon peel. Protection - Add cloves, rosemary, anise, and cinnamon. Psychic Ability - Add star anise, nutmeg, orange, and thyme.
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🐶magic plushie🐶
what you'll need
-stuffed animal(s) of choice
-writing utensil
-a pin of any type
-candle matching trait you want
(guide here)
-any crystals you'd like to add
🌙good to cast at any time☀️
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-ground yourself if you haven't already
-make a tag with a trait you would more like to have written on it (motivation, compassion, self control etc.)
-place your candle and crystal(if needed) in front of you, and the plushie you want to bless behind those, facing you
-if they had a name tag previously, remove it (keep it if you wish, seperately)
-light your candle and visualize the color of it surrounding your doll before absorbing into it
- turn the doll around before you pick it up and pin the tag onto it's back
-put it down and then turn it back around
-blow out your candle
-you're done!
🐰how to use🐰
-whenever you need to feel what you blessed the doll with, just hug it and think about that trait, voila!
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🌺Healing lotion🌺
what you'll need
-unscented lotion
-rose petals;dried or fresh
(love=self care)
-basil (love=self care)
-a bowl
-a mixing utensil
-a blue (healing),purple(healing and peace) or white(good for any spell) candle
-amythest or substitute(healing and protection)
-(optional)lavender, or something lavender scented(calming)
🌙reccomended to do right before bed🌙
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-sit wherever you can have a hard surface infront of you(i.e a desk or table)
-ground yourself if you haven't already
-if you have any pre-spell rituals, nows the time to do that
-light your candle
-put some lotion in the bowl, enough for you to be able to massage it into the skin around your wound
-mix in the basil and rose petals while remembering their meanings
-relax while you do this, don't rush
-when it's mixed, hold your amethyst(or crystal of choice) and visualize the wound healing and going back to how it was before
-spread the lotion on your wound and massage it into your skin, continuing to think about it healing
-blow out your candles and you're done!
⚠️DO NOT put this in an open wound, please wait until it scabs over to apply this. if it's more than a cut please seek medical help. this only accelerates healing and is not a bandage alternative⚠️
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