lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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"Its October, ya fucks"
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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Oh he's in trouble now- Gadget stepped back a bit for enough distance at the sight of tendrils. He aimed his wrist at the other, giving a small warning spark of flame at the goop deity. "Im sorry but I am not very fond of physical contact. Especially by a mutated puddle"
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“Both.” An indescribable ‘innocent’ smile came on this wolf hybrid’s face, uneffected by the sudden crystal gem in front of him.
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❝ I WILL ENJOY RIPPING YOU LIMB FROM LIMB. ❞ And with that, sable ink pooled beneath the two as tendrils of black moved to wrap around the other. 
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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"Both." An indescribable 'innocent' smile came on this wolf hybrid's face, uneffected by the sudden crystal gem in front of him.
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“Well I cant see without my glasses but..”
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“But that wont keep me from burning you into a goopy stale crisp if you do rip them out of my eyes!”
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AND WITH A SNAP his crystalline form took wash over him before he birthed a small ember in his palms. ❝ is that a threat or a promise child? ❞
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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"Well I cant see without my glasses but.."
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"But that wont keep me from burning you into a goopy stale crisp if you do rip them out of my eyes!"
@lxght-of-hxpe​ || starter
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❝ TELL ME CHILD, how good is your sight? if i was to rip your glasses from your face would you be able to regain them or would it leave you helpless? ❞
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
“Jump start, fat heart
Poptart, anyways, it's
Streamlined, good time
Oh my, tip the brain I’m in,”
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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——I’M SHIVERING WITH COLD.     /      I STRUGGLE AGAINST DESPAIR. indie . semi-selective . shadow the hedgehog    ⟡  by seiko
      »      give this post a reblog to help spread the word; thank you!
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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                                                                     why fight it all ?
                        why RISK YOUR LIFE for those who will persecute you later ?
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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Hiya, folks! Toxi here remaking a blog for SEGA’s Mephiles the Dark from Sonic the Hedgehog! If you could give this post a boop around, that’d be appreciated! I’ll check ya’ out. Thank ye kindly!
rules // about.
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
I have a question. What do you call these three things? They have different names depending on where you live, and I’m curious.
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
Starter call!
Or Reblog this
And I will pop into your dms(?) to plan n plot something or Gadget will just pop into your inbox with a random sentence!!!
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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                                 VIDEO  GAME  RP  MASTERLIST
given  the  new  update,  it’s  getting  harder  to  find  things  through  the  search  and  tags  feature.  this  masterlist  serves  as  a  location  to  find  rp  blogs  for  canon  and  original  characters  based  in  video  game  universes  and  lore.  the  navigation  allows  you  to  find  different  video  game  blogs  to  follow  and  write  with,  and  for  others  to  find  your  blog  to  follow  and  write  with.  here  is  what  you  need  to  do  to  get  added  to  the  navigation:
STEP  ONE.      reblog  this  post. STEP  TWO.      in  the  tags  of  your  reblog,  type  the  name  of  your  character,  the  game  ( /game  series )  your  character  is  from,  and  whether  your  character  is  canon  or  original.                                       EXAMPLE TAGS:      ellie  williams,  the  last  of  us,  canon
and  that’s  it!  you’ll  be  added  to  the  navigation  as  soon  as  possible.  there  is  only  one  of  me,  so  please  be  patient.  hopefully  this  will  be  a  useful  resource  to  find  other  video  game  rp  blogs  to  interact  with!
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
     we should become braver in approaching vague blogging, as it is a great source of insecurity for a lot of role players, as well as a large reason many writers lose confidence in either themselves, their blog, their character or their skills. vague blogging is petty. vague blogging is weak. vague blogging is indirect bullying. stop it. if you have something to say, say it to the person it regards. don’t leave eggshells for them to step on.
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
Animal Habit/Attribute Headcanons
Couldn’t really find a meme similar to what I was thinking, so I decided to make one myself!
Send in any of the following symbols, and either mun or muse will answer!
(Bonus: add ⚠ to your question and the muse will answer 100% truthfully.)
🐺 (Wolf) - How good is your sense of smell?
🐯 (Tiger) - Do you have fangs? Claws? Any dangerous body parts?
🐆 (Leopard) - How would you hunt/kill prey without any special abilities/weapons?
🐴 (Horse) - Do you run on two legs or all four? How fast do you think you would be if you did the opposite?
