macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
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Bijzondere momenten vandaag tijdens opname voor de #VideoClip #WithoutYouHere #SongForKris in de #CacaoFabriek
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
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I simply love New York..
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
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Python bridge Amsterdam
One of the most unusual bridges in Amsterdam as it’s red snake-like shape connects Sporenburg and Borneo Island. It's built in 2001 and has won the International Footbridge Award in 2002. This bridge spans the 93-meter wide water of the rail-road basin, underneath which the Piet Heijn tunnel is located. The highest point of the bridge is about 10 meter above the surface. Standing on top allows visitors a remarkable view of the surrounding area.
I really love to climb the bridge early in the morning myself as well, just around sunrise so I can catch the first light of day.
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
Luminescent Journey
Very cool special effects!
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Photograph by Julia Cumes
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
Vintage & Indie Photography Blog ☯
Amsterdam Canals
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
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What's for.... dinner..?
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
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Contagious ideas shift energy
Created by Josh dela Cruz
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
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Comon.. give me a smile.. ..please?
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
Beware of new Phishing email scam regarding your iCloud ID
Dear contingent Apple-user,
I've received yet another troubling email today from a cherished friend asking me how to reset his 'restricted' iCloud-ID. Since Apple will always refer to it as an AppleID I instantly got worried he might be dealing with a fears attempt from some devious party trying to fish his AppleID password from him! Probably betting he's got some credit-card information all set-up in there to take advantage of. Let me show you want-to-knows how I usually try to find proof of my bias gut-feelings and try and identify a fake from the real deal! The overall look and feel of this mail is cleverly made to get you to trust it as fast as possible so it’s designed like something Apple would actually email you. First look at the senders email-account. Check the domain-extension to see if this is even coming from the 'source' they're claiming to be. Be aware that this might seem to be so when it's not; it's not a clean yes or no answer just yet. In this case however, it’s a nice smelly-sign to look before you leap (or click)!
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As you can see; this address is not pointing to an email-address with extension Apple.com - which Apple will always use - but to a different domain altogether. It's set-up just to bamboozle you with the idea it’s coming straight from Silicon Valley when it's not: secure @ | my | i | app | id | support | .com Next step is to check the email-body for links. The sender wants you to go to an environment they control, where they can get you to type your password so they can snatch it from you. Again they will have something nice-looking and trustworthy set-up for all the lucky-ones clicking-before-thinking. Check the body-text for links and if you roll-over it with your mouse DON'T CLICK, it will show you the link before you click it. (Apple-users; You can also press CMD if the link needs a little help appearing)
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As you can see, again this link is not pointing to Apple.com but to a domain that when you look at it quickly enough, might give you the impression it’s apple-related: http:// | my | i | app | id | support | .co.uk How to validate a domain-name-owner? If you ever have doubts on whether or not it’s a scam, you can find detailed information on the domain itself on numerous places on the web called "whois lookup tools". I chose domaintools.com today to see the whois record on this particular domain.
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You can see this domain has only been purchased yesterday - April 19th, 2014 - probably for the sole purpose of getting you to hand-over your precious password aka financial-information and what-not. Check to see who they want you to 'believe' it's from Usually, there are some links in an email, suggesting it's from the-company-they-want-you-to-think-it’s-from like for example the last link in this make-believe-email.
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With many questionable people all around the globe trying to get their hands on your cash the easy way, as people have been doing since the beginning of times; don't blame your spam-filter for not being able to filter-out these pieces of tragedy fast enough. Keep your own eyes wide-open and be a questioner rather bait. What to do when your luck failed you? Alert your family, friends and associates when you think you might be caught in the wrong web. Change your password ASAP and advise your connections to do the same if need-be. If there's a chance your credit-card details or any other important documents might have been compromised, alert all parties regarding - check websites for info on how to alert them - and get them to do what needs to be done to keep you from further nuisance.
More information from Apple on how to identify fraudulent "phishing" email.
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
These vain creatures are checking themselves out in the mirror window of #KinkyKappers #Hairdresser #Amsterdam #Swans #Zwanen #Spring
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
Als je nu echt ergens wil beginnen m.b.t. het onder de knie krijgen van je eigen verhaal, start dan met deze blog! Cor geeft je tips over hoe je eigen DNA kan leiden tot de beste marketing ooit voor jezelf of je bedrijf. Stop nu met tijd investeren in die doelgroepen.. start met de spiegel! Wat is jouw DNA? Wat is je STE? Lees en volg Cor op de voet! Hij zal je blijven verrassen! Hier alvast een stukje blog.. klik op de link want er is meer dat je niet wil missen! Cor en Nima Elk jaar onderzoekt NIMA waar marketeers in ons land behoefte aan hebben. Wat zijn de onderwerpen die door hun hoofd zoemen. Waar willen ze meer informatie over hebben. De negen belangrijkste thema’s bundelt NIMA in een boekje. Ik hoef je niet te vertellen dat contentmarketing één van die thema’s is. Naast onder meer big data, neuromarketing, online marketing, customer journey en positionering. Dat laatste thema is echt most wanted,aldus NIMA. ‘Niet zo verwonderlijk als je bedenkt dat juist op dit gebied de maatschappelijke veranderingen van invloed zijn door met name Social Media en de betekeniseconomie.’, aldus Bianca Hierck SMP, lid NIMA Programmaraad. ‘Hoe je jouw organisatie positioneert, op een manier die recht doet aan het DNA van de organisatie, is en blijft een uitdaging.
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
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Ok, ik was dus een beetje verdwaald vanavond.. Maar kijk wat ik vond in de tussentijd!!
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macnikki-blog-blog · 10 years
"A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper." UPDATE: These daily routines have
Wise words for all kinds of 'writers' waiting for..?
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macnikki-blog-blog · 11 years
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Just staring at the ceiling.. Somehow these lights keep fascinating me but I can't figure out why..
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macnikki-blog-blog · 11 years
It's time to stop working and go home.. so.... #Rain! Stop? Please....? ;-)
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macnikki-blog-blog · 11 years
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All cities of any size could benefit from bike-sharing-projects and not just to reduce pollution ;-)
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macnikki-blog-blog · 11 years
Loving the #Colors at #Dawn just before #Sunrise in #Amsterdam at the #Waterfront
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