lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
So... um... hiatus?
It kills me to say it, but I’m going to have to put this and my Rosita blog on a hiatus for… however long it takes for my muse to come back. I’ve discovered over the past couple of weeks that, as much as I love writing and the community, I’m a very jealous, nervous and anxious person and seeing so many blogs of the same character pop up makes me very uneasy and I start to kick myself and ask questions like - is it my writing that’s not getting attention? Do I come across as an unapproachable person? Is it something to do with me personally? 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy I came on here and got what little recognition I did - it meant a lot since I hadn’t done any writing for awhile and was once in a very abusive, cliquey environment. TWD community was a breath of fresh air and I thank you all for that but I think sticking to creating my OC’s - where I can portray them how I want and won’t be judged for it and won’t have to compete with other versions of that character (since it’s my own brain child) - is the way I’m going to have to go. I might be back, who knows? But right now I’m in a terrible mindset and have psyched myself out of playing canons once again.
If you don’t want to read all of this, here’s the TL:DR; I’m going on a possibly indefinite hiatus with my Jessie and Rosita blog because I’m letting my own worry and paranoia get the best of me. This community and it’s people are amazing but I can’t deal with playing a canon character when there’re already so many talented, beautiful portrayals of said character. I just… don’t cope well with multiples and I always feel like I’m never good enough to draw people’s attention. I’m going to stick to my OC’s. Sorry to those I had Rp’s and plots with ): I’m a terrible partner. (this was still massively long, but at least it wasn’t two paras >.>)
Please, please go and follow my OC: Serah Wolfe for I will be on her for most of the time now. She’s a multi-verse character and needs a lot of love ): I’ll still lurk on Jessie though and will reply to messages (if anyone even sends them to me).
So… Yeah. If you’d still like to keep in touch I have skype so please don’t hesitate to send me a message asking for it (:
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
".....has died." finish it in my ask.
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
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“It wasn’t a question. This ain’t your decision. Ain’t nobody’s fault.”
- 17 years of roleplay experience
- Multiship/multiverse blog, friendly to OCs
- Friendly mun willing to answer friendly OOC questions in his inbox
- Will read rules before interacting
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
new theme is up~
and I don’t care how inappropriate rainbow colours are for a zombie rp blog because damn it looks fuckin’ pretty~ hellyesrainboooowwwwwwwwwww
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
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I’m thinking about using this for my theme - when you scroll down the page the ‘intro’ image disappears to show my posts. It’s currently live on my page if you’d like to check it out and let me know what you think. I’ll keep browsing to see if I can find a better one. (a big thank you to thesongbiird and bxwmxn for the sites <3)
So, yay or nay?
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
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indie roleplay blog for rosita from the walking dead
✗ 7+ years RP experience ✗ Muse and Mun are 21+ years old ✗ Semi-selective ✗ Friendly, welcoming, active ✗ Open to all plot types
                                  THIS IS IT, THE APOCALYPSE
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
theme hunting
Does anyone know any good sites for themes? 
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
You are worth every word of love. Worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful. You are anything but worthless. Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don’t even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love. ♥
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah rosita loooooooooveeeeee
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
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“I haven’t had a lot of time to talk to you since we got here...                                                                How are you holding up?"
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
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“What do you miss most about before?”
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
rapid-fire starter call
Need to get my head back in the game, so if you’d like a little starter like this post and I’ll throw one up (:
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
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Yes, you read right, I really truly reached 100 followers!! I am just as surprised as or maybe even more surprised than you about this because I have had this blog for literally four days?? I just can’t believe there are 100 of you following me seriously its insane. Anyways, yeah I didn’t really know what to do for 100 so I decided a theme giveaway!!
Gotta be following me ( judithiisms ). It is a follower giveaway after all.
Reblogs and likes count, just dont spam your dash.
Giveaway ends at midnight on the 20th according to the EDT timezone, which is 4pm on the 20th according to NZ time.
Okay so basically there is one prize, but three different people will get it. The prize is a theme so yay for that. Example themes are here, here, here and here.
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
Put "I like the view" in my ask and my character will react to yours saying that after accidentally catching mine naked.
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
Reblog this if you’re a Walking Dead ( Television ) RP blog
I’ll be posting a masterlist on here 
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
She was alone, but she was surviving. Nowadays you’d think that someone who wasn’t part of a group would die within hours of being alone, but Rosita was a fine example of how wrong that thought was. She didn’t have to worry about sharing food and water sources, she could travel at her own speed without having to wait for people to pack up and, with her extensive knowledge on mechanics and engineering, the girl had even managed to get herself a car. If she’d been in a group, Rosita was sure none of that would’ve happened.
Unfortunately, her luck with the car had run out and she found herself trekking on foot through the forest, the small compass in her hand the only thing keeping her on track. Ever since her parting with her old group, Rosita had been keen on heading North after hearing a man over her car’s radio saying there was a safe-haven there. She knew she shouldn’t have trusted it - not when it could’ve been anyone hacking into the radios station - but anywhere was better than outside. 