🐑 (Sheep) - How does your fur/skin/scales/feathers feel to the touch?
🐘 (Elephant) - How good is your vision? Can you see in the dark?
🐻 (Bear) - How often do you listen to your primal instincts? Do good or bad things happen when you do?
🐨 (Koala) - How do you sleep? Do you hang upside down, curl up like a dog, or even stretch out like a cat?
🐼 (Panda) - Is there a specific plant you like to eat?
🐶 (Dog) - Do you have a secret spot that you really love to be pet?
🐱 (Cat) - Any irregular places you like to nap/tend to fall asleep in?
🐷 (Pig) - Would you fight another wild animal to the death for food?
🐵 (Monkey) - Do you like to climb things?
🐭 (Mouse) - How accurate is your hearing? Do you cringe at high pitched noises?
🐰 (Rabbit) - How does your body react to a jumpscare? e.g. do their wings spread for a getaway, do they display fangs, do they immediately brandish their claws, etc.
🐹 (Squirrel) - Do you store energy and hibernate during winter?
🐦 (Bluebird) - Can you fly? If so, how long can you stay airborne?
🐧 (Penguin) - Can you endure low temperatures well?
🐔 (Chicken) - If you had to live off of raw meat only, what creature would you prefer to hunt?
🐤 (Hatchling) - Would you protect another one’s abandoned young?
🐸 (Frog) - What sounds do you make that pertain to your species? do they squeak when surprised, growl when irritated, roar when entering combat, etc.
🐟 (Fish) - Can you breathe underwater?
🐬 (Dolphin) - How quickly do you swim? What is your style of swimming?
🐋 (Whale) - How long can you stay underwater?
🐠 (Betta) - What is your relation towards other animals/humans?
🐙 (Octopus) - How curious are you? Do you enjoy touching and feeling new things?
🐍 (Snake) - Can you exert any kinds of poison?
🐊 (Alligator) - How well can you blend in with the natural environment?
🐢 (Turtle) - Do you have a protective stance you retreat into when threatened?
🐲 (Dragon) - Is your species naturally occurring in the ecosystem?
🐝 (Bee) - Do you prefer to be in a pack or by yourself?
🐞 (Ladybug) - Are your patterns/color scheme irregular for your species?
🐛 (Centipede) - How naturally stealthy are you?
🐌 (Snail) - Is there some sort of odd membrane covering your skin? Is it useful?
🐜 (Ant) - How strong are you? Is it normal for your species?
You can also send 🐾 + your own inquiry!
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
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hey, toby here, i was wondering if i could join your rpc— [record scratch]
UHHHH, idk if the atla rpc is even alive but uh hey feel free to LIKE or REBLOG this if you’re interested in interacting with a brand-spankin’-new aang blog?? i just got into this series so i’m pretty new here and am SUPER late but i love one (1) airbender and would be honored to write with any atla blogs! i’m also super crossover friendly too so don’t be shy if you’re not an atla blog. be sure to give my navigation page a looksie while you’re here, and a promo to spread the word? thanks a million! <3
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
Reblog this if you roleplay or are willing to roleplay on Discord
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lxght-of-hxpe · 4 years
As they walked their merry way to the computer room. They pass a cardboard build kitchen, another room filled with a lot of broken tech and a corner beholding a hammock with a manatee plush on top, showing that as long the area was abandoned, the kid has been here.
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Gadget's shoulders slightly rose up midway through the walk, not liking the hedgehog behind him but he just began walking faster. And there it was, the computer room. Where he first entered to join the resistance. Bleh.
The hybrid pointed at the computer then shuffled to sit on a crate with his legs folded and hands fidgeting.
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The rookie stayed there in silence, seeming to examing the hedgehog before him. Mostly focused on the eyes. They are not slit or distorted, voice and behavior seems normal ….he’s clear for now. Gadget didnt fully relax just yet though. The computer isnt that far away so this could be quick if he isnt some kind of illusion or a trap.
Gadget nodded and jerked his head over to the direction of the computer that was a few rooms over before he started walking to nonverbally guide.
     Considering how nervous and shaky this kid looked, Shadow wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled his wispon on him again. He made sure to stay a step behind the wolf, keeping the weapon in sight. 
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     Silence was more comfortable for the hybrid anyway, less expended energy and less frustrating small talk to deal with. As the two of them walked, Shadow looked over the area–it had been abandoned for a long time, it seemed. 
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