m0ssyvulture · 2 years
What does your workspace look like if you have one? Mine is just a fold out table in my backyard!
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Very hard to take pictures of it because its a narrow space but its relatively small. I'm lucky that its obscured by my storage stuff though, it gives a lot of privacy while I work on things.
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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(tap for clearer images) a year ago today I finished the most amazing thing I've ever created (besides my son); the water sign/mermaid hog jaw. four months of ink and then several weeks spent trying to find quartz points that were exactly the right shape and size to replace the missing teeth
ethically sourced of course
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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Leggy boys.
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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My girl Clove is finally finished! 💜
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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a gorgeous silver fox i tanned for my collection 🤩 even with all the fancy morphs out there, sometimes you just can’t beat a good ol classic silver
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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Differences between an old world porcupine on the right (sunda porcupine) and a new world porcupine (north American porcupine).
The spines on a new world porcupine are mixed in with hairs, whereas the spines on old world porcupines grow alone without hair mixed in. 
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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Jacobs ram with 3 horns
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
If you're a Vulture Culture blog active in 2022 please reblog or like this post. I will be following from my main blog.
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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🌿Young goat skull
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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Diaphonized Python regius.
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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This naturally deceased bunny is one of the sweetest creatures I’ve ever worked with. I try my best to give a second life to these sweet souls.🖤 Working on some very exciting things! Stay tuned🦇
Etsy Shoppe
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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Irving Penn, Spotted Hyena. Prague, 1986
Courtesy Alain Truong
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
Reminder that the majority of bird remains are illegal to keep in the USA, including the bones, feathers, eggs and nests of many species! They’re protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).
you can check here to see a list of birds protected by the MBTA
here are birds NOT on the MBTA
You should also check local laws, the MBTA is federal (applies to every state), but each state and county can have other laws in addition to the MBTA.
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
My friend just had her wisdom teeth removed and gave them to me. I'm really struggling with the pulp 😅 2 of the teeth have the ends of the roots missing so I could pull a majority of the pulp out, but there's some stuck in the inside. How can I remove that? Will I have to find some way of irrigation? The 3rd tooth was removed whole, so the roots are intact. Will I have to find a way to saw them open to get the pulp out? Can I leave it in, or will it start to stink?
So one thing to be mindful of is they may have been cleaned by the dentist prior to your friend getting them back. A common method is submerging the tooth in a cleaning solution for up to 30 minutes using a 1:10 ratio of bleach and water. If this was done, you'll need to be careful about what other cleaning chemicals you use to void any kind of dangerous reactions. If you know this was done, or cannot confirm it was done, you'll want to avoid certain chemicals such as isopropyl alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol) and vinegar.
If you have access to formalin, a surefire way to preserve the tooth safely would be to soak it in a formalin solution. If you know for a fact that the tooth was not soaked in diluted bleach you can see if a short rubbing alcohol soak helps. This will whiten the teeth.
Finally, there's always the option of trying to carefully drill into the roots to access the pulp. This might be a bit better than sawing, just make sure to look up tutorials of how to drill bones. You'll want to use a diamond bur drill bit, as teeth are quite hard.
I personally do not have experience with cleaning the blood out of teeth, but from what I can see as long as the outside is clean it may be fine to just let whatever is left inside dry out.
If anyone else has advice or suggestions or expertise, please feel free to shout it out in the comments on this post, or reply to this!
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
How to Care for Wet Specimens
How to Care for Wet Specimens
What is a Wet Specimen? Wet specimens are biological specimens that have been preserved and displayed in fluid, most commonly in a jar. What Materials are Needed to Make and Care for a Wet Specimen? Clear Glass or Plastic Jar Gloves Forceps 70% Isopropyl Alcohol or Ethanol Distilled Water Measuring Cup Fishing Line Glass Marbles Glass Rod LED Light Stand How are Wet Specimens Made? Most wet…
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
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I started this planted like... two years ago. But I'm almost done with it now. I was gonna add more bugs, but holy fuck are mini realistic bugs hard to find! So it's probably just gonna be the two ladybugs and the butterfly. The skull was dyed using black beans, but it's turned from a deep blue to a reddish-brown since it was dyed.
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m0ssyvulture · 2 years
Started working on another project I began in 2018 and just never finished. Groundhog paw earrings with rose gold colored finishes. I can also repaint it to be normal gold (or any other color) for whoever might buy them.
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I've been waffling over just what to do with these hands for years, and I'm ok with what I've done.
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