Rosita’s journey had come to an abrupt stop when she found two walkers gnawing on the fresh remains of a rabbit. After hiding behind a nearby tree, Rosita waited for the right moment to strike and, when it appeared, she threw a pebble beyond where they were keeled over to grab their attention. When their disintegrating heads reared at the noise, Rosita wandered out from her hiding spot and stabbed one through the back of the head. As the other swung around to growl at her, she met it’s unsteady swivel with a swipe of her knife that sliced it’s head clean in half. 
The brunette’s nose crinkled in disgust when she noticed the blood on her knife and started to wipe it on a towel dangling from her belt, it’s once white colour now a dingy, disgusting brown. She’d almost missed the sound of the man approaching but, thanks to the swish of leaves beneath his feet, Rosita had her gun trained on him before he’d even started talking, dark eyes narrowing coldly as she aimed the barrel towards his head. As much as she enjoyed being alone, one of the many constant downsides was that the few stragglers she came in contact with thought they could overpower her with prettied up words and a - sometimes - handsome face. However, this one managed to elicit a small snort of amusement and a waver in her grip before she threw her wall back up, hoping he hadn’t noticed the slip in her façade.
“Well aren’t you quite the charmer?” she mused, head tipping to one side as she watched his approach like a hawk observing it’s prey. With a little laugh, Rosita hung her head and shook it before she lifted it back up to glance at him with a deadpan expression.  “Let me guess, you’re gonna try butter me up so you can stab me in the back and steal my things?” Rosita asked, hip cocking to one side as she crossed her arms beneath her chest. “Sorry, bub, but that shit isn’t going to work with me. So, if you’d like to keep your handsome head in tact,” she gestured with her as if to tell him to turn around. “I suggest you go back to where you came from.”
Surprises Around Every Corner - lxud-and-clexr (closed)
The hot Georgia sun was high in the sky but it didn’t take much to feel a taste of seasonal change in the soft breeze that hit his face. It was the one thingg he was looking forward to. Maybe some cooler temperatures would slow these sonofabitches down long enough to save some ammo. Hand to hand combat was fun, let off some steam but it was dangerous as hell. It allowed him to tempt God’s hand in it all, to see if he was real and if it was finally his time to go. Obviously one of those answers was wrong as he was still there. Maybe both were wrong for all he knew. It didn’t matter. He was still alive and kicking….alone. 
Sliding his hunting knife out of a skull of what was now the truly deadened shell of a woman that was once a living, caring soul Patrick found the slick sound that the blade made comforting in a sick way. It meant he won….again. Wiping it off on the nearest patch of grass he slid it back into the holster around his right though and brought his assault rifle off of his shoulder holding it with both hands. 
Starting to hum a country song he had heard on one of the mixed cd’s he had kept in his 1969 camaro that was long gone now he started to walk down the road. He saw her well before she saw him and his blue eyes roamed over the backside of her body. In his thieving days he was one to flash a smile for some company but as he saw two pistol holsters on either side of her hips an eyebrow raised. Could she use them? Easy on the eyes and skilled in combat?
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She turned and he saw his face drawing a genuine smirk to his face. “Afternoon senorita, all alone in the big open wasteland are we? Either I’ve died and this is my version of heaven or you’re about to put a bullet in between my eyes before your big gorilla protector beats the shit out of me. Can’t say I’d be all that surprised with either.” He said walking cautiously too her but not drawing his weapon to imply a threat.
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lxud-and-clexr-blog · 9 years
“Ooh the dictionary, what a read. Did you go looking for dirty words to giggle at them like we all did in school?” Rosita asked with a laugh, remembering how she and her friends had always looked up the ‘dirty words’ they weren’t supposed to. When Tara mentioned that she had new words to impress girls with, Rosita raised an eyebrow and smirked. 
“Oh? And what might those words be?” Rosita cocked her head curiously, interested in what Tara had learned and itching to use them on Abraham. It’d probably confuse the poor Sergeant but at least she’d get some entertainment out of it.
As Tara questioned her on Eugene, Rosita exhaled a long breath and rubbed at her neck. “Eugene has been so worried about you that he barely left. To put it in perspective for you, he’s been here more than I have and that’s... a lot. So, Abraham and I held an intervention and forced him to and catch some shut eye,” Rosita explained, glad to have had Abraham there to help her coerce the other man to get some rest... even if it had ended in Abraham almost carrying him out. 
“Oh, come on.” Tara quietly whined. She was more than pleased as punch to see that Rosita of all people was the one sitting here and taking care of her. But it sucked however that the other woman had seen her at her worst, pale, bleeding and oh yeah, passed out. Now at least everything was healed, her coloring was back to its normal olive colored tone and the world was hopefully going to be a better place.
Fat chance.
Giving a small smile, the tomboy reluctantly laid back down once she had been able to at least drink something. “Yeah, tell me about it. Last one I read in Reggie’s study was the dictionary. At least I have some new big words to impress girls with? Trying her best at a terrible joke.
She chuckled underneath her breath at the mention of Abraham literally having to carry Eugene out of the building.
“I’m still breathing last I checked. A little sore but alive none the less. Wait, what happened?”
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